Jumping from a plane
I anticipated my fall
prepared all my need
my parachute and my googles
every time i looked down
my heart seemed to stop
of not knowing
i will live
or not
the time came
I jumped and free fall
without even given
a last thought
moments passed
images of my previous
weakly flashed
Frozen my oesophagus
I could not find the trigger
to release the parachute
though height is getting low
Taken away in a dream
Empty and full
Blank and colourful
Sad and happy
There you sit,
Eager as a child
in a toy shop,
Wanting to get more.
There you sit,
Humbly low, looking
forward. I wonder,
what are you thinking?
I pray,
To have more time in our hands.
I pray,
That i give you everything i can.
I pray,
For me to understand you, and
You to understand this and that.
I pray, you lights
This air suffocates me,
It brings me down,
Condemning me,
Makes me bleed.
Never mind I'll get through this,
Just a little cut,
Painful but I can ignore it,
Never mind. I think I'm strong.
Never mind. Never mind.
Never mind. Never mind.
I been wanting an iPhone since long and the release of iPhone 4s last year really amazed me.
Now I'm a proud owner of it because it wasn't easy for me to own it. As a student, I kept my budget tight for months and did part time job with my best friend.
Well, it does not matter if our dream is to get iPhone or good grade or important position or good pay or etc, what is more important is our determination and our hardwork in achieving our dreams. Because then we will be a better person who would never give up and strong.
i admit that i'm not the person who really likes sports... i'm a mess in most of them...to make it worse i don't like to jog... as exercise is very important i do feel that i been to lazy with my body.
what i like to do best is dancing (though my dance moves are very amateur...=p). so i start practicing dancing as my routine exercise every day. not only that i do aerobic, i also play step mania. i really have fun!! ^^
everybody knows what is aerobic. this is my present favourite one so far which i found in youtube:
have you ever feel guilty to your stomach that you ate too much and too many of unhealthy foods?
i heard about detoxification diet years before. the diet programme meant to help remove toxic build up because of us eating variety of foods and junks.
Mr. google then helped me to find some pages that helps to explain about apple diet. i found out that there are two types of apple diet.
1. eat nothing but only apples for 2 or 3 days.(eat apple every time when you are hungry)
2. eat good and healthy foods and eat an apple before every main meal for 3 days.
those who love Merlin please raise your leg...or maybe you love Arthur... huhu... :3
i was really addicted to Merlin and i managed to finish watching all the season 4 episodes online last week thanks to good internet connection... no thanks to famous ''repeat-the-same-thing-again-and-again-service'' because it had made me watching the same episode for many time...
if you love pets then this is for you. <3
It has been too long since i updated my blog...huuuu...not a very good blogger myself (sorry). however i will try my best to get my **s back in this blog bcause i really miss my little black box.... :3
icode eXotic animals exhibition totally blowd my mind...
yeah, iguanas + other kind of lizards, spiders(OMG!!! aracnidphobic), a little squirel(i think...=p forgot to ask), a wild cat (not HSM's WIld Cats) and snakes...
1. got to pet a huge iguana...about the size of my thigh (actually, bigger!!) felt like plastic toy...haha...
2. braced myself to go into the spiders show room...opend the door, took a few step, turn back and close the door...again, went inside, walked far from the spiders, look at them a bit, have funny feeling all over my body, total shock when i saw a spider crawling on their hand...waaargh!..
3. saw the pythons, wanted to take picture(with them on me) hehe...
4. asked nas to accompany me n take my picture...
5. choose an albino python (dont know why the person incharge seem shock when i said i want the albino python...???
6. nervous.(i may die-like in anoconda movie lol)...but then the python seem soooooooooOOOOOOooo CUTE!!!
7. love the feeling of being wraped by the python (somehow i feel more secure...??)
8. took pictures. they took the python... =(
9. "Bro, gimme back 'my' albino python!!"(i said inside)
10. decided to have a pet snake later...(n still deciding bcause thinking of my future pet cats..lol)
Oh no, bluebeary has turned evil!!!
call him bluebeary the Devil..hehe...
(sat.27 Feb 10)
well, tonight was quite a hot night at icity. lots and lots of peeeooOOplee... actually, the head gear with the little pair of horns 'tickled' my interest..hehe...so i bought it for RM5, eventhough after that my friends bought the same headgear for RM4...but whatever....=p
all eyes were on me...haha... not really lol...too many people and i became a bit anxious... but again i try to walk and blend (even though i wore a glowing devil horns -most of them wore it, some wore mickey's glowing ears- and walked like i was on a runway). i think i did (did i??).
these are the poems that i wrote b4 i wrote 'blank'.
with emptiness
makes soul confused
makes soul withered
with emptiness
that so heavy
yet so empty
with emptiness
of none could see
of none could touch
of none could smell
of none could feel
but only me...
~calmal adam~