"I wish I had a light-skinned boyfriend with real nice hair. And I wanna be on the cover of a magazine. But first I wanna be in one of them BET videos. Momma said I can't dance. Plus, she said who wants to see my big ass dancing, anyhow?"
-Precious, pregnant teen
There's no doubt that Mommy is sporting the body of a full-blown pregnant woman. With only one week left until term, the signs that the bun-in-the-oven is about done are really starting to show: the ostentatious outtie, those curious cankles, the wobbly waddle. If you think mothers-to-be complain too much towards the end, you should try walking with a bowling ball between your legs!
To help understand what her body is going through and what to expect when the big day arrives, Mommy and Daddy have been taking pregnancy classes over the past month. The most important lesson: IT'S NOT LIKE THE MOVIES. There won't be a dramatic car race to the hospital, a profanity-laced tirade while pushing, and Baby Campos won't pop out ready for an Anne Geddes portrait. It's actually going to be a lot more like a middle school sock-hop: a lot of slow dancing and people overly concerned about 3rd base.

"What's so hard about being pregnant? I do all the chores while she gets to lie around and watch TV. I need break too!"
-John Gosselin, divorcee
Let's get this thing over with! Weeks 33-36 mark the official "uncomfortable" stage of pregnancy. The glowing Mommy to-be from the second trimester has been completely ambushed by back aches, cramps, swelling, and carpal tunnel, bringing about the "knocked-up" version of the evil stare. The only thing that turns the scowl upsidedown is that Baby Campos is a healthy honeydew! She's growing at a rapid pace and making space in the tummy by throwing them 'bows. But with so much still left to do before she wiggles out, Daddy has been dealt the dreaded "Honey-Do List."
If you have a lazy husband, then you're probably familar with a Honey-Do List. It's a simple way to avoid nagging your spouse about doing the crap you don't want to do. It's only hu-MAN nature to grunt and whine about doing these chores, but you really just have to make it work for you:
Take out the trash = Work on sculpting your "guns"
Decorate baby room = Goodbye pink birds, hello Air Jordan poster
Do the laundry = Keep wife from tossing your old, yet comfortable underwear
It's all worth it to make life a little easier for the mother of your child. Besides, in a few years Baby Campos will have a Baby-Do List of her own...Item 1: Get a Job.

This past weekend was our 2nd Baby Shower in "The Mitten!" Future Grandmas Lucy and Nile did a great job planning and hosting the event. Everything was perfect, even the random "brown out" that somehow made it feel like we were in the Philippines. We are definitely lucky to have such a generous and thoughtful family. After receiving so many wonderful gifts, it's official...Baby Campos now has more clothes than her parents!
So over Weeks 29-32, the once little parasite will have a major growth spurt and nearly triple in size! Now that she's as big as a butternut squash, it's really starting to get cramped inside the bump. Plus, her bones are starting to harden from absorbing all the sweet, sweet calcium that makes her punches feel like Pacquiao beating up on another Mexican.
Even though Mommy isn't a big advocate of pugilism, the aches and pains of pregnancy can certainly make one's patience short. The other day while going to get lunch, a businessman was perched on a bench outside the building, enjoying a cigarette while blowing billows of smoke into the air. Walking by, Mommy casually waved away the lung-poison before it neared her nostrils. Suddenly the man blurted out: "You know, there are other exits to this building." Shocked at his disregard for an obviously pregnant woman, she summoned the will of 100 virgins to not turn around and give him the Rick James face-handshake. What would you have done? Needless to say, confronting this soul-less creature would've induced unnecessary stress for Baby Campos. So like gang members were encouraged to do in the 90's PSA video below, Mommy decided to "Squash It" with hopes that karma will sort it all out in the end..."karma" being Daddy's nickname for his fists.
Hello 3rd trimester! It's hard to believe that Baby Campos will be here in three more months! It seems like only yesterday we were doing pub crawls and crawfish boils and Texas football was ranked in the top five. Now we're doing baby showers and baby proofing and OU still sucks. But just in case you missed anything over the past six months, here's a little recap of the first two trimesters. Much like they do on GLEE (Mommy's new obsession and Daddy's dirty secret), we'll use the power of music to help tell the story. FYI, it may help to sing the melody when you recognize a song =)
1st Trimester
Memorial Day 2010 was anything but a MANIC MONDAY. That was until Mommy walked out of the bathroom ready to CRY ME A RIVER and showed Daddy THE SIGN (a little blue "+"). But like robots, BOYS DON'T CRY. Still, they were both overwhelmed with SWEET EMOTION until they SUDDENLY realized that THE TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGING. Even though they could no longer PARTY LIKE IT'S 1999, they welcomed this new lifestyle with OPEN ARMS.
For weeks the couple kept their MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE, secretly reading books on BABY, BABY, BABY and ordering non-alcoholic beer to deflect SUSPICIOUS MINDS. But all these FOOLISH GAMES wouldn't last long. People started to have MORE THAN A FEELING that something was up, and it's hard to keep a POKER FACE when nausea makes you WEAK and you can no longer hide those HUNGRY EYES for weird cravings. Then FINALLY, after the first doctor's visit and an unanticipated sonogram, they saw Baby Campos for THE FIRST TIME and knew that EVERYTHING'S GONNA BE ALRIGHT.
2nd Trimester
After HANGIN' TOUGH for the first few months, Mommy and Daddy could now SHOUT out the good news! Both families were OVERJOYED and quick to offer whatever HELP! and support they could. Most friends were like "YEAH!", but some felt a BITTERSWEET SYMPHONY knowing that these parents-to-be wouldn't be hanging out IN DA CLUB for awhile. With the secret out and the belly IN BLOOM, even STRANGERS IN THE NIGHT would give kind glances, but Mommy's evil stare would let them know that U CAN'T TOUCH THIS bump.
So as SUMMERTIME winded down, the couple was SO ANXIOUS for the next ultrasound. NO SURPRISES wanted, they had to know the gender. Blue or PINK, either color is better than getting YELLOW baby gifts. HANGING BY A MOMENT, the doctor AT LAST revealed that they were having a BROWN EYED GIRL. Smiles covered their faces like an UMBRELLA as they started to IMAGINE a future with GUYS & DOLLS talk for Mommy and 21 GUNS for Daddy.
Soon this pregnancy will come to the END OF THE ROAD. But when that BEAUTIFUL DAY arrives, these parents-to-be have already made THE PROMISE to love their DAUGHTER with HEART & SOUL.
*Gossip (Baby) Girl challenge: Can you can name all the artists for the songs without using the Internet? (IN: Facebook stalking OUT: Googling yourself)
Hear No Evil
4 Nov 2010 9:08 PM (14 years ago)
During the last weeks of the 2nd trimester, the baby's hearing is becoming fully developed. Soon she'll be able to pick up other sounds besides Mommy's voice. Like most God-fearing parents, we'll eventually use "earmuffs" to shield curse words and derogatory comments from her innocent ears. Until that time comes, we're definitely excited about exposing Baby Campos to as many sounds as possible: witty conversation, MA-17 TV, Toby's bark, Angry Birds sound effects, etc...
Most experts seem to think that music can be the most stimulating. Whether it's a soothing melody from elevator music or a pulsating techno beat from a Persian's car, this little audiophile will most likely break dance to anything that vibrates the womb. But is it too early for Baby Campos to start working on her rhythm? If she ends up needing a few pointers, Mommy will be there to teach the proper "hair toss" technique while Daddy can choreograph a precise "mirror dance" (patent pending). Even if she never finds her rhythm, anything is better than our little princess slow dancing at a sock hop with a sweaty boy that can't control his hormones or busy hands.
For this installment of "What's Hot/What's Not," Gossip (Baby) Girl takes a closer look at a few celebrity images with a Fisher Price microscope. Apparent Disney sweetheart Demi Lovato is being sent to rehab for anger issues, while convicted Cash Money inmate Lil' Wayne is getting released from prison early for good behavior. Maybe a good girl acting bad isn't as cool as a bad guy doing good?
(IN: Nelly selflessly fundraising, OUT: Britney Spears sexually harassing)

Hello Week 25! Over the next month, Baby Campos will really start to pack on the fat and round out into a 2 pound eggplant. Like a good little parasite, she's also soaking up plenty of antibodies to help build a strong immune system for when she breaks her lease with the womb. Not wanting to be selfish by only taking away valuable nutrients, she's also giving back. Too bad the gift of hormones is making Mommy EMO.
Throughout the day, there's a potential double rainbow of emotions that can be felt. A bad dream: sad tears. Disappointing lunch: angry tears. Folding baby clothes: happy tears. Shake Weight commercials: confused tears. It's not like Mommy is a robot when she isn't barefoot and pregnant. But after spending her "awkward years" listening to The Smiths and more recently experimenting with skinny jeans, you'd think that she'd be more in tune with her feelings. Sometimes letting it all out is a good thing. Just not while dining at a restaurant...people might think that Daddy just dumped his Baby Mama.
In this edition of "What's Hot/What's Not," Gossip (Baby) Girl spotlights the latest trend in Hollywood: pregger celebrities. From Beyonce rumors to Lily Allen announcements, getting knocked up definitely makes you cool! Well, that is unless you get pregnant before prom. Because whether you're Jamie Lynn Spears or Quinn Fabray, no matter how popular you are, don't be surprised when your Facebook friend count goes belly-up. (IN: Pregnant Celebrities on TMZ, OUT: Teen Moms on MTV)
Around this month, the overwhelming urge to "nest" starts to build. An almost primal instinct to prep your home for the new addition takes over. A lot of soon-to-be parents actually find comfort in being able to control at least this aspect of the pregnancy. But for a couple like the Camposes, all the cleaning then disinfecting, measuring then resizing, organizing then resorting, can easily turn into an OCD nightmare.
First thing's first, the home needs to be more baby-friendly. Over the next few months, all the mystery cabinets will be locked, every deadly-corner padded, and each of the inappropriately designed "smiley face" outlets will be plugged. But is this death trap really safe enough for Baby Campos? The next step is deciding what to keep and what to get rid of so that there's ample space for a growing baby. Maybe Daddy really doesn't need to keep those golf clubs from high school. Or perhaps Mommy could donate some of the several dozen pairs of shoes filling the closet. Can the beer pong table be used as a changing table?
No matter how obsessed we can get with all this nesting, the whole process really makes you sift through the things in life to see what's really important. Once we finally got the crib up (which Daddy and Grampa Campos triumphantly built), we figured that maybe the things worth keeping should all be able to fit inside.

Hmmm, maybe we need a bigger crib?
"I've noticed that the side effects of pregnancy are greatly amplified: the morning sickness, the mood swings, sleepiness, sexual appetite. Yesterday, just scooping the middle out of a honeydew melon gave me a huge...well it turned me on."
~Arnold Schwarzenegger, JUNIOR (1994)
With so many new and strange things going on inside a mother-to-be's belly, it's easy to get overwhelmed with worry. Most questions can be answered by your doctor, a baby book, or even a know-it-all relative, but there are just some things that only a Mommy and her little parasite can relate to. So at what point do you really start to embrace your pregnancy?
The Epiphany happened when Baby Campos was big enough to make noticeable movements. The tingly sensation of gas bubbles suddenly became Billy Blanks Tae-bo workouts. There was a definite sigh of relief to know that she was finally moving around. Over the next couple of weeks, this spunky girl became a "mood ring" for what Mommy was feeling:
eating a donut = belly high fives
listening to loud music = happy feet
greg davis plays = headbutting the bladder
Even though there will be plenty of back aches, leg cramps, and general discomfort down the road, you have to learn to really enjoy being pregnant. Because each new experience with this little girl just means that there will be one less thing to worry about, and one more reason to fall in love with this BUMP!

This bump is really starting to show now! During Weeks 22-24, Baby Campos will plump up to about 1.5 pounds and grow to the size of a papaya. It's funny, this exotic fruit from our neighbors to the south (or unwelcome immigrants if you live in Arizona) is often called "pawpaw" in Spanish. Hmmm, could that be this little chica's first word?
Whichever name she utters first, Mommy and Daddy already know what the dynamic will be in this family. Call it Good Cop/Bad Cop if you must, but most parents inevitably have to decide which role to play. Can you guess who'll be the disciplinary and who'll be the pushover? When it comes to getting her way, there's no doubt she'll quickly learn that "Mama, No" and "Papa, Ya."
After a brief career, Baby Swami has decided to retire and focus more on watching Texas Football. Not to worry, our new weekly correspondent, Gossip (Baby) Girl, is here with updates and insight on everything Hollywood. First up, season premieres!
While most channels are on parental block, this little critic still caught some of her favorite shows. GLEE performed better than COMMUNITY, and MODERN FAMILY was more lovable than PARENTHOOD. Does that mean high school will rock more than college? Is a funny dysfunctional family better than one with drama?
Anyway, be sure to also tune in every week for the "what's hot/what's not" picks, sponsored by In-N-Out. (IN: Sharktopus, OUT: Lone Star)
What a way to start off Week 21! It was an amazing feeling to find out that Baby Campos is a girl. She's now almost three-quarters of a pound and about the length of a banana. Mommy is really starting to feel more and more movements each day, particularly when Justin Bieber is playing or a grilled cheese truck is passing by.
With about half the pregnancy left to go, it's time to really start nesting and planning out the registry. There are so many options for cribs, car seats, and clothes. Parents really have to alot to think about when deciding what to pick out: fashion vs.
functionality, style vs. safety, value vs. versatility. There's also a very fine line before the "right" amount of pink turns into a room and wardrobe that Hello Kitty had an accident on (don't forget Daddy and Toby have to live there too). But no matter what ends up on the registries, it'll really be up to the princess to decide whether she likes it or not...oh boy.
When talking X's and O's, knowing that Baby Swami is XX, it's tempting to use that
excuse for the 0-3 start. But like her Mommy, this little banana split ain't no Hollaback Girl and she will definitely know her sports better than most of the boys. So for this week's pick, while the current is strong, inbred Razorbacks can float the dirty Tide with ease. Arkansas 17, Alabama 10 (Season record 0-3).
Here we are at Week 19, almost at the midway point of our pregnancy. Baby's brain is starting to develop the specific areas for hearing, smell, vision, touch, and taste. It's fitting that Baby Campos is now the size of a mango, not only because it's sweet and delicious, but also because it's known as "The Fruit of the Gods" in the Philippines. If you're ever in a restaurant where there's mango flavored items on the menu, look around for any Pinoys and 5 out 5 times they'll be ordering it.
So what will it be like for our little mango to grow up Filipino? There will of course be Grandparents that spoil and Aunties and Uncles entertaining with countless hours of the "Close-Open" game. Adobo and pancit will be offered to all future playmates and classmates, a giant fork and spoon next to the Last Supper picture will seem comforting, and eating twelve grapes while jumping on New Year's Day will be second nature. Even with all the hearty dishes and crazy superstitions that make the Filipino culture special, it will definitely be much easier to identify with another race. Like Mommy and Daddy quickly found out, there were a lot more "Viva la Raza" and Confederate flags plastered on El Caminos and Dually Trucks than the good ol' Yellow Stars and Sun of the Philippines...well except that one brown Dodge Caravan. But whatever culture or lifestyle Baby Campos decides to relate with, there will always be a strong connection to family values, Team Pacquiao, and the option to choose between a belt or a slipper.
For the weekly college football prediction, Baby Swami takes into account the weather that has recently affected the East and Gulf coasts. If you want to tackle Hurricanes head on, you'll need some pretty big Nuts. Unfortunately, sweater vests don't work as well as life jackets: Miami 17, Ohio State 10 (Season record 0-1).

Near our pregnancy halfway mark.
We reflect on our lives before,
And on the life we’re about to embark.
Two college sweethearts,
Immature and carefree.
Engaged and then married,
Now a soon-to-be family.
As “the bump” starts to show.
And the weeks countdown.
Sacrifices will be made,
For when the baby comes around.
From happy hours and hangovers,
And staying out all night.
To happy meals and highchairs,
And staying up all night.
No more wild weekends in Vegas,
Or wine tasting trips
Just play dates and story time,
And diapers filled with s***
Farewell to our freedom,
And welcome headaches that throb.
Parenting is hard work.
A 24/7 kind of job.
So we'll take this holiday to relax,
With a bundle of joy on the way.
Coming February 2, 2011,
OUR Labor Day.
Happy Birthday, Mommy! Cake, presents, and virgin scotches on the rocks will definitely be enjoyed this Labor Day weekend. It's been an amazing non-stop party over the years: from turning 21 in Austin and dancing on chairs at Joe's Crabshack to celebrating the big 3-0 in Manhattan Beach and downing Sharkeez fish bowls. But now it's time to focus all that energy on another person who's getting older too...Baby Campos!
It's Week 18 and the little one is now the size of a bell pepper. Experts say that this is the time when most mothers-to-be will start feeling movements from all the yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. There are no reports of commotion in Mommy's tummy just yet, but with Longhorn Football starting this Saturday, it's only a matter of time before Big Bertha and Smokey the Cannon get this little bell pepper excited!
So throughout the college football season, baby Swami will be making fearless predictions on the "other" games going on. This week's pick is a tough one, but the decision comes down to the delicious fact that Hokie turkey legs taste better than Bronco burgers. Virgina Tech 28, Boise State 17 (Season record 0-0).
Mmm, Donuts...
30 Aug 2010 3:30 PM (14 years ago)
"Cravings affect 10 out of every 10 pregnant women."
~Unknown Husband
A question that frequently comes up is, "Are you having any weird cravings?" There really hasn't been anything out of the ordinary; an occasional bar of chocolate or bag of gummy bears will usually suffice. But when those blood-deprived Edward Cullen eyes begin to surface, there's only one thing that will satisfy this hunger: DONUTS. This past weekend, Mommy took a short trip to Austin and was able to experience the culinary temple known as Gourdough's. While their names may sound like urban dance moves, the Dirty Berry and Flying Pig (pictured in all their glory below) provided the perfect blend of fruit, meat, dairy, and deep-fried pastry. Daddy is keeping his fingers crossed that Baby Campos' first tooth won't be a sweet one.
While satisfying pregnancy cravings are very important to the happiness of a Mommy-to-be, sometimes these urges can lead to sketchy situations. On a late-night donut hunt during the first trimester, the only nearby open establishment was a small shop on the corner of a dimly lit street. One worker was behind the counter, a homeless man was panhandling outside, and a lone customer was reading a newspaper from the previous week in the back booth. Suddenly Mommy and Daddy realized that they had just walked into a scene from BOOGIE NIGHTS. Not wanting to find out if this would all end like the clip below, the deep-fried goodies were promptly bought and a promise was made to never again go looking for donuts after the sun goes down.