I am going to the b96 jingle bash with a good friend she invited me and i am soo exited the people singing are:One Direction, Maroon 5, Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Big Time Rush, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, The Wanted, Cody Simpson
I can not wait for girls camp it is going to be the best week of my life! We go Monday the 22nd and what we do at girls camp is all the girls that are in young womens go to a camp site and the 1st years share a cabin and the second and so forth. We stay there for one week we play games, listen to lessons and do crafts with all your FRIENDS! It will be very exiting cant wait love you all,
(ps..) these are a few of the girls that are going to camp this year!!
this is the best album i have ever heard from him he has the best songs i got it off of itunes for 15$ you should deffinitly get it if you are a beliber! haha my favorite song is Die In Your Arms check it out love ya,
maddie <3
this outfit remindes me of summer and we are half way through!! hope everyone is enjoying there summer love ya,
whoops that came out wrong but yes it is justin biebers arm its just a picture of him anyway i love him he is soo cute i hope you all have a fun halloween and get lot of candy i love you all maddie
This years birthday was my favorite! We did lots of fun stuff like on Wendsday we went to Six Flags it was soo much! I went on a really fun one named something i cant remmber but it was really fun!! after a couple of rides Me Dad and Kade went on a really scary one named Super Man we thought that the line was going to be about 30 minetes but ended up being 1 hour do you now how long 1 hour in a long line for a ride whatching the other people go one the ride well if you dont it is really anouing hahhhahhahahah jkjkjk!!
Thursday it is my birthday and soo much fun i got to choose where i wanted to go for lunch it was a really hard decicion but i chose FiveGuys yummmmm.. when ever me and kade would go to FiveGuys we would say Welcome to Mose hahahhahahah then we went to our swim meet it was perfect weather and we all did great good job guys!! heheheheheheh then we opened presents which is my favorite part hahah i got from my parents lots of cloths my favorite they were super cute wow really cute!! then my bro got me 20 dollars of his own money suprisingly because when we were little we would eachother there own money funny but thank you kade you are soooo sweet!! maizie and millie made me some really cute notes and papers thanks guys you are super nice!! mckinnley i think just put her name on the boxes that mom and dad got me now i am just kiding she got me something really sweet Cloths hahahahahah!! thank you! you are soooo sweet thank you for a awsome rediculause birthday
love madison!!!!!!!!!!
This New years was by far the best new years because starting at 11AM we all left and we saw tangled in 3D it looked so real!! then we all went to runwicks i think!we played in a arcade we each got 10 dollars hoooooo hoooooo hahahah!!!! after all the hard work we did we ate at five guys and sitting next to us was a boyfriend and girlfriend and they looked like they were lived in the 30's but they smelt really good hahahah!!!HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!