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Mike Lazarus of GL Computing - posting tips, tricks, and thoughts from over three decades of supporting CRM and general IT

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A thought about AI and biases in the training process 14 Jun 2024 8:42 AM (9 months ago)

It's important to highlight an aspect that often goes unnoticed but is significant in AI and machine learning.

When discussing AI, we often refer to LLMs or large language models. These models and their reliability are intricately tied to the data they're trained on. The larger models are trained on vast amounts of internet data, which, as we all know, can be a mixed bag of information. As Abraham Lincoln wisely said, "You can't believe everything you read on the internet."

Machine learning and AI can amplify any biases in the training data. Consequently, major companies with products in this field have large teams of people who review data sets and assess their reliability by tagging the data. This manual review process, while not perfect, plays a crucial role in mitigating biases. The more data that is reviewed, the lower the likelihood of mistakes. At this stage in the development of AI language models, the effectiveness of these manual review processes will have a significant impact on the accuracy of AI outputs, possibly even more so than the number of parameters and the algorithms used. Some, like Elon Musk, have referred to this practice as being "woke". Failing to carry out these manual reviews will likely lead to AI failures because historical data for machine learning is often not the best predictor, and doing so is akin to abandoning critical thinking.

For instance, Apple and Goldman Sachs collaborated to create a credit card that uses AI to determine credit limits. The AI was trained using data from previous applicants. As a result, women and applicants from minority groups were less likely to be approved or received lower credit limits compared to white males, even if the white males had lower incomes. This bias occurred because the data indicated that, historically, women and minority applicants were less likely to be given high credit limits.

Another example is when law enforcement agencies use AI to allocate resources to specific areas based on predictions. The result of using these tools without care is a concentration of police presence in historically poor or minority areas, perpetuating historical biases.

The key differentiator among significant players is how effectively they handle biases to cater to their respective markets. OpenAI's GPT, Google's Gemini, Microsoft's CoPilot, Meta's Llama, xAI's Grok, and others target different markets. The main question for AI currently is how effectively they can achieve their objectives, whether the markets will converge or diverge, and, therefore, which companies will come out on top.

My 2c - I'll add more later

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Act! CRM Log Files and Config Locations #ActCRM 2 Dec 2021 1:34 PM (3 years ago)

Config and Log Files

A number of people have asked about the locations of the various log and config files in Act!, so I thought I would compile a list and post it here.

If there's enough interest, I might update this list later with the descriptions and functions of the various options in the config files.

If you want to know about any specific file or option, let me know in the comments.

For the most part, they are sorted by extension then name within each location.

%ProgramFiles%\ACT\Act for Windows
*for versions prior to v24, if on a 64bit Windows, use: %ProgramFiles(x86)%\ACT\Act for Windows


%ProgramFiles%\ACT\Act for Windows\Tools


%ProgramFiles%\ACT\ACT for Windows\ACT Network Sync


%ProgramFiles%\ACT\ACT for Windows\ACTInternetSync




%ProgramFiles%\ACT\Act for Web\logs






%appdata%\ACT\ACT Data


%appdata%\ACT\ACT Data\Preferences


%localappdata%\Integration Services Patch for Act!





To turn on the logging, you need to go to %ProgramFiles%\ACT\Act for Windows
Edit the file:ActOutlookAddIn.dll.config (in Notepad)
Search for "DebugLog" and change the value to "true"





%ProgramData%\Act\ACT Data


%ProgramData%\Act\ACT Data\Indices\[DatabaseName]


%ProgramData%\Act\ACT Data\Indices\[DatabaseName]_Attachments


%ProgramData%\Swiftpage ACT! LLC\(build number)\







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Trusted Platform Module has Malfunctioned in Outlook or Teams with an error about the keyset – Error code 80090016 #TPM 16 Nov 2021 3:40 AM (3 years ago)


I rarely post items unrelated to CRM (either product or technology). However, I recently had a challenge that took some effort to resolve with Windows 11 and the TPM. I even contacted Microsoft and Dell technical support, and neither could resolve it. So I want to put it out there for anyone else searching the web for a solution.

What is the TPM (Trusted Platform Module)?

The TPM is a secure crypto-processor. It’s a chip within your computer that adds hardware support for cryptographic functions like encryption and authentication. Using hardware for these makes the system more secure as it’s considerably more difficult for someone to hack the system than to interfere with the software. In addition, it is designed to be tamper-resistant, and malicious software should not be able to tamper with it.

It generates and stores cryptographic keys as well as having its own unique RSA key burnt in. Some areas that can use TPM include drive and network encryption routines (like BitLocker) or the authentication of accounts. Microsoft Work/School accounts use this now on Windows 11, where it is a requirement.

The Error.

If there is a problem with the keyset, you might get this error:

TPM keyset error: Your computer’s Trusted Platform Module has malfunctioned. If this error persists, contact your system administrator with the error code 80090016.
TPM keyset error with Office 365 Authentication

Your computer’s Trusted Platform Module has malfunctioned. If this error persists, contact your system administrator with the error code 80090016.
More information:

Unfortunately, like so many of Microsoft’s built-in links on errors, that link provides no helpful information or assistance.

The Cause.

As far as I can tell, the issue happens if you need to clear the TPM keys, which you might need for a firmware update, or if something damages its keyset.

The Solutions.

There were several recommended solutions I found online, though none of them worked for me. However, to be complete, I will include them here. I suggest you try them in the order listed, then reboot and test to see if it worked before trying the next.

Backup your data before trying any of these options!

Solution 1:

Note: You need to do this step with the affected user account logged off. This might mean using a different administrator account or sharing the parent folder temporarily and connecting via the network.

Rename the following folder:


Reboot and try opening Outlook and/Teams.

Solution 2:

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Browse to C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\Microsoft\NGC
  3. Delete everything in this folder.
    Note: you need to grant yourself access to the folders.
  4. Reboot and try Outlook and/or Teams with that account.

Solution 3:

Note: backup your registry before this step.

  1. Sign out from Microsoft Office and MS Teams, and close all 365 apps.
  2. In RegEdit, navigate to this key:
  3. Modify the key called EnableAdal and set it to 1.
    If it doesn’t exist, create it as a DWORD.
  4. Delete the ADAL Authentication Profile for the afflicted user account.
    1. Navigate to this key:
    2. Export that folder for a backup.
    3. Look in each of the folders for the one with the email address of the account.
      When you click on the folder, you can see the key EmailAddress on the right.
    4. Record the name of the folder. If you need Solution 4, you’ll need the GUID (the part of the folder name before “_ADAL”).
    5. Delete the folder.

      ADAL Identity Profile Registry Key
      ADAL Identity Profile Registry Key

  5. Reboot and try logging in to Outlook and teams. It will ask you to activate the account again.

Solution 4:

The above steps worked on two machines, but with a third, I had to go further.

  1. Navigate to this key:
  2. Use Ctrl-F to search for the email address and delete the appropriate folders.
  3. Use Ctrl-F to search for the GUID (from Solution 3, 4d) and delete the appropriate folders.
  4. Open the TPM console (Windows Key – R > TPM.msc).
  5. Clear TPM.
  6. This will automatically reboot, and you can then try Outlook, Teams, or any other 365 apps.

Please add a comment if you have any other questions or suggestions.

More Information on TPM at these links:

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Lazarus recognised as Trusted Expert by @ExpertsExchange 13 Jan 2019 9:30 AM (6 years ago)

Mike Lazarus - Experts Exchange Trusted ExpertGL Computing is proud to announce that Mike Lazarus has achieved another honour unique to the Act! world.

Experts Exchange has recognised him as a Trusted Expert for 2019 in their new acknowledgement for Certified Professionals.

When a crisis strikes, you want help from experts you can trust. Experts Exchange’s Certified Professionals have real-world experience, maintain top certifications, demonstrate high levels of professionalism, are well-known and remain highly dedicated to sharing their knowledge with users like you.

As the second-highest level of recognition, Trusted Experts have proven to be trustworthy and knowledgeable through their continued professional interactions on site.

Experts Exchange encourages users like you to network with these vetted, passionate individuals who are committed to staying current with certifications and the industry’s latest best practices.

Meet the Certified Professionals - Trusted Experts 

See Mike Lazarus's Profile on Experts Exchange

Mike is also the world’s only Certified Act! Expert – Sanctioned by Swiftpage.

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Important Licensing Notice for all Act! CRM Customers 12 Nov 2018 1:44 PM (6 years ago)

Act! Circle LogoAct! Licensing Software Update

We have recently been informed that an embedded third-party software component of Act! that facilitates licensing services (Protexis) is being discontinued by the manufacturer at the end of 2018. As of January 1st, 2019, depending on what version of Act! you are running, there will be necessary steps that need to be taken to ensure uninterrupted access. You can read the statement from Swiftpage, here

This affects all Act! users

All Act! users will need to upgrade.

If you're on an old version, Act! may stop working in January.
If you have v18.2 or newer, YOU WILL NEED A PATCH
To Check Your Version in Act! – Help Menu > About Act!

As of January 1st, 2019, customers who haven’t updated Act! will no longer be able to:

If you make any of the changes listed above, your Act! product will fail to re-activate and you will lose access to the software completely.

*Note: If you are a NEW Act! customer (I.e. you are not upgrading from a different version), and you have purchased v21 on or after November 19th, 2018, you will NOT be affected by this issue.

Please refer to the obsolescence policy for your region below:

See below for the necessary steps for your version and the expected dates for updates.

If you have any questions, or need any help, please contact GL Computing by clicking on this button:

Contact GL Computing

Licensing Software Update: v17 and earlier


Because you are on a retired version of Act! you are no longer eligible to receive critical updates and enhancements. In order to ensure uninterrupted access to your product, you must upgrade to latest version of Act! by December 31st, 2018.

More info

Licensing Software Update: v18.2


Version 18 will be unsupported from Nov 30th 2018 as per the obsolescence policy linked above. In order to ensure uninterrupted access to your product, it is strongly recommended that you upgrade to latest version of Act! by December 31, 2018.

Should you elect not to upgrade to Act! v21, we have decided to make available a one-time update for v18.2 products that seeks to address this specific issue in January, 2019. We cannot and do not make any representations as to how long this one-time update will provide the functionality of Act! that you expect. Please note that this decision to provide you with the update in this instance shall not be precedent, or require us to provide, neither now nor in the future, any fixes for additional issues that may or will arise after the date of obsolescence as specified in the Act! Support Obsolescence Policy.

More info →

Licensing Software Update: v19, v20 and v21


In order to ensure uninterrupted access to your product, you must apply the update provided before December 31st, 2018.

More info

What’s new and fixed in Act! updates

To see what’s new and what issues have been fixed in updates for your version, click here.

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Winmail.dat replaces attachments sent by Office 365 25 Jul 2018 1:20 PM (6 years ago)

attachment-winmailWhat is RTF, TNEF and Winmail.dat?

Outlook can use a special method, technically referred to as Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF), to package information for sending messages. The use of TNEF is affected by settings in Outlook that are referred to as Rich Text Format (RTF). TNEF and RTF are not identical, but they are very similar.

A TNEF-encoded message contains a plain text version of the message and a binary attachment that "packages" various other parts of the original message. In most cases, the binary attachment is named Winmail.dat, and it includes the following information (if included in the message):

Where to check for RTF settings in Outlook

When RTF is not working as expected (either all messages are RTF, or Meeting Requests and Voting are not working) there are several settings your need to check in Outlook.

Note: Exchange server administrators can also control RTF to Internet addresses. If the administrator disables RTF to Internet addresses, the settings in Outlook will not override them.

Global Properties

Composing new messages:

Outlook 2010, 2013, or Outlook 2016: File, Options, Mail and at the top. Set “Compose messages in this format” to HTML.

Outlook-TNEF Convert to HTML

Use this setting to control how messages created using RTF formatting or that require TNEF encoding are handled. If this is set to plain text or HTML formatting, Voting and Meeting Requests may not work unless you override the setting using Email properties.

Outlook 2010, 2013, or Outlook 2016: File, Options, Mail and scroll to the bottom of the dialog and set “When sending messages in Rich Text Format to Internet recipients” to “Convert to HTML format”.

Outlook-TNEF Convert to HTML

Recommended setting: Convert to HTML. Outlook will send all messages to the Internet using HTML unless you change the email properties (below).

Outlook 2007 and older: Go to Tools, Options, Email Format, Internet Options button.

You can also change the settings on a per-contact level by opening the contact card and double-clicking on the email address.

Registry Setting

If nothing seems to be working and you use Outlook 2007 SP2 or newer, you can use a registry value to end TNEF encoding once and for all. This will affect your ability to use features that require TNEF encoding, including Voting and Meeting Requests in native Outlook format.

  1. Close Outlook
  2. Start Registry Editor (type regedit in the Start Search box or Start menu, Run command and press Enter)
  3. Locate the following registry key:
    1. In Outlook 2016:
    2. In Outlook 2013:
    3. In Outlook 2010:
    4. In Outlook 2007:
  4. Add a new DWORD named DisableTNEF.
  5. Double click on DisableTNEF and in the Value data box, type 1
  6. Close the Registry editor and Restart Outlook

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Act! 20.1 Update 6 is a great release! #ActCRM 21 Jun 2018 4:46 AM (6 years ago)

Act-Premium_Plus_CMYKToday, Swiftpage has released Update 6 for Act! 20.1 and it has some significant improvements. Enough to be a service pack rather than just an update.

Twenty-two new or enhanced features and 90 closed defects!

Yes, you read that right! The developers and QA guys at Swiftpage have been putting in some serious effort to get this done – and yes, for those who don’t know, I have been contracted to help with QA as their Certified Act! Expert (the only one in the world) for the past year.

And here is the list:

Outlook integration improvements

  1. When sending an email to a someone whose email address isn’t in the database, you now have the option to create a new contact or to attach the email to another contact.

    Outlook - Add new Act! contact when sending email
  2. You can now enter ID/Status when creating a new contact from Outlook.

    Outlook - Adding Act! contact with ID/Status
  3. A preference setting to auto-attach histories to contacts and NOT to your My Record.

    Outlook - Auto-Attach Act! History

User Interface Improvements

  1. A Documents Tab option to save the selected file locally

    Act! Documents Tab - Save
  2. Contact column should display by default on Group and Company history tab
  3. Display preferences tabs on two rows

    Act! Preferences - Two Tab Rows
  4. Enable 'Look for' field in list views by default
  5. Move Lookup > Favorites further down the menu
  6. Remove inactive paging controls under the calendar task view
  7. Allow 'Create Lookup' from multiple selected companies (Windows client only)

    Act! Companies Lookup

Act! Premium for Web Improvements

  1. Left align the big button menu
  2. Managing opportunity processes to use the same terminology as windows
  3. Reduce Act! icon file size to improve performance
  4. Version numbers displayed should match windows client

Improvements to the Update

  1. Update Act! Notification link to point at the “What's Fixed” KB article
  2. Includes new Custom Tables package

SDK Improvements for custom add-on developers

  1. Add event where a contact, group or company is added to an opportunity
  2. Add events where opportunity total is modified or recalculated
  3. Add events where a relationship is added to a contact
  4. Add open and close events for the layout editor
  5. Provide consistent event for LayoutLoaded
  6. Record Created events are inconsistent or missing

Defects Closed

  1. FR- APFW - Task list view/ Activity Tab - Edit and Delete links are truncated
  2. FR- APFW - History list / Tab - Edit and Delete links are truncated
  3. FR- APFW - Notes Tab - Edit and Delete links are truncated
  4. TS - FR - Text Overlaps Button Edges When Deleting Contacts.
  5. TS - When creating a History item and selecting the Type as Other, the follow up button on the local install is greyed out, however it remains active on APFW.
  6. TS - Rescheduling a recurring activity with attachment does not create a rescheduled activity.
  7. Windows - Companies - Update linked fields messaging was not updated for "update linked fields" button
  8. LC - DE– Browse button is truncated on Save Copy As dialog
  9. LC - CF - Truncation in emarketing profile
  10. LC-FR-“Post” should be “Code postal” on Contact Detail View.
  11. LC–FR-On the Copy/Move Contact Data page, the text can’t be showed fully.
  12. LC–FR-On the “Reset Menus and Toolbars” truncation
  13. LC-DE- The selection box of “Opportunity (select one)” is misaligned in Act! Emarketing--Webpage dialog.
  14. Two same hotkeys “Alt + S” appear in the “Schedule Activity” box.
  15. Chrome-User Log out automatically with an error message occurred after using “Attach File…”.
  16. LC-FR-APFW: Truncation display on the Activity part on contact detail view
  17. Chrome – Dashboard – The activity cannot be deleted when we select “delete all activities in the linked series”.
  18. LC-FR-APFW: There should be more space between these buttons and the dialog frame
  19. TS - Relate Contact Window cannot be resized.
  20. LC-FR: Truncation in Email System Setup Outlook Address Books page
  21. TS - Act! Network Sync Service Update refers to Act! Update
  22. Lock/Unlock filter slider text needs to be centered as it's topmost currently
  23. TS - APFW - DE - Spelling error in Emarketing Opt Out menu.
  24. Space needed for easier reading Monthly contact limit
  25. Unable to connect to sync server error is incorrect
  26. APFW - The “Send At” field displays blank in the “Next Scheduled Email Campaign” section
  27. TS - APFW - Defunct 6 month survey appears
  28. TS - APFW - Error in Application when trying to change password when 'User cannot change password' is enabled.
  29. White icons of ‘Product Reports’ & ‘Opportunity Reports’ appear in New Report dialog.
  30. The ‘Favorite’ icon was changed from icon to text after resetting the Columns in the contacts List View.
  31. TS - APFW - Deleted Activities in IE do not disappear from list without refreshing page
  32. APFW - Calculated fields allow blank if set before choosing "calculated" as field type
  33. APFW - Activities - Schedule for dialog displays current user instead of "created by"
  34. LC - DE/FR/CF - Pro Welcome Page isn't directed to the correct regional page.
  35. Act! Update package (20.0 u5) references ACT2000
  36. TS - APFW - Unable to filter task list by keyword in IE.
  37. No scrollbar when creating calculated field with long formula
  38. TS - APFW - The advanced query open window doesn't always close in IE11.
  39. TS - Unable to delete a complete activity series in IE.
  40. TS - APFW - When using the 'replace' option when importing into APFW, information that is not being imported is removed from the record.
  41. TS - APFW - Company activities tab showing all activities after lookup in IE.
  42. TS - APFW - Standard Users unable to create secondary contacts if 'Delete Records' permission removed.
  43. TS - APFW - Able to create a remote database from another remote database via Web.
  44. LC-DE- Truncation issue occurred on Emarkting Overview.
  45. TS - APFW - Attempting to delete an in use opportunity stage gives misleading error.
  46. DE - Act! Notification message contains truncated text
  47. TS - APFW - Removing a field from a database when included in a 'customised columns' selection causes a logout
  48. LC-DE/CF/FR: The help descriptions of all charts are not translated into German or French.
  49. TS - APFW - Logged out of web or error message after adding a document to a new contact
  50. TS - APFW - Alarms window not appearing after a session times out
  51. TS - Old databases open in 20 without needing to update
  52. LC - CF/FR –Truncation issue occurred in Select Contacts dialog.
  53. LC_FR/DE/CF Truncation issue occurred in Act! Update Details dialog.
  54. LC – CF/FR Truncation issue occurred in Contact Merge Options dialog when import database.
  55. APFW - IE - Selecting "delete all occurrences" of recurring activities still only deletes one
  56. LC-DE Truncation issue occurred on the ‘Create, edit, or delete drop-down lists’ dialog.
  57. LC – CF/FR Truncation issue occurred in Opportunity Graph Options dialog.
  58. LC – DE/CF/FR APFW - Truncation issue occurred in Opportunity Pipeline Options dialog.
  59. TS - ISPA.exe runs at 100% CPU on TS environments.
  60. LC – CF ‘Share’ button is not translated to French on Open/Share database dialog.
  61. LC-FR/CF/DE – Translation issue occur during the creation of custom tables.
  62. LC – FR/CF/DE ‘Delete local preferences’ prompt box is not translated to French/Germany.
  63. LC – FR/CF/DE Some contents are not translated to French/Germany in Map Entity Fields page for Custom Tables.
  64. LC – FR/CF/DE Translation issue occur in Customize Columns dialog for Custom Tables.
  65. TS - APFW - History Result incorrect when sending an aem campaign via Web.
  66. TS - Email address from Outlook contact is used instead of email address in Act!.
  67. LC – FR/CF/DE The prompt box name – ‘Custom Tables’ is not translated to French/German.
  68. LC-FR/CF/DE – The contents of all prompt boxes are not translated to French and German when edit a record in the custom table.
  69. LC – FR/CF/DE - Truncation issue occurs in Mail Merge Wizard (7 of 7) dialog when mail merge by E-mail.
  70. TS - Upgrading Pro Databases to Premium 20.1 does not always update the Product Tier correctly.
  71. LC-DE Truncation issue occurred for ‘This contact is dynamically included in the groups listed below’ on the ‘Dynamic Groups Membership’ dialog.
  72. LC – DE/CF/FR The ‘company field’ is overlapped by the field selection box in Define Fields dialog.
  73. LC – DE ‘Browse…’ button is wrapped in Import List Items dialog.
  74. TS - History has no line break after the Regarding field in preview pane
  75. TS - APFW - Unable to schedule an activity series in Chrome when one of the activities is in the past.
  76. APFW-Custom Tables-Create a 2 Number fields and a Calculated Numeric field, using the Number fields, in Custom table via APFW gives errors
  77. APFW - Custom Tables - Creating a Field in Custom Tables before creating a custom table logs user out of APFW
  78. APFW - Custom Tables - Editing a custom table calculated field gives an error.
  79. APFW - Custom Tables - Cannot edit custom table field name.
  80. APFW-Custom tables-Clicking on Picture field in Custom table Layout Designer for Web gives error
  81. APFW-Custom Tables-Create 2 Picture fields in Custom table and add an Image in each of the fields via APFW, last Image added, overrides both fields
  82. APFW - Custom Tables - Industry Template Library option is unresponsive
  83. Custom Tables-Creating a Calculated field, based on Numerics, does not validate formula.
  84. TS - Web Info tab - Open Browser link uses IE and not default browser
  85. LC-FR : Missing translation for “Address” in Contact detail view.
  86. Pressing keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F5 when viewing AEM in Act! causes an error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  87. Custom Tables - Calculated fields on Custom tables, break Schema export
  88. Deleting Series causes popup for delete recurring activity
  89. (Chrome) Warning in activity series doesn't let you continue
  90. Groups tree doesn't stick when navigating away

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Emailing from #ActCRM via Gmail and SMTP on other ports. 16 May 2018 2:49 PM (6 years ago)

Secure Email

One of the long standing issues in Act! has been the inability for the email clients (Windows Internet Mail and Act! Premium for Web email merges) to use alternate ports. You can record History from email sent via Gmail and you can sync the contacts and activities between act! and Gmail, but you can’t use it directly as your email server as stated in this Act! knowledge base article: What email systems are compatible with Act!?

Recently an Act! Consultant came to me to help find a workaround for an Act! Premium for Web (APFW) User who needed to do emails with Templates. They are using Google’s G-Suit as their corporate mail server.

The user did have Outlook on their users’ machines, but the APFW email merge only works from the server, direct to an SMTP server.

Always up for a challenge, I looked into a few options (both free and paid) and came up with the idea of setting up a simple IIS SMTP server on their server and having it route the emails via the Google servers.

As I thought this might be useful to many of you, I thought I’d describe the process.

Please note: These instructions are of a technical nature and should only be done by those with the appropriate skills and understanding. Should you need assistance with this, please contact your Act! Consultant or send me a message via the GL Computing Contact Form

Google Setup

Note: This section is only necessary for those wanting to email via Google.

First, you need to determine which Google system you’re using and what authentication is necessary to allow the SMTP traffic. There are three supported options to do this:

G-Suite SMTP relay (recommended)

Gmail SMTP server

Sending Limits

A registered G Suite user can't relay messages to more than 10,000 recipients per day. For full SMTP relay limits, see Sending limits for the SMTP relay service.2,000 Messages per day. See Gmail sending limits.

Anti-spam filters

Suspicious emails may be filtered or rejected

Fully qualified domain name of SMTP service

Configuration options

  • Options: Port 25, 465, or 587
  • Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols.
  • Dynamic IPs are allowed, but a static IP might be required due to authentication requirements.
  • Port 465 (SSL required)
  • Port 587 (TLS required)
  • Dynamic IPs allowed

Authentication requirements

Either a static IP address or a valid G Suite user login Your full Gmail or G Suite email address is required for authentication.

Please Note: I recommend selecting TLS and port 587 for security

Please Note: If selecting Gmail SMTP server or not using a reasonably stable IP, you can only authenticate with a single user account at Gmail and emails will go from that account. However, it is possible to assign multiple IP addresses to your server and configure each account to use a separate one.

Once you’ve decided on your preferred option, you need to enable that function.

Setting up your SMTP server

To workaround the problem with sending to SMTP on different ports, we’re going to setup our own private SMTP server which will then relay the emails to your ISP or Corporate server.

While there are many free or inexpensive SMTP server options available, I’m going to just cover the IIS one as every Act! user would have access to it.

While this can be setup on a Windows Desktop system, I wouldn’t advise doing this because of a number of limitations and reliability factors.

So, I’m going to include instructions for Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 2012.

Install Internet Information Services (IIS)

If you already have IIS installed (eg on your APFW server), you might be able to skip this section and go to “Install SMTP”.

  1. In Server Manager, select Add Roles
  2. On the Before you begin page in the Add Roles Wizard, select Next.
  3. For Windows Server 2008 R2:
    1. On the Select Server Roles page, select Web Server (IIS) and select Install.
    2. Select Next until you get to the Select Role Services page.
    3. In addition to what is already selected, make sure that ODBC Logging, IIS Metabase Compatibility, and IIS 6 Management Console are selected and then select Next.
    4. When you’re prompted to install IIS, select Install. You may need to restart the server after the installation is finished.
  4. For Windows Server 2012
    1. On the Select Installation Type page, select Role-based or Feature-based installation.
    2. On the Select destination server page, choose Select a server from the server pool, and select the server that will be running SMTP services. Select Next.
    3. On the Select Server Roles page, select Web Server (IIS), and then select Next. If a page that requests additional features is displayed, select Add Features and then select Next.
    4. On the Select Role Services page, make sure that Basic Authentication under Security is selected, and then select Next.
    5. On the Confirm Installation Steps page, select Install.

Install SMTP

  1. Open Server Manager and select Add Roles and Features. On Windows Server 2012, you might also need to select the correct server.
  2. On the Select Features screen, choose SMTP Server. You may be prompted to install additional components. If that’s the case, select Add Required Features and select Next.
  3. Select Install. After the installation is finished, you may have to start the SMTP service by using the Services snap-in for the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) – Windows Key + R > Services.msc

Setup SMTP

SMTP is an IIS6 feature, so the above steps will have installed that version and we’ll use it for setting up

  1. Start IIS 6 Manager – Start > Run > inetmgr6
  2. Expand the current server, right-click the SMTP Virtual Server, and then select Properties.
  3. We only need to worry about the Access and Delivery Tabs
  4. On the Access Tab:
    1. Select Authentication and make sure only “Anonymous” is checked. Click OK
      SMTP Access Authentication
    2. Select Relay. Select “Only the list below” then use the “Add” button to add the IP addresses (or ranges) of all your machines that are allowed to send emails. Click OK.
      SMTP Access Relay
  5. Go to the Delivery Tab:
    1. Select Outbound Security.
      • If using G-Suite SMTP Relay with IP authentication, select Anonymous access and check TLS encryption. Click OK.
      • If using G-Suit SMTP with SMTP Authentication, or if using the Gmail SMTP, then select Basic authentication and check TLS encryption. Click OK.
        SMTP Delivery Outbound Security
    2. Select “Outbound connections” and set the port to 587. Click OK.
      SMTP Delivery Outbound Connections
    3. Select “Advanced” and enter:
      • Fully-qualified domain name – The correct DNS entry to identify the public IP you’re server is on
      • Smart host
        • If using G-Suite SMTP Relay -
        • If using Gmail SMTP Server –
  6. Close the dialog box and the Properties.
  7. Right Click on the SMTP Server in IIS6 and select “Start”

Test your setup

You can do a simple test from the command prompt. Windows Key + R > cmd.

  1. telnet
  2. set localecho
  3. o <your smtp server IP or FQDN> 25
  4. EHLO <your email domain>
  5. MAIL FROM:<>
  6. RCPT TO:<>
  7. DATA
  8. <Type some text>
  9. Enter, type a period (.) and then Enter again
  10. If the server is working properly, you should get a response like this indicating that the message is queued for delivery:
    250 2.6.0 <


Please Note: Make sure you correctly adjust your SPF records if using custom domains. This is essential if you don’t want your messages treated as spam.

Now you’re ready to set up your applications like Act! Internet Mail, Act! Premium for Web Email Merge, and Premium Mobile.

As always, you can let me know if you have any trouble with this or would like to book me to help you.

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Saving memory when running #ActCRM on servers 14 May 2018 1:28 AM (6 years ago)

Saving Server RamI was recently asked about how to remove some of the Act! items that load for each user from a machine used for Terminal Services, where only a few of the users needed Act!.
The following ideas are also worth doing on any system/server where Act!’s Outlook/Google Integration isn’t required. This also applies to Web Servers with Act! Premium for Web as the integration is done from the client end.
There are two basic areas where you can remove these components.

Startup Folder Shortcut

The All Users Windows Startup Folder can be found at:
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp
These programs start up for all users. To open this folder, bring up the Run box (Windows Key + R), type shell:common startup and hit Enter.
From there, you can remove:
Startup All Programs Folder - All Users
If you want to make this available to specific users, you can place the shortcut in their individual Startup folders, located at:
C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
These programs start up for the current logged in user only. To directly access this folder for the current user, open Run (Windows key + R), type shell:startup and hit Enter.

Windows Registry Run Keys

Bring up the Run box (Windows Key + R), then type regedit and hit enter
Warning: We strongly recommend that you back up the system registry before making any changes. Incorrect changes to the registry could result in permanent data loss or corrupted files. Please make sure you modify only the keys specified. For detailed information on backing up the Windows Registry, click the link below:
How to back up and restore the registry in Windows
Check each of the following locations:
From there, you can remove any of the following keys if you like:
HKLM - Run Registry

Memory Saving

In my testing, removing all of these saves about 50MB Private memory and 200MB Commit memory per user for those not needing Outlook/Google integration with Act!.
Let me know, in the comments, if your results differ.

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What you need to know about Act! 20.1 #ActCRM 25 Apr 2018 2:10 PM (6 years ago)

How will the latest Act! update benefit your business?

Act! Custom Tables - Data and Processes

Custom Tables: Increased Efficiency for Sales Automation

Act! has supported the ability for third-party add-ons to add and work with custom tables since version 10.02. Now, with the newly released 20.1, this functionality can be added by a simple upgrade to Premium Plus.

As an individual salesperson, Act!’s custom tables help you to improve your efficiency and track detailed information on the contacts and companies you deal with or even on the Opportunities and Groups you manage.

In the screenshot below, we have a custom table showing vehicles. If you run a car dealership, this is a helpful table to track. For example, you might get in touch with the buyer of the 2006 and 2013 cars to see if they are interested in a trade-in.

Act! Custom Tables - Vehicles

Clicking on any of the line items brings up a detailed dialogue (Click to see full size):

Act! Custom Tables - Vehicles - popupAct 20.1 ships with some custom industry templates including:

● Mortgage brokers. Detailed documentation matters in mortgages so keeping detailed files in Act will help you satisfy the compliance department.

● Wealth management. The information you gather at this stage will help you to satisfy the regulatory requirements imposed on financial companies.

● Residential real estate. Most people buy several properties over their lives, so there is a significant benefit to staying in touch with past customers over time.

● As well as templates for Event Planning, Consulting, Project Management, and Product Inventories.

Are you worried that your industry or need is not covered by a template? You can use the custom tables capability to create your design. I recommend getting an Act! consultant to help you with this if you have not done it before.

How Does Custom Tables Benefit Sales Managers?

Let’s start with the obvious benefit. Your front line sales staff will have an easier time at work. They will be able to walk through each part of the sales process with ease. If you regularly hire new sales staff, this guidance will support your sales training program.

● Sales Training Resource: Act is a powerful resource to enhance your sales training. For more insight, read my past article How To Use Act! for Your Sales Training.

Adding custom tables to Act also helps sales managers better understand the performance of their sales staff. In addition to tracking primary activity metrics like the number of calls and emails sent, you can monitor higher-value aspects of the sales process.

Here are some ideas:

● Presentation. In contrast to basic sales metrics like call levels, you can track higher value measures. One option is to follow the number of presentations made to prospects especially if you have customised service offerings.

● Relationship Depth. In complex B2B sales, a single point of contact is not going to be enough to close a deal. You also need to line up internal champions. Imagine you are selling an extensive business insurance policy. Aside from senior management, who else needs to be involved in winning the business? You may need legal to support the purchase. If you are selling to a bank, you might also want support from compliance and risk management. With custom tables, it is easier to track and understand these complex sales relationships.

Tip: Act becomes the most useful when users fill it with comprehensive data. As a manager, you can create custom views to make sure staff are covering the basics like phone numbers, email addresses, and discounts.

Streamlined Integration with Outlook

As I have previously posted, Swiftpage announced, last Dec, that it was completely re-writing the Office integration. See the detailed letter, here: Letter from Lorcan Malone, Dec 2017

If you are concerned about how different systems integrate, it is tough to trust them. You never know if the information you are looking at is up to date. Picture what how this problem would like in sales:

You use a third-party tool to pass data back and forth between Act! and Outlook. Unfortunately, the third party connection breaks down for a week when a new version of Act comes out. While you wait for updates, you regularly have to switch back and forth to get all of your sales data. If you are moderately busy, you are probably going to forget to track and log your emails and meetings.

Likewise, the same problem could occur in account management. If customer requests are not tracked accurately, you might risk the business relationship.

Whew! Who needs that kind of anxiety worrying about out of date records? Fortunately, the improved Act! integration with Outlook eliminates this concern. Specifically, Act! now has robust two-way synchronisation with Outlook. You no longer have to worry about third-party software breaking down. All of your emails to customers are automatically added to Act!’s history.

There is also a new synchronisation module to sync contacts and activities. Not just to Outlook, but optionally directly to your MS-Exchange or Outlook365 server.

The Next Step To Bringing Act 20.1 To Your Business

How does Act 20.1 help your company improve its operation? Finding your way around these new features may be tough. That is why I would like to invite you to contact me for a free assessment to see how you can boost productivity with custom tables.

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How To Use Act! for Your Sales Training #ActCRM 13 Mar 2018 3:49 AM (7 years ago)

Act! Insider Business CardsCharisma, a strong network, blind luck, or skills: what explains great sales results? Like any complex activity, it’s easy to throw your hands up in frustration and say all of the above. That’s defeatist thinking. How can you make your sales training give you the best returns on your investment?

Use Act! as a support system to track, report and encourage your staff to implement what they learn.

1) Check Your Beliefs About Sales Training

“All business skills are learnable.” – Brian Tracy, sales expert

In her bestselling book Mindset, Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck defines two mindsets that shape results. The fixed mindset believes that skills and capabilities do not significantly change: a weak sales professional isn’t likely to change. In contrast, the growth mindset emphasises change and development. This is a critical distinction if you are going to improve in sales training. With a fixed mindset, you’re more likely to give up before you develop proficiency in new skills. The growth mindset, you believe you can grow and research finds you are more likely to persist and succeed in learning.

Adopting a growth mindset will help you get the highest value out of sales training.

Attitude matters – skip it at your peril!

Action Step: Take the quiz on the Mindset Assessment to see which mindset you have. If you have the fixed mindset, ask yourself if that perspective is helping you to reach your goals.

2) Complete A Sales Training Program And Track Followup Afterwards

Truth be told, there are multiple sales training methods that work.

Buying a sales training program, attending a sales seminar or using online training all have the potential to work. For sales professionals in the B2B environment, two popular options include SPIN Selling by Neil Rackham and The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation by Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson. Once you choose a sales training program, how do you ensure you get results?

If you get the opportunity, see if you can get the opportunity to attend an inspirational presentation by one of Act!’s co-founders, Mike Muhney.

Often people are excited and galvanised by a sales training course but, unfortunately, these effects can wear off without regular maintenance and monitoring.

Set up a tracking process to reinforce the principles and processes of the training for a set period. For example, schedule a weekly 30-minute meeting for three months to review the key points you learned. You might focus on prospecting, managing stakeholders or the art of landing large sales with Act!. Many traditional professionals like accountants, lawyers and doctors are required to take training regularly to keep their skills sharp. Why not apply that idea to the sales world?

Action Step: Select and attend a sales training program if you have not taken one in the past 12 months. Next, set up series of weekly meetings to track whether you practice the principles.

3) Set Sales Lead Indicators In Act!

You want closed sales at the end of the month, quarter or year. How can you increase the odds of hitting that goal?

The answer lies in tracking lead indicators for sales - measures that tend to predict the future. For example, a few common leading measures in sales include: number of meetings held, number of proposals sent and number of prospecting actions per day.

To train your sales staff in how and why to use lead indicators to close more sales, ask them to identify the best lead indicator for your sales process. For example, your sales process may look like this:

  1. Call 1: you introduce yourself to a prospect by phone.
  2. Initial Meeting. If the call goes well, you arrange a meeting with the prospect by phone or in person.
  3. Needs Assessment. Determining the client requirements and scope of the project.
  4. Proposal Presentation. If the previous steps go well, you are invited back to present a proposal.
  5. Negotiation. Sorting out the final details and payment.
  6. Close. You ask for the order and get a YES!
  7. Sales Fulfilment. Payment Received. Your CFO sees cash in the bank and you can supply goods/services.

Steps 1-4 are promising candidates for lead measures. I recommend focusing on steps 4 because it will ensure prior steps are carried out with quality. If you choose steps 1 or 2 as your lead indicator, quality may suffer.

To aid you in tracking this measure in Act!, choose a lead indicator involving calls, emails or in-person meetings. Those interactions are almost always a requirement to win business and Act! is well set up to track those activities. In the past, sales professionals used notebooks to track this kind of information. That works but it is a lot of effort to keep up.

Sales Training OpportunityCreate Opportunities for your sales in Act! and link the activities to those Opportunities. Then use Act! Insight, Dashboards, or some reports to make the measuring and monitoring a simple task.

Action Step: Meet with your sales representatives to choose a lead measure that you can track in Act! and which predicts ultimate sales success.

Resource: For more insights on using lead indicators to accomplish your sales goals, read “The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals" by Chris McChesney, Jim Huling, and Sean Covey.

4) Sales Managers: Monitor for Success in Act!

Sales Training InsightSales managers: this step is for you. Choose a schedule – weekly and monthly are good options – and monitor your staff’s performance at each stage of the sales process. Recognize who wins in terms of lead indicators and sales!

Action Step: Speak to your Act! consultant to help you in customising Act! and generating reports on the metrics you need to track this data.

Want to improve your sales efficiency with Act!? Contact me today for a free consultation.

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Fix: Issues when installing .Net Framework 3.5 27 Jan 2018 9:41 PM (7 years ago)

microsoft_net_framework3.5One error that sometimes occurs when installing/upgrading Act!, and many other products, is during the install/upgrade of MS SQL Server.

For Act! installs/upgrades, the typical error you might receive is as per this knowledgebase article: "Act! pre-requisite has encountered a problem and needs to close." When Installing Act!

This error is not an Act! issue, but an issue installing MS-SQL on Windows operating systems from Windows 8 onwards, when the .Net Framework v3.5 isn’t enabled or has a problem with its setup.

You can also get similar issues updating SQL Server 2014 or adding Roles when the .Net 3.5 install lacks the right service pack.

The first step is to try enabling the Framework manually via the Control Panel.

Installing .Net 3.5 via Control Panel

As per this Microsoft article, you can enable the .NET Framework 3.5 through the Windows Control Panel. This option requires an Internet connection.

  1. Press the Windows key Windows Windows logo on your keyboard, type "Windows Features", and press Enter. The Turn Windows features on or off dialogue box appears.

  2. Select the .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0) check box, select OK, and reboot your computer if prompted.

Dotnet-Control-PanelYou don't need to select the child items for Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) HTTP Activation and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Non-HTTP Activation unless you're a developer or server administrator who requires this functionality.

Troubleshooting .Net 3.5 Installation Failure

During installation, you may encounter one of these errors 0x800f0906, 0x800f0907, 0x800f081f, or 0x800F0922.

Or you might get the error “The following feature couldn’t be installed, The source files could not be found”.

Or, on Server 2012, you might get “Do you want to specify an alternate source path? One or more installation selections are missing source files on the destination server”

Microsoft covers some of the basics in this article. However, as it misses fixes for some of the errors and is, in my opinion, incomplete, I thought I would document my preferred solutions.

Check the System and Security Action Centre

  1. Hold the Windows Key and press R
  2. In the Run dialogue, type: wscui.cpl
  3. If you see any warnings, you should resolve them.

Using DISM and an SFC/DISM Scan

Try installing via DISM to enable the .Net 3.5 Framework:

  1. Open a Command or PowerShell Prompt as an Administrator – Press Windows Key + X to open Win + X menu and choose Command Prompt (Admin) or PowerShell (Admin) from the menu.
  2. When the Command Prompt starts, changing “X” for the drive of your Windows ISO.
    DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /LimitAccess /Source:X:\sources\sxs
  3. The operation will now start. Keep in mind that it can take a while to finish, so don’t interrupt it.

If that fails, perform an SFC scan, by doing the following:

  1. From an Administrator Command Prompt
  2. sfc /scannow and press Enter.
  3. SFC scan will now start. Keep in mind that SFC scan can take about 15 minutes to finish, so don’t interrupt it.

Once the SFC scan is finished, try to install .NET Framework 3.5 again.

If it doesn’t work, you might have to perform DISM scan as well.

To do that, just follow these steps:

  1. Open Command Prompt as administrator.
  2. Now run each of the following commends:
    1. DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    2. DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    3. DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

The scans can take more than 15 minutes to complete, so be sure not to interrupt them

Once you complete the DISM scan, reboot and try to install .NET Framework 3.5 again.

Installing from a Clean ISO

Sometimes, the Windows files you have can be damaged. In that case, you need to follow these steps

Download the Windows Media Creation Tool

  1. For Windows 10 users, download the Windows Media Creation Tool, which is a tool that helps you create a Windows 10 ISO. If running Windows 8.1, download the Windows 8.1 Installer.
  2. Use the Windows Media Creation Tool to create a Windows ISO image locally.
  3. When the download is complete, mount the ISO by double-clicking on it.

For Windows Server 2012 R2, you can download the appropriate Evaluation ISO

Copy the SXS folder

  1. Open the mounted ISO, and go into the Sources folder.
  2. There should be a folder named sxs.
  3. Copy the folder to another location on your computer.
  4. Right click on the copied folder, and choose Properties from the drop-down menu.SXS Properties
  5. When the Properties window opens, click on the Security tab.
  6. Select your username from the Group or user names box; check if there is a checkmark next to Read and Write in the Permissions for [Your Username] box. You could also add “Everyone” or “Domain Users” if wanting to store and run from a network share.
    SXS Security Tab
  7. If you do not find the check marks, you should click on the Edit button, select your username, and check both the Read and the Write box.

Edit the Group Policy

Press Windows Key + R and enter gpedit.msc. Now press Enter or click OK. Keep in mind that this tool is available only on Pro versions of Windows 10, but there’s a way to run Group Policy Editor on the Home version of Windows.

  1. When Group Policy Editor starts, in the left pane go to:
    Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System.
  2. In the right pane, double-click on
    Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair.
  3. A new window opens.
  4. Select Enabled.
  5. In the Alternate source file path, enter the address of the sxs.
  6. Then click on Apply and OK.
    Gpedit - Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair
    Optional: Check Download repair content and optional features directly from Windows Update instead of Windows Server Update Services.
  7. After making these changes, you just need to start Command Prompt as administrator and run gpupdate /force command to apply the changes.


Now it should install from an Admin Command Prompt with the command:
DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /LimitAccess /Source:X:\sources\sxs
Remember to change “X:\sources\sxs” to the correct location of the sxs folder.

It’s also advisable to backup your system and, if you’ve had issues like this, you might also consider:
Repairing your Windows Image

Please post to the comments if these worked for you, or if you’ve encountered this problem and these solutions didn’t help.

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Act! Certified Expert – Sanctioned by Swiftpage #ActCRM 16 Jan 2018 4:04 AM (7 years ago)

Act! Certified Expert - Santioned by Swiftpage #ActCRMOver the years, Mike Lazarus has been the recipient of many unique awards and certifications related to his work in Act!, including:

In another first, Mike has just been sanctioned by Swiftpage as an
“Act! Certified Expert”

As indicated in this previous blog post, Working with Act! Again, Mike has been working with Swiftpage for some months to identify and resolve outstanding issues and to improve the stability and functionality of the product. Now he is connected with the QA and Development teams in testing some of the enhanced and new features expected in 2018 before they go to beta and then release.

Some important ones regarding Office integration have been announced in this December 2017 Letter from Swiftpage’s President, Lorcan Malone to registered Act! users.

Please respond in the comments with any areas or bugs you think need additional testing.

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What CRM Experts Don’t Tell You About Winning Large Sales 18 Dec 2017 8:07 PM (7 years ago)


Large sales, enterprise accounts, the big fish.

It’s all about the large accounts that increase profits and prestige overnight. Ever since SPIN Selling was published, sales experts have recognised that work in small sales does not transfer to large-scale deals. I will assume your team has robust sales skills once they are in the room with the prospect. Optimizing performance before and after the meeting will be our focus.

1. Preparing For Major Sales Meetings With Act!Act! Premium - Opportunity Tracking

You’ve decided to pursue a large, well-known, corporation as a client for your business. You know that landing that account will bring instant credibility throughout your region. Through networking, you have managed to identify a few managers at the company. How will you convert this information in a productive meeting?

Sales Resource: Read Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount for additional insight on prospecting. Blount makes an excellent point with his 30-day rule. If you are disappointed with your sales results today, check your calendar from 30 days ago. For example, if you take it easy at the office in December, you will have to work extra hard in the new year to catch up!

2. Improving Major Sales Follow Up With Act!Act! Premium - Activity Tracking and Alerts

After you hold the major sale meeting, you leave with a signed contract! Well, that might happen if you are lucky to meet an exceptionally hungry buyer. If you are seeking to close a large sale, the process takes time to close.

Disciplined follow up makes all the difference. There’s just one problem with that suggestion. Sales professionals know they need to follow up. Yet many of them get distracted with other work and sales opportunities and never get around to it. Use Act! to augment your follow up discipline.

3. Growing and Keeping Customers Loyal With Act!Act! Premium - Insight

So far, I have focused on bringing new customers in the front door. That’s critical for growth especially if you just starting our breaking out of a slump. Landing new accounts is not enough. Keeping current customers happy and doing more business with them matters as well. Analyse your customers in Act to find cross-selling opportunities such as:

What The Other CRM Experts Aren’t Telling You.

Why aren’t you landing more major accounts? You probably lack one of three disciplines: sales goals (you are not shooting high enough), sales strategy (you have no idea how to land the big fish) or process (you do not have the right techniques or tools). I can help you with the last of these … However, no technology can fix the other problems associated with landing big sales.

Contact me to discuss ways we can use Act! to improve your company’s sales processes and efficiency.

If you would like to help other Act! users, please post your best strategies for landing the big deals as a comment to this post.

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How To Improve Customer Service With Act! 7 Nov 2017 9:26 AM (7 years ago)

Act! CRM v20Keeping a customer engaged with your business is one of the best ways to keep your business in good health. Once your company grows beyond a few people, consistent customer service becomes more difficult. One person may consistently go the extra mile with customers while others neglect the basics. Find out how to use Act! to improve your customer service and keep customers coming back for more.

Customer Service In The News: Complaints, Competition and Attention

In a world where low prices grab our attention, does customer service matter? The answer is yes. A brief review of the press highlights the consequences of customer service.

It is clear that excellent customer service makes a difference. How exactly can you improve customer service? Just asking your staff to impress is one approach. What should you tell them to do? You can use Act! to devise the details of your customer service program and continue improving.

Improving Customer Service With Act!

Use the following techniques to improve customer service with Act!. Tailor these methods to the value of your customer. In the Hotel 1000 example above, they are looking for business travellers who spend significant time in hotels. Such customers deserve extra attention.

1) Identify your top customers for extra care

Your employees have limited time so you cannot afford to treat all customers in the same way. Establish a few criteria (e.g. easy to work with and highly profitable) and then make a list. These are the customers who will garner extra time and attention.

Act! Application: Add an ID/Status, Favourite check or other field for your top customer records indicating “Gold Customer” (or whichever term you prefer), so you can find those customers easily with a search.

2) Set up recurring processes to review customer feedback

McKinsey & Co is one of the world’s most successful consulting firms. Client feedback is a core component of the firm’s success. According to Herbert Henzler’s book “Pushing the boundaries: Recollections of a McKinsey consultant”, the firm’s engagement performance review is varied out every three months and includes:

What was the quality of the analyses? Did you make good use of McKinsey resources? What was the client feedback? What was the team members feedback? Which improvements were necessary and how could these be implemented?

By using this process, individual consultants and their management never go long without taking customer feedback into account. For managers, records in Act! will give you additional input to consider in assessing your staff. If your team know you will review Act! as part of your management process, they will be more likely to use it.

Act! Application: Write short Notes or History after each customer service interaction in Act!. That way, you will have the opportunity to provide feedback to your staff.

3) Design long-term customer service improvements

Some customer service issues are trying to improve in an ad hoc fashion. For instance, you may have to use a new vendor to enhance the quality of your packaging. With limited resources, how do you decide where to focus your quality improvement efforts? Take a closer look at Act! for customer service failings and opportunities.

Act! Application: Create a method to list any unresolved customer complaints or those that required management involvement to obtain a solution. Use this information to look for systemic improvement opportunities.

4) Understand why customers leave

All good things come to an end, and that includes customer relationships. When customers leave, ask your staff to find out why they left. Once you collect data for a few months, schedule a meeting to review the findings. Look for ways that improved customer service could make a difference. As a starting point, consider the most common customer service complaints according to Business Queensland:

Your next step:

Meet with your sales team this month to review customer service levels. Use the four points outlined in this article to prepare examples for the discussion. If you find insufficient information in your customer files or disorganised information, implementing Act! may be the solution. Contact an Act! Certified Consultant to help you implement it.

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Act! Version 20 – What You Need To Know 17 Oct 2017 12:34 PM (7 years ago)

Act! v20 - Evolved

This month, Act! Version 20 comes to the market. If you are an existing user, should you upgrade to the new version? It all depends on your technical needs. Here are some reasons why the new version will make your business life more comfortable. It is a combination of improving reliability, enabling mobile work and bringing marketing and sales closer together.

Tip: Most of these improvements are only applicable to Premium Subscription users.

1) Track Your Business Results Easily With Act! Insight

Act! v20 Insight SalesAct! v20 Insight Key

Producing complex business reports each month is a huge pain for many in the sales. What if you could quickly check on the status of your sales pipeline each day? That’s what you can accomplish using Act! Insight. At a glance, this new feature offers the ability to see reports on sales by product, forecasted sales and won vs lost sales.

Tip: If you manage a sales team or own a business, Act! Insight is especially useful. The “Business Health” summary gives you precise data on your company’s operations and health. Make it a daily habit to check on these metrics, and you will avoid nasty surprises at month end.

Tip: Many of the Insight graphs are improvements on the current Dashboard function. However, at this time I have been using both Views of data as I have built some Dashboards that I have not yet been able to replicate with Insight.

2) Speak Your Notes and Listen for Answers By using Amazon Alexa

Survey after survey tells us that entering data into your CRM is a chore. That problem will start to come to an end because Act! will now support Amazon Alexa.

You might recall the scene in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, where they spend some time in 1986 San Francisco. Scotty, the chief engineer, has to use a PC and he picks up the mouse and tries speaking into it – “Hello Computer.”

Having picked up flip-phones, tablets and other devices from this program, it does seem natural for us to continue to realise the best ideas of their writing team.

Introduced in 2014, the Amazon Echo device is the primary to interact with Alexa, a voice-activated assistant. While you may not have an Amazon Echo in your office yet, the device offers exciting potential – the ability to ask for reports and add data by speaking will save you plenty of time. It’s true there are some limitations with voice recognition (e.g. ensuring control over confidential client data). However, the technology is likely to be a godsend for those who hate to type or merely prefer to speak. If you were already interested in voice recognition, now you will have an opportunity to use the technology for business.

Tip: A current list of commands available can be accessed at this Knowledgebase Article:
What commands are available for use with the Act! Premium skill for Amazon Alexa?

Tip: At this time, this function is not supported in Australia / New Zealand. I am still trying to determine the reason for this and an estimate of when it will be.

Tip: If you decide to invest in Amazon Alexa, you can use it for much more than Act!. You can use it to play music, check bank account balances (depends on whether you have a bank).

3) Improved Mobile Experience – Act! Mobile Companion

Act! Companion - MapsAct! Companion - InsightIn the past, mobile apps were not that powerful. You had to open up your computer to do real work. Act!’s improved mobile app, Act! Companion, is available for Android and iOS, is starting to address that problem. You can quickly schedule follow up appointments with prospects and log your calls easier.

You can now call and email contacts directly through the Act! Companion. That means no more time copying and pasting phone numbers from emails on your phone. Even better, Act! Companion gives you your recent history directly on the mobile app. That means you can prepare better for sales meetings faster and stay coordinated with others in your company. Act! Companion also has map support so you can get to your appointments on time.

Note: Act! Companion is included with the subscription version of the product. If you are on the fence about whether to sign up for the subscription version, it’s worth it to get Act! Companion.

4) Improved E-commerce Integration

Does your company run an e-commerce store? If so, many of the operational processes are likely automated such as shipping and generating invoices. In the midst of that automation, there are three reasons why integrating Act! with your e-commerce provider is a smart idea. First, this integration gives your sales staff the ability to lavish extra attention on high-value customers. Second, you can use e-commerce data such as a customer’s purchase history to inform your Act! marketing campaigns. Third, you can use that data to carry out analyse your business operations (e.g. avoid running out of popular items and better understand your margins).

Act! supports integration with a variety of the most popular e-commerce platforms: BigCommerce, Ecwid, Etsy, Shopify, Volusion, and WooCommerce. Additionally, it can also bring in sales history from many common accounts products.

5) Improving Act!’s Subscription Product

As with other software products, the subscription version of Act! continues to improve. For example, the mobile app – Act! Companion – is included in the subscription, as is Act! Insight. If you have not already switched to a subscription license, the improvements offered through version 20 are an excellent reason to switch now. If you use the subscription version of Act! in conjunction with a cloud offering, you do not have to worry about losing your data due to a computer failure – it is all stored on secure servers.

Tip: Switching to a subscription license means that you will receive a steady stream of updates

6) Improved Microsoft Outlook integration

Microsoft Outlook remains one of the world’s most popular email applications. If you are comfortable using Outlook, rest assured that Act! continues to improve its Outlook integration. For you, that means a more stable experience and reduced issues. You can focus on selling instead of keeping your software operational. Whether you use Microsoft Office 2010, 2013 or 2016, Act! is compatible with each version.

I have personally found that the Outlook integration in v20 is more stable than it has been for some time. Swiftpage has also stated that some Outlook integration improvements are being worked on and scheduled to be included in v20.1.

What if your company uses G Suite, Google’s professional set of services for calendar, email and other applications? Don’t worry. Act! integrates with Gmail, Google Calendar and Google Contacts. For more information on the Google integration, see this article:
How to set preferences for Google and Gmail Integration in Act!

7) Optimised Emarketing Workflow

Act! v20 EmarketingAct! v20 Emarketing Call List

Act! users who are leveraging the power of Act! Emarketing can now manage campaigns through an intuitive, optimised workflow within Act!. Users can quickly and easily execute campaigns and track results from five newly designed views – Overview, Options, Create, Send and Track with full-screen Call Lists – all fully integrated within Act!

8) Better working experience for Apple users

Apple users are used to a seamless user experience. Act! version 20 delivers on that expectation by adding support for the Chrome for Mac web browser. As a result, you now have more flexibility to use Act! on your Apple computer. Apple users also have the option to use the Act! Companion on iOS devices like the iPhone. Version 20 also delivers a better Act! / Office for Mac integration.

Note: This still requires a local or cloud-based Window server

9) Dozens of “under the hood” quality improvements

Any piece of complex software accumulates bugs over time. The important question is what efforts are carried out to solve those problems. Mail merge, reports, company views and errors with contacts are just a few of the fixes that will make Act! version 20 easier to use. All told, these improvements save you time. To receive a steady stream of updates, make sure you sign up for the subscription version of Act!.

Resource: Curious to know more about all the technical fixed that went into Act! version 20? Read What's new in Act! v20 for further details.

Planning Your Next Move With Act!

The latest version of Act! brings a variety of new analytics and automation features to the table. Like any piece of software, you may not use every feature every day. Instead, ask yourself a different question: what if I could make my week 5% more productive by using this software? For your field staff, the improved Act! Companion app may mean the difference between staying late at the office on a Friday and getting home on time.

To find out if Act! version 20 is right for your business, contact me to request a free assessment. We will go through a few short questions and find out if it will add value to your business.

Click here to get in touch with me – Or post a comment to this article

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CRM Benefits for Your Sales Professionals 27 Sep 2017 8:21 PM (7 years ago)

Act! CRM for Sales ProfessionalsFor company owners and managers, an effective CRM program works wonders in helping you to measure and improve your business.

What about your sales staff? What benefit does it have for them? That is the question we will explore here. After all, if management fails to “sell” CRM to the staff, you will not get much benefit from using the CRM. To make that “internal sale,” here are the key CRM benefits for sales professionals.

1. More repeat orders and business from past customers

Asking a previous customer to buy again is much easier than attracting a new one. We all know that. However, most of us lack a systematic process to maintain relationships with past customers which means repeat sales are less likely. Adopting a CRM program makes it easier to manage customer relationships by providing you with notes, order activity and reminders to get in touch with past customers.

Tip: Use Act!’s Smart Task feature to remind you to get in touch with customers. Let’s take real estate as a quick example, Set a “time delay” on the Smart Task for 3-6 months after the sale. At that point, you will be reminded to get in contact with your customer. If they are satisfied, this is an excellent time to ask for a referral or surprise them with a gift.

2. Improve sales results on complex deals

Selling to a bank or another large company is often a long and drawn out process. I have seen cases where the buying process can take months or even more than a year. With millions of dollars in revenue at stake, staying involved is well worth the effort. Just think about how complicated the process can become! Each month, you may meet new people at your target company whom all have different interests and concerns. If you fail to keep those concerns straight, you are likely to ruffle feathers and lose the order.

Keep all your data, notes and observations in the CRM makes everything much easier in a complex sale. This same process also applies to high-value professional sales such as investment management, law and accounting. Attempting to keep all of that information clear in your head is asking for failure.

3. Spend more time with customers

Every month, your managers will probably ask you for reports and other data about your sales activities. Compiling these reports is a headache that nobody wants. You may not be able to eliminate reporting entirely, but you can cut it down substantially by using Act! once you have your desired reports in place.

Tip: If you save an hour per week from administration, that time savings will not automatically translate into higher income. To achieve that benefit, use that new time on high-value activities like prospecting for your dream clients.

4. Get better leads from the marketing department

Remember the classic sales movie “Glengarry Glen Ross?”

In the scene with Alec Baldwin’s characters, underperforming salesmen complain that “the leads are weak.” Baldwin’s character tears them apart for complaining about the leads. It may be one of the most iconic depictions of sales in pop culture. Too bad it is misleading!

In reality, the value of your leads may be weak! By keeping notes on your leads in Act!, you will be able to notice patterns. You may find that inbound leads who download a white paper are much more interested in hearing from you than any other type of lead. Once you understand that point, meet with your marketing colleagues to share your experiences, so they know what to continue.

Why do better leads matter? A higher quality lead is more likely to buy and become a long-term customer. Even better, you will reduce the pain and frustration of rejection dramatically. All of these benefits are possible by thoroughly using a CRM.

5. A full CRM keeps the sales manager away

Let’s face it: nobody likes to be nagged at the office or at home. If you are disciplined in keeping your deals up to date in the CRM, you will never hear another complaint from your manager again. That means less awkward conversations at the office for you. Isn’t that peace of mind alone worth 15 minutes a day to keep your CRM notes up to date?

Tip: If your company uses a “balanced scorecard” approach to performance reviews, check to see if consistent CRM use fits with that process.

6. You can make a better case for a pay increase

How can using your company CRM consistently help you to win a raise? Your manager may want to reward good performance. However, she needs to show a business case for that decision. Revenue numbers alone may be enough in some cases. Your request will be even more compelling if you can demonstrate that you are also keeping reliable records on your customers. Keeping those records demonstrates that you are committed to the CRM program. Showing you have a repeatable process to bring in new business – as documented by your actions in Act! – helps your manager understand that you can continue to develop stellar results.

Keep Growing: Our Two Recommended Sales Books

By the way, you do not have to stop with a CRM when it comes to helping your sales staff to improve. The following two books are industry classics for a reason – you can read them multiple times and profit each time. Each book is available in print, digital or audio format so even your field reps can access the books.

SPIN Selling by Neil Rackham.

Relying on a large scale research study into effective sales practices in B2B sales, this book explains a simple process you can use to make sales over and over again. By navigating the sales conversation through the “SPIN” process, your staff will be able to make more sales. What if your team does not have enough prospects? That is where our next title comes into the picture.

The Ultimate Selling Machine by Chet Holmes.

While much of the book is aimed at company owners and managers, your sales staff can also profit from reading this book. Holmes advocates focus in the prospecting process such as creating a list of your “Dream 20” clients and then pursuing them systematically. Holmes also shows how education based marketing plays a key role in attracting prospects to your organisation.

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The Path To Low Stress Sales: 6 Reasons To Use a CRM like Act! In Your Business 19 Sep 2017 4:04 PM (7 years ago)

Act-propel-productivityThink back to the start of your business. You may have been the only one generating sales, serving customers and keeping the books. Once your business achieves some growth, you will start to add a few sales staff. Now you have a problem. As a manager, you are a few steps removed from the sales process. How can you be sure your sales team are spending their time productively?

Whether you own the company or manage the sales department, you need high quality, timely information about the sales group. In my experience, using a CRM (customer relationship management) tool like Act! is critical to improving productivity, reliability and sales effectiveness in a growing business. Let’s start with the benefits for sales managers and company owners.

1. Never miss another customer opportunity

Following up with customer questions and inquiries is critical to close sales. If your sales staff are “managing” customer follow up from their inbox, you are likely losing sales opportunities. By using Act! to monitor and manage interactions with clients and prospects, you can keep your staff focused on the opportunities that matter. For example, you can track when a prospect’s contract with a competitor is set to expire. That tracking allows you to focus your resources on higher value sales opportunities. At a minimum, you should strive to follow up on leads within two business days to keep up with other companies:

Insight: According to – Kayak Online Marketing:
“The average company takes 44 hours to respond to leads.”

Applying Act! To Your Business: Finding the “hot leads” for your business makes the sales process much easier. I recommend using Act’s Intelligent Call Lists feature to identify these leads. Calling a lead who has opened your weekly email newsletter for the past three weeks within minutes of receiving it may be a great fit for your business.

2. Detect high-performance sales activities and stars

Almost every sales team has one or two stars – the professional who significantly outperforms everyone else. They could be the person who never seems to have a “bad month” or who brings in the most profitable deals. Detecting the patterns behind these issues is difficult if you lack a system to organise the information. By using Act!, you can more quickly identify the indicators associated with top performance. For example, you may find that top performers routinely hit an individual activity metric each day (e.g. ten outbound messages to prospects attracted through inbound marketing). You can detect some of these patterns by using Act! to supplement your observations. With these insights, you can improve the productivity of your current sales staff and improve training for new hires.

Management Tip: Create a top performers report in Act! That shows your most productive sales staff and related metrics (e.g. number of deals, days elapsed to close the deal, new vs existing account and other measures).

Act! v19 Dashboard

3. Reduce sales administration time

Let’s say that your sales staff spend 4-8 hours per week on administration today. That covers everything from keeping up with email, filing orders and interacting with others parts of your company. While necessary, those efforts take time away generating new sales opportunities. By using Act!, you can cut that administration time significantly. For example, you can integrate email to Act! so that lead files are updated more quickly. Every automation measure means more time is available to deepen client relationships and start new ones.

Save Time Using Act! – With the “Smart Tasks” feature, you can make sure that your sales staff never miss another follow up with a potential customer. That is critical because larger value sales require you to build trust over time.

4. Deepen relationships at larger firms

It is easier to sell more to existing customers than attract new customers. Despite that truth, many companies do not have a systematic approach to their sales. Let’s say you were doing business with a division of BHP or IBM. There’s a good chance that other parts of the organisation could benefit from your products. However, selling more to a large firm often involves extensive research to discover the decision makers, subject matter experts and political situation. Asking your sales staff to keep track of this data without Act! is asking for trouble.

If you serve large, complex customers (or if you want to expand to that segment), a fully implemented CRM solution is critical.

5. Save time on accounting and customer service

Closing a sale on the phone or in a meeting is exciting for sales professionals. To maintain an excellent customer experience, the subsequent steps of your business process need to function smoothly. For example, issuing an accurate, complete quote or invoice to the client makes a positive impression. By integrating Act! with your accounting system, your sales staff save time in producing invoices and quotes and your accounting team has less paperwork to process.

Tip: If your company uses Quickbooks, Xero, or MYOB, you can easily integrate Act! into your accounting systems.

6. Start using email marketing to improve the bottom line

“A June 2016 survey of US marketers conducted by the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) and Demand Metric found that email had a median ROI of 122%—more than four times higher than other marketing formats examined, including social media, direct mail and paid search.” - eMarketer

Email marketing remains one of the most effective marketing methods on the market. Why? It all comes back to permission. If your prospects and clients have signed up to receive marketing email, you have direct access to your customers. If you are new to email marketing, there is a learning curve to get started. However, it is well worth the effort because of the high ROI email marketing delivers.

Act! makes it easy to get started with email marketing by providing an easy to use editor and templates. That means you can get started without paying for expensive graphic design services.

How do you “sell” your sales staff on adopting Act! in their daily work? We will cover that question in our next article.

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Working with Act! again 15 Aug 2017 4:14 PM (7 years ago)


It has been a few months since I last posted on the status of where I am with Swiftpage and the direction of the product. In that time, I have received numerous requests for an update.

After a call back in March from John Oechsle, Swiftpage's CEO, and Rowan Koons, SVP and GM, followed by four months of detail discussions on how to continually improve the product and user experience, we have reached an agreement for how I can best continue to serve Act! and the broader Act! Community.

Swiftpage has recognised my expertise and passion, and as part of this working together, Swiftpage has endorsed me as an “Act! Certified Expert, sanctioned by Swiftpage” as at 1 August 2017.

I have also been fortunate, during these conversations, to have had a look at the future direction of roadmap for Act!. This has made me more excited to be working with them to try and bring these to market for you.

My Current Focus

It does have elements of the position of "P.O.P.E" as originally suggested as a comment in this LinkedIn thread from four years ago - by Paul Marentette, of Uptime Solutions in Canada, and seconded by many others including Bob Ogdon, Chairman and Founder of Swiftpage.

We have highlighted the following ways to work together:

1. Initially examining areas of the current build (19.2 Update 3), with a focus on MS-Office integration and other areas that users might suggest.

2. Become active again in the Act! Community Site and my Linkedin Act! Fanatics Group. Not just in supporting users, as I have done for many years, but also creating an analysis of the posts to identify the areas that users have the most issues with (usability or flaws).

3. Assist Swiftpage in updating and enhancing Act! Knowledgebase articles.

4. Alpha and Beta testing v20 as soon as it is available.

After this, I hope to assist Swiftpage in improving Act! eMarketing, WebAPI, Mobile Companion, and other areas. I also intend to help them enhance their relationships with the Act! Certified Consultants and other resellers channel.

Help Me To Help You

I have some requests for you, the Act! Fanatic community (users and the resale channel alike):

1. I would like to examine any systems where Act! v19 is having issues with Outlook integration. At this time, I would be happy to take on about three sites per week.
NOTE: This is a NO CHARGE offer - No charge to the user or reseller.

2. Could you please post, as a comment to this blog article, or in the LinkedIn Group, or via private communication to me, any bugs or areas where you think I should allocate additional time. If I do not understand your point, I may contact you to see it remotely on your system.

3. Please also comment in the forums above with any subjects that I could generate a blog article that you think could improve your use of Act!. I do have some ideas that I have not seen done before, but I would still value your opinions.

The Future

This agreement is a great opportunity for me, for the product and for the community of users who have been behind the product for up to 30 years.

Those of you who know me know that I will throw everything I have into testing every function I can - as a user. I will work with other users in the forums, via email or phone, to find the issues that matter most in keeping you productive. Then I will work to try and replicate the issues so that I can report them accurately to QA and Development so they can work on fixing them.

Once this is underway, I hope to also have a small say in helping them prioritise their resources so that they can deliver the best possible solution for us all and make Act! as great a product as we all know it can be.

About four years ago, a user asked me what I would do if the vendor put me in charge of the product. At that time, I described a roadmap over two-three years that I thought would be necessary without the funds of an Apple or Google. I still believe that, over a similar time-frame, we can have a leading solution again.

Please feel free to post any questions or comments you have on this.


Mike Lazarus
Act! Evangelist

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The Act! CRM 19.2 update is now available 24 May 2017 4:36 PM (7 years ago)


Swiftpage has, today, released version 19.2 of Act!.

You can get the downloads from:
Note: International people use the links under the US section because, at least under the Australian section, there is nothing about version 19 at all.

Here are some of the improvements according to documents I’ve seen. I’ll be doing some testing over the next week or two and will post my findings.


Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Certification

Provides compatibility with the latest Windows Server operating system.

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Certification

Adds compatibility with SQL Server 2016 for customers who like to stay updated with the latest SQL database technology.

Update to InstallShield 2016

Provides a more stable installation platform with later operating systems.

Improved Google Chrome user experience

Provides improvements for web customers using the Google Chrome browser to access their database.

Web Client Improvements

New web client rich text (RTF) controls

Provides web users with improved formatting controls when entering free text.

Act! eMarketing Improvements

Improved Act! eMarketing Call List

Improves the performance and usability of the Act! eMarketing Call List feature for both desktop and web client users.

Commercial Improvements

New Welcome Page views based on product tier and subscription

Allows more targeted messaging to better support and nurture different customer segments.

Integrations and Web API

New Act! Companion features

New mobile functionality gives users even more power to manage their activities on the move.
Schedule activities from within Act! Companion

On-going improvements to the Act! Web API

Swiftpage continues to improve the performance, stability and functionality of the Web API, enhancing the power of both Swiftpage and partner driven integrations.

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To Cloud your #CRM or Not to Cloud. For that is the question 1 Mar 2017 4:41 AM (8 years ago)

Cloud Computing

How to make users feel that using cloud can like trekking through a Brazilian jungle.

I’m guessing that many you might be aware of the issue with Amazon’s S3 cloud storage service which led to massive outages across the internet.

So far, Amazon has not given an indication as to the cause.


The only news on their site at this time is that the problems have been resolved:

But why did it take down so much of the internet?

Yes, many applications were down for some hours. Buffer, Slack, Trello, and a great many more were unusable (or barely usable) during the time that Amazon had their outage.

According to the Synergy Research Group’s 2017 report, Amazon Web Services owns more than a whopping 40 percent share of the global public cloud services market.Other providers, such as Google, Microsoft and IBM are small players by comparison.

So maybe you can understand that when Amazon coughs, we all get colds.

What does this have to do with CRM?

Remember: There is no cloud, it’s just someone else’s computer

More and more, the major (and not so major) CRM providers have been pushing users to move their data to the vendors’ cloud systems. Even Swiftpage has been doing this with Act!.

Of course, there is a big advantage to the vendor to push for these subscriptions – They don’t have to add any real value to the product in order to keep getting your money. A case in point for this is the lack of any new serious functionality in Act! v19. Something I blogged about, here: What’s coming in Act! v19 – Good, bad or very ugly?

Although, more recently, the vendors have even put their on-premises products on the subscription model (Microsoft’s Office 365 and Swiftpage’s Act! are examples of this strategy to get users paying every year. They’ve both overly inflated the pricing of the “outright purchase” or “perpetual” licenses. They’ve also come down hard on the users who would consider buying outright, by making some features only available on subscription and (as Swiftpage says they’ll be doing for Act!) refusing to provide bug-fix updates within the version you purchased.

What are the advantages and disadvantages to you?


Advantages of cloud implementations:


Advantages of on-premises implementations:


How about a hybrid solution?

One of the areas that Act! does best at, is the hybrid solution of using both delivery systems.

This can be a useful compromise:


After all this, what’s best for you?

And that’s really the question to ask. Each person will have a quite different view on this.

Please add a comment to this post with any thoughts you might have on the subject.


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A warning about uninstallers – this time the MS Office one 3 Feb 2017 3:34 AM (8 years ago)

Warning-DangerA little warning ...

Due to an issue with an Office Runtime installation on a Windows 2012 R2 Server, I decided to use this official Microsoft tool to remove all traces of MS Office:

However, it not only removed all traces of the Office Runtime, it wiped many of the exe and dll files across many folders in the Program Files and Program Files(x86) folders as well as some in the Windows System folder.

I have no idea why and haven’t had the time to delve into it ... but it reminded me of when I found that the Act! Uninstaller for v9 would wipe files in other programs' folders and in the Windows folder itself if it didn’t see Act! in the default install folder.

I just thought I'd post this to remind people to backup systems before running uninstallers. In my case, I can rebuild the VM pretty quickly, but would be less happy if this happened on a client system where not everything was as easy to restore.


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Sync up to 45K contacts from #ActCRM to your mobile device with @HandheldContact 23 Jan 2017 6:44 AM (8 years ago)


Introducing HHC+

Sync up to 45 000 contacts from your Act! database to Handheld Contact on your mobile device!

For those Handheld Contact customers that need more than 15,000 contacts on their mobile devices, we finally have a solution for you. Over the last two years HHC listened and increased the normal sync limit from 7000 contacts to the 15,000 limit where it is today, and that has proven sufficient for most of our subscribers.

However, we know some customers still require more, and for those people we're offering "HHC+" starting later in January for both IOS and Android device users. HHC+ will include an upgrade to an additional 15,000 contacts for only US$20 more per year, or an increase of 30,0000 contacts (for a total of 45,000) for only US$35 more. Australian and New Zealand pricing to be available soon.

One of the key changes we had to make to the mobile client was the ability to filter the export of the HHC contacts to the native address book, which you will soon be able to do through our new "Searches" feature. In other words, create a saved Search, do the lookup, and export those contacts (or updates) to your device's address book.

We caution some users with older devices (eg. iPhone 3 and 4) that increasing their sync contacts from 15,0000 to a total of 45,000 can cause some performance issues. Newer devices that we've tested have not demonstrated any degradation in performance.

We’ve recently upgraded Handheld Contact with some new features, if you haven’t checked out the: New versions of Handheld Contact for Act! CRM

Please contact your Act! consultant or GL Computing if you have any questions on obtaining the new versions or on anything else regarding Act! or Handheld Contact 


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What’s coming in Act! v19 – Good, bad or very ugly? #ActCRM 10 Jan 2017 9:57 AM (8 years ago)

Act! Logo


As Swiftpage is expected to release Version 19 of Act! this week, I thought I’d post a summary of what to expect with this release.

Update 13th January 2016 with first look opinion on the Act! Companion.

64-bit MS-Office Compatibility

Microsoft OfficeAct! will now work with 64-bit versions of some Microsoft Office applications: 
Outlook, Word and Excel. While their marketing is making claims about Act! being “64-bit compatible”, it’s just the MS-Office integration that has changed.

It has taken a long time for Swiftpage to do this. However, I have found several disappointing bugs with the new version, with both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Office 2016.

These include incorrect handling of international data and some functions just crash and kick you out of Act!

Swiftpage have decided they don’t want to hear about bugs I uncover, so I’m not aware if they even know about these, yet. I will provide more details in a future post.

At this time, I would avoid upgrading to version 19 if Office integration is important to you.

Act! Companion mobile app*

Act! Companion mobile app

I haven’t had access to this product to test, so I don’t know how reliable it is.
Certainly the functionality of it doesn’t come close to Handheld Contact.

Here’s a screen shot and summary from their marketing guff:

Act! Companion mobile app - screen shotStay connected to key Act! Premium details when on the move with Act! Companion — a native mobile app designed for your iPhone® or Android™

They say it will support iOS versions 9.x and up, and Android Lollipop, KitKat, and Marshmallow

Their marketing acknowledges that this doesn’t have the functionality to replace their Act! Premium Mobile product.

Update after some testing:

I honestly can’t believe that anyone who uses Act! actually tested this in beta. It’s not release quality.

Additionally, It requires the v19 WebAPI, which has some serious security implications that I’ll be blogging on in the future. I don’t recommend installing or using the WebAPI at this time.

Note: This feature will only be available to Premium subscribers. Users of Pro won’t have it.

Act! Premium Contact Link*

I’m not sure why Swiftpage list this as a new feature.
This is NOT something new for v19 as it has already been available in v18 Premium

Act! Premium Contact in Outlook Act! Premium Contact in Outlook

The functions included are:

While it does look pretty, it is at best a proof concept idea and not ready for prime time
It’s slow, clumsy and lacks functionality available in the standard Outlook integration for Act!.
I’d guess that no-one that really uses Act! had a hand in it’s design.
Which sadly seems common for functions that Swiftpage have been adding.

It requires the v18 or v19 WebAPI, which has some serious security implications that I’ll be blogging on in the future. I don’t recommend installing or using the WebAPI at this time.

Note: This feature is only be available to Premium subscribers. Users of Pro won’t have it.

Act! emarketing improvements

Swiftpage have made the following improvements to their Act! emarketing

The Act! emarketing product still has a very long way to go in order to match competitive products like MailChimp (which can be integrated with Act!), or even their own (seemingly forgotten) Swiftpage emarketing for Act!.

The only reason to not consider a better emarketing system is if you’re only using Act! Premium Web.
The Act! emarketing product is the only one that currently works with the web version.

Customer-­driven feature enhancements

Swiftpage’s marketing lists a section called “Customer-­driven feature enhancements”. It’s a shame that they don’t listen to customers with their other features.

Final Comment

All in all, it’s a pretty poor effort of an upgrade. More like an 18.5 than a v19. While there is an extensive list of bug-fixes, it seems the new functions have added plenty of bugs of their own.

I’d strongly advise holding off any upgrades unless you require integration with 64-bit Office. Sadly, those using Swiftpage’s Cloud product won’t have an option as their Cloud is likely to be updated on the first weekend after release.

Also, as I stated above, I’d avoid installing WebAPI, at least until Swiftpage chooses to address the security issues in it. They also really need to improve it’s functionality to be close to what’s been available for a long time with the Act! SDK such as UI modifications and the creation/using of custom tables.

I find it very saddening to see, after 30 years I have supported the product, that what is essentially a set of bug fixes is masquerading as a “new” version.


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New versions of Handheld Contact for #ActCRM and a special 12 Dec 2016 3:14 PM (8 years ago)


Handheld Contact is very pleased to announce new releases for Android and iOS (iPhones and iPads).

* See the bottom of this article for a special December-only offer

This is a list of functions that have been added, or are planned to be added very soon to both OS versions:

  • User Interface enhancements to further replicate the Act! experience on the mobile
  • NEW Home screen for easy access to popular Handheld Contact features.
  • NEW “Searches” feature that allows mobile users to create look-ups with up to ten fields, and save them for later use.
  • Send e-mail blasts from Handheld Contact to your Searches and let Handheld Contact effortlessly create History records for you.
  • NEW “Favourites” button that allows users to quickly access the contacts they call most, while preserving the Act! History tracking they’ve come to rely on
  • Download free app for Business Card Scanning ( to creates contacts in native address from a photo of the business card, and then use the new HHC Contact Importer to import that new contact into Handheld Contact, and then sync to Act!.
  • You can also use the new HHC Contact Importer to capture any contacts that are only in your native contact list on your iPhone/iPad, and import them into Handheld Contact, which will then create a new record for them in ACT once the syncing process has taken place.
  • History items now give you a warning to check the details before saving.
  • NEW Reschedule button has been added to Activities.
  • When dialling extensions, you can choose if you want a 3-second pause before automatically dialling extensions, or if you’d like to tap to dial the extension. This can be changed under Settings > Contacts > Extension
  • Monthly calendar fills screen width-wise on portrait mode.
  • Task List date filter has been moved from settings to the Task List, accessed via a funnel icon.

    When scheduling an Activity, the Timeless button is easier to press on some devices.

    Have a look at these videos, to see these in operation:

    Handheld contact v3.0 for Android

    Handheld Contact v7.0 for iOS (iPhone and iPad)

    Special Offer for December Only


    ‘Tis the season for giving!


    With the new releases of Handheld Contact, the biggest upgrade in years for HHC users, what better way to say thank you to new Handheld Contact customers than to bundle their subscription with the new “Act4outlook” – a terrific enhancement to your desktop integration of Act! & Outlook.

    Act4outlook is an Actcessory designed to enhance your Act!-Outlook integration needs, while breaking the shackles of the performance sucking Act!/Outlook Address Book. Finally you can disable the Address book integration between Act! & Outlook, without compromising the email History attaching your business relies on. Act4outlook passively attaches all outbound Outlook email to the appropriate contact History quickly, and provides enhanced options for creating contacts & activities from your Outlook inbox.

    Act4Outlook includes the following features:

    • Send Outlook contacts to Act! by simply right clicking one or more contacts from your address book.
    • Send an email from Outlook (even with Act! closed), and it will be attached to the matching record in Act! within a second.
    • Disable the Act-Outlook address book integration that so often slows down computers, and get all the functionality back with Act4outlook. Select an email and automatically convert it to a Contact or Activity, but in a way that is faster than ever before.
    • Link Contacts to Companies, Groups, or Opportunities after sending to Act.
    • Send one or more Activities to Act! from your Outlook calendar.
    • Select an email in your inbox, and click on "Go to Contact", and Act4Outlook will find the matching contact in your Act! database.
    • Act4outlook reduces duplication by keeping track of previously imported activities. If an activity is updated in Outlook with new data, simply re-send the activity to Act which will update the previously imported Act activity.
    • Attach one or more email messages directly to Contacts, Groups, Companies, or Opportunities. Linking the email to more than one type of record at a time does not create a duplicate entry in the Act attachments folder.

    More information on the Act4outlook page

    That is why we're offering all Handheld Contact customers this new Actcessory for FREE with each new subscription from now until the end of this year.

    For clarity, any Handheld Contact customer that either signed up new or added a new subscription (excluding renewals) in December 2016 will be eligible for this promotion, and receive Act4outlook for free (a $25USD value).

    Happy Holidays from your friends at Handheld Contact and GL Computing


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