Recently I have begun building an Imperator Titan for use in my games of Adeptus Titanicus. To use the model in games, I have taken the rules written by Kylan Day (a member of the excellent ADEPTUS TITANICUS 2018 facebook page), and I have tweaked them slightly, mostly in order to simplify them slightly for myself.
In Kylan's version, the Reactor management for the Imperator was slightly more complex (as befits such a behemoth), but I prefer a simpler method of playing, and so I have changed the Reactor management back to how a regular Titan works - albeit with a far higher number of Reactor levels, to reflect the gargantuan power generators on such a colossal Engine.
I have also played about with the strengths of the weapons a little bit, and dded points values.
So - thank you Kylan for the inspiration and for putting the rules out there for us all to use.
You can find the Terminal for the Imperator Titan here:
This is a supplement designed for players of the 2018 version of Adeptus Titanicus (AT18).
It features equal Victory Points for each mission, and is intended for Matched Play.
Permission is granted to download and use the supplement.
Positive feedback from playtesting is welcome!
UPDATED VERSION (revision 2a, dated 27 January 2020):
Adeptus Titanicus AT18 Matched Play Missions Supplement rev 2a (pdf)
ORIGINAL VERSION (revision 1a, dated 1 September 2019):
Adeptus Titanicus AT18 Matched Play Missions Supplement (pdf)
The following amendments to the primary missions have been made in order to allow forces comprising solely of Knights to also make use of this Matched Play supplement for Adeptus Titanicus:
...or Seneschal for armies which comprise entirely of Knights.
If the opponent’s force had more than one Princeps Seniores or Seneschal, then you must secretly write down, at the start of the game, which is the one you are targeting and therefore the one which will grant points to you if it is successfully destroyed.
Primary mission victory conditions:
The player earns 10VP at the end of the game if they have an operational Titan or Knight Banner comprising at least one remaining Knight (for armies which comprise entirely of Knights) fully or partially within 6" of the centre of the board. The player earns an additional 10VP at the end of the game if they have a second operational Titan or Knight Banner comprising at least one remaining Knight (for armies which comprise entirely of Knights) fully or partially within 6" of the centre of the board. The player earns an additional 5VP at the end of the game if the Titan closest to the centre of the board is their Princeps Seniores, or, for forces comprising solely of Knights, if the Knight banner closest to the centre of the board contains their Seneschal.
Primary mission victory conditions:
A player earns 10VP at the end of the game if they have moved one Titan off their opponent's board edge. They earn an additional 10VP at the end of the game if they have moved a second Titan off their opponent's board edge. They earn an additional 5VP if one of those two Titans is their Princeps Seniores*. Note that Titans cannot be moved off the board in the first two game turns. A Titan must be able to move the entirety of it's base off in a single Move or Full Speed action in order to move off the board.
* Note that if your force comprises multiple Maniples, then any one (but only one) of your Princeps Seniores can claim the 5VP for moving off the board.
For armies comprising solely of Knights, the player who chose this mission earns 10VP at the end of the game if they have moved one banner comprising at least two remaining Knights off their opponent's board edge. They earn an additional 10VP at the end of the game if they have moved a second banner comprising at least two remaining Knights off their opponent's board edge. They earn an additional 5VP if one of those two banners contains their Seneschal*. Note that Banners cannot be moved off the board in the first two game turns. All remaining Knights in a banner must be able to move the entirety of all of their bases off the table in a single Move or Full Speed action in order to move off the board.
* Note that if your force comprises multiple Seneschals, then any one (but only one) of your Seneschals can claim the 5VP for moving off the board.
Set up:
As soon as this missoon is selected, the player secretly nominates their Titan with the highest Scale, or, for forces comprising solely of Knights, their banner with the highest points value. If they have two or more with the same Scale (or points cost, in the case of full Knight forces), the player may choose which is selected for this mission.
Primary mission victory conditions:
A player earns 15VP at the end of the game if the nominated Titan or Knight Banner finishes the game with it's base(s) partially, but not wholly, in their opponent's deployment zone. If the nominated Titan finishes the game with it's base fully within their opponent's deployment zone, they instead earn 25VP. If the nominated Knight banner finishes the game with the bases of all remaining Knights in that banner fully within their opponent's deployment zone, they instead earn 25VP.
Primary mission victory conditions:
The player earns 25VP at the end of the game if they move the Titan or Knight banner controlling the central (unmarked) objective off their own board edge (note - the Titan/Knight banner cannot move off the board with the objective until turn 4 or later). The player instead earns 10VP at the end of the game if the Titan/Knight Banner controlling the central (unmarked) objective is fully within it's own deployment zone at the end of the game. Note that the bases of all model(s) in the unit must be fully within their own deployment zone to achieve the 10VP in this case.
Controlling the Objective: A Titan model, or individual Knight model, can pick up the central (unmarked) objective marker if, at the end of one of their movement phases, they are in base contact with it. From this point on, that Titan/Knight model is said to be controlling the objective. If the Titan/Knight model is subsequently destroyed during the game, the objective marker is placed by the owning player so that it is in base contact with the destroyed model (use the position of the model before any movements caused by falling etc). If the objective is dropped, it is no longer said to be controlled. The central objective marker may be moved.
Primary mission victory conditions:
The player earns 4VP at the end of game-turns three and four for each of the three numbered objectives they are in base contact with one of their units, with no enemy units in base contact with. Objectives can only be claimed during turns 3-4. In addition, the player earns an additional 1VP at the end of the game if they have models in base contact with all three of the numbered objectives at the end of the last turn of the game.
This morning, exciting news was leaked by the Faeit 212 site, revealing some welcome changes that will be part of the 8th edition rule set coming this summer.
Since 2017 is the thirtieth anniversary of Rogue Trader being released, it seems very apt (and less than coincidental) that the new rules hark back to that first set of rules, especially the changes to armour saves and move distances, both of which I think will help the game.
Here goes:
Today, GW released a beautiful new range of models for AoS called the
Kharadron Overlords, and I LOVE them!
Obviously the conversion potential into Squats is enormous.
Here's the pics:
To celebrate the festive period and to make good use of the time off from work(!), Duncs and I will be playing out a 3,500pt battle at Warhammer World between his Dark Mechanicum forces and my VI Legion Space Wolves. To frame our battle, I have knocked up a quick bit of background and a simple mission for us to play.
DATELINE: Welkrop IV, in the year 007.M31
In the dark months that followed the great deception at Isstvan, traitorous elements throughout the Imperium revealed themselves and openly pledged allegiance to Horus' war against the Emperor of Mankind.
On the Forge World LMII-Gamma on Welkrop IV in the Engell system, the chief Magos swore the fealty of his facilities to the Warmaster, in exchange for the freedoms afforded by his new Lord to combine dark magicks and the unbridled powers of the warp with the greatest technological marvels of the Mechanicum.
With the shackles of the Emperor that restricted such diabolical research removed, the Warp-Magos delved deep into the Immaterium, striking deals for unlimited power with the Ruinous Powers in exchange for an unrestricted route into real space for the Daemonic hordes of Chaos.
Word of the Dark Mechanicum's defection soon reached Terra. Quickly, the VI Legion were dispatched to Welkrop IV to search out and expunge the traitorous elements there, and to neutralise their research facilities in order to prevent their warp-mutated war-engines from bolstering the Traitor forces.
Pitched Battle deployment is used.
Prior to the deployment of his forces, the Dark Mechanicum player places 5 buildings / ruins in his half of the board to represent the R&D Manufactorums of the Warp-Magos. These are impassable terrain for both players. Each has an Armour Value of 13 and has 4 Hull Points each. Replace these buildings / ruins with a crater or rubble etc if destroyed.
Kill Points:
- 1pt per pt of enemy unit completely destroyed
- 1/2pt per pt of enemy unit completely depleted to less than 50% of its starting number of Wounds / Hull Points
3pts per Manufactorum that survives the game with at least 1 Hull Point.
3pts per Manufactorum that Destroyed at the end of the game.
So, back on the 24th November last year I set myself a challenge to build up the following over a two year period:
- build a 2500pt VI Legion (Space Wolves) unification wars veterans army
- build a Squat Land Train
- build 3 x Squat Iron Eagle Gyrocopters
- build a Squat Leviathan super heavy
- build a Khorne Daemon allied force to complement my existing pre-Heresy World Eaters army
So, after nearly a year, where am I?
I have completed the biggest part of it - the VI Legion unification wars veterans army:
I have also made a good start on the Land Train, with only the detailing left to do:
The Daemons are also well in hand:
So, what is left to do? I need to convert three Valkyries into Iron Eagle Gyrocopters, and to build the Leviathan. Watch this space for progress!
Announced today, and available (preorder or to buy?) on 24th September..... CODEX: GENESTEALER CULTS!
Another blast from the past and a welcome re-introduction to the game, I'm glad GW are re-exploring some of the weirder, darker corners of the galaxy. 40k doesn't have to just be about mighty warriors clashing on the battlefield, it can also be about the countless smaller skirmishes and confrontations on the myriad planets and hives throughout the Imperium.
For as long as I have played 40k (and I started back in the Rogue Trader era, so that's s LOOOONG time), the clock has been set at two minutes to midnight, figuratively speaking. The story has not advanced at all. The Old Man is still sat on his throne, the tendrils of the Tyranid Hive Fleets are still a marauding threat at the edges of Humanity's borders and the other alien races are still pottering about. Chaos is... there, but not really a dynamic threat. Sure, the story has been fluffed out over the years with various stories and backgrounds in the codices, but most of these have been carefully constructed cul-de-sacs where nothing actually changes the course of the story.
So, what's changed? Well, the build-up to the Death Masque box set hinted toward an update in our favourite grim-dark storyline, and then today - BAM! - this image appeared on GW's own Facebook page, telling us in no uncertain terms that the storyline will be advancing toward 40k's very own version of the End Times, and personally I am cautiously very excited!
For over twenty-five years I have stoically stayed loyal to 40k, never straying to any other sci-fi or fantasy setting. True, I tried Flames of War for a short while, but that was really more an extension of my interest in military history (and personal history, given my grandparents' direct involvement). I have also recently gotten heavily into 30k, which I really see as 40k's 'creation myth' if you will (a bit like the Silmarillion' is for the Lord of the Rings books).
So part of me is a little scared that the bedrock of my favourite Sci-fi game is changing. Who will be killed off? Who will return? Will the game I love still be the game I love after all the upheaval?
Probably, yes. Things are rarely as radical as your mind imagines. So, whilst I nervously await the changes, I'm also massively excited to see how our story progresses!
Finally, my meisterwork is complete! After six years, I have finally finished work on my fandex for 30k and 40k Squats. You'll find it here:
Codex: Squat Strongholds
Please feel free to download it, read through it and even play a few games with it! So far, the units, rules and points values have had no playtesting, so once you have played some games, please let me know your experiences.
Have fun!
Now, these are cool. Ironclad Miniatures ( in Wales make some awesome resin steampunk models, including the tunnelling machines I've pictured below. Obviously these would be perfect as Termites and Moles for any old-school Squat players out there.
Obviously I bought some!
It's been a while since I talked about the projects I'll be working on in the near future, so here is my plan: to publicly share my intentions, and to log my progress on each project as I work on them!
My first task is to complete the 30k army I am working on. It is a 2,500pt Space Wolves force which makes full use of the Orbital Assault rite of war. The army consists of five drop-pods, two tactical squads, three tactical support squads and a large deepstriking Terminator squad, along with HQ characters and a couple of Apothecaries.
The infantry models are being converted from fantasy Chaos Warrior models, while the drop-pods are actually Ranshackle Games' boring machines, which will represent boarding torpedoes for my veteran army.
I have actually progresses quite far with this army, so look out for another blog post soon with pics of these models.
Once the 30k Space Wolves are finished off, my next plan is to build some 30k/40k '28mm' vehicles for my ongoing Squat army.
First, I have a Land Train to build, made by the ever-excellent Ramshackle Games. This model doesn't need too much conversion so I'm hoping for a quick, simple build. One thing I do need to do is to decide on exactly what rules and units from the 40k Imperial Guard and 30k Cults & Militia codexes. Suggestions please!
Next, I have three Valkyries which will be converted into Squat 'Iron Eagle' gyrocopters. The main hulls are already perfect, so all I really need to do is to make the circular propeller housings and modify the wings to accept them.
Finally, I will attempt to build a Leviathan super-heavy! I was lucky enough to acquire a Baneblade hull for less than £20, so I will break it apart and begin the process of rebuilding the main structure of the Leviathan using plasticard. This may well turn into a labour of love, but I am looking forward to getting started on this model once the others are completed.
This last one represents another whole new army for me, and one I've always wanted to do. It is an assault-themed Heresy era 30k World Eaters army with a strong Khorne Daemon contingent.
My plan is to use the Khorne Daemonkin book for the Daemons, choosing a Bloodthirster to lead the army, a Daemon Prince from the heavy support slot which I would model as Daemonic Angron, and then some cheap Bloodletters and Flesh-Hounds to screen the Astartes force. The World Eaters allies would be led by a Praetor, tooled-up for combat, and utilising the Pride of the Legion rite. The rest of the army consists of two squads of eight Veterans, each with five power weapons and Sergeants with power fists and plasma pistols. These two squads push forward in a pair of Land Raider Proteus'. The Praetor and veterans would all be modelled using plastic Berzerkers.
The force probably isn't 'competitive' in the slightest, but that isn't the point! I think it perfectly fits the feel of a late-Heresy World Eaters force, combining traditional Astartes warriors and the Daemonic horde accompanying them.
In the last few months, life has been pretty busy (our second baby arrived a few weeks ago) so I've had little time for wargaming. However, I am going to take tart in Blog Wars 10 next weekend, so without further ado, here is my list!
CODEX: Astra Militarum
Tank Commander [30] + Pask [40] = 70
• Leman Russ Punisher [140] + lascannon + sponson multi-meltas [20] = 170
• Leman Russ Punisher + lascannon [10] = 150
Tank Commander = 30
• Leman Russ Vanquisher + lascannon [10] = 145
• Leman Russ Battle Tank + lascannon [10] = 160
1 Primaris Psyker = 50
Veteran Squad + Grenadiers [15] + 3× plasma gun [45] = 120
• Chimera = 65
Veteran Squad + Grenadiers [15] + 2 x Plasma Gun [30] = 105
• Chimera= 65
Veteran Squad + Grenadiers [15] = 75
Militarum Tempestus Scions+ 2× meltagun [20] = 90
Militarum Tempestus Scions+ 2× meltagun [20] = 90
1 Hellhound= 125
1 Vendetta Gunship= 170
1 Vendetta Gunship= 170
1,850 points
As I mentioned in my last post, I have recently joined the
Aus30k Global Heresy worldwide campaign, along with my regular gaming opponent (and good mate!) Duncs. He and I always have fun games, as we often try out homebrew missions and we tend to link our games together into thematic narrative campaigns. Our first campaign was focussed on a Tyranid splinter-fleet invasion of a Space Wolves garrison moon in the Fenris system; our next campaign is a Horus Heresy era campaign based around the defence of the mining world of Kug'Arkal. Our games are actually part of the wider Global Heresy campaign, so the results of our battles affect the overall outcome of the whole campaign!
The overall premise is that Kug'Arkal is a mining world, with obvious strategic benefits to the victor in terms of it's lucrative and valuable mineral deposits. More on the world's background can be found
Im our games, Duncs will be using his new Skitarii and Mechanicus miniatures as Dark Mechanicum, representing the sinister forces of the traitorous Warmaster. I will be representing the altogether more heroic(!) Loyalists with my Squat Guard. The early campaigns are limited to around 1,000pts, thus giving us time to slowly build up our forces. For Duncs, this means starting a whole new army! I actually already have around 4,000pts of Squats, though I will be adding some more converted vehicles to it over the coming months (more on that at a later date...). You can see a fluff description of the Squat Guard
The story is that Duncs' Dark Mechanicum have taken over part of Dogon Station, which is an orbital docking complex high above Kug'Arkal's surface. The loyalist Squat Guard have answered a call for assistance, but on arrival into Dogon Station, their ship mysteriously loses control and crashlands. Game one played out the scattered forces of the Squat Guard and the Dark Mechanicum's first skirmishing encounter (you'll find a write-up of our first game
HERE on the Aus30k website), resulting in a comprehensive victory to Duncs and the Dark Mechanicum! At the end of that first game, the Squat Guard have been pushed back into their deployment zone, representing the Loyalists attempting to regroup and then rally their beleaguered forces. Game two (to be played this Friday night) will see the Squat Guard attempting to break out of the docking zone to establish a defensible beach-head on Dogon Station while they await reinforcements from their orbiting fleet.
Dono over at the
Aus30k site has just released the new Global Heresy campaign for Horus Heresy. It is a worldwide campaign system based in the 30k / Horus Heresy universe, whereby any game you play locally (with your mates, at a clubnight or even at a campaign weekend or tournament) counts toward the worldwide result. I really like it as it gives your games a greater meaning than just the pleasure of smashing your opponent (if only...!).
The way it all works is that firstly, you sign up for an account on the Aus30k site by clicking 'Create Account' in the top-right corner. This only takes a couple of minutes, although it does take a day or so for Dono to approve your account and send you a password - he is running the whole worldwide campaign and doing everything himself, so there can sometimes (understandably) be a delay!
Once you have your account created and have received a password, you can log your 30k army (or armies!) on the site. To do this, you go to the top of the homepage
HERE and then click on the picture of the army you want to create. On clicking the Astartes Legion of your choice (or Mechanicum icon or Solar Auxilia icon) , you are taken to that army's page. In the box on the righthand side is a button saying 'CREATE A LEGIO ARMY' Click here - but do NOT change the text in the box just above it, as this is your army's unique reference, which you'll need later when you're creating Battle Reports.
Here's where it gets a bit tricky - especially if you're a techno-luddite like me. The army creation page is quick tricky to use, as it has to be entered in a very particular and peculiar way! However, there is a guide
HERE. I found it easiest to select the whole lot of text in the template, copy it all and paste it into Word or Notepad for editing.
The bits you need to fill in are listed below:
- ARMY NAME This is the formal name of your army.
- CATEGORY: Uncompleted Army (while you are creating your army page); change to Completed Army once you have added all of your information.
- CATEGORY: Template (remove this line altogether - it's not needed).
- FORCE IMAGE: Here you can upload your own army badge, icon or image - or use one of the pre-existing Legio images which have already been uploaded (i.e Legio III.png).
- CAPTION: This is a short motto or description of your army badge/icon.
- COGNOMEN: this is a less formal nickname for your army.
- ALLEGIANCE: choose either Loyalist or Traitor!
- HISTORY: This is where you write your army's background fluff.
As I am currently building a Heresy-era Space Wolves army, I will show my examples for each stage:
- ARMY NAME 12th Great Company.
- CATEGORY: Uncompleted Army (while you are creating your army page; change to Completed Army once you have added all of your information).
- CATEGORY: Template (remove this line all together - it's not needed).
- FORCE IMAGE: Here I would choose a suitably 'wolfy' icon!
- CAPTION: "Tear Hard and True at your Enemies' Throat!"
- COGNOMEN: The Great Company of Jarl Edric Vaettassen
- ALLEGIANCE: Loyalist
- HISTORY: This is where I will write all my fluff for this army
Once completed, you can press save. When your army entry is fully complete, don't foget to change the Category to 'Completed Army'. This will alow you to use this army in Battle Reports, etc.
There are three worlds to fight over in the Harkarialis System in the current Global Heresy campaign. Each belongs to one of the three Horus Heresy / 30k podcasts, which you'll find
Kug'Arkal belongs to the Eye of Horus podcast
In each case, there is a page dedicated to each planet, describing the world's geography, population etc as well as a suggestion on the style of games which could be played there. I have chosen the world belonging to the Eye of Horus guys, as I find that podcast very, very enjobable!
To log a battle report, you click into the planet you have fought your game on, and then click on the heading 'Battle Reports' which will take you to a page where you can add the details of your game, as follows:
- REALDATE: the date you played your game on, in the following format: 1 January 2014
- SUBSECTOR/SYSTEM/PLANET: These list the solar system and planet which you are fighting in. These should already be filled in if you open the Battle Report via the Planet you are playing on!
- FORCES: Enter the army codes for the armies involved, in either the Loyalist (yay!) or Traitor (boo!) sections.
- Battle Summary: This is where you add the main 'fluff' of your battle report.
- Battle Gallery: add pictures of your game here
At the end of this process, click 'save' and your report is added to the overall campaign. At the very minimum the report should include Date of Battle, Sub-Sector/System/Planet, Loyalist/Traitor, and a summary of the game.
In under two weeks' time I will be heading to the North West Gaming Centre in Stockport (UK) for a 30k Horus Heresy campaign weekend. A campaign weekend is sort of the opposite of a tournament - gamers are encouraged to be fluffy, and it's definitely a fun game you are aiming to create for your opponent, not a crushing defeat of your opponent!
As I am very poor, I have decided to build my Death Guard force for the smallest cost possible! I have previously bought about 100 'Space Crusade' Marines for about a tenner(!), so of course they have become the core of this army. I also won a decent amount of second hand Chaos Marines (40 CSM's and 4 Dreadnoughts) for about £30, so the Death Guard veterans will use CSM models, as I figure the veterans would be more likely to convert to Nurgle before the rank and file might do.
Here are the models I have painted so far:
Death Guard infantry |
Death Guard command (from left: Librarian, Chaplain and Forge Lord) |
To transport the army, I am scratch building three Storm Eagles (see previous posts). These are made, but still need painting. Hopefully by the end of the week, these will be ready too, so look out for another post showing off the completeed army!
In order to prepare for an upcoming Horus Heresy campaign weekend, I need three Storm Eagles. As real life prohibits me from venturing anywhere near Forge World's crazy prices, I have instead built my own!
The models are made entirely from 5mm foamboard, and will be detailed with spare bitz (hatches, smoke launchers, etc) from several Chimera sprues I have left over from my Mech Squat Guard army.
Here they are:
The next steps are to detail the models with bitz, and then to get them painted. I will be undercoating them with Halfords' matt black primer, and then airbushing them green to suit the pre-Heresy Death Guard colours. I will then hand-paint on the ivory-white colour and details.
Here is what my Death Guard are looking like so far:
The nerve
centre of the Tyranid invasion force has been breached! The Norn Queen calls
her children to defend her inner sanctum, as the fate of the Hive Nest is
decided in the cold darkness of her subterranean lair…
The Tyranid player places D3+2 pieces of
terrain in each 2’ x 4’ section of the board.
The Imperial player then chooses board edge
and deployment type.
After board edge and deployment type have
been decided but before deployment itself begins, the Tyranid player should
place a suitably grotesque and sizeable model to represent the Norn Queen in
open ground (replacing a piece of terrain if necessary). The Norn Queen model
may be placed anywhere on the table, outside of the Imperial player’s
deployment zone.
The Norn Queen costs 200pts (and must
be taken by the Tyranid player!). She has the following profile:
WS: 4 BS:
4 S: 6 T:
8 W: 8 I: 1 A: 4 Ld: 10 Sv.
2+ / 3++
Special Rules:
Psychic Shield: The Norn Queen has a 3+
invulnerable save and has the shrouded special rule.
Immobile Creature: The Norn Queen cannot
move, run, charge, consolidate or make sweeping advances (or otherwise move, or
be moved, for any reason!).
Psyker (mastery level 3). Powers are drawn
from the Tyranid powers.
Shadow in the Warp.
Synapse Creature (24”).
Scything Talons.
Primary Objective (20pts):
The Imperial player wins the campaign by killing the Norn
The Tyranid player wins the campaign by preventing this
from happening.
neutralised the alien breeding ground, the scouts of the Imperial forces
discover the location of the Tyranid Norn Queen, deep underground, far below the surface
of the tortured planet. Following
the Scouts’ beacon, the main Imperial force thrusts a spear-tip forward through
the Tyranid masses that defend the tunnel entrances to the Queen’s subterranean inner
The Tyranid player places D3+2 pieces of
terrain per 2’x4’ section of the board.
The Imperial player then chooses deployment
type and board edge.
After board edge and deployment type have
been decided but before deployment itself begins, the Tyranid player should
place a 3” x 3” tunnel marker representing the entrance to the Norn Queen’s
underground lair. This tunnel marker should be placed in open ground (replace a
piece of terrain if necessary).
Primary Objective (10pts):
The Imperial Player wins by exiting at least
25% of his starting forces via the tunnel entrance. Units may exit the board by
getting every model in the unit into base-to-base contact with, or onto the top
of, the tunnel marker.
The Tyranid player wins by preventing this.
Secondary Objective (7pts):
‘Modified’ Maelstrom Cards (see Caledonian
Uprising 2015 rules pack – thanks, Tim King!)
Tertiary Objectives:
First Strike (1pt)
Slay the Warlord (1pt)
Line Breaker (1pt)
(NOTE: Tabling your opponent automatically
gives the winner a 20-0 victory!).
If the Imperial player wins, he may choose up
to three units in the next game to receive the infiltrate or scout special
If the Tyranid player wins, he gains an
optional +2 to the roll to determine who gets first turn in the next game, and
may re-roll the dice to seize the initiative (if he so chooses).
The alien breeding ground has been discovered! During the scouring of the Tyranid back lines, a macabre grotto of alien eggs has been uncovered. If this source of new Tyranid bio-forms can be neutralised, the invasion will be dealt a killer blow. The Imperial forces push all their resources into exterminating this foul nest of xenos beasts….
Place 6 large alien eggs in the middle 2’ x 4’ of the table. No other terrain is placed in this section.
The Tyranid player then places D3+2 pieces of terrain in the other two 2’ x 4’ sections.
Hammer & anvil deployment.
Primary Objective (10pts):
The Imperial player wins if he can destroy Four or more eggs.
The Tyranid player wins if he prevents this.
Each egg is Toughness 8, has 4 wounds and a 2+ armour save.
Secondary Objective (7pts):
‘Modified’ Maelstrom Cards
Tertiary Objectives:
First Strike (1pt)
Slay the Warlord (1pt)
Line Breaker (1pt)
(NOTE: Tabling your opponent automatically gives the winner a 20-0 victory!).
If the Tyranid player wins, he may 'recycle' one Troops unit in the next game. In that game, if a unit of Troops (but not a Tervigon!) is completely destroyed, the Tyranid player may, if he chooses, choose to place an identical unit (including any wargear or other options) at the start of the next game, as though they had arrived from ongoing reserves.
If the Space Wolves player wins, he may choose one Tyranid unit in the next game. The Space Wolf player can choose to force this unit to start in reserve. Further, this unit arrives on a reserves roll of a 4+, rather than the usual 3+ (modifiers can still be applied, as normal).
After the Space Wolves' lightning raid against the heart of the Tyranid encampments, the Imperial forces draw up reserves to begin a systematic process of alien extermination...
Place terrain randomly.
Pitched battle deployment.
Primary Objective (10pts):
Victory points – the player to destroy the
highest value of his opponent’s army is awarded 10pts. Vehicles with depleted
hull points and units which have suffered any unsaved wounds are worth
Secondary Objective (7pts):
‘Modified’ Maelstrom Cards
Tertiary Objectives:
First Strike (1pt)
Slay the Warlord (1pt)
Line Breaker (1pt)
(NOTE: Tabling your opponent automatically
gives the winner a 20-0 victory!).
The winner of this battle has dealt a massive blow to the losing army, decimating their remaining forces and critically limiting their backfield supply chains.
The winner gains the ability to force their opponent to re-roll any or all reserves rolls in a single turn of the next game.