First of all, I can't believe we have not posted since the beginning of October! Things have been been a bit crazy around here! We had a lot of things to do with getting ready for the annual Craft Fair, and then a community yard sale. Dad sold 7 of his paintings!!!! Boy, he sure was happy! Mom sold; walking sticks, crocheted purses, socks, sweaters and some other neat things.
I generally like to keep a lot of my fave toys under the dining room table. Dad sits here every AM and plays on his puter. So since I love being close to him, it is a super place for me to be also. But DANG! All of a sudden, I see the flashy beast intruding in on my private place!
Just get the heck outta here old lady! You CANNOT have any of my toys! Guess I had better keep a firm
I am gazing up at my Dad and waiting for him to suddenly reach down and pick up my toy. RATS! I think he is asleep.
Maybe I will just bury my nose in my toy and take a little snooze myself! Dad will wake up sooner or later and want to play with me.The following: are some pictures taken at the Pittsfield NH Hot Air Balloon Rally in August. Mom stated she had a great time there, and NO, she
I still play with balls a lot of the time! I must have about a dozen different ones in a nice little basket in the living room. Sometimes, Mom and Dad will throw all of them, one right after another just to see me go crazy! They both really laugh a lot when this is going on! I just love to make them laugh!The next two pics, I will let Mom explain about, as I know nothing about "Wooding".
FINALLY, y'all get to see ME again! It feels like forever since I have gotten onto Blogger and been able to see all my friends here and you see me. But, now I am back!So I spent the summer helping my Dad: build this little bench, plant lots of new flowers, trees and bushes in the yard, bask in the sun for hours at a time, tip a few Rum and Cokes, and eat enough to add an extra pound to my girly
Yep! It is a owl! But have you ever really seen a blue owl in your life? Apparently my Mom has! This bag is made out of blue and white "Plarn". You know, plastic bags cut into strips, used as yarn. It is also lined with an (nice) old blue T-Shirt. Mom is probably going to sell this at the communitie's craft sale this coming fall.
Now to tell you all why I will be gone until sometime in
Well, I guess I will give it my seal of approval............maybe.........just hope she never makes a purse out of ME!Lovies, Miss MindyPS: Would you believe the center of the belt is crocheted out of VCR tape? And you wonder why I worry about my Mom!
I'm not so sure I want to play with him though!
As you can see, he is always hiding my toys from me! This is exactly why I do not bring them to him in the first place!Happy Monday y'all!Lovies, Miss Mindy
We have a new Mama on our patio! That is one of her two babies. Sorry for picture quality, but we wanted to share our Mourning Dove Mama with you all!Lovies, Miss MindyHAPPY FRIDAY!
Our "getting huge" Avocado Tree!It is now three years old, and doing so well even after some winter frost damage!It was grown from a pit, for those of you that don't know.Happy Wednesday All,and lovies of course, Miss Mindy
That's my Daddy's hand patting me,
I feel so loved!Have a super Monday everyone!Lovies, Miss Mindy
This is how I looked after my Spa Day! Did I tell you my Mom was my beautician for the day? Well she was! She gave me the best bath ever! Tearless puppy shampoo was used for my little head, and a nice oatmeal shampoo for the rest of my body. I then got all rinsed off with a massage shower head. Lastly, an excellent rubdown with an Egyptian towel. Not sure why that kind of towel would make
This is where I usually see my little friend. But he doesn't seem to be around right now.
Have you seen my friend Mom?
Maybe if I stand on my tippy toes, I will be able to locate him!
There you are little buddy! Come on down so we can chase each other all around!Lovies to all, Miss MindyPS: Mom here, Miss Mindy did have a spa day. She is no longer feeling over-heated.
Can you tell I am a bit sad? I have so much hair on me, it might be hard to see just how I feel. It's starting to get a bit hot and humid around these parts, that having all this hair on me, just makes me feel worse too! Can someone please make my Mom and Dad take me to the groomers for a Spa Day? I will be in your debt forever!Lovies, Miss Mindy
HEY! Who's out there in my flower garden?
Hey Sugar, how ya doin?
Got Bugs?
Swinging in the breeze!
Playing Leapfrog! (recently repainted and looking pretty).
Sleeping soundly! (also recently repainted).My Mom and Dad like to put frogs in our flower garden. They got a couple of new ones last week. I do not pay any attention at all to these guys! But............I just can't
I sure hope that those of you who Googled "Plarn", got a good answer. If you didn't find out, this is what it is. Plarn is a type of "yarn" made from plastic bags! You know the kind of bags we get our foodies in? YEAH! There are a couple of ways to cut up those bags, then roll it all up into a ball, just like real yarn. Right now Mom is making "Plarn" out of some blue bags she bought at the
Here are just a sampling of Mom's wood carvings. I sure "wood" love to sink my teeth into that cute little bear! She has been making tons of crochet hooks and letter openers, mostly from Crepe Myrtle tree branches. These will be gifts for every member of her family to give them this summer. Mr Dolphin was her very first project. And Fishy, Fishy sits in one of the headboard cubbies. Hope he