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BALIK INIT NG GABI (BING) PROGRAM 4 Jul 2016 10:39 PM (8 years ago)

    Credit to: David Rose for the image

I always hear my friends say, I'm into Balik Alindog program. I bet you've heard it too, from at least one of your friends, right? They are those hopeful souls trying to bring back the glorious days of being sexy.  While i was listening to  my friend blabber about her balik alindog program, I thought, why can't i hear anybody say, I want to be in a Balik Init Ng Gabi program. Yes, you heard it right, BALIK INIT NG GABI program or shall we call it  the BING program , a program designed to bring back the glorious days of your sex life.  You need the BING program too, right? Admit it, remember ( if you can still remember) those sleepless, scorching hot night during your honeymoon or in the early stage of your relationship. YOU WANT IT BACK.  Those were the XXX rated days. Which unfortunately,  turned  to X-rated after maybe a year and being more occupied with work, then it sadly turned to PG after your wife got pregnant and you have a baby, now it's probably rated GP, with the stressful job, the mounting bill, the children  and a lot of other reasons.

Don't freak out, it's normal, it happens,  sexual relationship has it's own ebb and flow. But we can always turn those GP  moments to XXX again. The good thing is it's easy. You just have to DECIDE IT. Yes, you just have to WANT IT. But just like everything else in life, it has to start with YOURSELF. 

Now, i hear you. You want the BING program too? So how do we start?

Let's  do it the OPRA - Tony Robbins way.  So what is OPRA. ( Outcome, Purpose, Reason, Action)
 Let us first identify  the Outcome  we want, then the Purpose and the Reason, finally the Action plan. 

Of course, the OUTCOME, we want is to  bring back the "INIT NG GABI."

Our purpose and reason maybe one of the ff:
1. to have a better sexual relationship with your significant other.
2. to be happier.
3. to feel closer again with your spouse.
4. to feel being wanted again. 
5. to feel being touch by your significant other again.
6. to be connected with your significant other again.
7. list of your own purpose and reason

Finally, our ACTION PLAN.

                             Credit to : botcommunication.con for the image

First. LOVE yourself!!! TAKE CARE of yourself. Nobody will love you if you don't even appreciate yourself. 

1. Be healthy. Eat healthy. 

2. Exercise. 
   Sexual benefit of exercise:
    1. It helps with your stamina
    2. Helps intensify your orgasm.
    3. Improves your arousal
    4. It increases testosterone by adding muscle mass, taking your libido to new height.
    5.It's fun and it makes you happier.

Khuracha's tip: Try sensual workouts, enroll in  dance classes like belly dance or burlesque classes. It will help you burn calories while awakening the temptress within you. 

For the more adventurous, you can enroll the pole dance class, strip tease or heels and tease. You can check the Beast House in Pasig , Pole Dolls Dance Studio or at Polecats Manila.

Khuracha's tip: There is a free zumba workout in Araneta Center, Every 7PM, T-TH in Alimall, Monday and Wed in Gateway and Friday in Farmer's Cubao.

Don't have budget to enroll in a dance class or time to go to Araneta Center. We've got you covered here is Carmen Electra's Aerobics Streaptease in Youtube. Enjoy.

3. Always be mindful of your  hygiene. Always keep your huha smelling good and clean. 

Khuracha's tip: Always take a shower before your husband arrive home. If you are a career woman, always take a hot shower before you go to bed, Don't forget to spritz cologne.) 

4.  BE WHAT YOU WANT YOUR PARTNER TO BE. Do you want your partner to be sweet & playful? Be sweet &  playful to him first. Do you want your partner to be thoughtful and carinosa? Be thoughtful and carinosa to your partner then. Always remember, "give what you want to receive." 

5. Now, make your move. Here is the 100 Best Sex Tips of All Time.

Khuracha's tips: Always, always use a lubricant. If you don't have a lubricant at hand, you can use VCO, virgin coconut oil.  It's has antibacterial and anti fungal properties, saves you from UTI.  

Khuracha's challenge: Have a wonderful time and make love with your significant other, everyday for 21 days or  at least a week. No pressure, just pure fun. And see the  difference in your relationship. Goodluck!!! 

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21 Women Reveal What It Was Like to Have Sex With a Large or Small Penis 18 Jul 2014 2:33 AM (10 years ago)


Image courtesy of

Most men are conscious of their penis size. But as they say, it’s how you perform in bed, right? Check this Reddit thread out for more.

1. Ah, so she can take the big ones

I’m into fisting, so even the largest penises are no problem. Actually, neither are small penises, I just get the guy to fist me.

2. To her, bigger isn’t better

I lost my virginity to a man with a huge penis. But I didn’t know it at the time. Watching porn made me uncomfortable so I always just read erotica. So he was very proud of his huge cock, and I don’t think he could figure out why I wasn’t amazed by it. For my part, I couldn’t figure out why sex was so damn painful. I could barely open my jaw far enough to the get the thing in my mouth. We could only have sex in missionary position because everything else hurt so badly. I was not particularly impressed with intercourse (or giving oral, for that matter).

The rest of my relationships have been with men with normal size penises. I found out, holy shit, having sex with them is fucking easy. I don’t have to use a cup of lube to have intercourse or use an ice pack on my face after giving a blow job. I don’t get what the big deal is for big dicks. Give me a normal dick any day.

3. Be confident in bed

I posted a while back about dating a guy with a micropenis. For a while he avoided sex, which made me believe he wasn’t sexually attracted to me. Really, he was just embarrassed by how small it was.

The actual sex was terrible, but I think a large part of it centered on his lack of confidence. He kept apologizing, then going soft, then slipping out, and it was just stressful sex. I think we still could have had fun if he had not gone into it thinking it was going to be a failure.

4. Be comfortable with your penis

I’ve never dealt with a micropenis, but I did deal with one that was not much longer or girthier than my pinky. My experience with the dude’s personality was much worse than with the dick – I think he was really self conscious about it, so when we were fooling around he would say things about how big his cock was and ask me to beg for his big dick… it was kind of awkward because I think we both knew it was smaller than average, but he needed to hear that it was big to feel good about himself. He was also really sweet and attentive outside of the bedroom, so it turned into this weird Dr. Jekyl/Mr Hyde situation.

The actual sex was disappointing, but again I think it was partly due to his insecurities

5. Too big, no blow

I don’t know how all these women are talking about preferring big ones for blowjobs! I had been hooking up with a guy for a week or so before it went THAT far…I was willing and a bit eager to give him head, until he pulled the damn kraken out of his pants. only time I’ve ever stopped, looked someone dead in the eye, and asked, “what in the HELL do you expect me to do with that?!” his girth was so huge that I literally couldn’t fit him in my mouth. sex was painful and awkward. we didn’t see each other after that, and if my vagina ever becomes animate I assure you it (she?) will thank me for not continuing with him.

6. “The old run and cum”

I’m from England. Muscular man’s man American guy comes to my university (except he’s really short) and takes a liking to me. He and a friend were over mine one night and the friend left. The American guy and I ended up on the bed kissing for a while with him on top. I started trying to reach for his cock but couldn’t find it. It was actually giving me a mini panic attack. I told him to get off and lay down so I could be on top (in my head I figured it would be easier then). Still couldn’t find it.

When I did find it it was 2 inches or less, erect. As I hold this little penis he shouts at me “SUCK IT” like he has the biggest dick in the world. I honestly didn’t want to make him feel bad about himself, so tried to continue like nothing was abnormal. I go down there and he lets out a large and disgusting fart and says “Mmm, do you like that?”

I screamed and told him to get out, to which he and I started arguing. He called me a few things. “Cocktease” being one that I distinctly remember. He then ran into my ensuite bathroom and locked the door so I couldn’t get in. In the mean time I called my friend who was also living in the flat. He was in there for a while then ran out. When my friend and I checked the bathroom there was semen everywhere.

Big penis? I like a longer dick, but not TOO wide, because that can be really painful (I’ve been told I have a smaller vagina any way). I literally have to be able to sink the Titanic in my pants before I can take a dick.

7. Make it enjoyable

I’ve been with a guy that has a large or well above average penis and a guy who’s penis was below average. The big one was fun for blow jobs but sex hurt until I got wet enough or I guess, stretched enough. The small one was easier to take all of into my mouth and I didn’t notice anything off during sex. It went in easily and he knew a lot of stuff to do with it. I really think size doesn’t matter. It was all enjoyable.

8. Pleasure over size

I’ve had moderately small to moderately/very large: I generally prefer larger, but a lot of guys with big dicks think that all they need to be good at sex is a big dick. I’d rather take a guy with an average dick who cares about my pleasure anyday.

9. A bruised cervix sounds terrible

One of my exes was around 8.5-9″ and a big girth. I’m 5′. It was pretty uncomfortable since it took a while to actually fit it in (even with copious amounts of lube) and I was even bearing tears on a few occasions along with a bruised cervix. It wasn’t that pleasant, yet then again if we slowed it down or something then maybe it wouldn’t have been that bad. It was fun giving him head, though!

10. Looks like it’s confidence

I’ve had both, honestly neither were that life altering in either a good or bad way.

For very large (mostly in width), we seemed to have the ideal situation of him being too large and me being too tight so while when it was good – it was very good, it didn’t last long without slipping out and after trying many different positions to see what works best, we ended up giving up the sex was just too much work.

For very small, it was actually better than the very large because what he lacked in size, he made up for in speed. He did a lot with what was given to him and didn’t seem embarrassed at all.

So for tips – if you’re very large, lots of foreplay, make sure she’s super wet and she spreads those legs. For very small, make sure you’re extra rough to make up for your size in speed. It goes a long way.

11. Hair on the shaft…?

The worst thing about a short dick is the hair on the shaft and the fact that most guys are super insecure so they tend to prematurely come.

The worst thing about a big dick is that the guy often thinks that’s all he needs to bring to the relationship.

12. Be good at something else, too

I dated a guy with a legitimate micro-peen. He was very upfront about it the first time we made it to the “making out” stage. I wasn’t quite to the point where I thought we might be long term, so I have to admit that I may have proceeded more out of curiosity than actual sexual feelings.

During that first bout (there were several, and you’ll understand why in a minute) he was obviously very weary of letting me get near “the area.” He would caress my hand and guide it away any time it got close to the zipper zone. He was so suave about it that it was easily ignored, though. It helped that he was a level 10 kisser and so in-tune with reading my cues.

As things progressed, I found myself fully undressed while he had everything intact (I’m telling you, he was a smooth motherfucker.) I don’t even remember how, but he guided me to the carpet and proceeded to perform acts of god on my lady region. I believe years of not being able to have conventional sex have given him oral superpowers. I had orgasms too numerous to count and I’m convinced I partially blacked out at one point (before this night, I would have seriously called bullshit on that actually being a thing, but goddamn if it isn’t real.) Long story short, I never did get to see the goods that first night. I remember feeling a little embarrassed the next morning for the amount of thanks and praise I gave him immediately following the last, exhausting orgasm (I’m talking a good 20 minutes worth of “OMFG, you are the most amazing man on Earth” type thing.)

We did attempt a penetration on one drunken night, but it just wouldn’t happen. The size was a serious issue, but the bigger problem (no pun intended) was that he just didn’t get conventionally hard.

It was maybe…less soft? But definitely not hard. So, it just didn’t happen.

Anyway, my experience with an extremely small penis was pretty positive because the guy took amazing steps to compensate. He’s a pretty good guy to boot, so I hope he someday finds a woman who appreciates the hell out of his skills.

13. Romance the hell out of ‘em

I’m bi, but until I was seventeen or eighteen I thought that I was only interested in girls. When I was 19, I started dating a boy and we slept together five times before my hymen broke. I had just assumed it had busted at some point during all the finger banging, heh. Or that I was one of those women who didn’t have one. His dick was about three inches long and kind of skinny. But I didn’t know any better, I was used to fingers anyway.

Dated another guy much later with a dick thicker around than my wrist, probably 8 inches long. There was no such thing as quickies. He had to romance me if he wanted to put that thing inside me.

14. Sex is more than just size

I had a partner who was basically a mushroom head connected to a pile of pubes when soft (I think he was 2 inches hard) as a result of a twisted testicle he was born with and had to get surgery for. He was also unable to orgasm from another person manipulating his penis or fucking, as much as he did enjoy that because of the surgery he had to have when he was a kid. He was skilled/determined orally, good with his fingers and though he had no problem making me orgasm, many sexual positions were a total no-go because of his size which was at times disappointing. Overall though he was fine in bed because he cared about pleasuring and found other ways to do that.

My first penis in vagina sexual experience was with what I consider a large penis (9 inches at least and fat) and I remember it being difficult to work with at times. By size alone it wasn’t a huge satisfier and he was so inexperienced there were no orgasms happening for me at all, so even though in theory sex should have been better, it wasn’t.

A big dick does not mean a great partner. So much of sex is about touch, anticipation, generosity, comfort levels, tenderness and filth… things that have nothing to do with penis size and everything to do with the energy between two people.

Also anyone who laughs at a guy for his dick is pretty shitty… It’s obviously something that a person has no control over and if you care that little about their feelings you should perhaps not fuck them. Just saying.

15. More to sex than size

Having been across the penis spectrum, I just want to say that penises are awesome. All shapes and sizes are amazing. The best thing you can do with them, is to make sure they are attached to a great person. There is so much more to sex than size.

16. She likes ‘em big

Had both.

Small is great for anal. Also, if they are not too self-conscious about it, regular sex can be great. It has been my experience that men with smaller penises make up for it with knowing what to do with it, and knowing what to do with their hands and mouths too.

Big penises are just as great. If they guy doesn’t just rely on size, and is gentle in the beginning, the sex is awesome.

I personally prefer bigger penises. I really enjoy my vagina feeling “full” during sex and I even enjoy a little bit of pain once I’m turned on enough. I like the soreness I feel for a while after.

It reminds me of the sex and I just get turned on all over again.

17. Porn is not the way

Lost my virginity to a guy with a smaller than average penis in girth. It was about 5 inches long but really thin, not exactly sure how thin around, maybe 12 centimetres? (just used my dress measuring tape to estiamate) Anyway, he was really over-zealous for me. it was our first time, but he was nearly a porn addict so he wanted to try all this weird shit, like wiggling 3 fingers inside me like an octopuss, lifting my legs up, lifting me up in the air, it was awful. I was so self concious and it only got worse. I felt it, but it didn’t feel good, it felt like it was going in but produced no pleasure for me whatsoever. Then to make it even more awkward, he kept asking me if he was hurting me, like in a dirty talk sort of way, if it was ‘stretching you out’ etc etc. Just so fucking awkward. He was my boyfriend for a couple years and I wasn’t that into sex until I had someone else.

I then had a boyfriend with a very large penis, really fun to play with and it made me feel like a porn star when i was giving him head but it could be painful at times for both of us. Took us a long time to find condoms that would fit him properly, and he could never enter me completely. We had a healthy sex life but it always took a couple days of recovery for me, which sucked. Luckily I married someone who is the right size for me. You find the dick size that’s just right, you lock it down, like a horny goldilocks.

18. What a great love story

My very large penis stories aren’t that interesting. It’s the usual song and dance of “it was uncomfortable, had to start slow, too much bottoming out.”

So I guess I’ll tell my small penis story.

I REALLY liked the guy. We’d been on a few very successful dates and I had butterflies when I thought about him. He had unusually colored eyes and intense eyebrows, he was a foreigner. We’d gone into his bedroom and we both knew where this was leading. He took his pants off and there it was, the smallest penis I’ve ever seen in real life. I didn’t get to measure it or anything but if I’m being generous I would guess it was pretty close to 3 1/2 inches, fully erect. I definitely had a moment of pause, I wasn’t expecting this… But he didn’t hesitate or apologize or wince about it and that’s what spurred me on, his own confidence.

The sex was awkward. My previous two partners had both had about 8 inches and I had grown used to a different style of fucking. I was trying to bounce around and thrust as I had done with the oversized wangs of my past, but that wasn’t working with only a few inches to stay atop of.

But I learned. The sex got better. I discovered that the rocking, grinding motion I had to adapt to to stay penetrated by this smaller penis led to amazing friction on my clit. No, I couldn’t do aerobic pornstar sex moves anymore but this newfound closeness, sliding our bodies together, grasping and pressing close, was amazing. I had my first orgasms during intercourse with this man and his small penis.

And he never apologized or flinched. Neither of us ever referred to as a “small” penis, or otherwise.. And we both shared many, many orgasms pressed tightly together and I stayed with him for over four years. When it ended, it had nothing to do with his penis. Sadly, we fell out of love. But for awhile I thought that very small penis was going to be the last one I was ever with.

19. Unicorn penis

I ‘ve had adventures with both. One gentleman was extremely handsome and my friend’s brother so we were set up and told to try and make this work. But when we went to have sex and he was quite small and he cried during sex and told me shameful story about his friends pantsing him at a party and everyone laughing. I tried to be comforting and he finished crying then we did more shots and went through another round of hot sad guy/small junk sex. Never spoke again.

At far as large dicks go, there are two kinds. The large ugly awkward penises that look unappealing from every angle. It almost feels worse because it’s so ugly. The second option is like the unicorn of dicks. It’s beautiful and not all mangled looking and the owner understands its size and worth and uses it appropriately. They’re not trying to jam it in your butt or force it down your throat. Unicorn-penis is gentle and accommodating

20. Her heart shattered, and so did his confidence

I was going at it pretty hot and heavy with a guy I really liked. I didn’t want to rush this so as he was fingering me I told him I didn’t want to go past that point. This is when, as he’s still seemingly fingering me, he props himself up on both arms and asks me what I mean. It was at that moment my heart shattered. This perfect guy was carrying nothing bigger than a baby dill in his pants.

21. No pencil or micro peen for this one

I’ve experienced both, smallest being around 4 inches, give or take, and quite thin. The two of the largest were about 6.5-7 inches and very girthy, the other being about 8-9 but an average circumference.

The 4 inch one absolutely almost never got me off. I think in the year and a half I was with the guy, I came around 5 times from vaginal intercourse, the anal was good though and I got off a lot through that.

The guy with the girthy penis was the first and only guy to make me finish the first time sleeping with them (well it was the second, but it was about 30 minutes after our first round because he came quickly and wasn’t satisfied that I hadn’t finished in the first place.) That was only a fling and we slept together a few more times after that but definitely not a keeper despite the amazing sex.

The guy with the longer, average girth hurt a lot. I’m a pretty tall girl, 5’10, but that’s a lot of dog for my bun. He also really enjoyed fucking hard and fast so my cervix felt like scrambled eggs every time. So I cut it off with him after a few weeks.

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Adorable Slang Terms for Sexual Intercourse 17 Jul 2014 7:23 PM (10 years ago)

31 Adorable Slang Terms for Sexual Intercourse from the Last 600 Years

Lexicographer Jonathon Green’s comprehensive historical dictionary of slang, Green’s Dictionary of Slang, covers hundreds of years of jargon, cant, and naughty talk. He has created a series of online timelines (here and here) where the words too impolite, indecent, or risqué for the usual history books are arranged in the order they came into fashion. (If you don’t see any words on the timelines, zoom out using the bar on the right.) We’ve already had fun with the classiest terms for naughty bits. Here are the most adorable terms for sexual intercourse from the last 600 or so years. Many of them have origins so obscure they hardly make sense at all, but that doesn’t detract from their bawdy adorability in the slightest. When it comes to the ol’ houghmagandy, a little mystery goes a long way.
1. Give someone a green gown (1351)
2. Play nug-a-nug (1505)
3. Play the pyrdewy (1512)
4. Play at couch quail (1521)
5. Ride below the crupper (1578)
6. Board a land carrack (1604)
7. Fadoodling (1611)
8. Put the devil into hell (1616)
9. Night physic (1621)
10. Princum-prancum (1630)
11. Culbatizing exercise (1653)
12. Join paunches (1656)
13. Dance the Paphian jig (1656)
14. Play at tray trip of a die (1660)
15. Dance Barnaby (1664)
16. Shot twixt wind and water (1665)
17. Play at rantum-scantum (1667)
18. Blow off the groundsills (1674)
19. Play hey gammer cook (1674)
20. Join giblets (1680)
21. Play at rumpscuttle and clapperdepouch (1684)
22. Lerricompoop (1694)
23. Ride a dragon upon St. George (1698)
24. Houghmagandy (1700)
25. Pogue the hone (1719)
26. Make feet for children’s stockings (1785)
27. Dance the kipples (1796)
28. Have one’s corn ground (1800)
29. Horizontal refreshment (1863)
30. Arrive at the end of the sentimental journey (1896)
31. Get one’s ashes hauled (1910)
I'm wishing you guys have arrive at the end of the sentimental journey tonight! :-)

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First things first!! 12 Jul 2014 8:00 PM (10 years ago)

And I'm back!!! :-)

First things first.

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The ugly truth...not! 13 Dec 2012 8:42 AM (12 years ago)

Christmas season in here! For free spirited people like us, you are probably thinking of something exciting, fun, kinky, naughty and unforgettable gift you can give to your best friend or lover, right?

Here's the deal!  Ladies and gentlemen! The Vibepanty!


If you happen to watch the movie " The ugly truth" it's with Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler , you will probably remember very well how Katherine Heigl,  was very much satisfied with this. Hehehe.  It's time you try this by yourself and experience the fun or share the Fun. :-)

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In pursuit of the G Spot!! Part 1 12 Dec 2012 5:09 PM (12 years ago)

I've heard about G spot even before i knew about sex. Any curious girl would know about it maybe even before her menstruation.There might be a hundred of ideas written about it, people have been arguing about it, what and where the G spot is or if it really exist. The good thing is it really exists. And in any case whatever the bruhaha is, we just need to explore it ourselves.

The gynecologist Ernst Grafenberf " discovered" it in 1944, the spot is known as a source of pleasure for women. Some women claim its a great way to achieve orgasm during sex and a source of overwhelming pleasure. I think anything that would give us pleasure is worth exploring...Don't you think?

" The G-Spot is located along the upper/front wall of the vagina, about two inches in, towards the stomach. Its been claimed that the g spot is the root of the clitoris. Try some manual exploration. Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent and rest your feet on the bed in front of you. Insert your middle finger into your vagina and gently stroke the front wall behind the pubic bone, about two inches up. You should feel a patch of skin that has a different texture from the rest of your vaginal walls, slightly rough that's your G-Spot, also known as your urethral sponge. Start masturbating, that spot grows as you're aroused, try different strokes and pressure if you suddenly felt like you need to pee, you've probably hit the G spot, don't fight it, you may be getting ready to ejaculate, continue the stimulation and it will be replaced by a pleasurable sensation. "

Fluorescent G spot stimulator
Everyone is unique, if that doesn't work for you, have fun and make your own exploration. For starter, you can even use a toy like above, designed specifically for G spot stimulation. Use the lubricant you like and enjoy.


Happy orgasm everyone,


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The Rabbit vs The bullet 12 Dec 2012 10:13 AM (12 years ago)


Doc Johnson Pearl Rabbit VS Bullet Vibrator

What will you choose, small and powerful or big and super powerful..Who am i kidding, its like comparing Philippines with the US or some other industrialized countries..but of course, bullet like the Philippines has its own charm. You see, the bullet can be compared to a lady's first love, until she meet her one true love, the pearl rabbit. Of course, the bullet is advisable for first time sex toy users.It can be everybody's first love for that matter.It's handy, affordable and it will give you one hell of a first time experience.

Anybody whose been into sex toys will tell you that the Doc Johnson pearl rabbit will be the runaway winner,given the choice; you just google, Oprah rabbit vibrator, there you'll see even Oprah Winfrey, the Queen of Talk Show in the US, one of the wealthiest & most powerful female person in the world; hailed this rabbit as the Royce Rolls of the vibrators.Even Eva Longaria from the Desperate Housewives,one of the hottest celebrities in the US today, said in an interview that she gives rabbit as gift to her female friends.And I think she's right,when she said that, the best gift you can give your friend is an orgasm..Nothing can beat that.I wish my few close female friends can be as thoughful as she is.Just kidding, but jokes are half meant, right?

It's late night, i have to decide fast, rabbit or bullet...

Happy Orgasm Everyone,


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SEX POSITION PART 1 THE 69 18 Oct 2010 1:43 PM (14 years ago)




Give-as-you-get oral pleasure! It can almost be just too much to take ... if so, be careful not to bite down TOO hard! :P


Inverted 69, the inverted cousin of the traditional 69 position, is a great way to change the angles on the original. The top partner needs to make sure to position their genitals at the right height, as the bottom partner's mobility tends to be a little restricted.


This is a great way to transition into Ben Dover – the standing partner won't even have to move a muscle!
Starting upright in a semi-squat position, the standing partner bends at the waist, and touches down to the ground with their hands, carefully bending the head back between their legs to orally receive their lover's penis. Don't forget to bend your knees; this will alleviate strain at the joints. The receiving partner is seated on the ground with their legs fully extended in front of them.
If flexibility is an issue, or the pose proves to be too intense for the standing partner, they can position themselves in a similar manner toDoggy Style - Standing, utilizing a chair for support. If this is the case, Face Off loses the 69 aspect, so the standing partner may want to pay the giver back with some personal attention in return.



There isn't anything quite like this exhilarating version of 69; its degree of difficulty is very close to 10! The bent over partner reaches far back to orally pleasure while the laying back partner helps brace by holding on to the others hips or thighs. Those best suited for this move are fit, flexible and adventuresome!
On their own, or assisted by the other partner, get into Bridge pose, then reach back one arm and then the other to place the hands in the ready position. Once the laying partner slides underneath, the other can kneel and bend their head back to receive his member. Guys, hold your penis out for comfortable swallowing, and when you're ready for the next move, for heaven's sake, help them out of this one carefully!



More strength is required than for the Sitting 69, but it is considerably easier than Standing 69. The lifting partner will require considerable upper body strength. The position is lower to the floor than Standing 69and is therefore safer and requires less overall strength on the part of the lifter.
To get into this position the lifting partner needs a fair amount of strength and a little bit of patience... The lifter should kneel down and help their partner manoeuvre into position (perhaps off the edge of a couch or bed), with the lifted partner placing their head between the lifter's legs while wrapping their own legs loosely around the lifter's neck and shoulders, and the arms tightly around the lifter's back.
The lifting partner wraps their own arms tightly around the back of their partner (keeping their own back as straight as possible), while paying very close attention to their partner's head and neck so as not to knock or strain them.



Sideways 69 puts a twist on the traditional 69 position, by having both partners lay sideways. A nice variation for when neither party feels like having the other laying on top of them, many people find that it is a lot easier on their necks... and if you keep rolling, you'll find yourselves on the opposite side of things; in the Inverted 69 position.


The Sitting 69 position requires the lifting partner to have considerable upper body strength.
To get into this position the lifting partner needs a fair amount of strength and a little bit of patience... The lifter should start by sitting down in a fairly high chair and help their partner manoeuvre into position, with the lifted partner placing their head between the lifter's legs while wrapping their own legs loosely around the lifter's neck and shoulders, and the arms tightly around the lifter's back.
The lifting partner wraps their own arms tightly around the back of their partner (keeping their own back as straight as possible), while paying very close attention to their partner's head and neck so as not to knock or strain them.



Don't even think about trying the Standing 69 position unless the lifting partner can squat the same weight as that of the other partner.
To get into this position the lifting partner needs a lot of strength and a little bit of patience... The lifter should start from the Sitting 69 position, sitting down in a fairly high chair and help their partner manoeuvre into position, with the lifted partner placing their head between the lifter's legs while wrapping their own legs loosely around the lifter's neck and shoulders, and the arms tightly around the lifter's back.
The lifting partner wraps their own arms tightly around the back of their partner and stands up carefully (keeping their own back as straight as possible), while paying very close attention to their partner's head and neck so as not to knock or strain them.

69 - YMCA

Yogis, gymnasts, or those looking for a rush will delight in the challenges of this invigorating position. Based on a classic yoga move called the Headstand, or Shirshasana, this pose has as many health benefits as it does pleasurable ones; as you invert the body, you breathe deeper, improve circulation, and relieve stress on the lower back.
The inverting partner will kneel and place the top of their head on a small floor cushion between the seated partner’s thighs. Next, straighten the knees, raise the hips, and keep the abs flexed. The seated partner can now assist the other in entering the final pose and arrange themselves accordingly.
When first entering this position, mild breathing difficulties may be experienced as the blood from the body rushes to the head; this should quickly pass, but if you're feeling uncomfortable, come out of the position and rest in a prone position to normalize circulation before standing up again.


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67 New Blow-His-Mind Moves 18 Oct 2010 12:29 PM (14 years ago)

From:  cosmopolitan


1. “This one girl put sex on pause when we changed positions by crawling to a new spot and touching herself for a minute. It created buildup and gave me a hot view.” —Tim, 27

2. “I had no idea there were so many nerves in my spine until a woman licked from my neck to my tailbone. It felt taboo when her tongue ventured close to my butt.” —Daniel, 30

3. “My girlfriend and I grabbed each other’s nipples during sex and squeezed them in sync with every thrust. The mix of pain and pleasure took me over the top.” —Ronaldo, 24

4. “I melt when a girl screams a foreign phrase in bed. I was with one woman who used to yell Mucho gusto! I loved it. Turns out, it means ‘nice to meet you.’” —Gordon, 32

5. “My girl changes her look when we have sex, like by keeping her jewelry on or wearing her hair differently. It’s like I’m making love to a new side of her every time.” —Vin, 27

6. “My girlfriend showed up at my door in a trashy outfit and introduced herself as my chick’s naughty pretend twin sister, Candy. She pushed me against the wall, we had mad sex, and then she left. The next day, she acted like nothing happened.” —JR, 27

7. “One night, my girl massaged her boobs with lotion and then rubbed them over my body.” —Ben, 26

8. "While I was on the phone, my girl walked in, undressed, and took me without saying a word." —Jeremy, 26

9. “I had a girl take a sip of champagne and then pop a mint into her mouth before going down on me. The bubbles dissolved the mint faster and made it so tingly that I almost exploded!” —Eric, 25

10. “My ex had me lie on the bed, gave me a rubdown, and then unexpectedly pulled a scarf out of her drawer and tied my hands behind my back. The juxtaposition of her pampering me and then suddenly becoming aggressive was wild.” —Scott, 30

11. “In the middle of giving me oral, this woman I was dating grabbed my penis and playfully ran it over her neck, breasts, thighs, and butt before returning to tongue action.” —Artie, 32

12. “My woman e-mailed me erotic Website links throughout the day. The first was for lingerie she had bought online; then I got a sex-toy link, followed by a site describing a position I figured she wanted to try. It was like eight hours of foreplay!” —Shawn, 26

13. “If a girl fondles her breasts, it turns average sex into awesome sex. If she licks them or flicks her tongue toward her nipples, it becomes out of this world.” —Darin, 23

14. “While in missionary, this chick grabbed my butt, pulled me in, and told me not to resume pumping until she climaxed. Then she began stroking her clitoris. The agony of watching her masturbate while I was inside her nearly killed me, but as soon as she finished, I had the most powerful orgasm ever.” —Andy, 24

15. “My girlfriend and I take turns whispering simple, sexy commands, like ‘Kiss my left thigh’ or ‘Bite my lower lip.’” —Kyle, 26

16. “This one girl wouldn’t let me manually guide my shaft into her, so I had to navigate without using any hands.” —Marshall, 23

17. “One chick draped silk panties over the tip of my penis, held one end in each hand, and then moved her hands back and forth, rubbing the head like she was polishing an apple.” —Kenny, 24

18. “When a girl gasps as I slip inside her, it’s like she’s been aching for me all day.” —Chad, 30

19. “While giving me oral, my girlfriend simultaneously stimulated herself with a vibrator and then pressed it against the base of my penis just as I climaxed.” —Scott, 26

20. “I can tell what my lady’s craving during sex by the way she handles my ass. She grips tighter for deeper penetration and gently rubs to slow things down.” —Ryan, 21

21. “My woman made an audio recording of the sounds she made while pleasuring herself and then downloaded the track onto my MP3 player.” —Darren, 27

22. “When my girlfriend found a tear in her sheet, she pulled my penis through the hole, and we had sex with the material separating us. The fact that the only parts of our bodies that touched were our naughty bits made it feel forbidden.” —Samuel, 27

23. “If a girl pins down my arms with her hands while she rides me, I feel like a rock star. It’s like she needs 100 percent of my penis, with no interruptions allowed.” —Nelson, 27

24. “I had a girl instruct me to stay inside her as we transitioned from missionary to her on top. We ended up discovering new positions along the way!” —David, 26

25. “My girlfriend wore a ripped tank top and fishnets to bed, then demanded I tear them off like I was opening a present.” —Chuck, 23

26. “A chick I dated slipped my member through her panties so it was pinned between her underwear and her groin. Then she rubbed forward and backward.” —Brian, 24

27. “One girl took advantage of my morning wood by climbing on top of me when I was asleep.” —Joe, 23

28. “This girl wrapped her lips around one of my nipples and began breathing. 
As she inhaled, the suction pulled my nipple and blasted it with heat. As she exhaled, the cool air pushed it down.” —Derek, 24

29. “In missionary, raise your legs straight up toward the ceiling, and close 
them together. The angle lets him go deeper and makes you feel tighter.” —Tina, 30

30. “Lean a full-length mirror against the corner of the bed while you go down on him so he can view you from back and front.” —Lia, 28

31. “Ask him to remove your panties using his mouth.” —Jen, 27

32. “Some guys are breast-obsessed, but they love butts too. So do it doggie-style more.” —Nicole, 26

33. “Lick him wherever he bends — behind his knees, on his waist. The skin there is extrathin and sensitive.” —Ingrid, 31

34. “Wear a skirt with no underwear. Tell him that, at some point, you’re going to bend over and expect him to take you.” —Margie, 27

35. “Try this only if you’re on the floor: When he’s on top, wrap your arms around each other, and rock from side to side. The blood rush he’ll get will amp up his orgasm.” —Sue, 27

36. “Place your hands on either side of his penis, and rub in a circular motion — like you’re trying to roll a ball out of clay — as you move them up and down his shaft.” —Kit, 26

37. “Knead the area between his testicles and back door with warming massage oil. The heat boosts blood flow to the area.” —Elle, 26

38. “Fondle his penis through his pants, then unzip them and tease him through his boxers. Touching through successively thinner layers will raise the intensity, so when you finally reach his actual skin, it will feel amazing.” —Colleen, 31

39. “Dab lube onto your palm, cup it over the head of his penis, and twist gently but quickly, like it’s a tiny doorknob.” —Becky, 26

40. “Sit him down with his legs open, straddle him, and lower yourself onto his member. Have him wrap his legs around your butt as you wrap yours around his waist, then lean away from each other with your hands flat behind you. Thrust back and forth while rotating your hips.” —Tania, 26

41. “Place your mouth over the back of his neck, and give him a deep kiss.” —Audrey, 26

42. “Take his member into your mouth, and suck hard as you slowly pull back up. Then swirl your tongue over the tip.” —Kia, 30

43. “Bend over the arm of a sofa, and have your man take you from behind.” —Angela, 29

44. “Guys love how it feels to enter you. Next time you have sex, ask him to pull out after 12 thrusts, and stroke his penis for a few seconds. Then let him penetrate again.” —Sarah, 28

45. “Act pleasantly surprised when you touch his penis by saying mmm or oooh.” —Joelle, 25

46. “Sprinkle a little pepper under his nose right before he climaxes. Sneezing can feel similar to an orgasm and amplify the feel-good effects.” —Cindy, 32

47. “When on top, lean forward, and cup your hands over his ears. Depriving him of this sense will heighten the others.” —Mary, 29

48. “Have a perfume that you wear only when you’re uncontrollably horny, and ravage him the moment you see him. Eventually, smelling it on you will automatically drive him bonkers.” —Kate, 32

49. “When he’s close to the finish line, prolong the pleasure by having him pull out his penis and rub it across your stomach until neither of you can stand it.” —Maya, 31

50. “Lotion up your hands, then place a fist on his erect penis, and push his member through. Once your hand reaches the bottom, place the other fist on his penis. Repeat, moving your hands faster so it feels like nonstop penetration.” —Lisa, 31

51. “Watch a steamy movie, like 9 1/2 Weeks. Then reenact the hottest scene.” —Vickie, 29

52. “Have him lie face-up on the bed with one side of his body pressed against the wall. Stand above him, lean your back against the same wall, lower yourself onto his penis, and then slide up and down, using your hands for leverage. The angle will stimulate his penis differently, and the view of you riding him sidesaddle will be seared into his memory.” —Callie, 26

53. “Very softly bite the skin of his scrotum.” —Karen, 26

54. “While lying side by side, grab one of his hands, and use it to stimulate your clitoris. Then take his other hand, and guide his first two fingers inside you.” —Samantha, 25

55. Swirl your tongue around the skin just below the head on the underside of his penis (the frenulum), as though it’s a yummy lollipop.

56. During sex, place your fingers on his tailbone, and rapidly press and release. This stimulates the coccygeal nerve, a small mass of vascular tissue, and gives him chills.

57. Treat him to a series of thrills — flash him, grind on his lap — but don’t finish him off. Go about your day as usual until finally indulging in toe-curling sex that night.

58. Midnooky, nibble anything that hangs from his body (earlobes, fingers). These appendages are rife with nerves, and stimulating them will supercharge his erection.

59. Blow hot air from your mouth through his underwear.

60. Clip out this article, circle tips you know would push his buttons, and mail it to him anonymously.

61. During doggie-style sex, lean on one arm, reach back, and scratch his boys in a circular motion.

62. Place your fist knuckles-up against the area right behind his testicles. Quickly shake your fist to send powerful vibrations into his prostate gland (aka, the male G-spot).

63. Ask what songs he listened to in junior high, and play them during a hookup. It will take him back to that time when he was in an almost permanent state of horniness, triggering his primal urges.

64. Rub lotion along your inner thighs, and have him slide his penis in and out between them.

65. Use both sides of your tongue during oral: the bumpy top and the slick bottom.

66. Stand behind him, and stroke his penis. This positions your palm flat against his member’s sensitive underside, the same way he grips it when he masturbates. Then do a few things he can’t do himself, like whisper in his ear or kiss his back.

67. While giving him oral, form a ring with your thumb and forefinger at the base of his penis, and pull down so the skin of the shaft becomes taut and extrasensitive. Plus, the pressure traps blood there, adding to the intensity.

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5 YEARS OF MARRIAGE ; 5 LESSONS LEARNED 16 Aug 2010 9:55 AM (14 years ago)

That equation will forever be true. Imperfect marriage equals problems, hardships, challenges, tears, pain, heartaches and sacrifices added to your dream of perfect happy life together. After five years of marriage, gone was the fairly tale thought of living happily ever after. Now I knew my husband was never a prince charming but has always been a frog after all. Now I knew my husband was never a hero because he will never always be there to save  me.  He’s never been my knight in shining armor  because he will never always be there to defend me. He is simply my husband, a partner whom I can share my problems, my frustrations, my fears, my limitations with. Someone I can share my life with for good times and bad times. You see,  I was never a princess too, because after being married  I turn into a witch too. We are imperfect human beings bound to commit mistakes, hurt each other and cause pain to one another. Bottom line if we would like to survive being married, we simply can’t do it alone, we have to ask God’s grace and blessing. We ask for God’s grace that we maybe more understanding to our husbands/partners, we ask for more patience & tolerance, we pray that we may be more kind and loving to each other. Pray it helps..

Night and day, joy and sorrow, abundance and scarcity, good and evil, hot and cold, success and failure. We live in opposite values, accept it that’s life. So if you’re not happy with your married life or in anything else,  accept it. It’s life everybody goes through with it, it’s how you react to it that makes the difference. When you’re in the darkness, rejoice and anticipate the coming of light. Everything passes. Just learn to accept things, situation, people as what they are. Always be positive.

Most of the time when women get married, women have this superwoman mentality, hence would do anything to make everyone’s life in the family perfect except for herself. We are consumed of taking care of our husbands and the children that we often forgot to take care of ourselves. What happened next is we see our husbands dating women, who was just like ourselves when we are still taking care of ourselves. I knew I’ll never be able to be thin again hence the two  operation, but that doesn’t mean, I wont be able to go a spa anymore even just for a body scrub or a facial. But believe me you don’t need to spend a dime to make yourself beautiful, go to your kitchen, milk, egg, brown sugar, olive oil & kalamansi, will do wonder to your hair and skin. Learn to love yourself, improve yourself, develop whatever potential you have, never stop learning/educating yourself. Your husband will love you more for it. Lastly, respect yourself, nobody will respect you unless you show respect for yourself first.


If your bf a liar and he become your husband, he’ll still be a liar. Whatever bad habits/traits your bf has right now chances are its  still  the same when you get married. Don’t ever have the illusion that you can change him after you get married or else you’re bound for some heartaches. My husband, the Palusot King, for whatever reason he would always make palusot on whatever, I,  on the other hand would always point out his mistake and would try to interrogate him until he admit the truth. We would go on  a verbal combat, until ma highblood na ko sa kanyang pagka Pilosopo Tasyo and then I get mad. Until I got tired of his palusot and just allow it, never waste my energy with it anymore. We never fight  about it now, it’s given us peace. My husband’s  a self confessed Mama’s boy so when he visits her mother, it would take him hours before he goes back home. While away I would always text him or call him to go home already but still he would always end up going home late. I finally, got tired of it too, now  I would never  text him to go home early when he visits his mother, sometimes I would go with him to visit her if not I would watch movie online or go to the parlor or just go to sleep while his away. I think sometimes a simple change of attitude will go a long way.

We  at least try.  It always feels good to feel your husband warmth beside you.
It’s a good thing if only for the love talk afterwards. You can express yourself more freely with what and how you feel. If you feel you are neglected that day or there is something you need your husband to do for you, that’s the best time for you to talk. Now, I know that’s selfish but that’s how it works, right? hehehe. The best thing is everyday you have a clean slate when you made a mistake or hurt your partner because you’re able to talk and you have the chance to say sorry or ask for it if you’re the one offended. I won’t expand on the sex thing, people have different take on it. Point here is for a marriage to work you have to talk, you have to communicate in whatever form that suits you. That’s the most important thing.

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SURVEY SAYS.... 24 Mar 2010 6:10 PM (14 years ago)

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According to, these are the five most dangerous sexual positions, and naturally, how to do them. I suggest never to try this unless you're an acrobat and a bodybuilder at the same time. If you insist to try, practice first with your pillow because you might end up in the orthopedic. The number 4 is manageable just make sure you have wall for support, just on the safe side, go down, better have the bed than the wall for support.  
1. The Triple Lindy

How To Do It:
This is a position that takes IMMENSE strength for both parties.
The female must have relatively strong abdominal muscles and be able to align her spine with the man’s penis throughout the entire experience.  The man must be able to lift the woman to the point of insertion, then settle her lower region comfortably into his thighs while leaning back, using the woman’s front half as balancing weight.
In a sense both genital regions act as a fulcrum.  If anyone can do this for more than a few seconds, congratulations, you lift weight 8 times a day.
What Could Go Wrong?:
Since the man’s strength is all that is really keeping the woman safe as she is being pleasured while held up and craning her back like she’s a mermaid at the bow of a ship, the worst case scenario would be: man drops woman, woman gets concussion, vagina breaks penis, man’s knees knock the wind out of the woman, making this one of the most daringly dangerous sex positions to do without leaning on anything.
2. The London Bridge

How To Do It:
This is “London Bridge” that is done with only two people.
To start this position, the man must get on all fours, facing upward.  If you’ve gotten this far, as a couple, congratulations to the man for being an Olympic gymnast.
Next, the woman must somehow straddle the man without knocking out his legs under him.  It’s a very delicate balance.
Even IF all these conditions were met, the insertion would be impossible without a few different pillows involved, as the man’s middle region will naturally want to bend inward, towards the ground. If someone made this work, then the woman would have to be a LOT lighter than the man, and he would have to have absolutely zero back problems.
What Could Go Wrong?
The pressure of the woman’s body weight, even if she’s Kate Moss, would put such a strain on the man’s wrists and ankles, that (even if he could get to the start position) wouldn’t translate to a finish for anybody unless the woman is both taller (and lighter) than the man.
If the man’s hand slipped and the woman came down with him, the woman’s center of gravity would be sitting at a shock point to the man’s spinal cord if they landed on the right spot, drawing the possibility for intense back injuries, pelvic injuries, and a really hurting butt for both parties.
3. The Pair of Tongs

How To Do It?
The man steps over the woman’s leg, holding the other leg up, and enters the woman while she dangles in the air, being held up by only the strength of her stronger arm. The man holds the woman as she holds on for dear life.
What Could Go Wrong?:
The amount of weight that would be leaning on the man’s left arm in this position would not only drag him down, but would probably strain/pull any of his muscles if this position were attempted for more than about a minute.  Kind of like when you carry all the groceries in one hand and decide to make it to the kitchen…only during sex.
Also, that is not an optimal angle for a man to comfortably wield something that is meant to be parallel to the ground.  The man’s penis, and any muscles involved in this position, could be tugged in the wrong direction (left or right) if the woman’s super-strong arm decided to give out at any point, bending the penis to the shape of a horseshoe or a picture-frame-corner.
4. The Body Builder (or the Buhat-Buhat)
How To Do It:
This one’s actually fairly common.  Start out against a wall, the woman will straddle the man, like a koala bear, and the man will then insert himself into the woman. The wall will provide great leverage at first until…
What Could Go Wrong?:
Sweat. The sweat glands from the woman’s back will inevitably trickle down to her ass, making the main support zone for this position slippery.  If in the heat of the moment one of the partners loses their grip, the penis could be bent the wrong way and the woman could suffer serious spine and head injuries.
5. The Incline Leg

How To Do It:
What Could Go Wrong?
The female will inevitable break the penis if she is on her tippy toes.
Penises are generally not meant to bend backwards and, in the position, an erect wang would defy the laws of anatomy. Even if this could work, the penis would bend in such a way that the woman’s rear end, as well as the man’s penis itself, if she ever “missed”, to devastate the man’s testicles.
Even if a couple were able to achieve this comfortably as a legitimate way to find pleasure in one another’s movements, if the female were to slip and fall backwards…goodbye wang.

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Countdown to Valentines Day Part 1 5 Feb 2010 12:11 PM (15 years ago)

Seven Days before Valentines Day, Khuracha will be helping you prepare for the big day! Seven days before the Valentines will be helping you decide what to wear first on the V Day. And since most of us love shoes, will be giving you tips on what shoes to wear...SHOES first...


1. BUY ONLY SHOES THAT FITS YOU WELL:  Even if you love that high heeled shoes, even if its perfect for your dress, if its does not fit you and you are not comfortable with it then don't buy it.Limping around in heels is not sexy at all.

2. BE BOLD, WEAR BRIGHTS:  An electric hue can amp up a look, including outfits in colors other than black and denim. Try colored shoes with white, khaki, and pastels. A scarlet-red dress, however, calls for neutral footwear.

3. WEAR WHATS APPROPRIATE: Flip flops maybe the in thing now, but you don't want to be caught on it while your on conservative office get up while flats may be too casual for a cocktail dress. And of course the sneakers/running shoes should only be used to gym clothes or casual jeans. For your date, if you are wearing your girly, flirty dress, it should also be the same with your shoes.

4. Going Outdoors? Say No to Stilettos 

It will be hard for you to walk on heels in the ground, it will sink into the ground and you don't want to ruin your shoes.Flat shoes are fine but if you want height wedges are perfect for you.

5. Make a Statement A spindly stiletto sandal is all about looking sexy, while a bow-emblazoned kitten heel veers more toward cute. Know what look you're going for, and go full out.Of course, most of us would rather be sexy than cute.

6. Va-va-voom Shoes Have Their Place Nighttime is the right time for attention-getting shoes. If you don't have a date on valentine's day and you plan of having a gimik night with your friends, this is the right time to wear it. If you still want to wear a knock-'em-dead look during the day, choose a closed-toe or peep-toe pump.

7.  Pair Sky-High Shoes with Tame Hemlines When going for major air, keep your hemlines at an inch above the knee. But when wearing a short skirt or dress, wear a lower heel or flat — it will balance you out and keep you from showing altogether too much leg.You may want to keep it tame, put your wild side where they belong.

8. Wear Flats with Properly Hemmed Clothes Make sure your clothing is tailored or you'll risk looking sloppy. A trouser leg should fall at or above the ankle, while skirts or dresses should end above the knee.

9. Think About Balance (And we're not talking about the kind you need to walk.) A thicker-heeled shoe grounds a heavily layered look, when something dainty could look off balance. The reverse also holds true. When wearing a wispy frock, a thin-strapped sandal is an appropriate match.

Locally, if you are looking for a date shoes, a knock-'em-dead shoes, i suggest you go to Janylin's Shop in Glorietta 5, they are in Glorietta but they got it all for you.:-)

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2010 SEXY NEW YEARS RESOLUTION 13 Jan 2010 7:26 AM (15 years ago)



 A well placed pillow can help you get into new position and add sexy variety to old favorites. Try tucking a pillow under your butt in missionary position, says Mabel the author of Sex and the Perfect lover. Or put it between your legs while spooning. Of course, it also works the traditional way: under your head.


The question isn't why get a vibrator; it's why not? You can use one on your own to explore what feels good, or with your partner to add a new dimension to sex together. Women who use vibrators report higher levels of sexual satisfaction with their partners, increased libido, and easier orgasms, according to research by REDBOOK Love Network expert Laura Berman, Ph.D. If you're a newbie, try a discreet vibrator. "It fits in the palm of your hand, and it also easily fits between you and your partner for stimulation during intercourse," says sex expert Emma Taylor. There are variety of vibrators in the market today.. You can choose whatever is right for you and whatever suits your taste and need.


Not only does lube make everything glide more smoothly, it can also help make sex last longer (because you won't dry out) and make it easier to try different positions. To find one, sample as many as you can, says sexologist Pepper Schwartz, Ph.D., author of Prime: "It's a very personal thing, and the fun is in finding one that you love and your body loves." Water-based lubes (locally you can look for Ultra Glide for a water based hypoallergenic lubricant) are best if you're worried about allergies, while silicone-based varieties last longer. Mix things up with formulas that tingle or warm. You can even find organic lubricants. But if you are looking for a lubricant you want to try locally, you might want to try Bliss lubricant. You can easily get it at Watson’s and Mercury Drug Store. It’s in sachet and it’s edible…How exciting could that be…You can have fun trying all it’s variant.


Whether they're tame (feather ticklers, whipped cream) or not so tame (fuzzy cuffs, whips), playful props add excitement to the mix. To see what tickles your fancy. You might want to try whipped cream, hershey’s chocolate syrup, cheese whiz, its handy and its accessible, it’s in your kitchen. Honey’s the best…It’s sticky and sweet and messy but will make you wild and wet and satisfied to say the least…Just don’t sweat your sheets..send them to the laundry.


When it comes to sex, you just can't know too much," says Iam. That's why it helps to have a sex manual that covers the full gamut, from anatomy to vibrators. Yes, read, read, read and practice what you’ve learned. Knowledge is power and it’s applicable even in sex. I have read a lot of great sex books, may be I’ll write one myself.


Kegel exercises tone and strengthen your pubococcygeal (PC) muscles, also known as your pelvic floor muscles. "The stronger those muscles are, the stronger the intensity of orgasm, not just with a partner but by yourself," says Schwartz. Exercising these muscles also promotes blood flow and lubrication, which leads to heightened desire and arousal, says Berman. And you can squeeze your PCs during sex to add to his pleasure and yours — the squeezing action stimulates the hidden inner part of your clitoris. To do basic Kegels, squeeze as if you're stopping the flow of urine, then release. It’s that simple, you can even do it anywhere, anytime without anybody knowing it.


Everyone knows that great music can set the tone for a romantic evening. The key is to find music that gets you in the mood, whether it's a classical favorite, an upbeat dance mix, even that jam band that was so popular back in college. To avoid having to stop and play DJ mid-makeout, fill a multidisc stereo with sensual CDs and put it on shuffle, or load up your iPod with a playful playlist.


Just like putting on your running shoes gets you in the mood for jogging, wearing lingerie helps you look, feel, and think sexy," says sex educator Dorian Solot, coauthor of I Love Female Orgasm. And it doesn't have to be from Frederick's of Hollywood to be arousing. Wear whatever makes you feel sexy and self-assured, whether it's a cami and boy shorts, a satin gown and sexy heels, or a push-up bra and a thong. You can also use clothing to experiment with different roles: Do you want to be sweet? A vixen? An elegant goddess? "Find an outfit that speaks to a different part of yourself, and let it lead the way in the bedroom," suggests Solot.


 Erotica can get you in the mood, keep you in the mood, and spark a lifetime of creative ideas to try out with your partner," says Solot. And by "erotica" we mean any material that jump-starts your arousal and helps you plug into your fantasies — a sexy movie, an erotic story, an X-rated flick, even a good old-fashioned romance novel.


You can't slip it under your pillow or into your bedside drawer, but honesty might just be the most important tool of all. "Anytime you withhold anything, it creates barriers in the bedroom," says Berman, who encourages couples to keep an open dialogue in and out of bed. Feeling shy? Get started by filling in the blanks of these useful phrases: "I've always wanted to ________." "Have you ever thought about ___________?" "I'm not comfortable doing _____, but how about we try ____?" "I love it when you _____, but sometimes it's a little too _______. I'd really love it if you ______ instead." And, of course, the phrase no one can hear enough of: "You're so good at __________, I'd love to have more!"

Credit to: Allison Young

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HOW TO BOOST SEX DRIVE 9 Nov 2009 10:49 PM (15 years ago)


By Heather Rutherford

Not only is low sex drive a frustrating circumstance, it can be damning to a relationship. When one partner constantly is rejected by the other, tensions build. When tensions are at a high, it often is the case fights will arise and the strain will persist. Low sex drive is caused by any number of problems related to psychological reserves, hormonal changes, physical health and relationship problems. While it often is difficult to assess the main cause of the problem, a well-rounded approach to treating the issue will leave both you and your partner with a big smile...

Step 1
Talk with your partner about your low libido. Often the problem is because of a disconnect in the relationship. Whether there is an unresolved issue or you have grown too comfortable with your partner, this talk might help to break down some crucial barriers.

Step 2
Reduce stress in your life by making some time for yourself. The University of California at Santa Barbara states that many times, stress and anxiety dampen sexual desire. If you cannot manage your own stress levels or are feeling depressed, it might be time to seek a counselor so you can get your sex drive back on track.

Step 3
Eat more bananas. Bananas are considered one of the best foods to boost sex drive. Not only are they full of great minerals such as calcium and potassium, they also possess traces of androgens. Androgens are male hormones. These male hormones can boost sex drive in men and women.

Step 4
Have fulfilling and enjoyable sex frequently. When engaged in sex, especially during orgasm, the body releases endorphins and dopamine. These hormones help you to feel pleasure. They also are the same hormones related to addiction. When sex releases these hormones frequently enough, you find yourself wanting sex more often as your body desires that hormone flush.

Step 5
Enter a physical competition such as a marathon or sports team. Physical activity goes a long way in boosting sexual desire. Exercise can rejuvenate you by making you feel energized and more willing to engage in sex. It also has been shown a little healthy competition boosts sex drive. Furthermore, if a person feels unattractive and out of shape, they are less likely to want to have sex. Getting in shape might be just the thing you need to regain that amorous feeling.

Step 6
Talk with your doctor about your medications. The Mayo Clinic points to many antidepressants, hormonal birth-control methods and blood pressure-lowering drugs as the cause of low sexual desire. If you are on prescription medications and want to boost your sex drive, it might be as easy as switching your medications.

Step 7
Utilize aromatherapy throughout the house. A study released by the Smell and Taste Treatment Research Foundation reports some smells can raise sexual desire by 40 percent. To boost a man's sex drive, a combination of lavender and pumpkin pie seem to do the trick. For women, it is cucumber and candy-coated licorice smells. Place a few candles and plug-in air fresheners throughout the house for the best combination.

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LONGER-LASTING SEX TIPS 9 Nov 2009 9:42 PM (15 years ago)

By Alina Bradford

If you love your sex life--yet wish the act of sex lasted a little longer--you are not alone. The National Health and Social Life Survey found that thirty percent of men orgasm within the first two minutes of sex. Many women also have this problem, though experts don't agree on the number of women affected. Thankfully, there are some things that can be done to help both men and women last longer during intercourse:

The easiest way to make sex last longer is by focusing your attention on your partner. Do things that makes her feel good. Concentrate less on yourself. Taking your mind off your own pleasure for a little while will make the act last longer than keeping your mind on the one specific goal of reaching a climax.

If you do find yourself reaching orgasm too quickly, there are several ways to stave it off. First, you can stop the sensation that is causing you to orgasm. Take a few minutes to simply kiss or give pleasure exclusively to your partner. If you don't like the idea of stopping, then try visualization. Try to think of something that doesn't stimulate you sexually for a few seconds. This will calm you down.

You can also buy desensitizing creams, such as Adam and Eve Delaying Creams and Adama and Eve Spray are applied to the genitals, and they create a numbing effect. This effect will keep you from getting aroused too quickly. You can buy these creams at brick-and-mortar or online sensual product shops such as Adam and Eve or from us

Even if the male does ejaculate early, the female can still continue to orgasm with the help of a simple, soft jelly-like ring that fits around the penis. The penis ring, like the Quick Release Erection Ring or the Erecaid Tension Band, keeps the member erect after ejaculation so that intercourse can continue. Many men find that it also delays orgasm. 

There are certain positions that men can do to help them last longer during sex. One is the body-to-body missionary position where the man lays on top of the woman. The woman and man use very little movement in this arrangement, keeping the sex slow and steady. Another position that can be used is woman-on-top. In this scenario, the woman is in control, and the man is submissive. The lack of control can keep premature ejaculations at bay while allowing both partners to enjoy the moment.

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Eva Longoria & Victoria Beckham on a tour of LA Sex shop 18 Aug 2009 2:36 PM (15 years ago)

Eva Longoria has taken Victoria Beckham on a tour of Los Angeles Sex shop

Eva Longoria

The Desperate Housewives' actress - who is married to basketball star Tony Parker - has been bonding with the Spice Girl over their shared passion for bedroom experimentation and has taken Victoria out to buy sex toys.

Eva Longoria

A friend of the Latina actress said: "Eva has pointed Victoria in the right direction in Hollywood - the best beauticians, the best places to go for a wax, where she can pick up sexy lingerie and where to buy sex toys. I think David will be pleasantly surprised."

Victoria Beckham

It seems Victoria - who moved Stateside with her family when her husband David signed a contract with the Los Angeles Galaxy soccer team - has already been stocking up on goodies for David.

Victoria Beckham

The 33-year-old singer was recently spotted buying various massage products and a vibrating doll from a Los Angeles sex boutique.

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Miss Universe Topless in Maxims Mag 15 Aug 2009 8:42 AM (15 years ago)

Miss Universe Dayana Mendoza topless in Maxims Mag.

Worthy Fantasy!!!

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more love to her = more sex to you 14 Aug 2009 2:07 PM (15 years ago)

Ten Ways To Say " I Love You"

1.) Listen. Ask, “How is your day?” Those 4 simple words are so appreciated. It makes a girl feel like “For all the complaining I do, he still asks. He cares that much.”

2.) Read between the lines. Picking up on her tone or silence shows “I’m listening and I understand you better than anyone.” It really makes her feel validated.

3.) Say what’s on your mind. Let her know what you’re thinking or worrying about so she can learn to understand you.

4.) Share. It brings you closer to together when you have common interests. But it also helps her grow as a person to try something new you like that she’s unfamiliar with.

5.) Forgive her. Laugh off the dumb little things she does. Move past the small things that bug you because you believe your relationship is worth it.

6.) Make her laugh. It will brighten her day.

7.) Take her side. Even when she’s being a little bit petty. It shows her who your priorities lie with.

8.) Tell her when she’s wrong. She’ll appreciate that you don’t placate her. When you respect her enough to say things that aren’t easy it Makes her feel like you take your relationship seriously.

9.) Create little rituals with her, like a set time to talk each day. It makes her feel like what you have is unique and a constant.

10.) Say I love you. Every day. Nothing makes her feel more validated than waking up knowing you loved her yesterday, and you’re going to let her know that she’s loved still today, and tomorrow you will love her too.


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Spice up your sex life 14 Aug 2009 11:33 AM (15 years ago)


Try these:

1. Treat yourselves, buy some sex toys...there are a lot of sex toys that can titillate both couple, and of course there are the gender specific toys, which couples can enjoy separately. Don't forget, the objective is to have fun, fun, fun...

Miss your bj's and your partner's fellatio phobic ( when you're partner doesn't want to go down) may want this:

BJ simulator

Cunnilingus not your forte, try this:

clit kisser

2. Changing LOCATION...Explore other parts of the house..counter tops in the kitchen or over the dining table, in the laundry area try turning on the washing machine while your on it, it will definitely turn you on.. Inside the car, be more adventurous..if you've been passing EDSA you know the legendary traffic there, you can definitely make your historic moves inside your car. (just make sure your car is tinted)

3. MASTURBATE...Watch each other attention to how/what strokes both of you like best besides its a turn on for him watching you do it.

4. WATCH PORN together..Forget you're uptight upbringing or the society's sexual norm.Try be a deviant for once and just think of what you and your partner enjoy.

5. COMMUNICATE..If you and you're partner's "XXX rating" sex life has turned into "Parental Guidance"..It's time you talk. You're sex life, most of the time is the reflection of the status of your current relationship...Communication is the key to having the best sex life, like in everything else.


In any case its always nice having lube around.
Happy orgasm everyone,

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MEAN GIRL = SEKSI 8 Aug 2009 10:21 AM (15 years ago)

Lindsay Lohan, The Mean Girl : Fierce & Sexy

Spanish Vogue

ELLE UK Magazine

Spanish VOGUE

New York Magazine

Spanish Vogue

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Lohan Gets Sex Toys For her Birthday 8 Aug 2009 10:16 AM (15 years ago)

Lindsay Lohan was given sex toys for her birthday by Samantha Ronson.

The 'Mean Girls' actress - who turned 23 on July 2 and has had an on/off relationship with the DJ for around two years - was delighted with the satisfying gift, which Samantha hand-picked herself, according to National Enquirer magazine.
A source said: "Samantha presented her with a gift guaranteed to create lots of buzz - a big, brightly gift-wrapped basket of sex toys selected by herself. She spent hours shopping Hollywood's erotic emporiums for the items."
After giving her the present, the couple returned to Samantha's Los Angeles home to celebrate the actress' special day.
It is not the first time Lindsay's love of erotic items has been documented.
Last year, it was claimed she and Samantha often went shopping for sex toys together.
A source said: "They go to the Pleasure Chest in West Hollywood late at night and pick up goodies."

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LET'S forePLAY! 28 Jul 2009 4:20 AM (15 years ago)

A lot has been written about foreplay..once again, we're going to stick to the principles and learn one good technique. The principle is make your partner feel safe and comfortable such that she can have permission to feel aroused. Then you intensify her arousal and do your duty of making her feel like the Queen of the Universe.. Isn't that what all women wants to feel?

Kate Moss- Queen of the Universe

The number one foreplay technique which we recommend is massage. If you already don't know how, go take some lessons, or (just email us we'll send you some materials with regards to it) or just get a good massage and notice what you like, then do the same for her. Massage accomplishes all the key goals of foreplay: by focusing your attention fully on her and her comfort, you;re making her feel safe, comfortable and loved; you're delaying your pleasure and attending to hers, delaying your pleasures and attending to hers, setting yourself apart from all the other drooling brutes; and you're loosening up her mind and body, opening the floodgates for massive arousal.

Now there is a good massage technique and there is a great massage technique.The one you are about to learn qualifies as phenomenal technique. It's derived from Tantra Yoga, and it's called the Kama Marma Technique. In tantric tradition, kama marmas are erogenous zone to stimulate the physical body and nourish the psychic body.There are tertiary , secondary, and primary kama marmas. What you want to do is start by stimulating the secondary zones, the go to the primary and finally the tertiary zones. The effect is that of a tease, release, then super tease of newly activated tertiary erogenous zone. A suggested method is to first TOUCH, then BLOW, then LICK each part in turn. DO this right and prepare to be worshipped like the sex god that you are.

Here are the list of primary, secondary and tertiary erotic zones:

Primary Zones:

1. Lips and Labia

2. Breast, Nipples
3. Genitals

Secondary Zones:

1. Earlobes

2. Nape of neck

3. Sacrolumbar junction
4. Gluteal Fold
5. Inside of thighs - light stroke
6. Back of knees

Tertiary Zones:
1. Edge of pinkie

2. Palms of hand - circular stroke
3. Navel - clockwise stroke
4. Anus
5. Nostril
6. Ear Orifice
7. Sole of feet
8. Big toe

From: The Tao of Sexual Mastery by Dr. Alex Benzer

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Turn him on tonight 25 Jul 2009 9:12 AM (15 years ago)


From: Sex Encyclopedia

Remember, there’s no such thing as ordinary night, we can always turn any night into that special, romantic, wonderfully unforgettable night, did I say, scorching hot and mind blowing. Yeah! that too. .All you need is yourselves plus the fun, naughty, flirty, uninhibited, imaginative, YOU.

But don’t wait until night time to get things going.. drum beat the mood early on, start by texting your husband, texting him like, “ I’m in the shower, would you like to join” anything that you think would titillate his mind.. Or give him a call, use your sexy, low, gentle voice. Lastly, creativity can get you what you want, use it.


If you’re too embarrassed to be explicit, be flirty.

My favorite, Dita Von Teese for Fredericks


Buying items that turn our husbands on can be stressful and will take some effort.

To find out what your lover might like, leave a Victoria’s Secret or Frederick’s of Hollywood catalog around and see which items hold your husband’s gaze longest. Or choose what most men choose when shopping alone; a garter belt-lace bra combination in bright red or black.

Salespeople say you can never go wrong with satin gown. It highlights curves, flows beautifully, and catches the light. Plus, ambiguous combination of vampiness and elegance is a real turn on for men.

But if you’re the one of those practical stay home wife, just avoid wearing shorts or pants during those nights, you can cut your long dress short that will do… But please if you want to improve your sex life, throw that “duster” in your closet and never wear one again.



Prepare something light for your husband so your husband will have more energy in the bedroom. You don’t want him to be stuffed. Stay away from meat, and heavy sauces, cheese and dessert, load up on leafy vegetables, spices and fruits especially grapes, oranges. Indulge in Strawberry in chocolate or bake a salmon fillet in vanilla sauce and a glass of wine. By the way, keep honey available.. Or if you want to subscribe to the Uragon’s ( people from bicol) secret, they say it's all in the siling labuyo. Go try it out.


First, don’t buy pink bulb. The rose coloring actually makes you look pink. What you want is an amber tint, like get at sunset. ; 60-watt amber bulb in your bedside lamp gives you that radiance. Or if your overhead fixture is hooked to dimmer, put amber bulbs in it. Dimmed light diffuses, so avoid the unflattering ghoul-like look. If you must use white bulb, make them low wattage ( no more than 30 watts) and let light reflect off your bed by using white sheets or tossing a white throw over it. A woman lying on white linens and lit overhead by a soft light looks great because the fabric reflects and fills in any harsh shadows.


Pick a perfume that reflects the image you want to project that night. If, for example, you want to play the earthy girl-next-door, try a clean fragrance like Navy or Body Shop’s White Musk. Feeling vampy? Pick obsession or another scent with a little spice. Want something in between like the girl-next-door with a run in her stocking? As for musk, let your mate take a sample whiff before you squirt it on for your anniversary. It’s a love or hate thing.


Or shall I say, massage your way to orgasm…First, create a soothing mood. Play a soft music, turn down the lights, unplug the phone, turn off the cellphone.

Once you’ve set the scene, go slowly. Have your husband lie on his stomach, and either kneel beside him or straddle him across his lower back. Start the massage if you don’t know exactly how to massage just try touching, caressing, stroking, lingering over his body, just maintain contact with his skin. It’s better if you use oil or lotion. See where your strokes may bring you.


Two words: Barry White. If you want to get into the groove, nothing is more persuave than the molasses-sweet smoothness of soul’s greatest love doctor, though Teddy Pendergrass, Marvin Gaye, and Luther Vandross are all close second.

Why do these men stir the hearts and lions of listeners? They sound like they’re in love when they’re singing about it. They can do the seducing for you. Choosing the male vocalist also lets your husband project himself on to loverman persona. When they listen to Marvin Gaye, they become the smooth soul-daddy lover, even if in real life they’re geeky, uptight IT man. But if you want an alternative, you can always play the Erotic Lounge, this will certainly inspire you go on fire.


The idea is to look like your making love. The slower the better. To help you put in the mood, our suggestion if about putting on music something that sets the scene for intimacy. As for clothes, body doll dress is good, or your husband’s shirt something you can flip up and flirt with that will come off easily. Make up should be minimal and soft. A little powder on the shoulder or blush between the breast is fine, nto the time for foundation on the neck. You want to be clean and touchable. But don’t let him touch at least at first. Keeping a flirtatious distance, you want to dance ( shake your hips, thrust your pelvis) as you play peekaboo with your clothes. Slowly lift your shirt or dress, then drop it. Undo the button, And another.. Feel daring? You can fling the dress and keep dancing in your bra and panties..

( To the daring: Remember the careless whisper dance of Katrina & Hayden, try doing your own version but with a sexy shoes on.)

For the timid who would rather not shimmy, all you really need to worry about is an easy sway and eye contact. Really look at your husband . Your face will draw him in more than any other part of your body.

* For couples with babies and kids around, you might want to go to a motel/hotel if you want that uninterrupted bliss.


“ Heterosexual men who receive oral sex are happier with their sex lives and with their

relationships in general.” - ( Schwartz and Blumstein) Ladies, men love blowjobs but be careful of teething puppies, they bite a bit.

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PASSION SPOILER ALERT!! 23 Jul 2009 4:02 AM (15 years ago)

PASSION KILLERS by Dr. Carole Pasahow

** Avoiding sexual contact ( the longer you’re away from sex, the harder it is to reconnect.)

** Not treating one another in a loving manner outside the bedroom.

** Not caring about physical appearance.

** Not protecting your sexual relationship from INTRUSION.

** Bringing up non-sexual business during a sexual encounter.

** Communicating in attacking or critical manner.

** Not willing to try out new technique and intercourse position.

** Not paying attention to what truly pleases your partner and stimulating parts of their body that are turn offs.

** Learn how to touch and talk to your partner during sexual play in order to their desire and arousal.

** Not willing to communicate and mesh different sexual styles.

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