10 Apr 2012 10:17 AM (12 years ago)

yes it's time to come to the realization yet again that both of the girls turn a year older every March and April
and now my older daughter, Madison, is turning six
I love to celebrate their birthdays
but they all seem to always come too quickly year after year
each year I have moments where I just want time to stand still,
grab their little hands
and hold onto those precious things
just exactly the way they are in that moment
so tiny
so innocent
but reality is...birthdays come whether we are ready for our children to grow up or not
Madison is
and just like Hayley a month ago...
Madison is beyond excited
she is usually sooo hard to get out of bed in the morning but she popped right up this morning
excited to see her balloons above her bed
and her new lion friend hanging from her chandi
she was grinning ear to ear this morning
as she woke up to her hooting owl alarm the Easter Bunny got her a few days ago
as a matter of fact the first thing she said to me yesterday after I picked her up from school was
I told Miss M--- that "I got an owl alarm and it hoots to wake me up"
I felt as though she was saying it with the Junie B attitude
{we are reading that series together}
and the Junie B attitude makes all the difference when reading that statment
trust me
it was so cute!
As we were talking about her birthday yesterday
I said
"today is your very last day to be five...can you believe it?"
she said
"I know mom!!!"
Ummm...Hayley seemed more shocked about that statement
{when I told her about her very last day to be three}
I guess I need to get with the six-year-old times now
it's not quite as cool to keep reminding her of such things
I don't seem to say such surprising things to Madison any longer
she is getting too old and smart like that
so I continued and said
"So what do you think six means?"
Madison said "well, I'm another year older and then comes even better things"
ooooooo...I think I need to be taking her advice when it comes to birthdays
I love this little girl so much
Over the past year I really took it to heart how hard she always was
{and still is}
on herself
it's a hard road to continue on
and I didn't want her being stuck on it
feeling like she has to be perfect
so I made it a mission to help her come out of her shell more
to relax
to enjoy
to know it is perfectly fine to not get things right all the time
and have to work at them
I seem to use myself as an example of not getting things right all the time
it definitely makes her laugh
and to me that's worth her knowing that grace is for everyone's mistakes
or other times when things have to be practiced and tried again
over the past year she has started taekwondo
which has been the best thing for her and her confidence
I'm so proud of how far she has come
from the beginning of class not wanting to get up in front of others
to now she loves to do so
{most of the time}
she still has her moments of struggle but she has come a long way
I truly think it is amazing
Madison is my mama bear
focused and on point all the time
I seem to joke with her a lot
I love her silly side because when she shows it...
you can really see her unique and wonderful personality
it is the most beautiful thing because her face shines and sparkles
her confidence and belief in herself grows
a couple of months ago her class was on Channel 5 doing 5 is #1
and when I picked her up from school I asked her because I knew it would make her laugh
"Did you get wild and crazy on camera and do your Taylor Swift dancing and singing?"
She replied "Mom!!! you know we weren't supposed to do that...
we talked about this...
My teacher Miss M said we were not supposed to be wild and crazy on camera"
I said " I won't get to see your Taylor dance moves"
she laughed and said "I'm silly with you guys!"
and yes she is
Kindergarten has done more than wonderful things for Madison
she has had the very best teacher
and the perfect fit to Madison's personality ~ I couldn't be more thankful
for Miss M---
Madison makes friends so easily
she is so caring and sweet
you know... a likeable girl
{that statement reminds me of Hope Floats...but it's true}
here is part of a note Madison's friend wrote her...I just love it
Madison loves reading, school work, and projects
she loves to always have a pad with her to draw and write in
she loves to joke around
except when the jokes on her...
she wasn't too fond of Hayley and I's spider in her car seat joke we played on her a couple months ago
but she loves to stand around the corner, jump out, and scare the daylights out of me
where I'm literally screaming because she did such a great job
she is the very best helper
and loves her sister more than words could ever describe
she couldn't be a better big sister or friend
Madison's special gift is the way she makes others feel
she always cares how someone is and loves to do nice things for others
she definitely is a beach and summer lover
but occasionally and randomly talks about snow
in the middle of summer
odd, perhaps
...but cute because she can be so random with thoughts
she loves Taylor Swift like her sister loves Eric Church,
loves to dance and put on fashion shows for me in my high heels
and loves to take pictures with her camera she got for Christmas
she loves, loves to be outside,
ride her bike,
and run with me
I say all the time that another 5-6 years she will be kicking my hiney on runs
I can't wait for that as it will make me a proud mama
Madison is insightful at times but so very literal at other times
the other day I had to run an errand for work after the girl's class
we were driving on the back roads and came to a stop light
there were absolutely no cars around
and she asked
"Mom why is the light red when we are the only ones here?"
I said "kind of silly isn't it"
so of course I just keep talking with them about this and that
and sooner or later
both of them say at once...
"!!! can go...the light is green"
I said "oh ~ thank you!!
What would I do without you both?"
Madison said "'d still be sitting at the light Mom!!!"
oh for the love of her...I couldn't stop laughing
Today I most definitely cannot wait to celebrate her and how caring and sweet she is
she makes everyone feel special everyday
today will be wonderful to celebrate her
she is so excited about her beach cake
to have quesadillas tonight with family
and she said....."as soon as I wake up tomorrow...I am six
and cannot wait for all the fun"
she is definitely a chocolate lover over vanilla
like her daddy
loves cheese, yogurt, broccoli, strawberries, and cheeseburgers
she loves to wear my sunglasses and come up with her own poses
as I was taking pictures the other day
"Miss Director" said
"I get to do my own poses right Mom???"
I laughed and said "why of course"
so here are her favorite poses she did
Happy sixth birthday my beautiful butterfly
and I will always, always believe in you
Happy Birthday
Madison Ella
15 Mar 2012 4:21 AM (13 years ago)

four is the number today...
my baby girl turns four today
...and she couldn't be more excited
she was so excited to show me four when taking pictures last Sunday afternoon
it really was the perfect day to take some pics of them outside
it has been awhile since I took a few pics of them and I think they forgot
that "mama goes overboard in how many she takes"
because I took a ton...
I mean a whole lot of pictures
but we had the best time
lots of laughter
silly dancing
a bit of craziness and stress at some points during the pictures when Hayley decided she was done
"done taking photos mom"
completely done she said:)
I don't blame her because I'm the first person to jet when people start taking photos
As I was going through the photos in the wee wee wee hours of the night
I liked around 67 of them
yes 67
some were of just Madison too
which I'll save for her birthday
because how can you not take photos of both of your sweet girls
Hayley Elisabeth is four today
yes four
{I keep typing that I know...perhaps I'm in denial just a little bit
...thought you should know that}
I feel a bit rusty at writing since it has been awhile
but I wanted to blog today
she is my sunshine
who has a true gift of humor and silliness that I just love
we dance silly all the time together
whether in stores
at home
or in the car
it's our fun thing we do together
to make one another laugh
Hayley loves to share her gift of making others laugh...especially with Madison and I
she makes us laugh all of the time
so when she is in trouble
she makes me laugh on purpose because she thinks I'll forget and let it slide
and there it goes...I of course laugh and can't hold it in
completely not effective when you are trying to parent just letting you know
so when I have to get it together to talk to her
without laughing,
I start laughing all over again
and then its pointless and I'm not effective
she runs our house if you can't tell
on the way home from my grandparents a couple of weeks ago
she was so goofy and if you know Hayley this is a normal thing she says
and is so proud of the fact that she toots
yep I said it
she started praying this prayer in the car on the way home probably 50 times
not kidding
so Madison's reaction was the best...after the 50th time
H: "Dear God...thank you and bless me for tooting because I'm a tooting machine"
so after about the 50th time in a row of her praying this prayer
M says: "Dear God...please have Hayley stop praying that!"
it was so cute
she calls herself the Queen of Tooting
and she even has a King of Tooting and his name is Parker
almost on a daily basis she reminds me of these titles that Parker and her have
{King and Queen of tooting}
I told her I'm going to remember this story when she starts dating 70 years from now
{yes they are not dating until they are 76 and 74}
this week she's been saying..."and now I will be four just like Parker"
so you can see what is important in her world:)
what I loved most about that prayer...
she was just being her... silly, fun, and cute
Hayley brings so much sunshine and kindness to us
she always has a compliment and sweet things to say to Madison and I
I love her heart and all that comes with it
her favorite color is purple
although she loves yellow and red too:)
and as I brought cupcakes to her school yesterday
all of her friends asked imediately and without even thinking about it...
"are they all purple Hayley???!!!"
she said "yes, YES!!! they are"
Hayley is our sweet dragonfly
and we are blessed every day that we have her
she is fiesty
most definitely independent
but she also has to be around people
she loves to go on a run with me and play outside
she loves her taekwondo class
Hayley is a summer and beach girl most definitely
with the brightest of blue eyes
She doesn't know a stranger as she talks to anyone she meets
especially the people that work at Trader Joe's
she was upset one day because she forgot to tell the checkout guy this last detail of what she was sharing with him and then goes..."what was his name mama? I forgot to tell him____"
this was after being home 45 minutes she was still talking about it
my dad calls her NST
{non stop talker}
which is very much appropriate
she even told the dentist the other day she had 12 brothers and sisters
the hygenist immediately came out to verify with me
and I had a horrified look on my face when she asked me
that the hygentist laughed pretty hard at my reaction alone
she is so proud of her sister Madison
I couldn't ask them to be any closer...they are besties
everyday as we pick Madison up from school Hayley cannot wait to run up to Madison to give her a makes me smile
she is a lover of vanilla cake and vanilla ice cream
just like her mama
she loves my homemade macaroni with fancy cheeses
feta on her salad
mahi mahi
{I think she likes to say mahi mahi more than anything}
and always is ready for dessert after dinner
{that's from her daddy}
I can't hardly wait until she wakes up this morning as I have her room filled with balloons above her bed {only like 10 but her room looks filled when they are all above her bed...
and yes they are purple}
four of the ballons have notes tied to them
about things we love about her
she has a new stuffed giraffe hanging by it's arms from her chandi
she loves giraffes and always her must see at zoos
her giraffe she got at the San Diego Zoo last year is named Gigi
so now she has one more to add to her collection of about 5 now
I can't wait to see her face light up when she sees all the balloons
because it has been so hard for me not to tell her what her surprises are
{I'm not great at holding surprises in and neither is Hayley}
Today is the day to make her feel so special
for all the specialness she brings to us
we are so blessed and thankful for Hayley
she is our sweetheart and sunshine that is full of life
and today we are so happy to celebrate her
when I had the girls out taking pictures Sunday it started to rain just before we were done
and when I said I'm finally done taking pictures
I love you our dragonfly
Happy Fourth Birthday
Hayley Elisabeth
I always love you
I always believe in you
and I am always proud of you

last weekend we had our friend christmas get together
and I was bringing a couple of different food items and a dessert
I really had an urge to do something different
and I believe I found a wonderful, wonderful recipe
I was beyond excited to make tarts
out of all the desserts I've made over the years I had never tried tarts
and besides I wanted something other than a chocolate dessert:)
So during my late night internet search a couple of weeks ago
I found the winning recipe I wanted to try
pumpkin cream tarts with candied cranberries
I thought I'd share the recipe with you all because I loved them so much
making the tarts was definitely more fun for me
I felt a little like I was "creating" more in the kitchen
rather than going through ..."my routine of baking"
I did take pictures as I knew I wanted to get back to blogging
plus I am such a visual person with recipes
I love to see pictures of what I'm making
and thought you may appreciate them as well
As a side note before I get started
most of my ingredients came from trader joe's
I know...
I go on and on about Trader Joe's
but I really believe that 1/2 the time the ingredients from there make all the difference
especially their ginger snaps
so throughout the recipe...I'll make note of which ingredients I think are best from there
step one
make the tart shells
one of my favorite parts about making the tarts are the beautiful tart tins
and how pretty they looked stacked together
I know...not part of my recipe {smile}
Preheat your over to 350
Combine the gingersnaps cookies crumbs {3 cups} with 2 teaspoons of cinnamon, and 1 1/2 sticks of butter in a large bowl...yes that much butter:)
so the gingersnaps are literally the best from Trader Joe's...I purchased the ones in the circular clear container because there was more in the container than the ones in the bag
I love their cinnamon as well
and absolutely love, love, love trader joe's butter....I like how their sticks are quartered size or you can use their awesome irish butter...make sure it's unsalted butter:)
Cover the bottoms and sides of eight 3 1/2-inch tartlet pans with removable bottoms with the crumb mixture. Transfer the tartlet shells to a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes. Cool completely.
They will look this color
step two
Make the cranberry topping: Bring 2 cups sugar and 1/2 cup water to a boil in a small saucepan over high heat. Add the fresh cranberries {1 cup} and cook until they just begin to soften. Remove cranberries with a slotted spoon to a small bowl and set aside.
Reserve cranberry syrup for another use.
I did use cranberries from trader joe's as well
and I added just a bit of orange juice to them as I cooked them
I couldn't help myself that I filled almost two ball jars up with the cranberry syrup
the color looked amazingly beautiful
and the syrup will be perfect for the pancakes I will make Christmas morning
or even for ice cream
***also when I made this recipe I doubled the recipe in order to make around 16 tarts so that's why I had so much syrup***
step three
Make the filling:
Fill a large bowl with ice and water and set aside.
Place the milk {1/2 cup and yes I always stress milk is a must in my opinion} in a small bowl, sprinkle the unflavored gelatin {1 teaspoon} over it, and set aside.
Combine the pumpkin purée {1 cup}, 3/4 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons brandy, 1 1/3 Tablespoons cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg, 1/4 teaspoon cloves, and 4 large egg yolks in large saucepan. Cook over medium heat, whisking constantly, until the mixture begins to bubble and a thermometer reads 140 degrees F.
***again trader joe's has the best pumpkin puree...and talking with the check out person she told me that their pumpkin is fabulous for dog's coats...
so I've been adding a little to my sweet cadence's dish at night too***
Stir in the milk mixture, cook for 1 more minute, transfer the mixture to a medium bowl, and place over the prepared ice bath.
Stir occasionally, until cool — about 10 minutes.
Okay since I doubled the recipe it was taking longer than 10 minutes for me...I set it in the ice bath for about a 1/2 hour and it still wasn't cool so I resorted to the freezer for about 15 minutes
I was in a time crunch because the tarts still had to set for 6+ hours when finished
I got a little ahead of myself and started filling the tarts with the pumpkin mix after it was cooled and it looked like this
BUT...the recipe wanted me to fold the whipped cream I made into the chilled pumpkin mixture and THEN fill the prepared shells
so I literally had to scoop this mix out of 20 shells back into a bowl
and then I followed the directions which it said:
Fold the whipped cream into the chilled pumpkin mixture, fill the prepared shells, and smooth the tops.
GOT IT NOW!!! {smile}
so to make the whip need 1 cup of heavy cream whipped to soft peaks
I love to use my mixer because I can turn the setting on high and let it go
just to let you know
I added about 1 to 2 teaspoons {I can't remember how much} of my vanilla bean paste that I get from william sonoma... I love vanilla bean paste of vanilla extract because it looks prettier with the little flakes of the vanilla bean ~ love, love
pretty pretty!!!
but you have to do it quick or people like my husband keep trying my whip cream
Chill for 6 hours+ or overnight.
Top each tartlet with a spoonful of the candied cranberries and serve cold.
I personally thought it was pretty to drizzle a little bit of the cranberry syrup I had in the ball jars on the tarts after topping them with the cranberries:)
the recipe says it yields 8 tarts...
but I found it was probably more like 10 tarts
as I got 20 tarts from doubling the recipe
I hope you all enjoy
I'm actually going to be making more this weekend
just one batch this time:)
since Madison and Hayley weren't able to try one
plus I wanted to make some for my parents too
Happy Baking and Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas!
19 Dec 2011 5:40 AM (13 years ago)

I probably have lost most of you by now...
Last night I actually did a quick blog visit looking for something on my blog
I wanted to find
and then I also found a post that i did 2 years ago this month of a video
when my youngest was 1 1/2
and I cried
that age is so sweet and I just miss it
even though I love the ages both of my girls are at right now too
it was just a reminder of how time just flies by
often before you want it to
I really miss posting on my blog
yes, I've said this before
but I really realized it more than ever last night
I miss reading my friend's blogs
I miss the connections I made with all of you
I miss many of things
but I just had to take a break from writing
I just needed to live life for my family
some things are hard to say...
this past year has been wonderful for so many of things
but it also has been an extremely difficult year for my family too
that's hard to say
not just my immediate family
but also in my extended family
and if I would have written
it would have been painful for me
that's why I stepped away
and of course because lack of time as well
I've really been off the wall busy with my family, kiddos, my business, etc.
I just couldn't make my blog a priority
I chose to focus on other things
and I am happy with that decision
I wanted to look at my life and still appreciate the wonderful blessings
that I have no matter what
because I have so many blessings
that I'm just so thankful for
I want to get back on track with sharing...
so as most of you know
Christmas is in my top 3 holidays of the year
the giving and celebrating family/friends is my favorite part of the year
and it also means that I have guaranteed time that my hubby is in town too:)
we have already had some wonderful christmas celebrations
a couple of weekends ago with my in-laws
this past weekend was Christmas with our friends
and i made pumpkin candied cranberry tarts
yes, I made tarts for the very first time
I loved it!
and I'm still pretty darn excited about it
although, it took me forever
I may just be going through a tart phase now
they are just so cute and pretty
obviously, I'm sidetracked with my tarts now
which I do plan on sharing the recipe because I loved it
both of the celebrations were wonderful
Christmas is one of my favorite holidays
it has been that way since I was a child
my sister and I always, always loved it
Miracle on 34th Street
and we would watch it almost on a daily basis
yes, I've talked about that movie a lot on this blog in the past
my sis and i would watch it so much when we were younger
that I think my parents had to buy us 2 vhs tapes:)
we would literally wear this movie out:)
yes, "I believe"
and that only makes sense if you have watched the movie
as I was going through my blog last night
I was reminded of my favorite quote in my very favorite Christmas movie
Miracle on 34th Street
I thought I would share it once again
I took some Christmas photos of the girls yesterday afternoon
it was a blast
we had lots of fun
silly faces
dance moves to celebrate at the end of our little session
we all celebrated
the girls were great
actually fabulous
and wonderful
{that's because they were bribed with freezy ice pops}
we don't know how to get through a photo session without bribing in our family
just so you know...I am not above bribing to get photos :)
i almost put this picture on my virtual christmas card just to be reminded of all the silly things the girls and I do together
hopefully you will love this quote as much as I do
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
"Someday you are going to find that your way of facing this realistic world just doesn't work, and when you do, don't overlook those lovely intangibles. You'll discover those are the only things that are worthwhile."
and I found that quote true so much of this past year
hold on to those intangibles
Thank you everyone for your patience
and thank you to my fabulous friends that over the past couple of months kept asking me when I was coming back with my blog
it was just nice to hear your sweet words to me
it didn't go unnoticed
Happy Holidays!!!
"Whatever is good,
whatever brings you joy...
May it be yours during
this magical season and the
throughout the coming year."
first day
15 Aug 2011 6:48 PM (13 years ago)

well it has been so long
i almost forgot my password to my blog
really...I did
and I miss blogging
and checking in on my blog friends
I've been a bad one back to you all this summer
but it really has been a great summer
with my focus going into family and business
i was so inspired today by my little girl going to kindergarten
it may have just given me what i needed to start writing on the blog again:)
today was Madison's first day of kindergarten
and Hayley and I struggled during the day and in the morning
but Hayley and I stuck together for Madison
missed her
but had a great day ourselves:)
i had to drop some more paperwork at her school today
and we caught a quick glimpse of madison at lunch time
she was laughing and smiling...
just what I wanted to see
Hayley and i walked out of her school
and she turns to me and says
"but mama...I just wanted to give her a hug'
I replied
"I too"
as we both had a little cry back to the car again
then i had to make her smile for both of our sake:)
As Madison came home
Hayley gave her sis a big hug that melted my heart
Hayley said to Madison
"I really wanted to give you a hug today"
it just melted me
{waiting at the bus stop down the street}
I'm a proud mama today
of both of my little girls
Madison's kindergarten teacher sent home this lovely poem
I thought I'd share with you all
it brought tears all over again
but so true
First Day of School
Author Unknown
She started school this morning,
and she seemed so very small.
As I walked there beside her
In the Kindergarten hall.
And as she took her place beside
the others in the class,
I realized how all too soon
Those first few years can pass.
Remembering, I saw her as
She first learned how to walk.
The words that we alone made out
When she began to talk.
This little girl so much absorbed
In learning how to write.
It seems as though she must have grown
To girlhood overnight.
My eyes were blurred by hastily
I brushed the tears away
Lest by some word or sign of mine
I mar her first big day
Oh how I longed to stay with her
And keep her by the hand
To lead her through the places
That she couldn't understand.
And something closely kin to fear
Was mingled with my pride.
I knew she would no longer be
A baby by my side.
But she must have her chance to live,
To work her problems out,
The privilege to grow and learn
What life is all about.
And I must share my little girl
With friends and work and play;
She's not a baby anymore ~
She's in Kindergarten today.
summer wishes
21 Jun 2011 5:55 AM (13 years ago)

summer wishes...
about a month ago trying to fall asleep
i started thinking about summer wishes for the girls and I
{not excluding Bobby...but you all know he travels a lot by now}
so it's just mainly us
I started thinking...and dreaming
what i wanted out of summer
what would be good for the girls
what would be good for our family
and i came up with a few summer wishes...
summer wish #1
traveling more...
we all love to travel and since we are all going in all different directions
with different schedules
it has been on my heart to travel together
i was hoping for a trip for Bobby and I...just us
as well as a trip with all four of us
we hardly have much family time together with him home only a day and a half a week
and we all need some fun time together
time to relax and just go with the flow
our schedules are so jam packed each week
that we all need to take time away
where we don't have to plan
and can just wake up and figure it out each day for a week
ironically this summer wish is coming true
next post i'll tell you about the road trip Bobby and I took together
{it was absolutely the most relaxing trip we've had}
next month
with Bobby's rewards of traveling
the girls and i are going to tag along with him for a little over a week
to Cali
{we've never been to Cali so we are super excited about that}
and this project he is working on is so close to the beach
and you know our fondness for the beach
so we are super excited
and with what i do
i earned a trip to Atlantis in August
I still am in disbelief about how this all fell right into place
traveling more with my family has been on my heart for so long
and i'm so excited to have made it happen this summer
summer wish #2
to continue to enjoy the small moments with the girls
right now...they are putting on a fashion show for me
in my high heels
Madison just lined up my shoes for me because
she said and I quote
"your closet was a mess mama"
geez I have a hard time staying organized lately
I used to be organized
but now I call myself an organized disorganized person right now
and it is 9:30 in the evening and yes the girls are still up
i'm a morning girl so if they sleep in a bit later in the morning
happy dance for me
because that means an extra glass of coffee and more stuff I can get done before they wake up
small moment for the day
some of our blueberries are ripe
and the girls looooved being able to pick them
right from our yard
summer wish #3
to take deep breathes
many of them when i need them
summer wish #4
when I'm not working
to have a lot of fun with my family and friends
endless days at the pool
summer wish #5
to finally organize and clean out our closets
they are driving me crazy
summer wish #6
to find days where i use and cook with every single one of my herbs in one day
i swear it's the little things with me
i was doing a happy dance one evening when i realized
all in one day
i used my chives, parsley, cilantro, oregano, basil, and thyme
all fresh right off my front porch
{not all in one meal mind you}
but it was fun
and the roasted cauliflower with thyme on it was fabulous by the way
summer wish #7
to enjoy lunches a couple times during the month with friends
it is an absolute necessity especially when I'm so blessed with the friends that I have
they are a treasure to me
lunches with my mom
we don't get to do much fun things together since my parents are always helping watch the girls when i have work
so it would be nice to enjoy lunch and dinner with them more often
summer wish #8
going to see the kids movies with the girls that come out this summer
we all love going to the movies and just don't do it enough
summer wish #9
being able to give all that I can with work and those i'm training right now
there is nothing that makes you feel better than to help others meet their goals
and become successful themselves
I'm certainly ready for a great summer
and to make a conscious effort to making all my summer wishes become reality
and thank you again for all your input with the photos from last post...
I am definitely going to be using your suggestions and top picks for my next order for business cards
i'm back:)
4 Jun 2011 8:43 AM (13 years ago)

I know, I know
it's been almost a month since I have probably visited you
or even written on my blog
but a couple of things before I begin...
thank you
all of you that so kindly reminded me to get with it
and come back
and get back to normal
and do a stinkin' post
and write again
i'll be honest though
it's just been a little rough for me with a few things
and these past three months
{this is where I take a deep breathe}
have been the roughest
when things like that happen
I stop writing
because you don't need to hear it all
the verse that has lifted my spirits this past month
"Cast all your care upon Him; for He cares for you"
I Peter 5:7
and then I have focused on many many great things in my life
and I tell you what
even though these past months have been difficult
they have also been so very wonderful
I have close family and friends that are always there for me
my business has been very exciting
and this past month I finished earning my business incentive trip
I'm going to Atlantis in August
{happy dance}
{happy dance}
{happy dance again}
so just so I honestly have been focusing on those good things
depositing into those
{not that this blog isn't good}
but I had to get away from a few things to really focus on some other things
I'm thankful for an amazing business, family,
amazing friends that live here and afar
friends threw the absolute best suprise weekend for me for my birthday
all you {my blog readers] have meant the world to me
and that's why I felt so badly about being away
the reason why it has taken so long to get back into sharing our life
is because I wondered...
if it was too late to continue this blog
by being away so long
if i lost you all...
so i have a few things to share
of what good things we have been up too...
wonderful, fun times with friends and family
Madison graduated preschool
I cried, of course
because i was excited for her
but it always makes me feel like time goes by waaaaay too fast already
we are enjoying pool time
well just three days of it so far
it's summertime
and this is my happy time during summer
I'm so happy that my hydrangeas are about to start blooming
and the rest of my flowers are filling out
I do have something to ask your help with
I would really love from you is your help and/or opinion
my friend is a fantastic photographer
and i needed to update my business pictures for
my business website
business cards
and any other marketing i needed pictures for
so she put together a fantastic business package for me
I wanted to do colorful
outdoor pics
to liven up my look and to also go with what i do
out of the pictures she took
i chose some of them to use on my blog
and some for my business
we also snuck in a family picture or two because we haven't had one in a bit
so what i would love, love your help with
is helping me decide
what photos should i use for my business website?
what are your favorites for my business cards?
I would love outside feedback
I like to have a couple of different business cards
using different pictures
so please choose your top 2 or 3 for business cards
so if you would be willing to choose your top three
i would be so appreciative:)
And by the way
Kristen was fabulously fabulously patient with me
if you know me well
you know i get nervous with photos
especially by myself
if i'm in a picture with family, friends, etc.
i'm okay
because I'm not the only one
i really struggled at times
and Kristen couldn't have done a better job of helping me through that
and being patient with me
If you live within an hour or so of me
and need family photos or business photos
I would definitely consider Kristen
so just to show you our family photos first
because of course that was the easier part for me
and yes...
I really did wear color in these photos
no gray or brown:)
I think Kristen did a wonderful job
so her information is already on my sidebar
but click here to visit her website
if you are interested in her business packages just shoot her an e-mail
via her website
thanks in advance for your help
next time i'll share with you a few of my summer wishes
for my fam and I

I'm a little belated in showing this
two months late perhaps
of Hayley's room redo
and I still don't feel like I'm ready to show the changes we made to her bedroom
her room really is pretty much done for now
except maybe some small changes here and there
okay the small change I'm hoping for sometime
is eventually adding white beadboard
when we can
and when Bobby is actually in town
{and willing to do it}
but for now...
her room is "done"
thankfully I downloaded Hayley's room pictures a couple of weeks ago
I forgot my camera in Bobby's car when he was out of town
so i haven't taken pictures for weeks!!!
however, I do have a little post of Hayley's room
after the redo
it'll be nice to have documented this down the road
but...I wish...
I wish...
I would have taken a before picture for you all too
I just got so consumed with getting it done before her birthday
I forgot all about taking the before picture
we had an old dresser in her room that i so happily put on Craig's list
it is not one I even want to refinish
look at
or really see again
it was a pain to clean
{that's why I say that}
she had a toddler bed in her room too
and some shelves
just not really put together after we changed her nursery to toddler
so how I approached Hayley's room redo...
i wanted it to feel like her own
she had been asking since early January that she wanted a "big girl bed" just like Madison
she was telling everyone...
my parents
Bobby and I
probably anyone who would listen:)
she is our talker in the family
non-stop talker as a matter of fact
that sometimes Madison even asks her to please be quiet for even a minute
I thought her room redo would be the perfect birthday present from us
she gets so much from others
that I wanted to do something practical from us
and I was right because
she now loves to play in her room
and sometimes the peace in quiet when she is in there is worth it to me as a "mom"
whose husband is out of town pretty much every week
but i guess I "should say"
more importantly... I wanted it to feel like it was her space
actually I wanted some personal space a little bit too
just being honest here
since she had talked about wanting her big girl room to my parents
they said they had a bed I could refinish
so I did
and my parents wanted to get all of Hayley's bedding for her for her birthday
because they were on board with me
and once they get an idea in there head to help
there is no stopping them
that's just the way my parents are
i love them:)
I refinished a bed and dresser
at no cost
already had the paint...just had to make the time
I also shopped around our own house to find a side table from Madison's room
{Madison now has a different side table as her birthday present in April}
and the display table under her shelves
used to be in our loft area that had our second tv and dvd player on
it is definitely much prettier in Hayley's room than in the loft
Bobby and I only purchased curtains and her new chandelier
which was actually refurbished...
not expensive at all
very similiar to the one in madison's room and our room
I wanted to share with you all that i shopped around my own house
because 'room redos" can be done
without spending any money or very little money
i'm by no means a decorating pro
but I have learned to shop my own home first before buying anything
since my first thought isn't always to buy something new
{unless i have a piece stuck in my head that I know I don't have}
I'll just wait until the time is right or until I come across what I'm looking for
with Hayley's room we wanted to keep her walls "the yellow" we painted her nursery
she loves yellow
and the color fits her...
since she is a sunshine girl
so we found some pretty white bedding to compliment her and her wall color
I wanted her yellow walls to stand out rather than blend in
I asked Madison if I could take her pillow from her room for Hayley's
only because it wasn't going to fit Madison's new bedding anymore that she got for her birthday
she was so sweet and didn't even think about it when she said yes
I just explained she would have a new one very soon herself
I'm sure you are done with my rambling so I'll just get on to the pictures
it is so bright and vibrant for Hayley
it makes me smile every time i walk in her room
and she does too
...sometimes she even makes her own bed in the morning
well I guess that lasted about a month
but it was nice while it lasted:)
and to me any 3-year-old willingly making their bed is pretty good for anytime it lasts
yes I probably should have cleaned her frog container before I showed you pictures
when i was little I got two dolls from my Grandpa and Grandma M
I gave one to each of the girls
and this one has always fit Hayley and her room
hayley's snuggly duckling sign from her Tangled birthday party I hung above her closet
and for Hayley's artwork because i never seem to have enough space on my
refrigerator...I thought I'd start hanging it in their room
so you can see I do actually have a fridge in my kitchen:)
and because Hayley is our dragonfly I had made her a dragonfly
when i was still pregnant with her
and it goes perfectly with her room now
white eyelet curtains with dragonfly clips on them
a picture of Hayley I took in our neighborhood last early spring
and a baby one of her
the shells in the jar are from our first family trip to the beach:)
and this bird cage was from my kitchen
hayley had asked for one just like Madison had
so it finally dawned on me to gift Hayley with this one
and that's it for the little walk through
two months a little late in showing you all
but i finally have it put together
if the pictures are edited a little funny
it's because my computer has a new screen and the lightening is really off on it to me
in love...
26 Apr 2011 12:49 PM (13 years ago)

i was in love with the day's events on Easter
it was relaxing
full of smiles
and a day of really "being"
in every sense of the word
I enjoyed waking up early
since the Easter bunny fell asleep the night before
without filling and delivering two baskets
{that would be moi}
and since I needed to prepare and hide two special baskets
it was my usual early morning
...a very fun morning, however
it was a day where the girls woke up and enjoyed finding their baskets
with 'hot and cold" directions
they decorated their bunny cake
and I bet you never had a bunny cake
with marshmallows, skittles, and jelly beans on it before, eh?
at least I made the cake with applesauce instead of vegetable oil
although i'm sure that didn't even make a difference in the end
with the amount of sugar probably consumed
we ate a very yummy breakfast
and made it to church all before noon
came back home and dyed 'marble' easter eggs
okay so one just looks marbled
i called the rest 'spotted'
it was a morning where we really didn't rush
maybe had moments of rushing
but not our usual running out the door 15 minutes late
we were actually on-time and not even trying
amazing how that can happen
it was just so nice to know we had the entire day
to celebrate what Easter was all about
it was full of friendly competitions
Easter egg hunts
with my parents and our family
okay...maybe it was seriously competitive
because all of us are so competitive with games
but that's just our kind of fun
we all laughed at one another
the best egg hunt to watch was between my dad and bobby
literally my mom and I were about falling off the couch laughing
it reminded me of the days when I was younger
and we'd have family competitions
with my parents, sister, and I
it was so fun to see Madison and Hayley enjoy those competitions like I used to
we enjoyed one another's company
decorating graham cracker houses left over from Madison's birthday party
and of course...
we had "best house"
I will say my idea of smashing mini white marshmallows
to look like shingles on my house
was a darn good idea
{if I do say so myself}
I loved that the girls enjoyed the holiday of Easter
but more importantly
they never lost the true meaning of Easter
I was in love with our Easter Sunday
and i hope yours was as much enjoyed

in March when I was in search of a strawberry cupcake and strawberry icing recipe
for Hayley's birthday
I started with the martha stewart website
I found a couple recipes and then read the reviews since
I couldn't decide which one to use
and I'm so happy I did that because
I found the absolute best recipe!
It is from Candace Nelson of Sprinkle Cupcakes
the best icing on the planet
I do say so myself
I wanted to share with you all
that I have a new friend in the kitchen
courtesy of my parents for my birthday
thank you again mom and dad
meet my new kitchen aid
so I made the icing just so I could use my new kitchen bestie
and she's certainly a beauty
and was so much fun to use
so i'm even thinking I need to name her
here we go
the absolute best strawberry icing recipe ever
first puree the fresh strawberries
{I puree a little bit more than called for and keep in the fridge
if I need to make more
or you can use the rest of pancakes, etc.
not that I make pancakes a lot
because I don't...
but it always gets used somehow
whether it's smoothies or something
*just a don't need to add any water or liquid to the strawberries to puree
no watering down...just puree them may take a second for the blades to start with the strawberries in the blender, food processor or whatever you are using
anyway, set the puree aside for now
lets start with two sticks of butter
{yes I really just wrote two sticks of butter}
and a pinch of salt
{I'm not a salt user...but you really do need to use it for this}
does that not look like two sticks of butter?
well it is...
I like to buy trader joe's quartered butter sticks...they still are 8 T
just the sticks are smaller but bigger round
they take up less space in my mind i guess's just good butter
beat together the butter and salt on medium speed until light and fluffy
reduce the mixer speed and slowly add the confectioners' sugar
{sifted...although i'm a bad sifter...but it does help}
3 1/2 cups of confectioners' sugar
beat until all is well combined like this
add 1/2 t pure vanilla extract
now my very favorite thing to use is vanilla bean paste
I use the same amount
i just love it better because you can see the flakes of beans in it
and when you are making anything vanilla
you can see the flakes and it looks oh so pretty
the kind of vanilla bean paste I use
found at william sonoma
I don't go to william sonoma very often
so I bought two bottles so it saves me a trip when I run out
add three tablespoons of the strawberry puree
I do heaping tablespoons of the puree
because i love the real strawberry flavor
mix until blended
do not overmix as it will incorporate too much air
the frosting should be dense and creamy like ice cream
{just a hint...I have no idea on that...I personally just mix it until I like the way it looks}
and enjoy
of course keep away from family
as if you don't little fingers end up in the bowl
top to your favorite cupcake!
I do have Candace's cupcake recipe...
it was great...I just have a hard time getting homemade cupcakes to be light and airy
but if you'd like the cupcake's below
Happy Easter everyone:)
Candace Sprinkles' Strawberry icing recipe
1/2 cup fresh strawberries {whole}
1 cup or 2 sticks of unsalted butter, firm and slightly cold
pinch of coarse salt
3 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar, sifted
1/2 t pure vanilla extract {I used vanilla bean paste}
Candace Sprinkles' Strawberry Cupcakes
makes one dozen
2/3 cups whole fresh strawberries
1 1/2 cupes all-purpose flour, sifted
1 t baking powder
1/4 t coarse salt
1/4 cup whole milk, room temperature
1 t pure vanilla extract {I used vanilla bean paste when I made these}
1/2 cup unsalted butter, room temperature {equivalent to one stick}
1 cup sugar
1 large egg, room temperature
2 large egg whites, room temperature
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a muffin pan with cupcake liners
place strawberries in small food processor; process until pureed. You should have 1/3 cup of puree, add a few more strawberries if necessary or save any extra if you are making the icing listed above
in a medium bowl, whisk together, flour, baking powder, and salt. Set aside.
in a small bowl, mix together milk, vanilla, and strawberry puree. Set aside.
In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream butter on medium-high speed, until light and fluffy. gradually add sugar and combine to beat until well combined and fluffy. reduce mixer speed to medium and slowly add egg and egg whites until blended.
with the mixer on low, slowly add half of the flour mixture, mix until blended. add the milk mixture; mix until blended. slowly add the remaining flour mixture, scraping down sides of the bowl with a spatula, until blended.
divide the batter eveny among the prepared muffin cups. bake until tops just dry to the touch ~ about 22 to 25 minutes. let cool completely before icing
strawberry bliss
21 Apr 2011 5:17 AM (13 years ago)

so much has happened these last couple weeks
that I can barely even keep it straight
birthday party after party
after some much need fun with friends
and then its the 21st of the month
I was without my computer for 3-4 days
so if I haven't checked with you it's because
of many reasons such as that
and me having the flu
and planning Madison's birthday parties
two in a day
and then just the rest of life on top of everything
i've been trying to sort through these birthday pictures of Madison for days
and i'm falling asleep at the computer every night trying to get through them
i do thank all those that continue to visit me when sometimes
i just don't have the chance to return the favor
i really do love having this blog
something i don't want to give up
it's something i love
so just bare with me in being behind with you all
hugs and love to you
Strawberry Bliss
our little butterfly
had quite the celebration a couple weekends ago
she chose Strawberry Shortcake theme party
and during the day we had her school friends party
I found a family owned pizza place in town that had a perfect {free} room
{and to keep it easy for 10+ kiddos}
i brought all the desserts and decor to their party room
and that was that
we really kept it simple with her friend pizza party
{just wanted to bring simple parties back a little if you know what i mean}
had pizza
made shortcake houses
enjoyed desserts
she opened gifts
handed out favors
and cleaned up
this is the last year all her friends are in the same class
they have been together for three years now
so it was important to celebrate with these friends
next year they will all be in different schools with kindergarten
it was such a great group of kids and parents
after we were home
it was round two of setting up
for our friends and family party
it was so much fun
it was truly Strawberry Bliss
homemade strawberry icing
desserts from every shortcake friend
strawberry pails and ribbon
strawberry shortcake favors and milk
strawberry scented candles
a shortcake hat and pink sequence on her shirt
strawberry lemonade
strawberry floats
fresh fruit everywhere
we decorated strawberry shortcake houses
an idea i found under some strawberry shortcake searches
i had no idea how to make them
and thought as long as she is okay with me using her idea
of how to make them
they will be perfect
and the kiddos will love to decorate them
and of course she was
i'm just thankful that madison's birthday is usually somewhere around easter
so it was so easy finding plenty of candies to decorate
for decorating the houses i made my favorite strawberry icing
{recipe to follow in another post}
but bobby constructed the houses using pre-made strawberry icing
since i was behind in making it the night before
strawberry marshmallows
mini marshmallows
jelly beans
and i had some extra edible flowers from hayley's birthday
i found strawberry stickers to place at the peak
and filled with edible colored easter grass
and found huge edible raspberries
{I used them as strawberries since they looked more like strawberries to me}
and placed those puppies inside the house
and there we had it
setting up the table for the kiddos to decorate was so much fun
of course both parties made shortcake houses
and there was waaaaay too many desserts
but i had to cover strawberry shortcake and all her friends
strawberry shortcake
plum pudding
blueberry muffin
orange blossom
lemon meringue
so here's a
weekend in pictures
{warning of a lot ahead...and it's only showing about 1/4 of what i took}
Strawberry Bliss
and dressing the part is Madison in her shortcake hat and strawberry shoes
for favors
i had pink and green pails
strawberry shortcake color book wrapped in strawberry ribbon
bug tattoos so the boys would have something not girlie
organic flavored suckers from trader joe's
organic strawberry milk
we'll start with desserts
plum pudding's chocolate cupcakes
{because I have no idea of any plum dessert}
orange blossom brownies
lemon meringue's lemon bars
{which is the only dessert i purchased...thank you trader joe's
because i can never cut my lemon bars as pretty as theirs}
blueberry's muffins
i just topped with vanilla bean icing and a cute blueberry
and strawberry shortcake's strawberry bliss cupcakes
for the drink menu for the kiddos
decorating the houses was so fun for all
i have a few left over houses so we can make a few more for easter
and of course some of the moms
seem to be in competition for creating "best house"
three times of blowing out candles
two parties
and her actual birthday
and since i'm known to forget to take pictures of when guests are at my home
{because i get chatting...i always end up with decor and food pics}
so this time i made sure i got everyone in a couple of pics
the kiddos first...
and to me there is no setting up for a picture with that many kiddos
as long as they are all in it...i take the photo
and all of our adult friends in one pic
bobby's parents and my parents didn't want to be in the picture
they all sure were there to celebrate with us
just no photo:(
because all six of us girls happened to be together
we have way too much fun together
and did a housewives pose
we chose lemons since i had a surplus from lemon meringue...
but i'm thinking we should have picked the plums instead
since of course oranges were out of the question since there is a housewives of orange county
just too bad these pictures happened to be in my garage
I was dying about that fact
and my friends said "who cares?"
which is one of the reasons why i love them so much
and this birthday girl woke up to a very relaxing sunday
on her actual birthday
happy birthday sweet love
we were so appreciative of all friends and family that celebrated with us
we are so thankful to be surrounded by lots of love

five years ago with an up and down not so fun delivery
we finally met our beautiful butterfly
Madison Ella
you arrived
with some of the strongest lungs they've heard
they said
but you had the longest eye lashes i had ever seen
i was completely in love with you
you had such beautiful petite features
and a full head of dark hair
that i just loved, loved!
after an hour or so after your birth
I was finally able to hold you
I didn't want to let you go
for anyone
even family
I wanted to cherish every single moment and study every single part on you
I think family had to remind me that they wanted to hold you too
there grew a special bond between both you and I
and Hayley and I...
with each pregnancy
i had to have ultrasounds every 3-4 weeks
for various reasons
so the bond we had before you even arrived was so special
I wouldn't change our journey for you and hayley at all
it was all for a reason
but i still remember seeing you just 8 cells big
I was laying in the hospital room
just praying that this time was "the time" it was going to happen
Madison you are our miracle
you are such a blessing that we are so very thankful for
and when i woke up this past Sunday morning
~ your birthday ~
tears just welled up in my eyes
and i literally just cried
tears of happiness
and tears of just knowing i am always proud of you
i remember our journey for you so well
and I've tucked that back for many years
because when we were blessed with you
we just wanted to move forward
it became the past
and our present and future was with you
the pain is just a distant memory
all thankfully behind us now
yesterday you were five
and as daddy and I tucked you into bed last night
i remembered you were born about one hour and 20 minutes
before 8:45 pm
I cannot believe how quickly these past 5 years have gone by
I want to hold on tight and freeze time right now
because i know it is going to fly by even faster
I'm so proud of you
for all that you are
and all that I see in you
for all that you have grown in just these past couple of months
with believing in yourself
having fun
and showing the "you" that we know well
as I'm typing right now
I'm thinking of the day when we found out
that we were pregnant
they warned us carefully that we were not out of the clear yet
but after three years
of things not working
I really knew you would and had to be okay
when my phone rang with them calling to give us the news
either way news
I was shaking
standing in our hallway
of our first home
I had Bobby answer the phone because I couldn't...
I may have been already crying with just the rush of feelings
daddy's eyes immediately welled up and a smile came across his face
I immediately smiled after looking at him
Madison, we are so grateful for you
and so grateful that because of you
we were able to be blessed with Hayley twenty-three months later
five years later on April 10th
our little butterfly has grown up into a little girl
ready for kindergarten next year
you have always been so determined
with every single thing you do
you have one of the biggest hearts i have ever known
kindness that is as sweet as can be
and a passion that radiates from your soul
you are the first to always offer me help
with anything and everything
and you do it with so much love
not too long ago...
Hayley was so tired and i was helping her brush her teeth
and I had just taken her sheets out of the dryer before her bedtime
and hadn't made her bed yet
i mentioned to hayley I would make her bed as soon as I was done helping her
I walked into hayley's bedroom
and you had already put her pillow and laid a blanket on Hayley's bed
for your sister
just because you wanted to help me
and do something nice for her
my heart just swelled with so much love and thankfulness
because Madison... you have such a joy when helping others
and helping your sister was the sweetest...
inspire me to be better
every single day
your love language...
is definitely affirmation
and acts of service could be a close second
you are our butterfly that...
loves chocolate cupcakes/cake like her daddy
loves strawberries, oranges, and blackberries
fairy trees {broccoli and cauliflower}
{cacongos are coconut m &m's...but you call them "cacongos"}
you love eating el fresco
you love...
mahi mahi
{which you and Hayley call "p~nocchi"}
you love to help me decorate
and snuggle with me right before your bedtime
you love...
"Wednesday night" movie night
your family
puzzles and games
you don't like to loose
especially when you and I race Daddy and Hayley into stores
{we usually always win...chuckle}
except when we lost "once"
you were not happy about that:)
neither was I:)
you are way too hard on yourself
very sensitive
and super organized
you love to be a "fashionista"
{picking out/designing clothes}
you even dressed me for saturday before both of your birthday parties
you picked out my shoes and all my accessories
I think you could be my personal shopper
you love white
your vintage chandelier in your bedroom
and vibrant colors
I always knew you would be a color girl
you love your sister
Hayley and you seem like long lost twins
as you two sometimes talk in your own language
you love, love the beach as much as we do
and you love to help me cook
you usually have your foot stool by the counter
ready to help me
i love how silly you are in the car
and how you love to sing and dance to super fun songs with me
you are head over heals for Taylor Swift
and i cannot wait to surprise you this fall with her concert
I am so proud of you my sweet one
you are one of a kind
a little girl with such a big heart
Happy 5th Birthday
Madison Ella
we love you so much
8 Apr 2011 7:09 PM (13 years ago)

it's spring weather...
these past couple of days
have just been wonderful!
i thought i would do a quick check-in with you all
i do apologize for not visiting anyone...
i've been without my computer for three days now
and it finally arrived this evening before i had to leave
so right now i'm a happy girl that i have it back
and i just wanted to send my hellos
it's really been creative for me to use my phone's internet
more difficult
so i just haven't done so...
and because my mobile blog reading doesn't work out either
because i can't view all the options on my phone
i haven't visited anyone
so i do apologize
i've just been knee deep in creatively working
and planning a couple birthday celebrations all in one day tomorrow
so i thought i'd leave you with
my crab apple tree blooming
which i am so excited about
because this is the first tree to make it in this certain spot in our yard
and it's gorgeous!
happy weekend everyone
i'll be back soon
once i can find some air

this past weekend
I went to a retreat with some girlfriends
and it was one of my favorite weekends
it was full of laughs
love and support
it was about
and growing
I am so grateful
for an amazing weekend of acceptance
and love
their are no words
to describe
what those two days meant to me

okay maybe this could be called "a color and pattern intervention"
my good friend Julie came to stay with us during spring break
and that oh so nice to have her around all day
it's wonderful to have great friendships in my life
and I've known her since my junior year in high school
and she's a bestie!
I really think the girls wanted to trade me for her by the end of her stay
they had a blast
so we took it upon us to do some girl things
since Madison pointed out there was 5 girls in the house all at once
{including Cadence}
and that's pretty exciting to her
so Julie knew I was motivated this spring and summer to bring more
into my wardrobe...
and she's a color girl
so she happily helped
I honesty don't really buy much for myself very often
just a few things here and there
so I really did need to add a few things to my wardrobe
for work reasons
and just plain "feel good" reasons
so I'm on a mission to buy more than gray, purple, blue, and brown
and if I do...
at least a buy it in a pattern...
not just solids
so now I'm wearing a bit more color
I found some of the best things
at H&M
and Target
even though we didn't go to Target to buy clothes
we both ended up doing so:)
not a single thing was expensive that I purchased
which makes an anthro trip sometime this month all the more possible
according to Bobby
maybe 2 1/2 weeks possible I'm hoping
{wink, wink to the hubs on that one}
{hope he's actually paying attention to this post}
so anyway...
I thought I'd show you what we got
it's always more fun to shop with a girl friend anyway
especially if you are as indecisive as I am
getting yes/no responses is just so nice
compared to
should I or shouldn't I?
what if I don't like it in a month?"
yada yada yada
okay so here are some things purchased
some of the colors scare me
but I am going to get back to color
and no I'm not showing them all on me
just this one:)
because if we are talking about wardrobe...
it makes sense to actually show something worn, I guess...
which really isn't new
but anyway...
I was going to show this picture instead...
so I didn't have to show all of my face
but then I realized...
kind of shows my messy bedroom
I'm awful, awful at putting clothes away
the rest of the house is okay
it's my bedroom
{and the closet}
that is like a war zone
except for the bed
I always get the bed made
there's something about climbing into a bed
with cool sheets at night that is always nice
keeping up with laundry...
not so much
so just don't look too close to the clothes on the floor
I found Miss Cadence snuggled up in her bed
she usually likes to pose for pictures
this one...
she wasn't so happy about
okay before I get sidetracked again
I'll show you what I have...
we have marigold yellow
this dress was ordered
my heart literally raced when I clicked purchase
{not because of price but because of the color}
I do have a pretty flower belt to go with the marigold dress
just forgot to put it around the dress for you all to see
so above we have prints, coral, vintage scarf,
and even a skirt
haven't bought a skirt in years
since I've been on the dress kick
so it's something new and fun for me
already had the belt
found the cutest shoes at H&M not pictured
so it was an easy outfit to create
it feels good to finally have some new additions to the closet
courtesy of a little intervention
of a friend, mind you
but I'm following through with this mission
I want to do better at dressing how I feel
which is a little bit more color
even though I love me some white and blues for my house and wardrobe
color just makes you feel good
Madison was even so excited for me in the dressing room
she started getting into it
{because she is my color girl}
"mama...those shoes you are wearing today would match that dress"
as she brought them over to me so I could see in the mirror
I swear she could be my personal shopper!
it was a fun couple of days
we made it to the butterfly house
and absolutely loved it
had some wonderful food
enjoyed some wine together
and just plain relaxed too!
Hayley got a bick freaked out because of the amount of butterflies
especially after we told her one was on her back for quite some time
but it was beautiful inside with all the flowers and greenery
it has me looking forward to green grass, warm weather, and lots of outdoor enjoyment
thanks Julie for a great visit
I'm off tonight for a fun event tonight
and then spending the weekend with some wonderful girls at a retreat
I feel so thankful for all my great friendships
happy weekend to you all

I have a little message
for this little child of mine
I've been so hesitant to even open up about this
because it makes me hold a mirror up to myself in may ways too
but when it comes to my kiddos
I would do anything for them
I have a precious almost 5-year-old
that is a perfectionist
that does not like perform, talk, etc. in group settings
unless she can do it perfectly
this little child of mine
wants to study something so precisely
before she even tries the first time
she wants to do it perfectly the very first time
this little child of mine
is waaay too hard on herself
definitely more than she should be
and that breaks my heart at times
she wants to take on it all
to me…
that’s not reasonable
to be quite honest
so this sweet child of mine
I do worry about
I've even been told by a couple of people
"what's happened to her? she wasn't always this way..."
{really, hmmm…}
...a little sting to me as a parent
“when sorry...”
is what I want to say
“you are wrong”
she has in fact always been this way
since the day she was born
both of my children are not like this
Madison and Hayley are completely different
so I know it is with her personality
and with different children you have to do things a little different
depending on that child
this little child of mine has always been
extremely motivated, organized, precise,
and eager to learn/study to get it "perfect"
especially in front of others
she has always been particular
even to hold her head up very early {as a newborn}
she was determined
to crawl and walk so so early
she was determined
I do know Madison
I am her mother
maybe over-protective at times
as I can relate to her personality
so I just want to hold and love on her
I have a sweet child of mine
that takes on so much with that little heart of hers
for a parent knows their child more than anyone
one of the beauties/responsibilities of being a parent
in my eyes
is that you can acknowledge
and see these traits when they aren’t helping them grow
and I have seen them bring her down a bit in her confidence and belief
so Bobby and I are doing something about it
I don't want to change this child of mine and the way she is “wired”
I want to improve, encourage, and grow her belief
I want her to learn to use those traits in a very positive/healthy way
a way that only helps her to succeed and reach her dreams later in life
I want her to be careful about setting unreasonable expectations of herself
I feel like there are days when I can’t tell her enough:
“God made you perfectly just the way you are…
you don’t have to be perfect…
mistakes are more than okay to make
that's part of life”
all the things I have really learned or succeeded in life
I failed in the beginning or
I’ve had to keep trying
to get better
she is at such a young age that
she doesn't quite fully grasp that concept
{and I don't expect her to...I just want to help her along}
"It's okay to make mistakes"
"It's okay to fail
wipe yourself off and get back up"
"It's okay to have to try again"
I've worked for
I've had to practice at
I've had to fail at
I've had to get better
and I've had to embrace myself with my limits
I do want my kids to still see I make mistakes all the time
this little child of mine
I want to just hold and protect
and tell her all that every chance I get
we wanted her to find her niche
something that didn’t involve me always telling her
and something she could work at herself
she needed this
something she could learn in a group setting
and not be afraid to make mistakes in front of others
she needed something that had things she could accomplish and try again at
she needed to BELIEVE in herself
that she could do it
all on her own
I want to see this child use her traits to blossom
and to always be herself
I wanted to let her know that she can try new things in group settings
and not *always* get it right
but with practice, study, and trying again she will get more comfortable
she will get it
and that is why
my sweet child of mine
is now taking tae kwon do
and I couldn't be more proud of her after 2 1/2 weeks of it
I have seen this child of mine
blossom more in these past couple of weeks than ever before
she was very intimidated to begin the first week
both Hayley and her are taking classes together
it really helped to have her sister, Hayley, there in the beginning
now after 2 ½ weeks Madison is keeping her sister “in line” in class
and helping Hayley
line up
run laps
and be quiet when it’s time to listen
in class…
Madison is trying
and not always getting it right
but you know what
she is getting back up with a smile on her face
having fun
and trying again until she does
that makes me a proud mama right there
her just trying again
and having fun with it
that is all I will ever ask of this child of mine
before she started...I talked with her instructor about my worries with her
about how I want her to BELIEVE in herself
I want her to learn how to make mistakes and continue on
and learn from having to practice
not perfectionism
I want her to be comfortable with herself
and appreciate her strengths
not focusing on her weaknesses
unless it is to work on them in a healthy way
I want this little girl to be confident
and see herself succeeding
I want her to approach new opportunities without even thinking about it
I want her to know that perfection is not what is important
but more importantly
learning from everything she does is what is important
I think we have found "that something"
that is helping her with all of that
to see this little girl’s confidence grow and bloom
has brought me some tears during her class
happy tears of course that are quickly wiped away
{I swear I cry at everything they do now}
Miss Madison
is very proud and happy about her uniform by the way
yesterday before her class she wanted to put it on
and pose for me in a pictures
all poses volunteered by her
{she particularly loves that she has a belt by the way}
I just think that is the cutest
how excited she is
this sweet child of mine
I will always be very proud of you
{btw...the "wait and see" song I just love in that He does have a plan for each of us
obviously all the wording doesn't all apply to Madison with some things}

yes...I'm way over due on posting about the celebration
almost a week late
there were a ton of pictures just because of her birthday on the 15th
and then her party on the 19th...
I thought I would just do
"a celebration in pictures"
from both days
I hope you enjoy
and if you couldn't tell her theme she chose was Tangled...
so maybe that helps explain some of the decor for the party
we had a fabulous time on her birthday
I had a very special day with her last Tuesday
just her and I during the day
and then an evening of just close family
Saturday was very much a get together for the adults as well as the kids
but that's just how we do it with friends
the kiddos love to play together
and the adults love to have fun together
fair warning to you all...
there are a lot of pictures
Happy weekend to you all
and Saturday's celebration with many friends and family
Welcome to the Snuggly Duckling restaurant...
root beer floats for the kiddos...
I will say the first time I served soda to any children...
but when you are trying to do a "kid bar"
how could I not...
the adults enjoyed captain morgan or rum in theirs...
of course mine was not with root beer but Coca Cola
of course lanterns were a big part of the movie...
so a must for the party
colorful flowers for Rapunzel...
so of course flowers for Hayley and the party
I usually find a way to add flowers to any party:)
and we could do without many many pascals
Rapunzel's friend in the movie
the girls colored about 20 of these for me
and then we cut and glued them to make them 3D
these little guys were so cute!
for the kids table...
I lined it with white paper from Madison's easel
filled galvanized buckets with crayons
placed the pascal blowers
and mini pascals
and let the kids write/draw whatever they wanted on the table
for the menu
we did bbq/bar type food because of the Snuggly Duckling bar in the movie
it probably wasn't the same food as in the movie
but hey we had 30+ people with kiddos
so wanted some easy food too:)
you can scroll back up to the menu to see what we had
but fyi
the smokies and "bean bags"
Madison calls meatballs...bean bags {just in case you were wondering}
but we had Irish butter and honey whip on french and asiago cheese bread
and croissants filled with spreads
lemon curd
strawberry spread
{since in the movie breads, butters, and cheeses was what her "fake" mom often brought back}
dragonfly cookies for my dragonfly
Maximus the horse...
who was my favorite character
maybe because Maximus was the name of our other min pin too:)
but we couldn't find a Maximus
so we borrowed Dora's unicorn
I wrapped her in burlap so you didn't see pink:)
and we had a temporary Maximus
one of my favorite parts were these cute edible flowers I found on etsy
for her cupcakes
we had Hayley's favorite two cakes
vanilla bean
and strawberry
the strawberry icing was to die for so hopefully next week I'll post the recipe
{that's Eugene in front of the candles...
the girls call him "Eugene" not Flynn Rider which I think is cute}
{this is Hayley with her love, Jay}
I got some cute photos with all 10 kiddos together but since I forgot to ask the parental's permission to post them...
I'll just show a couple with some of my besties
the men like to call us
"The Real Housewives of {our town}"
{without the drama}
{and one friend not pictured since she was sick}
I love celebrations
and this was a fun one

just thought I'd drop in because we aren't quite done with Hayley's bedroom
just a few little touches to go
and maybe something inexpensive I would like to convince my husband to do
in her room when he gets back in town
I'll probably have to make his favorite meal
but I'm determined for it to happen especially since it wouldn't be expensive at all
thought I'd show you that party favors
they can be done inexpensively if you really wanted to
granted these are for kids 6 and under that are coming to the party
so these things wouldn't float the boat for older kids
I'm knee deep into party planning
and the rest of life
I've had sort of an overwhelming week to be honest
I'm allowed to admit that
and be human, right?
so actually I'm really overwhelmed this week
with all that's on my plate
but what can I say...
I'm managing
and just did a happy for me
and got something in yellow
and I'm freakin' out bc I don't wear much color
but I'm determined this spring to do so
my heart actually raced when I clicked "purchase"
seriously, it wasn't because of the cost
it was $32 for crying out loud
but was because of color
back to the party...
I will say with the kiddos when I do a theme
I do the theme by golly
that's just me
I love to do the atmosphere part
although i'm not great/perfect at it
it's just what I like to do
so I thought I'd show you what I have put together for the kiddos
for Hayley's party this Saturday
the theme Hayley chose
was Tangled
so it's all about Rapunzel
first I started with the bags
and yes I will tell you
I about jumped to the sky when at my mom's group two weeks ago
we did a project
and there were these linen bags left over
I ran over to her and said
may I pretty please get the left overs from you
so I purchased the rest of these linen bags at fabric cost
they were already sewn too!
there were sixteen left
and I barely paid half of sixteen for all of them
pre-sewn, mind you
so heck yes I did a little gift for the wonderful mom for saving me time and money
on these gorgeous bags
and I'm not saying "woe to me" for doing something nice for her btw...
I just believe in treating people nicely and if someone helps me save time
I will be so grateful!
every year I try to do themed inexpensive favors
but I'll be honest
these did cause
a week of sleepless nights of tracing, cutting, and gluing
it may also cause you to
watch many pointless shows very late at night
and cause you to pour another glass of wine to help you
keep sane from all the cutting, printing, gluing, etc.
it also doesn't mean that you won't have skin missing
from scissor marks on your thumb
from cutting around 20 pascal lizards out
and forming them
and gluing them
oh wait...
those are not part of the favors
part of the decorations
so I have these gorgeous linen bags
that I have tied with a dragonfly stamped tag
the cardstock paper came from Michaels
in a pack
it was on clearance
and I didn't even know it
dragonfly stamp found in the dollar section at Target last year
stamped those tags
and recruited Madison to write all of the names of the kiddos attending
she happily ablidged
because she loves to help me with anything
{err...Bobby} printed off tangled image coloring paper from the internet
about 10 or so pages per book
and made a coloring book
obviously he didn't make the book
he just hit control P about a million times for me though
{I realize this picture is upside down...but I'm not taking the time to fix it}
purchased two 8-pack boxes of colors in the Target party section $2
so have some left over
they will be stuck in my purse because colors always seem to come in handy
when at dinner with the kids
I wanted to do a coloring book because Rapunzel is an artist in the movie
and Hayley loves to color anyway
if you've seen the movie than you know what the sun image signifies
if you haven't...
purchase the movie when it comes out
we went to the theatre twice to see it
and boys/men love it too because it's not too princess~y
so online
{it's amazing what you can find on the internet}
I found a template to make these sun image necklaces
and necklaces my girls love
since the sun is yellow/gold in the movie
I picked out different gold card stock
traced and cut out the center sun and two suns with rays times 10
{yah that's probably why my thumb is showing skin is from the suns and pascal}
stringed the twine with some gold beads
the actual template said to do gold beads all around the necklace
I just did 11 each side
to save money
and more importantly it saved time
second, they will probably be broken at my house anyway
because I am no the best knot maker
and I don't want 5000 beads to pick up
{100 would be better, right}
I saw at Trader Joe's a 3 pack of chocolate bars for $1 and change
so picked up a couple packs
printed out a tangled image on cardstock
wrapped and taped the chocolate bar
and done with that
and because my girls are obsessed with stickers at their age
I couldn't forget the tangled stickers
all kids love to make noise
so I purchased these party blowers
{although they were supposed to be pink to represent pascals tongue}
found a template for pascal to attach to the party blowers
cut, glued, drew the eyes and mouths
I will say...
I was never so happy to fill those linen bags with that stuff
because that meant I was done with them
and they were out of my sight
now I'm trying to move on to the cooking, baking, and cleaning
and I'm not quite motivated to start that
so thought I'd do a quick post here instead
{sigh...I'll be kicking myself for this choice when I'm up until 2 in the morning again}
oh well...
that's what a good glass of wine helps with
the favors I usually do have never been expensive
but it was fun to incorporate all the ideas
I found out there on the internet
for the Rapunzel theme
that really didn't cost much at all
hopefully I'll have some party pics to show you...
I found these darling edible flowers for the cupcakes on etsy!
15 Mar 2011 12:06 AM (14 years ago)

today is a sunshine day...
my baby is three today
should I repeat that
my baby girl is three today
and today is also the day I register my oldest baby girl
for kindergarten
and Bobby is away
I'm also in full party planning mode for this weekend
and I just want to cry about it all
because it is hard
it was really hard packing up her toddler bed
and converting her to a big girl bed over the weekend
a bedroom redo I'll hopefully show you soon
about a month ago
Hayley asked for a big girl bed
and I said maybe....just *maybe* for your birthday sweetie
and before we knew it
it was all happening before we even planned
when it would happen
so I'm getting my tears out now so I can be bright and shiny for two little girls
that will come walking down stairs this morning
happy as can be that one will be registered for kindergarten and the other will now be three
we had hoped and prayed for another child when you came along, Hayley
the month before we conceived you
was a very difficult month for us ...we decided it was our last and final failed cycle
we were going to do
but when we found out about you
you gave us hope and belief that it was still possible
it was happiness and excitement
just like what we experienced with Madison
after 3 years of trying with her
from the moment we found out we were pregnant with you
I told Bobby...
"boy or girl"...
*she* is a sunshine baby
and I bet him you'd have
light brown hair and blue eyes
just like daddy
and what'd ya know...
I was right
as I carried you I always called you my sunshine
and we painted your nursery pale yellow
you still love your yellow walls
{even though your walls have been yellow since you were born}
you tell us weekly how much you love them
you also love the colors purple and pink
Hayley Elisabeth, you are....
our dragonfly
a bright smiling sunshine girl with every ounce of your being
you are a lover of love
and a snuggler
physical touch I'd say is your top love language
you love to hug
and just be close to me
when you sleep
I just look at you sometimes and remember seeing you
as you looked
the night you were born
and how your features were so tiny and small then
and they still are now
I see those beautiful, long eye lashes
and those lips you purse
with you...
you always ask to read one more book mama
as you love to read and color
every night you say to me...
let's bunk together
which most nights I answer no, not tonight...Hayley
but you never give up asking me
because you ask me again every single night thereafter
you are a "cover stealer" and "cover kicker-off-er" when we do bunk together
and as a matter of fact you are all over the place when you sleep
nudging and often kicking someone in the side
all accidental of course
you love vanilla and strawberry
over chocolate anyday
{just like your mama}
I give you the option
and you almost always will answer
vanilla or strawberry
you are as outgoing as outgoing can get
but you also have a shyness come about
if you aren't ready to show you to someone
it's all about timing with you
as with you
there is also no time but "Hayley time"
when you are done taking pictures
it means you are done
and not "one more"
even when I say pretty please to you
that is...unless I bribe you
and the day I took these
you wanted a strawberry milkshake
I said "you got it!"
i.e...see the "no smile" in this one...
well actually this is the face you give
right before you smile when you are trying to hold a smile in
Hayley you are a carefree little girl
every.single.time we visit Grandpa
it is really hard leaving
but when both you and Madison are with me
you two always make Grandpa and I laugh
it has me feeling grateful and so happy
about our visit with him
before we are out of the parking lot
you sometimes ask to go see him again...
or when will we see him again
at the "hosbul"
you are my non-stop talker
to almost anyone you meet
about anything on your mind....
the dentist
the repair guy you offered a valentine to
you definitely are a charmer
a lover of wearing dresses
and your precious cowgirl boots
every day...your boots are the shoes
you have to wear
no ifs, ands, or buts about it
as a matter of fact...
I think they are adorable on you
and fit you and your personality quite well
you love to run and play outside
and dine al fresco in warmer weather
you are a lover of pigtails, ponytails
pizza, macoroni, mahi mahi, strawberries, yogurt, protein shakes, bars from tj's, and cookies
it's sooo hard to say "no" to those big blues of yours
and I often find myself laughing when I'm supposed to be putting you in timeout
you are as stubborn as stubborn can get
but you had no chance with that
as both your daddy and mama are stubborn
you make us laugh with your silliness
and like to sing and dance with Madison and I in the car
you love your strawberry shortcake friends,
princess and the frog, and rapunzel characters
you are so witty and have the best comebacks
that just make us laugh and smile
you love to call people
"tootie" and "stinky pants"
and love to tease daddy by calling him"Robby"
when he is Bobby
you are so sweet and thoughtful
always thinking of others whether it's an
"I love you"
or your artwork gifts you present to us from school
you are a sensitive little soul that gets her feelings hurt easily
you look up to your big sis so much
I'll catch you just studying and watching Madison's every move
and repeating what she says
because you love to be a part of what she is doing
you two are so close
two peas in a pod
and inseparable
we really have been blessed with two very special girls
and you are such an important and beautiful part of our family
I love you my sunshine girl
you're our little dragonfly
you love life with all of your heart and soul
happiness is just all around you
I'm so ready to spend the day with you
and celebrate with family this evening
thank you for all your love and all you do even at age three
that inspires me to be better
Happy Birthday Hayley Elisabeth
many hugs and kisses to you sweetie

no this will not be some profound post today
with hidden meaning
{not that I'm a profound person by any means}
simple as...
the girls wanted to jump/play in the rain with their rain boots
I agreed
got a few pictures
{perhaps blurry pictures}
and now I'm a sitting wet dog
that needs to finish painting a dresser and bed
for my daughter's birthday next Tuesday
okay maybe not a wet dog
but just soaked
I'm drenched since apparently my jacket I
so smartly
wore did
not have a hood on it
my Grandma W's 80th birthday was over the weekend...
special little celebration with family
also realized for every celebration
I seem to wear purple
date night last fall
got a new shirt
got a gift certificate from my sis-in-law for Christmas
what do I purchase with it?
a purple shirt and blue dress
received another gift certificate from my parents recently
what'd I pick out
shoes/headband for my daughter
and a purple shirt
what did I wear to a girls night in February
a purple shirt
you think now that I'm actually starting to wear more color
I'd pick something other than purple occassionally
note to self:
need to be a little more conscious of what color I wear
especially since purple isn't my favorite color
a likeable color I'd say
but no more purple
for celebrations
at.least.for.awhile, right?
on the way home from my Grandma's party
we stopped at our favorite pizza shoppe
in Columbia
Shakespeare's Pizza
to get dinner to go for when we got home
it was super busy and a 45-minute wait
so we got some drinks
sat with the girls
the girls had their stuffed animals doing lunges
yes...I said lunges
they had several restroom breaks
because checking out the restrooms in restaurants
seems to be the big-thing for my 3-year-old
right now
so both girls are wearing a St. Patty's head band my Grandma gave them
we are washing our hands for the 4th time
{or so it seemed}
and a lady behind us started talking with us...
I get asked...
well actually Madison got asked...
about the fact she was wearing a St. Patty's headband
apparently it's weird to wear one in March I take it
needless to say we felt a little questioned
then she looked at us
{a lingering look}
and asked
Are you Irish?
two dark-haired girls can't possible have Irish in them
no way....
I said
seriously, I can't seem to get over why people question my ethnicity so much
but whatever floats their boat you know
St. Patty's day is only 8 or so days away
so to me,
I think it's pretty natural to see St. Patty's day things
err...especially on kids
yes, I get that I don't look an ounce Irish
but I've got plenty in me
and so do the girls from Bobby's side too
one of those moments
that you ask yourself
did that really just happen?
moving on...
we are doing a little bedroom redo for Hayley's birthday
and I have four 84" curtain panels for sale if any of you are interested
dark pink and white gingham
they are in great condition
just a little fading on one from the sun it looks
they are washed in my fav lavender detergent
and ready to ship
is $25 fair for all four + $5 shipping
they are originally $20+ for each one from Pottery Barn Kids
price is negotiable
4 Mar 2011 12:09 PM (14 years ago)
short and sweet today
thank you all for entering the dress give-a-way
winner of the Shabby Apple dress
is #6
happy dance for you LuLu
you may pick one out of these three dresses
{select betweeen Marseilles, Bali H 'I', or 45WPM}
to view again please click here to go back to the original post and I'll e-mail you with the rest of the details to get to Shabby Apple
thank you all for entering
if you'd like to make a purchase with Shabby Apple please use discount code butterfliesdragonflies10off
at check out

sometimes it just takes the smallest gestures
to let someone know you are thinking about them
or missing them
and for these girls
that came in the form of a crocodile these past two days
in our house
we are all known as something
hence the name of my blog
to us there is special meaning for Madison and Hayley
with the butterfly and dragonfly
but the girls about a year or so thought Bobby and I should have a name as well
it made me laugh when they thought of ours
me... I'm a bird
be ready for a little smile or laugh with this...
a crocodile
{not sure where they came up with that}
took a bit for daddy to accept why he was a crocodile
because he asked them...
"why do I have to be a crocodile?"
in his pouty voice
but now he lovingly embraces it
{I think it's pretty cute}
so in between three of his travel trips this past week
Bobby managed to find
two crocodiles to bring them
and they haven't left their sight since
I thought it was the perfect idea for them
now they can think about daddy each time they hold or see their croc
sometimes it's the little things...the little gestures
to make someone's day
and I love that their day was made with these
please don't forget to enter my Shabby Apple give-a-way
I don't want you or your little one, perhaps to miss out on a new dress
please click here to enter
give-a-way ends tomorrow at noon
you may also go ahead and take advantage of their 10% discount
they are offering all of you
by entering
at checkout
we all love a little spring sparkle in our eye
I feel like I need and want that little sparkle in my eye
for spring and summer
last night as I picked my little girls up from my parent's home....
my dad told me...
well the farmer's almanac says one more snow in March
I said
"I can't take it dad"
{obviously I can...I just don't want too}
he said "me neither"
and he grew up in Wisconsin winters
so it didn't quite make me feel so bad for not liking this cold
yes...I realize many live north and have it way worse
for those that live north of me
bless you
bless you
bless you
because I honestly wouldn't survive
I do appreciate how beautiful the snow and mountains look
I really do
but I'm honestly over it in a day
one day in the snow
and I'd be saying
"where's the beach?"
the warm sun?
sand between my toes?
my family and friends in tow...
relaxing and sitting together with me on the beach?
so before I bore you away
with my thoughts of spring and summer
I've got a give-a-way for you
to add a little sparkle in your eyes
a website of women's & children's dresses
and casual wear
they are going to be offering one of you...a dress!
after viewing some of their dresses...I agreed
what fun it has been to peruse their website
Shabby Apple gave me a pre-selected list of give-a-way dresses to choose from so from their list I've picked three
2 women's/vintage style dresses
and one child's dress
the winner will be able to pick one out of those three
{named below}
and for those of you that need a little retail therapy and want to go ahead and start shopping
use the following discount code during checkout
I found so many dresses that caught my eye
so I wanted to share my personal favorites
first with you all
and then at the end I'll show you the three give-a-way options
my personal favorites:
please click on sequoia to view that dress as it wouldn't allow me to link a large enough photo for you to see it
a few of my other favorite girl's dresses are:
the three dresses you may choose from for the give-a-way are noted below
I think it is so much fun for the winner to pick one of the three
{Marseilles} I wouldn't wear the collar up...but of course I love blue:)
one winner will be selected to pick one of the three dresses
directly above...per request of Shabby Apple
{select between Marseilles, Bali H 'I', or 45 WPM}
To enter the give-a-way for a Shabby Apple dress
{and no you don't have to do all of just helps your chances the more you do}
1. please leave a comment on this post below to enter
if you don't have a blog please leave your name and way for me to contact you}
2. if you check out their website and tell me a favorite of yours ...please leave a separate comment if you are listing your favorite
3. if you like Shabby Apple on facebook...please leave me another separate comment
4. if you share this give-a-way...leave another separate comment with the shared link
or just tell me you did
if it's shared via twitter....I don't tweet so I trust you if you did :)
5. the winner must have a US shipping address
although Shabby Apple ships internationally with a purchase so
you may place an order
with the 10% discount of butterfliesdragonflies10off
winner will be picked Friday afternoon
deadline to enter is
Friday, March 4th at noon
*I was not compensated in any way for this give-a-way*
just wanted to share that
27 Feb 2011 3:54 PM (14 years ago)

this past week...
has been interesting to say the least
but eventually manageable...
a few happenings
first thing Monday my car had to be fixed
I gulped at the cost
swallowed it
moved on...
but taking a positive from it
I seriously and weirdly thought least I get 500 reward points from my bank
and then I got excited...only slightly
okay not really
but 500 points you know rack up eventually
but I did learn quite a few things waiting for my car to be done
which the guys knew my husband travels and this was my only transporation
for my family
so they stayed late out of wonderful niceness
ahem...almost 7:00 late {2 hours late}
just to fix my car for me
now that's customer service
but in the mean time
I read a magazine as I sat in the waiting room the last two hours with my dad
since thankfully this was on president's day so he was home to take me
so a few things we learned reading the magazines...
a website that tells you the best part to "tinkle" or pee during a movie
they tell you the exact minute and the cue to listen or look for....
for example...
{bc I saved the website in my phone only lord knows why I did that?....}
so the movie
"The Fighter"
the best times are:
@ 34 minutes {you can be gone 5 minutes}
cue: After Mickey and Charlene kiss for the first time
@ 60 minutes {for 5 minutes}
when Charlene comes over to Mickey's during the HBO show
@ 114 minutes {for 2 minutes}
for the credits...
do you think the credits might be a good time?
that made me laugh they seriously listed the credits
I also found a link to a website that calculated the best time to take a nap
based on when you get up in the morning
I told my dad...
"yah that would be useful if I actually ever took a nap"
which is never
went to the website anyway...just to see...
she gives you an example of one scenario
but that wasn't the time I got up...
so to see "my time" I needed to buy her book
but since my dad and I had some time
we sat there calculating for us
2:00 in the afternoon would be my most optimal time for a nap...
the deep sleep time
that's when my natural energy drink just starts kicking in...
so no way that's going to work:)
not giving up that burst of energy I need that gets me through the rest of my day
and evening with kiddos, family, and work things
moving on...
because Tuesday night
was a very fun girls night
super fun time to spend some time with some besties...
love these girls
as we watched our show
and ate way too much
topics of conversation before watching our favorite show
things we'd like massaged
and I'll go no further on that
we were kidding
completely kidding
{perhaps not for me}
but had some good laughs about it
I swear...pinky promise I'm not meaning anywhere that is tmi
do you all pinky promise or is that waay outdated now?
so Wednesday made my week with career day for the girls...
I asked the girls a bit ago to get prepared
and it turned into a lot of fun for all three of us
Madison likes to design outfits at home after school sometimes
so two weekends ago I took her for some special Mommy and Me time
and I let her pick out an outfit head to toe
and I think she did fabulous
she's my color girl who likes to add white
and she got her look down perfectly
she called it her "fashionista" outfit
when I asked her what a fashionista did
she said "...designer of clothes," of course
when we asked Hayley...
she wanted to be "Marfa"
but she says my name with the "f" instead of "th"
and that made me smile
because she sees what I do
and wanted to dress in something of mine
so I put her in one of my casual {logo} business tanks
with a shirt underneath it for her
tied the tank in the back with ribbon since it was big for her
and added my name tag
yes...the tank top has shrunk a bit for me personally
not one myself would wear by itself anymore, ya know
since I don't really like sporting "showing the mid-section style"
of wearing clothes
and she went as "Marfa"
of course she wanted polka-dot leggings...
I said " I wear polka-dot leggings?"
she giggled
but it turned out her version of "Marfa"
and that was perfect
Tuesday...I'm a bit excited as I have a little give-a-way to announce
I'm hoping it'll put the springtime sparkle in your eye
20 Feb 2011 6:18 PM (14 years ago)

this weekend...
was really cherished
*by me*
we had a comfortable easy~going late Friday at home
a wonderful extended lunch with family visiting on Saturday
a realization our pup...needs "mature" adult small bite food
probably 3 years too late on that one since she will be 9 this year in people years
and the food we were buying her was from 1 to 6 year-old
thank goodness I finally realized that:)
yesterday was a very relaxed and productive...kinda busy,
but cherished Sunday with my favorite three
Sunday has grown to be a love.hate day as that's when Bobby leaves for work
but it was a happy.happy Sunday I'd probably say
it smelled and sounded like spring
you probably will think I'm nuts
but the first signs of spring
I always take a deep breath
eyes closed
and take
with spring
it will be cold again
before it's finally all "warmish"
but I know Spring is coming
this weekend...
I even colored my very own hair for the very first time in my life
my hair didn't turn out orange
like what happened to my husband's hair in high school
I will never forget that day
seeing him wear an orange shirt walking out of my parents bathroom with orange hair
I don't think his family will ever forget that either
his dad about died
I believe {anyway}
{we are high school sweethearts...
if that helps explains this reference from the high school coloring
which now seems awhile ago}
so my hair is definitely not blonde....
it wouldn't really float his boat
"Bobby said"
thank goodness for me
because my skin tone and blonde
would make me look like
something I probably wouldn't type out right now
I just joke with my hubby
as apparently blonde is NOT his thing
I really love being a brunette
I enjoy doing different shades of brunette
and my root regrowth was awful...embarrassingly awful!
I refuse to admit how long it has been
I honestly haven't seen my original brown color until
but when it comes to my hair
I like...
"the somewhat different"
beachy hair with it not being a perfect cut
messy...perhaps a little edgy
a little choppy
miscellaneous highlight colors
here and there
it just cannot be red
on me...
I'm told
even though
I know red is very, very pretty on everyone I have seen it with
in reality...sometimes my "wanting of a beachy look" poses as a challenge
as my hair is straight and as fine as a board
go figure that, right?
but I've learned a few tricks
that I'm still trying to get down I picked the brand of color based on the box
kind of like
judging a book by it's cover
as I picked the color ~
I was trying to match my "real" brunette
it turned out a tad bit darker
but my hair looks so much better in that it flows so nicely without seeing any roots
so there you have it
no orange
no blonde
just a nice shade of brunette
on to this weekend...
that I really cherished
family time
with extended family
and our family
a walk or two
fabulous running weather
also noticing that
my early spring tulips have sprouted
I see green
I repeat...I see green
{oh a happy dance}
I smelled a delicious bbq on the way home from the store
and right now fresh produce is overflowing on my favorite "kitchen friend"
{ of my favorite purchases evah}
ya'll have seen it before
and I'm out of this roof excited about a little girls night I'm having on Tuesday
a pretty fabulous night
as we are celebrating a season premier of a "guilty pleasure" show
that a couple of us are recruiting other future "watchers" of too
now to answer your questions
thank you by the way
I feel like I get a handful of questions
here and there from people about my blog
so I try to put it out there
I appreciate you all
and thank you all for all of your blog love each of you continue to extend to me
answers to questions:
*my middle name is Kristine...with the "K"
I love that it's with a K because it's not as typical as the "Ch"
although I secretly wish that was the name I went by
{sorry mom and dad}
*is our family complete with Madison and Hayley?
well...I'd like to think no...
but the hubby has to be in town for it to happen
perhaps, right?
{smiling and laughing}
okay..honestly...we don't know right now
so I'm glad you asked
but if it doesn't happen...we're okay with that
but we fought so hard for the two we have
that I really can't complain either way
we feel really thankful
I know you understand that Laurie
{my sweet friend who asked that}
to answer more...
because I get asked this too
we are so thankful for the opportunities and procedures
we did do in order to get pregnant and keep our pregnancies
I can say that now because we have two
but I don't regret a single thing we did either
we feel...right now...we just need to be thankful and carry on
however, we are hopeful and positive
that if we wanted it to happen
it could happen without any help/procedures now
*martha stewart skills? really?'re just being too kind sweetie
but thank you
you always make me feel good
I really cannot imagine our kiddos wearing those baby shoes either
but then I look at them
and see what great keepsakes they are now
*I love them*
I'd have to ask my mom again
but I believe these are corrective shoes that may have went with my corrective casts
I had to wear after I was born
because my legs and feet were not straight
my favorite tv show
thank you Shannan for saying it's okay to say a few
because sometimes I am as indecisive as it gets
at picking one and only one we go...
my favorite show this last fall
*Modern Family*...hands down
I really need laughs this past year
and this show is the absolute best
but I normally watch dramas
so my favorite show goes to
Criminal Minds
love/hate relationship with it
because I no longer sleep "Criminal Minds" nights
any longer
no joke
I really don't
after watching some of the episodes
but I'm still addicted regardless
I love criminal minds for all the characters {especially}
my favorite "guilty pleasure" show
that keeps me occupied
is the real housewives shows on Bravo
hands down
now you know the "secret shows" I watch
and when my husband is in town
he really does watch them with me too
and likes it
I swear it
just promise you won't share that with anyone
that's what "my girlies" and I are watching on this Tuesday
is the new spin off in Miami
NYC was postponed
because I was going to host a premier party last Tuesday
but bravo...
changed the premier date because they were not done with the editing
even after advertising it for a certain date
I can't really believe I admitted that...
but I just did
only some of my besties know I watch that show
oh and I enjoy that show because no thinking is involved
and that is really good for me sometimes
*my favorite places to shoppe...
okay I am in a "budget life"
so Target and Ruche
I adore you!
love you
and want to kiss you
I love also J Crew and the Gap and VS
VS i will always love you
lets just say
once you have worked there
{in college...met some great friends there}
and become a die hard fan
you never.ever.ever go back to buying anywhere else
trust me...the purchases last longer
and they are more comfortable
as I've tried elsewhere and it doesn't cut it
I also love American Eagle
they get my beachy comfortable look hands down
TJ Maxx...I do love you too...
and I will be even more of a fan when your new location opens under 7 miles away
once a year
or maybe twice
I can get the hubs to agree to Anthropologie
for clothes
or a few home decor items
home decor...
I love
flea markets
I enjoy Willow Lake in O'Fallon
where my kitchen friend came from
and I am excited to see a few other local shoppes
a new one just opened in town I'm excited to visit
I really love Anthro for home but not in normal budget for us
wish we had an IKEA but we don't
gotten a few things from IKEA via Bobby when he's been in Arizona
love Target
love Pottery Barn for inspiration items
and they are getting the vintage look more lately
I love, love etsy shoppes
and would love to find more fav local shoppes
{within an hour or two}
I don't have much time to spend to shopping
as I'm trying to save and expand my business
but i know a few people
who know places within an hour or so that I definitely want to check out sometime
I just haven't done any of that yet
thank you for staying with me
never meant this to be never-ending
but thank you all