I am working on his eye is on the sparrow by Heartstring Samplery.
I love this piece and so enjoy working on it.
This is my last blog post. I have had
This blog well over 10 years. I have been doing YouTube videos for over
My video, click subscribe and the bell
To get all notifications. I have also just joined instagram you can find me understand cindyderosa
I love you all.
I treasure each person I have met. I leave you with some great garden pictures. I hope to see you on other platforms 🌻🌻❤❤much love
Happy stitching
Spring update
16 May 2020 8:32 AM (4 years ago)

Indigo Lane by Brenda Gervais
Done on 28 ct summer khaki
Cashel linen. I changed the
House color, added a dog and
Changed the grass.
The cherry blossom tree bloomed
And it was beautiful.
Noel Sampler by Brenda Gervais
Done on 40 ct parchment by
Weeks due works. This piece
An amazing and joyful stitch.
Well rounded by Hands on designs
Done on 32 ct Sandstone Jobelan.
I am waiting to get supplies to finish
Pleasure of the fleeting year by
Blackbird designs. #6 in
The Loose feathers series.
Done on 32ct. Morning dove
Lakeside linen.
Block six completed on my
Spring at hawk run hollow.
I hope eveyone is doing well. Be alert and prepared. Be safe. Do things That make you happy
and bring you joy. happy stitching.

It's been a couple of months since
I posted. I volunteered to work
at market for a shop. I met Vonna
whom I just love and Cathy
from Hands on Designs. Market
was a bucket list experience.
It was a lot of work, but I am
glad I did get to experience this
event. I met so many shop owners
and designers. This industry is
Hands on Designs - Cathy
I fully finished HL moth and it
is hanging in my bedroom.
This was a release from last
years market 2019.
Fully Finished
Pattern by Hands on Designs.
My First fully finished sampler.
I put in a full front garden by myself.
144 bricks, measuring one sq ft.
I laid the plastic barrier and then
land each stone. I did this in one day.
I was sore the next couple of days
but so worth it.
I had organic compost soil delivered on
Monday and the left side of the garden
is complete.
They ran out of soil. so next delivery is Friday.
I want everyone to know that what is going
on in this country and around the world
will pass. Stay positive and focus on
what make you happy and makes you
Much love and happy stitching everyone.

Happy new year everyone. January is almost over
and it is my first post of the year. I have moved 3
times to 3 different states in the last 7 months. It's
been a journey. My word for this year is PEACE.
I hope everyone is having a great 2020. I am starting
off with some displays I have in my house. This
first display is in my guest bedroom all decorated in
Patriotic décor.
A couple of more household display. These bakers
racks travel well and easily portable.
A Ray of Sunshine in January.
Back from the Framer. Prairie Schooler Alphabet Garden.
Love the framing on this piece.
My second finish of 2020 - Harvest Chalk Full
By Hands on Designs. Done on 28 Ct. Jobelan
Black. My first two pieces I did on black. It is
just what was calling to my heart.
Happy Christmas by Prairie Schooler.
done also on 28 ct. Jobelan Black. I enjoyed every
minute of this piece.
How is January almost gone. Time seems to be
in a speedwarp. Does anyone else feel like that??
If you want more details and more depth, you

My first sampler. Pattern by La d da
A merry Christmas .
Done on 32 ct linen by colourandcotton.com
I really enjoyed this stitch.
Harvest time
By chessie & me
Cranberry christmas by hands on design
Stutch in 32 ct linen
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.🌻
Blessings to all for an amazing new year

Prairie schooler santa 2018
This was stitched for a gift.
The cross stitch christmas tree was put up.
Cross stitch gifts I sent out.
These were from the JCS ORNAMENT issue
Thank you Carol for these sweet gifts.
A long time away
19 Oct 2019 3:20 PM (5 years ago)

It's been a while. I have moved to a new area and new
State in August and I recently moved again.
It's been a very busy year full of changes.
Farmers alphabet is finally finished. I finished
It at the cross stitch retreat I held in knoxville, TN
In the beginning of October.
This was the exchange I did for retreat.
Adorable finish.
Cathy from Hands on Designs did the pattern
For the retreat. It will be released in 2020.
This is a group picture from the retreat.
We had the best group of women.
For more detailed information,
you can Watch the retreat videos.
Happy stitching everyone🌻
Home grown USA
25 Jun 2019 4:58 PM (5 years ago)

The Pattern is by LHN America
Personalized to say Home grown USA
Done on 28Ct Stonehedge
A special gift for a friend.
Friendship by LHN.
Done on a scrap linen. I changed the colors.
A gift for a friend.
Sunflowers Farm
Done on 32ct Wren
Beautifully framed. I so enjoy this piece.
My garden brings me smiles and joy. My favorite time of year.
My baby turned 25. July is almost here.
Much love to everyone.
June already
9 Jun 2019 10:46 AM (5 years ago)

4th block of Spring at Hawkrunhollow
This piece is so pretty
4th of july by Lizzie kate
Rest set snow by Hands on designs
The garden is exploding. Love this time of year.
Pink and red bee balm
I hope everyone is having a great summer

HLs moth by Kathy Barrick
Done on 32 ct Sandstone by colourandcotton.com
I am undecided how to finish this piece
But it is so different, I enjoyed stitching this piece
Spring Salt boxes by Plum street samplers
Also done on 32 ct Sandstone jobelan
By Colourandcotton.com
Love love the colors in this piece. I
Backstitched the flowers to make it pop.
These two pieces were stiched on
Scrap linen . Pattern by heartstring samplery
Festive little fobs seaside edition
I am still working on sunflowers farm.
This piece is fun to stitch.
Homemade burger and homefries
Home made fried scallops.
This is a natural spring about 10 mins from
My house so pretty.
I hope everyone is enjoying the spring weather.
If you are participating in stitch Mania
Have lots of fun.
I appreciate all of you taking the time to
Stop by and say hello.
Happy stitching🌻

The honeymakers by blackberry rabbit
Done on 32ct. Alabaster Jobelan By
The frame I purchased at Hobby lobby
And framed myself.
Summer by the cricket collection
Done on 14 ct. AIDA
Love the tiny details in this piece
This pattern is by Plum street samplers
Spring salt boxes.
Done on 32 ct Sandstone jobelan
By Colourandcotton.com
I back stitched the flowers and it made them
Pop more. I am still contemplating how to
Finish this piece. Love the colors and
Design of this piece.
This pattern is Sunflowers Farm by
Coure Batticuore.
Done on 32 ct Wren by Picture this plus
I have changed colors on this piece.
HL's moth by Kathy Barrick
Done on 32 ct Jobelan sandstone
By Colourandcotton.com
I am using DMC and the colors
Are more earthtone colors.
The bleeding hearts are starting to bloom in my front
Garden. The picture above is a house in the
Neighborhood. Easter and passover is almost
Here. I do not know where the time is going.
I have planted my gardens and baby sprouts are
Coming up. I will post pictures on my next post.
All. 🌻 thank you for stopping by.

Holiday hoopla Easter by Brenda Gervais
A new market release.
A touch of spring and a quick stitch.
Stitched on 36ct. Nantucket brew by R&R
The ceramic piece I purchased at Hobby lobby
For 2.99
Summer is finished but not fully finished.
Done on 14ct Aida
I switched the chair colors and added
A butterfly button.
The is a new release I started from
The BlackBerry Rabbit
The honeymakers. A beautiful design.
Happy spring everyone. Purple happiness.
So many great releases from the nashville needlemarket.
What was your favorite?
If you want you see what I purchased you
I appreciate all the Comments. Happy stitching🌻.

Spring gathering by scattered seed samplers
Done on 36ct R&R Nantucket brew
I changed the eggs to pastel colors. It's reminds
Me of when I colored eggs with my kids when
they were Younger.
Betsy's stocking by Plum street samplers
Done on 32ct hand dyed Jobelan
By Colourandcotton.com
Turtles all the way down by ink circles
Done 27ct band
Bell pull by patty smith you can find her
Information on my video posted below.
I finished all 9 pieces for Candace.
Spring is popping out.
Nashville needlemarket had so many beautiful
Patterns. I ordered a couple and a lot went
On a wish list. I think it was a sampler year.
Two YouTube video to watch are Fiber talk with
Gary Parr and Shirl McKinney or Tranquil stitches
Both did excellent
Videos of the market. There is a link to them
When i get my new patterns I will share them
Thank you for your kinds Comments. Happy stitching.🌻

I finished my stocking Gardeners Delight
By Kooler designs.
I have done a tutorial video on how
This freebie is by hands on designs
I just adore this little heart
My heart display
The Prairies schooler
Folk eggs
I love the spring colors
Done on 16 ct Aida
The Pattern is from the summer 2017
Punchneedle and primitive stitcher
It's a punchneedle pattern by I
Change it by doing embroidery.
Summer by the cricket collection
Done on 14 ct aida
The first 3 letters are done
Spring at Hawk run hollow
3rd block done. Love it.
I hope everyone is having a good February.
Spring is on its way
I have some nashville market favorites.
It's an exciting time of year.
Happy stitching🌻

I finished stitching my stocking Gardeners Delight.
Kooler designs. This was done on 14ct Aida by
Picture this plus. It's beautiful and I am debating
Which fabric to finish it with.
This is by cottage garden
Songbirds series #4
Promise of spring Hope.
Stitched on 32ct spellbook Jobelan by Colourandcotton.com
The framed I purchased at Hobby lobby 50
Percent off. It fit perfectly. I laced and finished
It myself. Don't you love the butterfly?
I started embroidery this year and love it.
I have a subscription to Punchneedle &
Primitive Stitcher. In my opinion the best
Magazine on the market. This is a punchneedle pattern.
Summer 2007 issue. Petals and pins by Julie Thomas
I trace the pattern and embroider instead of doing
Punchneedle. I am trying not to go down that
Rabbithole. Embroidery is much quicker then cross
Stitch and it gives me a break in between large cross
Stitch pieces. This is a gift.
This embroidery pattern is from
The December/christmas issue 2018
Pattern is chilly chums .
I love cardinals and this piece makes me smile.
My son Christopher got his first dog.
He is half Husky and half pomeranian.
He is beautiful and his name is grandpa.
My new granddog. I don't have grandchildren. Maybe
Some day.
We did get a little snow, not much.
It was beautiful and it was a winter wonderland.
To all my friends who are experiencing crazy
Weather temps and tons of snow, spring is
Coming soon. I have a link to my last video, more
To each of you who stop by and leave a comment,9 thank you.
I read each one.
Happy stitching 🌻

This pattern is by hands on designs.
A year of celebrations
Done on 32 ct spellbook Jobelan by
Colourandcotton.com .
I added crystals and a blue snowflake
Pattern by Prairie schooler
Button up. I did a snippet . So
Cute. Made him into a tiny ornament.
These snowmen I purchased at 75 percent
Off at one of the craft stores. They have
A clip on the back. I monogrammed the scarf
And sent all 6 out as stitching gifts. They will
Be a surprise for stitchers. They are super cute.
The was a freebie from handsondesign.biz
I will finish into a tiny ornamnet.
This was a gift from Carol at stitching dreams
A beautiful praIrie schooler santa.
He just makes me smile.
This was a gift from Vonna the twisted stitcher.
What a beautiful finish. Perfect colors.
This is a gift from CraftyCat- Cathy
I actually stitched this piece and sent
It out as a gift. I love the cardinals
Thank you to all the stitchers who made my
Christmas brighter.
This is a snowman I made for my brother
In law who does home improvements.
I just used E6000 glue and added the scarf
This is a cranberry cake I made for Christmas.
A great combination of sweet/tart
I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas.
The stitching community is the kindest group
I have ever belonged to. As we head into the new year,
I wanted to wish everyone a blessed, healthy, and happy
New year. I read each and every comment, thank you
For taking the time to say hello.
This year I stitched 102 cross stitch pieces.
I gave away over 3 dozens gifts to stitchers.
I have never stitched that many in one year.
2019 will be a different year of stitching for me.

I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving.
I finished the second block of Spring
At Hawk run hollow. I truly enjoy this pattern.
I have been busy making fabric stars for
Gifts. These are beautiful and I have added cross
Stitch to many of them. I have a video tutorial
Moo came to camp Cindy for a week. Love him
I made miracle pie and it was super
Homdmade cranberry sauce
My son will be 27 on the 27th. Happy birthday Chris.
Where does the time go.
We have a great time celebrating his birthday and
Thanksgiving. I hope everyone has a blessed Christmas season.🌻

The first block of spring at Hawk run hollow
Is done. Stitched on 28Ct spring morning by colourandcotton.com
The turkey is from heartstring samplery Festive little
Fobs harvest s edition. Done on a scrap linen.
This pattern is by heartstring samplery
Festive little fobs christmas.
The metal trees I purchased at joanns on
Sale. The magnet is on the inside of the fabric.
To my delight I met up with Dena from halfstitchcrossstitch
And Marlene from stitchingbythelakeby . Both
Of these wonderful ladies do videos on flosstube.
The time I spent with them was amazing. Thank you
Ladies for taking the time to visit with me.
Marlene stitched this beautiful pillow.
Dena stitched her first biscornu for me.
Beautiful treasures from both
A family gathering. Both of my children
Have moved to new homes this past weekend.
They paid a visit to put some things in my
Storage. We had lots of food and played some
Games. Since I will not see my daughter for
Christmas, I gave her the cat I made for
Her. She loved it and will it hang it in her van.
I had fun antiquing this past week.
Some great finds
Into the holiday season we go.
The trees are turning colors.
I hope everyone enjoys the fall season
If you want details on these pieces, you can
Fall finishes
22 Oct 2018 9:47 AM (6 years ago)

Pattern by Hands on designs
Live within your harvest.
On scrap linen.
Stitching dots sent to stitchers
Pattern by hawk run hollow
The houses
Stitching is my hearts desire
Pattern by Hands on Designs
Happy fall everyone. Blogger is still not
Letting me respond to most messages.

Pair O pilgrims by lizzie kate
I stitched these together. Done on 28Ct monaco.
Houses of hawk run hollow.
I had to save this piece. I decided to
Make them into ornaments. They look
Like stitching dots. These will be gifted to stitchers.
Meeting Pam and Steph from just keep stitchin
In Sweetwater Tn. Love these ladies.
Meeting Candy from Candy stitches.
A blessing to meet all of the ladies
At the retreat.
Oct 13th and my sunflowers are still blooming

Pattern by Scarlett House Penny pumpkin
Done on 30 ct weeks dye works scuppernog
The framed I purchased at Hobby lobby.
Added scrapbook paper for the background.
The leaves I hot glued and the sun flower is
A magnet. I can take it off. Very different look.
If you want details you can watch My
This pattern is from heartstring samplery
Festive little fobs Harvest Edition
I started Pair of Pilgrims by lizzie kate
Such a cute pattern.
Back from the fair - this won 4th place
My pixie won 2nd, she was covered up the
Whole fair.
The fall decorations are out. September is almost
Over. Time just keeps flying.
The patriotic pieces were put back Into the
Patriotic bedroom.
I hope everyone is enjoying the season.
Blogger has been giving me a hard time responding to
Comments. I read each comment and appreciate the
Time you take to write to me.
Happy Fall everyone. Pretty soon it will be Christmas.🌻
Happy stitching
Into Fall we go
2 Sep 2018 8:37 AM (6 years ago)

Pattern by Plum street samplers
Turkey Sausage
Finished on a pumpkin I picked up at Hobby Lobby
For 8 dollars and change.
This is for my best friends birthday in October.
Love this piece. She had a dog like this, his
Name is Harry, he passed away.
Meet Oliver, how cute is he.
Pattern by Stacy Nash
This is for my daughter Alyssa, she always
Wanted a cat. This will be a christmas gift.
Framed just in time for the county fair.
Fall quilt by Stoney creek
Floss tags made out of cards I have received.
A great way to use the cards you get for
Birthdays, christmas, etc.
Zinnia's from the garden
Berry cake with ice cream. Can we eat this everyday
Update on the cross stitch retreat. It's is almost full.
There are a few spots left. If you would like to attend,
Send an email to cindy_derosa@yahoo.com
Flosstubers attending the retreat so far:
Joan and Kelly from the Joan and Kelly show
Shirl McKinney from Tranquil stitches
Amy from Amy loves toads- my adopted sister
Cathy from CraftyCat Stitcher
Andi from Nana's needles
Happy labor day everyone🌻
I am hosting a cross stich retreat Oct. 4-6, 2019
Being held at the Marriott hotel In knoxville, tn
There will be 40 stitchers gathering together for stitching fun.
Cathy from Hands on Designs will be designing a pattern for this retreat.
Details of cost:
45.00 registration fee -.
129.00 A night for king bed
139.00 a night for double queen beds- share a room and it will only cost 139.00 for both nights plus taxes
Food - walking distance tor Five guys, and three
local restaurants. Hotel has breakfast and dinner you can purchase from their cafe. Tons or restaurant options within 10 mins of hotel if you have a car.
Airport is 25 mins away.
If you are driving this time of year the leaves will be changing. If you want to make a mini vacation spend a couple of days in pigeon forge or gaitlinburg ,TN , a tourist destination this time of year. Located 45 mins away.
There will a fall exchange, not required to participate.
Goodies bags to be given to each stitcher attending.
If you are interested in joining please send me an email at cindy_derosa@yahoo.com
This is on a first come first serve basis.
Happy August
7 Aug 2018 11:45 AM (6 years ago)

This pattern is by Stony creek
Fall Quilt leaflet 153
Stitched on AIDA by picure this plus
All done with DMC
I am excited to have this framed
This is a freebie pattern by heart and hand
My nephew was married on Halloween 2017.
Both him and his wife serve in the air force.
I decided to make it a more patriotic piece.
This pattern is by heartstring samplery
Festive little fobs seaside edition
The black wooden tags were purchased
At Hobby Lobby, if you want more details
This pattern is by heartstring samplery
Americana edition
The garden is very productive this year
Over 3 dozen picked in one day
The white one is a silver slicer cucumbers
Bundy cake
Blackeyed susans
Purple Rose of Sharon, also known as Althea
I have never seen a purple one and was delighted to plant
It in my garden. My mom helped me pick it out,
A special find
My Second sprouting of sunflowers
The summer seems to be going fast.
I feel like time is in a speed warp.
Happy August everyone.

Back from the framer. Grow a garden by
Lila's studio. The framing is perfect for this
Piece and hangs in my bedroom.
Pattern by Hands on designs
Done on 28Ct babbling brook
I changed a lot of colors and added
Small bees in the bottom .
Fragments in time by summer house
This is the 4th piece in the series I have
We celebrated my sisters 50th birthday in
Asheville, NC.
Sassy Jacks cross stitch store is awesome
And the owner Kim is just amazing. She
Has such a heart for this hobby.
Thank you linda for sharing a piece
Of your childhood with me
Sandy you thoughtfulness is heart felt
Pam the little red bird I will treasure forever
Diana my New Jersey sister. The zipper
Bag is just amazing .
Thank you to everyone who had made this community
A bright and happy place.
Happy 4th of July. I cannot believe we are in July.
If you would enjoy seeing more details and a closer