So, my writing has been taking a back seat to other online marketing endeavors for quite a while now. From affiliate sites, to selling tee shirts to jewelry… Having just joined #Periscope – I have decided to offer to do some on-camera reading – so join me over at Periscope @MichaelLJoshua – Beginning […]
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I pulled the black ski mask down over my face to fight off the biting cold. When I heard the sounds of twigs snapping, I knew the little boys were close by. As I stood up from the log I had been resting on, I picked up the axe with my right hand. Grateful for […]
The post Silence on the Hill appeared first on Inspirational Sayings.
The vibration of the wheels on the old hardwood floors brought a silence to the house. As everyone gathered around, grandpa rolled into the living room. The Parkinson’s had slowed him down physically. Well, slowed is not the right word – he suffered from the jerking and bobbing that comes with the disease – his […]
The post Grandpa Still Carves the Turkey appeared first on Inspirational Sayings.
I haven’t posted in a while – but I just found an awesome toolbar for my browser that gives me inspiration everyday so wanted to share it with everyone. It’s free and it’s awesome! There is a link to the download on my site in the left-hand sidebar – Again it’s free and […]
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I’ve been way too busy to keep up with my blog lately. I’ve been building affiliate sites – and working on kindle ebooks – training books for folks who want to build a wordpress site as well as some kids books…. And still keeping up with the kids and grandkids. Missed a wedding […]
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Jonathan Michael Joshua is now Lt. Col. Joshua in the Air Force – the video is uploading and should be viewable here once it is ready: Click Here to watch the event! (Quicktime) OR HERE Or as an embedded video
The post Promotion appeared first on Inspirational Sayings.
I reached for the potatoes. Baked potatoes for dinner. That works. I am tired of being by myself. But I do have to eat. I could have left over tacos, or the spaghetti…but I’m not in the mood for leftovers. As I reached into the bag of potatoes, I realized that this was just one […]
The post Face to Face appeared first on Inspirational Sayings.
I leaned over the side of the boat. Again. I fail to understand why anyone thinks this is getting back to nature. If it is, then nature stinks. Literally. I tripped over the bucket of fish on my way back to the front of the boat. The bump rising on my forehead was just one […]
The post Stinky Fish appeared first on Inspirational Sayings.
The post Front and Center appeared first on Inspirational Sayings.
I felt the hot sand under my feet and wondered why it didn’t seem to bother the little ones. Here at the lakeside with three of my grandchildren, the youngest not even two years old. They played in the water and the sand, completely unaware of the inherent risks in the fun. I stepped into […]
The post Grandpa Socks appeared first on Inspirational Sayings.