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Blog Posting 30 Jul 2010 5:32 PM (14 years ago)

Important SEO Tip of today
Blog posting is another good way for making back links and attracting visitors. In this one have to create a blog related to the website which should be promote. In the blog there must be some unique and Interesting post related to the website. These will attract all the visitors.

One must not write a long paragraph in the blog. It mist contain many small paragraphs contains with 100 to 250 words. One should give information or tips or what it need in one proper field which is niche. People likes small tips and ideas.

There should be a informative and reviewed data in the blog which is very much appreciated by the blog readers. Regularly posting in blog is one of the difficult thing for a blog writer. Blog posting will give a huge benefit and a good business also.

Most of all search engine loves fresh and new things. Which can be given by blog easily. so for a successful blog the blogger must post regularly and new fresh contains.

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Forum Posting (Do not Spam) 23 Jul 2010 7:14 AM (14 years ago)

In forum posting a thread is made by some one. Which may be a query or a news or some important discussion. In which other people who have the solution or who want to perform some participation in discussion may take part.
Major search engines loves forums. The cause is in forum there is always a fresh content and above all it is made to help people. These forums have a new content every second. So it is a source of fresh information.
In forum posting people can post the link or the source of there knowledge. These are taken as a back link by all major search engines. But it is a bad place for spamming. Many people try to spam but they end up with permanent ban by the forum admin. So be careful when doing forum posting that it not get spammed.

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Social Bookmarking 20 Jul 2010 7:10 AM (14 years ago)

Important SEO Tips of today
Today the discussion topic is Social Bookmarking. It is one of the useful procedure to generate good back links and get good visitors. If the visitors like the site and product they will become good customers. Social Bookmarking sites are usually very much SEO friendly.
If one can get good quality back links means from good PR sites and from proper category it will be so much useful for the site. In social bookmarking one must put proper keywords and proper descriptions.It is a list of website listed by the people in proper category. If anyone finds a website useful they bookmark it in different bookmarking sites for further reference to other people who might be interested in this site.
Be sure that do not spam these sites. Other wise they will throw out the site from the listing. There are thousands of bookmarking sites. one can do bookmarking for their own sites. By book marking one can well perform in google also. There are bookmarking sites like Digg, etc.

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Directory Submission 16 Jul 2010 7:40 AM (14 years ago)

There are two types of SEO basically in white hat procedure. One is On Page SEO and another is Off Page SEO. Directory submission is a off page SEO technique.Using directory submission back links can be generated. Which is very useful for good performance in search engine ranking. Because google check back links for evaluate performance.

Directory Submission is the tool for increase the awareness of the business. When directory is submitted for some site then it should be in proper category. If it is not in the proper category then it can get spammed. When directory submission is performed first one should look for the niche directory with high page rank. If directory is submitted in good pr directory then the site will perform well.

Niche directory means that the directory is for a proper category. Like Health directory, SEO directory, Blog directory, Education directory etc.

One must always look after that the keywords must be proper and the descriptions must be brief and well described about the site.If it is not done then there is a huge chance to get spammed. The directory owners check thousands of directory in one day. So if they have any doubt about the submission they immediately cancel the submission. So be careful about these facts.

One should submit their directory with the E-mail ID which is from the website he or she is working for. It should not be from a free mail server like yahoo, hotmail etc. Because there also there is a chance to get spammed by the directory owners.

There are two types of submission procedure. One is automatic and the other is manual submission. In manual submission one have to select the category and then fill up the whole form and then submit it. On the other hand in automatic submission the person have to give only give the captcha. It is seen that manual directory submission is more effective over automatic submission.

It should be also look after that at a time a huge directory is not submitted. If in a sort period of time search engine get to many back links may be the search engine get puzzled and make the site spam or throw the site out of the search engine.

Directory submission is the most old and most effective procedure in search engine optimization.

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On Page SEO 15 Jul 2010 8:52 AM (14 years ago)

Important SEO Tip of Today
On page SEO is mainly done in the designing phase. On page SEO is the most important thing in the whole SEO process. When the website is designed it should be designed in some particular protocol. Because if the website is taken care from its process of birth it will be the best gift for the website. In on page SEO some of the process or protocol which should be maintained are as followed:-

  1. Give a unique and proper contain in the website.
  2. Optimize the existing contain.
  3. Optimize the keywords properly.
  4. HTML code must be correct.
  5. All the broken and dead links must be removed.
  6. Use alt attribute or img tag for all images. 
  7. Use meta tag where all the things like description,keywords are mentioned properly.
  8. Add XMl site map to the website for visitors use and submit one in google for proper visit of google.
These are the basic things which one can do for better result for his or her website. So on page SEO is the thing which must not be avoided at any cost. 

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Off Page SEO 13 Jul 2010 9:23 AM (14 years ago)

Important SEO Tips of today
I have discussed about On page SEO techniques. But off page SEO is also very important thing. Because off page SEO will give a website a good rank in search engine and above all a huge traffic. There is endless number of off page SEO tactics are there. Because when one can generate back link for the website it is a off page SEO. But the link must be proper.
Some of the Off Page SEO tactics are:-

  1. Directory Submission in dofollow directory sites.
  2. Social Bookmarking.
  3. Link Exchange.
  4. Article Submission.
  5. Press Release.
  6. Blog Posting.
  7. Blog Commenting. (Do Not Spam).
  8. Forum Posting. (Do Not Spam).
  9. Video Promotion.
  10. Join social community or club related to the Business.
  11. Traffic Analise.
  12. Keyword research.
  13. Competitive Annalise.
I will Discuss all these points In Next Post.

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How You Can Maintain Your Website Get Indexed Regularly 13 Jul 2010 9:06 AM (14 years ago)

Important SEO Tips of today
In these case what a website need is on page SEO. On page SEO means that the website should have a fresh,  regular, proper, unique contain. google loves this type of contain.

Next the website should have proper meta data. From where google will find the proper contain of the website. There must be a title, one description, and the proper keywords.

The on page SEO tactics are like below:-

  1. Optimize the existing contain.
  2. HTML code must be correct. 
  3. All the dead and broken links must be removed.
  4. Add ALT attribute and Meta tag.
  5. Add XML site map.
I will discuss about all these on page SEO techniques in my next post.

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How To Listed Your Website in Google 13 Jul 2010 8:53 AM (14 years ago)

Important SEO Tips of today
Some people say that getting listed in google is very difficult thing for a web site. But this is not such difficult thing. Google have a facility that it lists web site in its search engine. What have to do is go to this URL and submit your website hear. Then google will give you one meta code all you have to do is just paste this meta code in your home page and verify in google. Google crawler will visit your website and get indexed your website. Then it will cache the submitted web site and get all the information it needs.

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Spamdexing 30 Jun 2010 1:55 AM (14 years ago)

Important SEO Tips of today

Spamdexing (also known as search spam, search engine spam or web spam)[1] involves a number of methods, such as repeating unrelated phrases, to manipulate the relevancy or prominence of resources indexed by a search engine, in a manner inconsistent with the purpose of the indexing system.[2][3] Some consider it to be a part of search engine optimization, though there are many search engine optimization methods that improve the quality and appearance of the content of web sites and serve content useful to many users.[4] Search engines use a variety of algorithms to determine relevancy ranking. Some of these include determining whether the search term appears in the META keywords tag, others whether the search term appears in the body text or URL of a web page. Many search engines check for instances of spamdexing and will remove suspect pages from their indexes. Also, people working for a search-engine organization can quickly block the results-listing from entire websites that use spamdexing, perhaps alerted by user complaints of false matches. The rise of spamdexing in the mid-1990s made the leading search engines of the time less useful.
The success of Google at both producing better search results and combating keyword spamming, through its reputation-based PageRank link analysis system, helped it become the dominant search site late in the 1990s. Although it has not been rendered useless by spamdexing, Google has not been immune to more sophisticated methods. Google bombing is another form of search engine result manipulation, which involves placing hyperlinks that directly affect the rank of other sites.[5] Google first algorithmically combated Google bombing on January 25, 2007.[6]
The earliest known reference[2] to the term spamdexing is by Eric Convey in his article "Porn sneaks way back on Web," The Boston Herald, May 22, 1996, where he said:

The problem arises when site operators load their Web pages with hundreds of extraneous terms so search engines will list them among legitimate addresses. The process is called "spamdexing," a combination of spamming — the Internet term for sending users unsolicited information — and "indexing." [2]
Common spamdexing techniques can be classified into two broad classes: content spam[4] (or term spam) and link spam.[3]

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