I feel the need to share again. To put my thoughts on the table for those to read. Nothing earth shattering, I don't think, but none the less, I feel the need.
Turmoil? Unrest? No...perhaps wishing for a little more happy in my life. How do I find a little more happy? You can't rely on other people to make you happy. Happiness comes from within. Happiness comes from myself. I am responsible for my own happiness. There it is.
How shall I proceed to find that happiness? Getting involved in my creative side? Allowing that instinct to flow once again?
Since the company I worked for closed last year, I have felt as though there was a void in my life. The void stems from not having that financial security I once had.
Oh, I have a part time job in a field I never thought I'd enter. Food industry. It's fun actually, but I'm sure that is because I work with a awesome woman who is my friend. A person I thought would never give me the time of day. She's tall, beautiful, exercise nut in excellent shape. I thought to myself, she'd never become my friend. But she did!
Here's the funny part....she never thought someone like me would be friends with someone like her! Uncanny! She respects me. Draws on my life experiences. Loves our talks. I guess we compliment each other.
This is one example where you shouldn't judge a book by their cover. I find this to be true each and every day. Old people...young people....rich people...poor people...we are just the same. We all feel inadequate . We all feel small sometimes. It just takes a kind work. A smile. And you break down those insecurities. Yes, it is that simple.
These are my people in my present life but I am missing most the people from my past life. And missing a little bit OF the past life as well.the ladder I cannot get back. It is unreachable. Unatainable.
In order for the unattainable to reemerge, some things must be realigned. Finding a job that fulfills me at the intellect level, responsibility aspect and the monetary level. In order to get this in order, I have a plan which will begin tomorrow.
Tommorow I start rebuilding that part of my life. So watch me take off. Watch me.
A note for anyone who reads this.....a caution....all of this post written under the muse of a sleeping pill.
I just may write tomorrow.
Is it because you feel small? Is it because you fell I inadequate? Do you not look at both sides of a story? Let's just go first to violence. Innocent business owners don't deserve this violence. They are small business owners. Hard working people. Whites. Blacks. Latino. Ruin their lives because clearly you do not know the facts. 12 people spent 70 hours listening to 60 witsnesses over a period of time.
Yeah, you know better.
* When did my husband start falling asleep at 8:00?
* TV sucks on Friday night, guess that's why everyone goes out
* Come on people, Atlanta barely received a millimeter of ice, what's the problem with the news?
* Yes, I made my appointment for my mammogram ...it's Tuesday, wish me luck!
* I really dislike Sharktank.
* Who knew Catfishing had nothing to do with fish?
* I think I can read my cat's mind. He thinks I'm cool.
* Whenever I'm on the upward side of being sick, I want fried rice.
... What shall I do? Get in the car and drive to the gulf? Become one with the ocean? Return to the womb for 3 days...spend the next 3 days reading? Sleeping? Crafting? What, shall I do?
The 4th of July isn't just our Nation's birthday, it is my husband's birthday , too.
Happy Birthday, you little firecracker!
Don't ya just hate it when someone in your household, who will remain nameless, purchases the wrong kind of toilet paper? I'm sorry, but I have a particular kind that I like and not for the obvious softness or flaking issues, but for no other reason other than longevity. I just absolutely hate it when you must replace the roll several times a week. It's really all about time savings, after all!
Have you ever been to someone's house, you know, the great big 4,000 square foot homes and excuse yourself to use their powder room only to find single sheets?
And what is this all about? The last two times I visited my mom and used her bathroom, I found a new roll of tissue sitting on top of the spent roll! This is the same woman who hounded me "...a place for everything and everything in its place...". Both times, I just replaced the roll, threw out the old cardboard and never said a thing.
It is mind boggling.
Sometimes, paper is just paper. And when you work in a crafting store, you see a lot of paper. But when the new Teresa Collins line "Every day Moments" and "Fabrications" arrives and you go absolutely crazy for every sheet of paper and all embellishments!
Trying to figure out how to blog from my iPad, well, that much I know. The question is...how do I add photos.
Soooo... Can you see the photo?
Now,of I could figure out how to import my photos from my iPad, I could have posted an appropriate photo.
As for the game, I really don't like either teams, if I had to pick one....giants
I'm reminiscing a bit these days. Remembering the days when my babies were little ones with runny noses, missing a front tooth, or those awful nightmares in the middle of the night. My babies needed me and I relished the moments when only Mommy could take away the fear or dry the tears.
Where have those years gone to?
I thank God that little Jack is in my life. He is such a dear. Children bring such joy.