Brigg- It's raining outside mommy, daddy will be mad.
Mom- Daddy wont be mad, he loves the rain
Brigg- Mommy who sent the rain?
Vanessa- It's Jesus's rain.
Brigg- Oh I love Jesus's rain.
Mom- I love Jesus's rain too.
So we moved thanks to the graciousness of our new ward it all worked out okay. I don't know how it would have all gotten done with out them. I am very surprised at the out pouring of love from people that we haven't even known for a year. Meals have been cooked, my house was cleaned (the floors were even steam cleaned), my kids have been watched, and boxes have been packed and moved up two flights of stairs. I am over whelmed and don't know quite how to appropriately say thank you to everyone. I have been feeling miserable lately with my pregnancy. Most days I don't want to move and can't keep much down. I am amazed at how good my kids have been to me not to mention my dear sweet husband. So we see the doctor today to see what is going on with me and I pray that he can tell me what is going on and just not brush me aside. That happened with Brigg and I had him an entire month early. Really don't want to go through that again! All in all I am feeling extremely blessed and watched over. If I could only find the energy to organize my house but one step at a time right.
Here is a beautiful ice cave we visited.
Just Kidding! It's not a fancy ice cave, can you imagine me a huge prego girl hiking around an ice cave, HA. It's our back yard patio. I have jokingly called it the ice cave because well of all the beautiful ice. Here are a few more pics out into our back yard. Check out how high that snow is, and surprisingly it has melted some.
And here is a pic of the front yard with all of that nasty white stuff. It was a lot higher than this but we here that winter is almost over. THANK HEAVENS!!!
So here it is out little house. If you remember I have posted about this before when we moved to go to school for Brad's Masters. Well it's a new stage for this little home, that being a Short Sale. So I guess I am posting to not only think about my lovely little home again but to say, HELLO I'M FOR SALE!!!! So if anyone is wanting to move out to Laveen, Az off of 35th Ave & Baseline (which by the way it has a QT one minute away. Brad is so sad it wasn't there when we lived there but oh well) here is your opportunity for a great price
For the details on what the home has to offer, price, exact location etc than go to PHXrealEstateGUY
It started yesterday and hasn't stopped since. Brad got to stay home from work today and has decided to pass the time by finding his truck under all of that snow. Yes we have a garage and yes their is room for it in the garage but this was gave him something to do. Part of me wishes I had gone to PHX when I had the chance, the other part of me loves being snowed in with my little family.
Brad called me last night on his way home from work and said, "you'll never guess what just happened to me." With Brad that could mean a number of things. He has been doing great at work and life has been happy so I was expecting for him to tell me some silly story about him meeting the President of something etc. Oh how I wish it were the case. We live about 7 minutes or so out of town and drive through a canyon to get home. So with that in mind we are always on the watch out for something. Well this crazy deer had a death wish and it was granted yesterday. Brad's truck was totally side swiped taking off his side mirror and denting the side of his truck. Brad hasn't a scratch and I wish I could say that for poor Bambi. I think the entire idea of the deer hitting Brad is silly but even the highway patrolman wrote it up as the deer hitting the truck. I just think my poor sweet husband he has been through so much with his truck in the past month, we finally get it all fixed and then this!
This year for Halloween we spent it in Pagosa Springs about an hour away from Durango. The reason was that's were the grandparents were. So all was going really great until it was time to go trick or treating. Then it was crying time. Vanessa and Brigg both didn't want to get into their costumes and heaven for bid we make them go and get candy. They balled all the way up 'til the first house. Once they realized strangers were giving them candy there was singing and giggling. Mind you it took us 15minutes to find the first house! We only stayed out a short while and then came back for hot cocoa and cards. Good Halloween but honestly I wonder of what kind of torture they thought we were up to.
Spiderman Princess
Several weeks ago we took the kiddo's to Sutherland Farms in New Mexico. It was a great trip that the kids are still asking to go back to the pumpkin patch. They had so many things to do and see like a corn maze, corn pit, a train, they even had a potato gun that they launched corn out of. Charming day and we'll for sure have to do it again next year!
I have decided I hate day light savings time, it totally messes with your head!!
Never thought I would be so excited for this.
The bank recently sponsored an event for the boys and girls club at this really awesome chuch wagon dinner theater. They had a little train there that the kids really loved and the entertainment was great. The location is of course beautiful too it has lots of red rock cliffs all around it (if my camera were working better I would have gotten some more pics).
Brad on occasion will ask me if I think he will be one of those Dorky dad's.....well honey if the hat fits.
Brigg was so happy they let him ring the bell on the train. Life doesn't get any better than that for my little three year old.
So we have fallin in LOVE with Durango. There is so much to do here and the land is beautiful. You can't deny beauty even through a dirty car window. So here are a few scenic shots of our beautiful little valley The above picture is part of what I look when I am driving to town. We live about five minutes out and at first I didn't know if I would hate having to drive but I find that I can't complain.
Here is Brigg's train. When we first moved here if we took him into town, which wasn't often for this reason, he wouldn't be quiet about the train. But everyday around seven or so the train comes back into town from Silverton and we try and catch it as often as we can. We have yet to take a ride but are planning on something for Brigg in the near future. He can't get enough!
Above shots are a little fourth of July fun in downtown. The guy with the camera looks a little goofy but don't worry he's a really cool republican so we were friends. There are so many liberal democrats here! This town is so fun they shutdown Main st for anything to have a parade or festival etc. This is the Dora house that we found in our backyard upon arrival. I thought it was kindof cool until I picked it up and all of these nasty ear wigs came crawling out. They are everywhere up here. So I sprayed it down and the kids got a kick out of it. Brigg uses it as a parking garage for his cars mostly.
I will get some more pics up soon of some current things we have been up to my favorite being Brad in his Reff outfit, it's all football all the time around here. I am starting to see progress on this house of ours and getting projects done and the babies have adjusted really well so far. Love our ward to bits we spoke in sacrament meeting and no one left the room crying so so far so good.
I know this tid bit would normally go on my ideastalker blog, however, I am so totally excited about this. Glidden is giving away free quart of paint until July 2nd. So if you don't want yours I totally do heehee. It's like they say on their website free is always a good color!! go to Glidden and get ya some!!!
Yesterday I think it finally hit me that I was leaving my beautiful hometown and I was a lot bummed. But I think that happens every time I leave for a new adventure. It only lasts for a little while until I snap out of it. So here's to the five year plan!! I think the kids are protesting the move too. Brad and I went to a reception last night leaving our kids in bed supposedly sleeping. When we came home my mom was in bed but my kids were on a destructive rampage. They knocked over full boxes and erased my to do list. They were snacking on pretzels and laughing when I found them. Probably celebrating what they had accomplished. It was so cute I didn't know if I should giggle and hug them or spank them and send them to bed. Brad says that he and his sister were the same way and it makes me scared about having my kids share a room in the new house. So back to packing for me. Have a great day!!!
After some serious thought, job interview, and a fantastic time we have come to a conclusion. It's a big one for our little family and I am really excited. Come July first we'll be moving to Durango, CO. Brad got a job at the bank up there and we said why not. It's so beautiful and it seems like they really have an active life style up there. We found a house to rent on our two day trip up, I was surprised that we were able to find one so fast. So it's just a matter of moving now. I am dreading it this time as I feel like our stuff is everywhere. But come July second I will be a happy box un-packer. So I will have picks to come on the new pad etc. This is only a five year plan because we really love AZ. So here we go to hopefully greener pastures.