We went down to New Braunfels the first weekend in September for a Reunion at T Bar M sports camp. Dave worked there a couple of summers while he was in college. We got to stay with Dave's uncle and aunt while we were there. Dave and the kids spent some time splashing around in the pool at their house.
Oh, Mylanta!! You have got to try this cake!!
Granma's Earthquake Cake
Oh, so good pork chops! I found this recipe in the spice aisle at the grocery store! It was on a packet of that had all the spices needed to make it. I am not a huge pork chop fan, but you better believe I will be making these again!
Apple & Sage Pork Chops
1 1/2 t rubbed sage
1 t minced garlic
1 t thyme leaves
1/2 t ground allspice
1/2 t paprika
1 T flour
1 t salt
4 boneless pork chops, 1-inch thick (about 1 1/4 lbs)
2 T olive oil
1 medium onion, thinly sliced
2 red apples, thinly sliced
1/2 C apple juice
1 T brown sugar
1. Mix spices, flour, and salt in a small bowl. Sprinkle both sides of pork chops with 1 tablespoon of the seasoned flour.
2. Cook pork chops in hot oil in large skillet on medium-high heat until browned on both sides. Remove from skillet. Add onion; cook and stir 3 minutes or until tender. Add apples; cook and stir 2 minutes.
3. Stir in juice, sugar and remaining seasoned flour until well mixed. Return pork chops to skillet. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to low; cover and simmer 5 minutes or until desired doneness.
I forgot to buy apple juice so I improvised by adding 1/2 C or chicken broth and about a tablespoon of apple sauce.
We ate the pork chops over white rice with a side of broccoli. A little sauce from the pork chop pan over the rice=delicious!
My parents came up for a visit a couple of weekends ago. Pop brought a fishing pole and took Ellie and Gracelyn to the little pond in our neighborhood. Unfortunately, the fish weren't biting, but it was a good time with their Pop anyway.
Yesterday was a rough day around our house. Ellie and Gracelyn were into EVERYTHING! I know, I know, they are 2, they are going to get into everything, but this was more than usual. I couldn't leave them alone for 30 seconds. First it was wet red chalk all over the front of their clothes. Second was play doh in the carpet, Third was syrup ALL OVER Ellie, AND the kitchen table & chairs! All that by 10 in the morning. My attitude was in the dumps by the time Dave got home. Being the supportive husband that he is, he took the girls to Home Depot for a while so I could get myself cleaned up. Some good friends gave us an mp3, You are my Sunshine by Elizabeth Mitchell, when Ben was born. I just figured out yesterday how to download it onto our computer and listened to the first song right after Dave and the girls left. Here are the lyrics to the first song:
I'm so glad I'm here, so glad I'm here, so glad I'm here everyday
So glad I'm here, you know I'm so glad I'm here, I'm so glad I'm here everyday
I'm gonna sing while I'm here, sing while I'm here, sing while I'm here everyday
Sing while I'm here, gonna sing while I 'm here, sing while I'm here everyday
You know joy brought me here, joy brought me here, joy brought me here here today
Joy brought me here, joy brought me here, joy brought me here here today
And love brought me here, love brought me here, love brought me here here today
Love brought me here, you know love brought me here, love brought me here here today
I'm so glad I'm here, so glad I'm here, so glad I'm here everyday
So glad I'm here, you know I'm so glad I'm here, I'm so glad I'm here everyday
I'm so glad I'm here here today
You know I'm so glad I'm here here today
I'm so glad I'm here everyday
I'm so glad I'm here everyday
Instead of keeping track of all the things that went wrong yesterday, I need to remember how glad (blessed, thankful, joyful) I am to be right here with these precious children!
Oh, Paula Deen! That should be enough to tell you that you HAVE to try this!
Easy Blueberry Skillet Cake
Preheat oven to 375
Streusel Topping:
1/4 C slivered almonds
1/4 C granulated sugar
2 T unsalted butter
2 1/2 T all-purpose flour
1 t ground cinnamon
Combine all streusal ingredients in food processor and pulse until large crumbs form
Coffee Cake:
2 T unsalted butter
1 T light brown sugar
1 (12 oz) tube buttermilk biscuits
1 C blueberries, fresh or frozen and thawed
In a 9 inch oven-proof skillet, cook butter and brown sugar until melted. Place biscuits in a single layer in the skillet. Blueberries on top of biscuits, streusal on top of blueberries. Bake until biscuits are golden--about 30 minutes.
Gracelyn, Ellie, and I just had this for breakfast and it was delicious!!
We took Ellie to the cardiologist a couple of weeks ago so they could check her PDA. Her last appointment was in December of 2009. At that time, they said the PDA was still there but it was tiny. This time was even better. The Dr. told us it is still present, but it is so small they really can't do anything to fix it. She actually said that it is, "tinier than tiny!" The PDA could still heal on its own, but there is no concern of it causing her any problems even if it doesn't go away completely. The tech who did the ultrasound said he would never have seen it if he didn't know to be looking for it. We will continue to monitor everything, just in case, but the Dr. didn't even tell us any symptoms to watch for. Our next appointment won't be until summer of 2013.
rubbing alcohol will remove permanent marker from the wall. AND from littler girls' faces!!
I have the BEST picture of their remorseful faces covered in black permanent marker, but it is on my phone and I am not technology savvy enough to get it on this blog!! I will work on it....If you have any suggestions, let me know!!
Gracelyn is such a wonderful big sister! If Ben is crying on his playmat or bouncy seat she will drop whatever she is doing and run to wherever he is and try to make him feel better. Sometimes she just puts his pacifier back in his mouth, but sometimes she will sit next to him and make faces or silly sounds trying to get him to smile.
Pigtails are my absolute FAVORITE!! (Even when they are a little lopsided! )
I LOVE using my crockpot!! Trying to cook at the end of the day when Ellie and Gracelyn need the most attention usually ends in a house that looks like a tornado came through. The kitchen will be a mess. The playroom will be a mess. The girls' room will be a mess. Ben's room will be a mess. The living room will be a mess. I think you get the idea. They have to stay busy doing something when I am cooking so they like to take every toy from where it belongs and put it on the floor in another room. Seriously, it is almost like they do it on purpose! Whenever I plan ahead and can get something in the crockpot in the morning, though, the afternoon/evening goes much easier. And, by easier I mean neater, quieter, happier....
Pot Roast is probably my favorite thing to make in the crockpot. Unfortunately, Ellie and Gracelyn don't eat pot roast, but that doesn't stop me from making it from time to time and at least trying to get them to eat it. My favorite roast so far is this easy pot roast. I didn't even make gravy.
Easy Pot Roast
Makes 6 servings
6 potatoes, quartered
6 carrots, sliced
3-3 1/2 lb. chuck roast
1 envelope dry onion soup mix
10 3/4 oz can cream of mushroom soup
2-3 T flour (for gravy)
1/4 C cold water (for gravy)
1. Place potatoes and carrots in crockpot. Add meat. Top with soups.
2. Cover and cook 8-9 hours
3. Gravy--Pour juices from crockpot into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Mix flour with water until smooth. Stir into juices in pan until thickened.
Nothing too "special" about this roast, but it is good and it is easy. And, that is exactly what I like!
What is your favorite crockpot recipe?