I know I keep starting the blog off this way but again I have no news. I have not heard anything from my agency regarding waiting files or anything about potential referral. This is the longest craziest process. It is so unbelievably frustrating knowing that I am ready to get my daughter into my family and Bulgaria is so SLOW!!!
I did however get Maisy's adoption done September 17th. So I have one more done and two more to go. I hope Adrian's is done at the beginning of next year. I never thought that my Bulgarian adoption would be my last adoption to take place. When I started the process they said it would take 18month from start to finish. Well it has been 2.5 years of waiting. Next year I will have to spend money to update my immigration pal artwork and homestudy. That should Be approx $1000. BOOOO!!!
More later
January update
25 Jan 2015 6:02 AM (10 years ago)
HI Jessica!
Just wanted to let you know I heard from our Rep and your new approval has been submitted to the Ministry.
Have a great day
I received this email January 22nd. So I have no more deadlines in the near future just waiting for my referral.
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Well I know I said that I would post every month but December was busy and I didn't have much to report. I was so frustrated with the adoption process this time around and I am not sure why. I sent my Dossier off to adoption agency at the beginning of November, they wanted 2 of my forms re-notarized, I did this and then they sent them off to Illinois to authenticate the notary stamps (or whatever they do). Well the adoption agency didn't catch that 2 of my forms where completely wrong so Illinois kicked them back to adoption agency to be redone AGAIN. I mailed those 2 forms back to agency who will then send them back to Illinois for approval. They are suppose to be translating the papers that were correct. I know that international adoption is unpredictable and one must trust in the US government and foreign agency. It is very HARD to do. I guess I didn't have any problem when going through Lennox adoption that I got frustrated quickly when I hit such a bump in the road so early in the adoption process.
I did decided to stay with Bulgaria because that is the country that I was drawn to adopt my daughter from and I have to stick with the original plan and not give up. I will be united with my daughter(s) one of these days. To be honest, my life is pretty crazy with the 4 kids I have that I can't imagine being matching right now anyway. I am on the same paper timeline that I was with Lennox adoption and I got my referral for him in June (6 months of waiting).
I have joined a group on facebook of all individuals who are adopting from Bulgaria. These individuals are AMAZING. The individuals in this group of from various stages of adoption from Bulgaria. Some are just starting paperwork, some are meeting their children for the first time, others are getting ready to pick their kids up and others adopted years ago.
I know my last post talked about my agency stating that their is a 3 years wait for healthy children. There is an individual who requested 1 child healthy and under age 2. She waited almost 3 years without getting a referral. She changed her paperwork to state healthy up to age 4 this past spring. Well she just got a match for a healthy girl age 4. So after increasing her age limit it would seem that she was matched within 8 months. I guess the 3 years stuck out in my head to the point that I couldn't think of anything else. Well in all reality I am open to special needs, 2 children at one time, and children up to age 7. I do hope that I get matched this year with my child(ren). The process after getting matched seems quite a bit longer than Ethiopia's process. It takes about 6 months until your child is home with you. There is also the pain of having to update paperwork the longer you wait. All I can do is WAIT the UNPREDICTABLE WAIT!!!!
Pictures of Lennox on his 3rd Birthday!!! December 10
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So after 29 call to psych doctors I finally had a psych office state they would help me get "mental" clearance for my adoption as required by the Bulgarian government. I showed up to my appointment at 8:45 which was 15 minutes early due to the fact that one usually has to fill out paperwork. The paperwork they gave me was asking the normal psych type questions. How often do you talk to people who nobody else can see? How often do you hear voices? Can you control your homicidal thoughts? Do you have support when feeling suicidal? WHAT?????
The office did not have a notary on the day of my appointment even though when I set up my appointment they said she would be there. So I figured I would have my appointment and then come back with a hired travel notary ($50-$100) to fill out my paperwork. Well at 9:30 the doctor still was not in the office so the secretary apologized on behalf of the doctor and stated that she was calling in her mother who was a notary, but she would be a little bit. I said it wasn't a problem because it was going to save me a trip back and money.
A teenager was in the office his appointment was at 9:45, so the doctor showed up at 9:50 and took him back right away. About 45 minutes later and many games of tetris later a women busted through the front door and went straight up to window to check in. She was crying and talking about how she wasn't sure she would live and needed to see doctor right away. I knew my appointment was not life threatening so I figured she could go ahead of me and I would wait again. This lady seemed in great distress and I didn't want to get in the way of the doctor helping her. The lady sits a couple seats down from me and is still upset, she gets on her cell phone and starts talking about how she can't believe that her friends monkey died.. Yep you read right, a lady that she knew from her community had her pet monkey taken away by the authorities because the monkey bit a child. I made up my mind at that second that this lady was not going in front of me. She clearly had a problem that being seen 1 hour earlier in my spot was NOT going to fix.
So at 11:00 the doctor finally calls me back, we notarize the paperwork first so the notary can leave. She sit down in her over sized leather computer chair where her feet don't touch the ground. She has a spot light shining on her so she can see her paperwork and a fan blowing right in her face most likely due to her sweating through her floor length black velvet dress. She asked very basic questions about if I have ever had therapy, been on psych meds, been hospitalized for psych problems. She asked about my social life, work life, and stress level. 10 minutes later and a check written for $250 I was out the door with relief that it was over!!!!!
I also have been taking many many photos of Lennox and that I need to put in my dossier (I need 4). I hate myself in pictures, but Lennox is so cute so I will post some of them on here and then one of the kids on the 4th.
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Today I had a visit with DCFS for them to approve the use of my own beds for international adoption. This is part of the process that I do not understand. I am a licensed foster home for 2 children already. I now have to get two different pieces of paper from DCFS that state they will increase my foster care license to cover my adopted children. I do not understand why DCFS has any say in the children that I bring into my home. Anyway there is nothing that I can do about it so I had my visit this morning at 1000. They have agreed that I can adopt internationally. I just need DCFS to figure out what two pieces of paper I need, right now they are unsure of what the international agency needs.
I then had a visit at 1400 with Susan my homestudy social worker to update my homestudy. The homestudy is a major piece of the "paper chase" process. This is basically a very detailed biography of your life including thoughts and feeling on adoption, financial records, family life, childhood, work life, home layout, children in the home, background checks and so forth. I already had a homestudy with Lennox 2 years ago so this is just an update. I told her about my new foster son Adrian, my families' new jobs, and current social life which consists of playing with my children.
I also will hand in my "first" mailer to Children of all Nations tomorrow. This mailer will have POA to Children of all Nations notarized, drivers license copy, and second payment of $2200. I will also start working on the list of updates for my homestudy. Updated driver license photo, passport photo, employment verification letter, and a few other small things.
I have to say that it feels GREAT to be starting this adoption
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Here we go
16 May 2013 4:54 PM (11 years ago)
So I filled out my application to start my next international adoption yesterday May 15th. I got an email this morning stating that it will take 4-10 days to process my application. Well I heard back this afternoon that I have been officially accepted into the adoption program. I will update with all the paperwork and appointment that the "paper chase" involves. Here are a few updated pictures of the kids and dinner out at Ethiopian restaurant. 
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So anyone who knows me realizes that I seems to talk about adoption no matter what topic is at hand. I love children, I love being a mom, and I LOVE adoption. It seems like such a perfect way for me to build my family. Maybe that is because I have seen parents of my foster children take their children for granted or I have seen the desperation and heartache of the parents and children in Ethiopia.
I let myself get so overwhelmed by all the different counties requirements that I thought I would not adopt right now and I would focus on moving. Moving into a larger home where my children could have their own rooms, a house that had a dining room for family dinners, a house that had a nice big backyard. Well those are all nice thoughts but at the end of the day I see the children in Ethiopia that don't have homes, parents, food, love, or a yard. It doesn't matter if my children share a room while they are young, we all sit around a tiny kitchen table for dinner, or have to walk to the park. It does matter that I adopt a child to become part of my beautiful family created through adoption.
So to keep this a short post, I will hopefully be posted more regularly now. I have sent in paperwork to update my homestudy and will be filling out the formal application to adopt with Children of All Nations (CAN). I am super excited to start this crazy journey again.
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Well I would LOVE to say the Kadin and Lennox are the best of brother, but that would not be true! I can say that Kadin and Lennox are starting to tolerate each other more and more everyday. I do see that Lennox is picking up on Kadin bad attitude. Lennox like to throw tantrum already. He will look to the side and grunt when he is mad. When I try to comfort him, he will throw himself on the ground and scream.
As for Lennox, he is doing pretty good. He is eating everything in site and is a growing growing boy. He has figured out that he can run and jump. He love to take things apart and try and put them back together. He sat and took apart a water spray bottle and placed small toys in it and put the cap on. He did this over and over again. He is also starting to talk more. He isn't saying any useful words, but he is starting to talk. He says Momma, Hi, Bye, Bella (my sister's dog), Lobo (my mother's dog), No, and a word that sounds like thank you. I wish he would say more, please, drink, eat, and/or bites.
Will update more later
Update for April
3 Apr 2012 6:08 PM (12 years ago)
Well no real big news here. Kadin and Lennox still don't really like each other. Lennox is picking up on Kadin's little attitude. Lennox isn't talking yet but he has an attitude problem. If you do something that he doesn't like, he will look right at you and grunt really loud. He is also starting to hit when he is upset.
So I finally got a stool sample in for Lennox (bc of a mix up at the lab) and it turns out he has Giardia. Well Kadin started to poop just like Lennox so he has Giardia too. The antibiotic that the doctor put them on is rare and I still do not have it. It has been 5 days since the diagnosis, so I am hoping I get the drug soon to treat these poopy boys.
The pictures above show Kadin in the car when he was 15 months and Lennox in the car right now being 15 months. Lennox looks so much older than Kadin did at 15 months. One of the pictures is of the two of them under the high chair. They some how wedged themselves in tight that I had to lift up the high chair to get them out. Silly boys.
Like I said nothing real big to update.
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