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Los tipos duros no bailan, Norman Mailer 18 Nov 2016 3:40 PM (8 years ago)

Esta brillante novela, tenebrosa y de fuerza sorprendente, narra la historia de Tim Madden, escritor fracasado adicto al bourbon, los cigarrillos y las rubias casquivanas y adineradas en el escenario de arbustos y dunas de Provincetown, cargado de la crudeza y melancolía de la población fuera de temporada. Cuando se cumplen 24 días del abandono de su esposa, Tim Madden amanece con resaca, una acentuada excitación sexual y un nombre del pasado tatuado en rojo en el brazo. Apenas recuerda nada de la noche anterior. De pronto descubre que el asiento del acompañante de su Porsche está empapado de sangre y que, en un bosquecillo cercano, en un rincón semioculto de su escondrijo de marihuana, hay una cabeza rubia cercenada por el cuello.
¿Será Madden un asesino? La narración se centra en la violencia física, sexual y emocional mientras asistimos a los esfuerzos de Madden por reconstruir aquella espantosa noche. A raíz de la investigación, se perfilará retratada con fuerza una galería de personajes estrafalarios: ex boxeadores profesionales, adictos al sexo, médiums, timadores, policías, una antigua novia desencantada y el mismísimo padre de Madden, baluarte de la más estricta moral.
En esta novela, un Normal Mailer en su mejor momento emprende una búsqueda implacable entre los recovecos y virtudes ocultas del americano moderno: rara vez se han explorado tan a fondo las paradojas del machismo y la homosexualidad.


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Small g: un idilio de verano, Patricia Highsmith 18 Nov 2016 1:42 AM (8 years ago)

En un barrio de Zurich hay un café y restaurante, Jacob's, que aparece en las guías para homosexuales con una 'g' minúscula, lo que significa que es un lugar de reunión gay, pero no exclusivo. En Jacob's coinciden Rickie, un homosexual cincuentón cuyo amante, Peter, acaba de ser asesinado y Luisa, una jovencita que también estaba enamorada de Peter y que se convertirá en oscuro objeto de deseo de los clientes del bar. Una novela transparente y compleja a la vez, una danza de amores hétero y homosexuales, de amistades insólitas y profundas.


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La Inapelable Mordida De Saturno, Lars Vintergatan 17 Nov 2016 5:39 AM (8 years ago)

La vida en Gotemburgo del Doctor Eric Sandén es un infierno de soledad y rutina desde que el gran amor de su vida, el español Román Sancho, se fue sin mirar atrás.
Eric se mantiene aislado del mundo, refugiado en el servicio de urgencias del hospital donde trabaja. En una noche que prometía ser igual que el resto, el caso de un tal Ulrik se complica sin un diagnóstico claro, rompiendo el equilibrio delicado que mantiene. Las profundas heridas se abren y entra en una espiral peligrosa en la que está en juego la vida de muchas personas inocentes, sin olvidar la suya propia.

Novela negra nórdica de temática gay que transcurre en Suecia, rompiendo los cánones y dando comienzo a una historia que muestra todas las caras de los protagonistas.


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Beautiful Music for Ugly Children, Kirstin Cronn-Mills 16 Nov 2016 2:37 AM (8 years ago)

"This is Beautiful Music for Ugly Children, on community radio 90.3, KZUK. I'm Gabe. Welcome to my show."
My birth name is Elizabeth, but I'm a guy. Gabe. My parents think I've gone crazy and the rest of the world is happy to agree with them, but I know I'm right. I've been a boy my whole life.
When you think about it, I'm like a record. Elizabeth is my A side, the song everybody knows, and Gabe is my B side--not heard as often, but just as good.
It's time to let my B side play.


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The Miseducation of Cameron Post, Emily M. Danforth 15 Nov 2016 10:30 PM (8 years ago)

Set in rural Montana in the early 1990s, emily m. danforth’s The Miseducation of Cameron Post is a powerful and widely acclaimed YA coming-of-age novel in the tradition of the classic Annie on My Mind.

Cameron Post feels a mix of guilt and relief when her parents die in a car accident. Their deaths mean they will never learn the truth she eventually comes to—that she's gay. Orphaned, Cameron comes to live with her old-fashioned grandmother and ultraconservative aunt Ruth. There she falls in love with her best friend, a beautiful cowgirl. When she’s eventually outed, her aunt sends her to God’s Promise, a religious conversion camp that is supposed to “cure” her homosexuality. At the camp, Cameron comes face to face with the cost of denying her true identity.

The Miseducation of Cameron Post is a stunning and provocative literary debut that was a finalist for the YALSA Morris Award and was named to numerous “best” lists.


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Grasshopper Jungle, Andrew Smith 15 Nov 2016 4:33 AM (8 years ago)

Sixteen-year-old Austin Szerba interweaves the story of his Polish legacy with the story of how he and his best friend, Robby, brought about the end of humanity and the rise of an army of unstoppable, six-foot tall praying mantises in small-town Iowa.
To make matters worse, Austin’s hormones are totally oblivious; they don’t care that the world is in utter chaos: Austin is in love with his girlfriend, Shann, but remains confused about his sexual orientation. He’s stewing in a self-professed constant state of maximum horniness, directed at both Robby and Shann. Ultimately, it’s up to Austin to save the world and propagate the species in this sci-fright journey of survival, sex, and the complex realities of the human condition.


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El beso de la mujer arana, Manuel Puig 14 Nov 2016 5:29 AM (8 years ago)

Un homosexual y un activista político comparten una celda de una prisión Para hacer menos largos los días de encierro, Molina cuenta a Valentín las tramas de las películas que ha visto: todas ellas plenas de mujeres misteriosas que entregan su corazón al hombre equivocado. La confrontación entre los dos protagonistas, que dará lugar a su profunda transformación interior y los procedimientos narrativos absolutamente novedosos y rompedores empleados por el autor en esta novela la convierten en uno de los textos imprescindibles de la literatura latino americana contemporánea.


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Hollywood queer, Leandro Palencia 14 Nov 2016 12:35 AM (8 years ago)

Hollywood Queer explora las representaciones de las sexualidades cinematográficas tradicionalmente designadas como gay, lesbiana, bisexual y/o travesti examinándolas preferentemente dentro del cine mainstream. A través de un rico mosaico de entradas biográficas, temáticas y de estudio de diversas producciones en las que se conjugan el análisis y las anécdotas de un modo conciso, reparando en su contexto industrial, social, histórico y psicoanalítico. Un diccionario que abarca desde las imágenes negativas de las primeras películas pre-homosexuales hasta la generación queer postsida. Actores, directores, guionistas, etc. que en los bordes de la sociedad heterosexual crearon un legado atractivo y entretenido con el que construir espacios cinematográficos queer de gran influencia en la cultura popular, clásica y contemporánea.


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El Amor Del Reves, Luisge Martin 13 Nov 2016 7:26 PM (8 years ago)

El amor del revés es la autobiografía sentimental de un muchacho que, al llegar a la adolescencia, descubre que su corazón está podrido por una enfermedad maligna: la homosexualidad: «En 1977, a los quince años de edad, cuando tuve la certeza definitiva de que era homosexual, me juré a mí mismo, aterrado, que nadie lo sabría nunca. Como la de Scarlett O’Hara en Lo que el viento sellevó, fue una promesa solemne. En 2006, sin embargo, me casé con un hombre en una ceremonia civil ante ciento cincuenta invitados, entre los que estaban mis amigos de la infancia, mis compañeros de estudios, mis colegas de trabajo y toda mi familia. En esos veintinueve años que habían transcurrido entre una fecha y otra, yo había sufrido una metamorfosis inversa a la de Gregorio Samsa: había dejado de ser una cucaracha y me había ido convirtiendo poco a poco en un ser humano.»


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Chaperos, Dennis Cooper 13 Nov 2016 2:22 PM (8 years ago)

Sirviéndose tanto de las páginas de una web en la que los clientes de escorts gays informan sobre la calidad de los servicios de los escorts que han contratado, como del intercambio de mensajes, e-mails y conversaciones entre decenas de narradores poco fiables, Chaperos parte del encuentro entre un joven escort con un cliente satisfecho para desarrollar una metaficción donde se alian la pornografía, las mentiras, las medias verdades, y la mitomanía. Explícita, impactante y cómica, la novela muestra el personal talento del autor para poner en juego una estructura muy compleja con un lenguaje directo, elegante, accesible. Chaperos es la novela más transgresora y salvaje de Dennis Cooper. Vertiginosa vorágine en la que hay sexo brutal, castración, juegos mentales de sadomasoqulsmo, fantasías necrófllas con estrellas de la música, y películas snuff, Chaperos —y esto sonará extraño— es la más divertida de las novelas de Dennls Cooper.

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BDSM: Estudios sobre la dominacion, Thomas S. Weinberg 12 Nov 2016 3:12 AM (8 years ago)

¿Qué es el sadomasoquismo, el SM, siglas por las que es mencionado con mayor frecuencia? ¿Qué factores influyen en los individuos para que éstos escojan un estilo de vida que suele ser tachado de anómalo por quienes no están familiarizados con él? ¿Y de qué formas se manifiesta la sexualidad en una relación sadomasoquista?

En esta edición revisada del texto clásico, el sociólogo Thomas S. Weinberg explora la naturaleza del sadomasoquismo, las identidades sadomasoquistas y el mundo social del SM a través de etnografías, cuestionarios, análisis de los contenidos e historias personales.


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Arkansas, David Leavitt 11 Nov 2016 5:17 AM (8 years ago)

"Arkansas" reúne tres espléndidas variaciones sobre el universo de la seducción. El propio escritor es el protagonista del primero, El artista de los trabajos universitarios, en el que, para huir de la sonada polémica provocada por la acusación del poeta inglés Stephen Spender de haberse apropiado de su vida en su última novela, se refugia en casa de su padre. Después de reflexionar un poco, decide volver a escribir y frecuenta la biblioteca universitaria, en la que conoce a un atractivo joven al que le propone un singular trueque: sexo a cambio de redactarle un trabajo de literatura... En Las bodas de madera reaparecen dos viejos conocidos de los lectores de Leavitt, Celia y Nathan, que se reencuentran en la Toscana, donde tiene lugar un apasionado juego de seducciones a tres bandas y sin tapujos morales. Por último, La calle Saturn es una nueva incursión en los vericuetos del deseo, en este caso de tintes más dramáticos: un escritor neoyorquino que pasa una temporada en Los Ángeles se ofrece como voluntario para repartir comida a enfermos de sida y se enamora de una de las personas a las que ayuda. Estos tres relatos son una perfecta muestra de la madurez creativa de David Leavitt, de su inteligente, comprometida y en ocasiones divertida visión del mundo gay, abordado desde la cotidianeidad y sin complejos. Un mundo de pasiones, desamor y dudas que no puede dejar indiferente a ningún lector.


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A por todas, Libertad Moran 10 Nov 2016 11:23 AM (8 years ago)

Ruth, quien diestramente se mueve en el ambiente, jugando a seducir y a ser seducida, en un Madrid donde cada noche es la promesa de unos labios aún por besar y un nuevo cuerpo por descubrir. A por todas es la primera novela de la famosa trilogía que la autora continua con Mujeres estupendas y Una noche más


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In The Absence of Light , Adrienne Wilder 21 Oct 2016 3:26 AM (8 years ago)

 For years Grant Kessler has smuggled goods from one end of the world to the next. When business turns in a direction Grant isn’t willing to follow he decides to retire and by all appearances he settles down in a nowhere town called Durstrand. But his real plan is to wait a few years and let the FBI lose interest, then move on to the distant coastal life he’s always dreamed of.

Severely autistic, Morgan cannot look people in the eye, tell left from right, and has uncontrolled tics. Yet he’s beaten every obstacle life has thrown his way. And when Grant Kessler moves into town Morgan isn’t a bit shy in letting the man know how much he wants him.

While the attraction is mutual, Grant pushes Morgan away. Like the rest of the world he can’t see past Morgan’s odd behaviors.

Then Morgan shows Grant how light lets you see but it also leaves you blind. And once Grant opens his eyes, he loses his heart to the beautiful enigma of a man who changes the course of his life.

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One Man Guy , Michael Barakiva 20 Oct 2016 8:50 AM (8 years ago)

Alek Khederian should have guessed something was wrong when his parents took him to a restaurant. Everyone knows that Armenians never eat out. Between bouts of interrogating the waitress and criticizing the menu, Alek’s parents announce that he’ll be attending summer school in order to bring up his grades. Alek is sure this experience will be the perfect hellish end to his hellish freshman year of high school. He never could’ve predicted that he’d meet someone like Ethan.

Ethan is everything Alek wishes he were: confident, free-spirited, and irreverent. He can’t believe a guy this cool wants to be his friend. And before long, it seems like Ethan wants to be more than friends. Alek has never thought about having a boyfriend—he’s barely ever had a girlfriend—but maybe it’s time to think again.

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Mirage, Tia Fielding 19 Oct 2016 10:48 AM (8 years ago)

When forty-six-year-old washed-up country musician Jasper “Red” Blue looks at the past, all he sees is a series of failures. His one treasured success is six years battling alcoholism without the help of AA. To secure his children’s future, Jasper desperately wants to produce a new album, but he can’t write alone. And he won’t work with just anyone.

Jasper's record company manages to secure the writer one of the biggest country music songs in recent history to help write the album. Cade Wallace is a long-haired former soul surfer, devastatingly handsome, talented, and willing to take a chance on the rugged musician. Jasper, on the other hand, is deep in the closet.

With Jasper's career hanging in the balance, he can't promise Cade anything, and Cade eventually heads back to his full-time job as a truck driver, taking Jasper’s hopes of a relationship with him. If Jasper’s dream of a life together is ever to come true, he will have to take some big risks, putting both his career and his children’s security on the line.

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Head-on, John Inman 18 Oct 2016 1:47 AM (8 years ago)

At twenty-six, Gordon Stafford figures his days are numbered. At least he hopes they are. Wearied by guilt and regret stemming from a horrific automobile accident two years earlier in which a man was killed, Gordon wakes up every morning with thoughts of suicide. While the law puts Gordon to work atoning for his sins, personal redemption is far harder to come by.

Then Squirt—a simple homeless man with his own crosses to bear—saves Gordon from a terrible fate. Overnight, Gordon finds not only a new light to follow, and maybe even a purpose to his life, but also the possibility of love waiting at the end of the tunnel.

Gordon never imagined he’d discover a way to forgive himself, and in doing so, open his heart enough to gain acceptance and love—from the very person he hurt the most.

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Howl Sweet Howl, Tia Fielding 17 Oct 2016 12:45 AM (8 years ago)

Life at the Jarvela farm hobbles on when the new year rolls in. Losing his wife and co-alpha in the storm of the decade emotionally paralyzed Sean, though he tries to cope and attempts to pick up the pieces with their children. Rider, another alpha, could give him the love and comfort he needs, but Sean is too depressed to recognize the possibility of having a male partner, and he goes into mental tailspin.

Rider makes the hard decision to leave for a while, and Sean turns his energy and sadness into working on the neighboring Metsala farm with the other members of their farm family. But Sean isn’t really getting better, and that won’t change until he can let his wolf out again. If he doesn’t, he might lose his sanity too.

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Not Broken, Just Bent , Mia Kerick 16 Oct 2016 5:44 AM (8 years ago)

Braving the start of high school, longtime childhood friends Benjamin Wells and Timmy Norton quickly realize they are entering a whole new world colored by their family responsibilities. Ben is trying to please his strict father; Timmy is taking care of his younger sisters. While their easy camaraderie is still comfortable, Ben notices Timmy growing distant and evasive, but Ben has his own problems. It’s easier to let concerns about Timmy’s home life slide, especially when Timmy changes directions and starts to get a little too close. Ben doesn’t know how to handle the new feelings Timmy’s desire for love inspires, and his continuing denial wounds Timmy deeply.

But what Timmy perceives as Ben’s greatest betrayal is yet to come, and the fallout threatens to break them apart forever. Over the next four years, the push and pull between them and the outside world twists and tears at Ben and Timmy, and they are haunted by fear and regret. However, sometimes what seems broken is just a little bent, and if they can find forgiveness within themselves, Ben and Timmy may be able to move forward together.

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Paulie, John Inman 15 Oct 2016 4:40 PM (8 years ago)

To the casual observer, Paulie Banks lives the perfect life. After all, he's young, handsome, and rich. But Paulie has a secret. He's madly in love with Ben, his old college roommate -- and Ben is straight! Now Paulie has arranged a two-week reunion with his three closest friends to rehash their college years and get to know each other again. Jamie and Trevor are coming, along with their new lovers. And to Paulie's amazement, even Ben has accepted his invitation.

Beautiful Ben. The one non-gay apple in the old college barrel. Paulie will soon find out if Ben has forgiven him for overstepping the bounds of friendship on the last drunken night they spent together.

With his La Jolla mansion spotless, a stunning new houseboy hired for the duration, and his heart pounding in both fear and anticipation, Paulie welcomes his old friends back into his life. Thanks to a whole lot of liquor and a clothing optional dress code, boy, do the festivities begin!

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Not Just Friends, Jay Northcote 14 Oct 2016 11:42 PM (8 years ago)

Leaving home to go to university is an exciting phase in anyone’s life. One that’s full of new places, new friends, and new experiences. But Lewis is not prepared for the sudden and intense crush he develops on his out-and-proud flatmate, Max—given that Lewis had always assumed he was straight. Max starts dating another guy, and Lewis’s jealousy at seeing them together forces him to confront his growing attraction.

When Max’s relationship goes awry, Lewis is the one to comfort him and one thing leads to another. But after a night together, Lewis is devastated that Max wants to go back to being just friends. Lewis tries his best to move on and their friendship survives, but the feelings he has for Max don’t go away. He faces other challenges as he deals with coming out to his parents, and needs Max’s support more than ever. But Lewis isn’t the only one who’s conflicted. When Max finally admits he cares for Lewis too, Lewis must decide whether he dares risk his heart again on being more than just friends.

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Rainbow Blues, K.C Burns 14 Oct 2016 2:58 AM (8 years ago)

Having come out late in life, forty-three-year-old Luke Jordan is at a loss about how to conduct himself as a gay man. As a construction manager, he’s not interested in being out at work, but he’d like to find a boyfriend or at least some gay friends. Two years after his wife got all their friends in the divorce, he’s no closer to the life he wants.

Zach, Luke’s adult son, takes charge and signs him up for the Rainbow Blues, a social group for gay blue-collar workers. At an event, he not only finds friends but meets Jimmy Alexander, part-time stage actor and full-time high school biology teacher. Jimmy loves the stage but wishes potential boyfriends weren’t so jealous of the time he devotes to it. When he meets Luke and finds him accepting of his many facets, he thinks it’s a dream come true.

Their relationship quickly moves into serious territory, but their connection is tested to its breaking point by the offer of a juicy movie role that takes Jimmy to the opposite coast and into the path of a very sexy costar.

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The Enlightenment of Daniel, Eli Easton 13 Oct 2016 6:35 AM (8 years ago)

Business tycoon Daniel Derenzo lives for his work until his dying father reminds him life is short. When Daniel starts to reevaluate his world he experiences a startling revelation—he’s attracted to his business partner and best friend, Nick, even though Daniel always believed himself to be straight. In typical type-A fashion, Daniel dissects his newfound desires with the help of the experts at the Expanded Horizons sex clinic. He goes after Nick with the fierce determination that’s won him many a business deal.

Nick Ross was in love with Daniel years ago, when they were roommates in college. But Daniel was straight and Nick patched his broken heart by marrying Marcia. Two kids and fourteen years later, they go through the motions of their marriage like ships passing in the night. But Nick’s kids mean the world to him, and he’s afraid he’ll never get joint custody if they divorced. If he can trust his heart to an awakening Daniel, they all might find their way to a happily ever after.

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Remove the Empty Spaces, T.A. Chase 12 Oct 2016 11:37 PM (8 years ago)

Being a mailroom clerk is a stepping stone for Ion Vasile. He doesn’t plan on working in the basement at Bellamy International forever. Ion spends a lot of his time fantasising about Adrien Bellamy, CEO and President of the company. He’s sure Adrien doesn’t know he exists.

Adrien Bellamy does know Ion exists. Even with all his money and power, Adrien isn’t sure Ion would want to go out with him. So he keeps his distance from the gorgeous mail clerk.

After Ion finds a solution to a troubling acquisitions, Adrien takes a chance and asks him out. Their attraction runs red-hot, and a serious relationship becomes a possibility. But first they have to deal with their families and the differences pointed out between them. Adrien must find a way to convince Ion his lack of money and name doesn’t mean anything because Adrien loves him no matter what.


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Hero, Perry Moore 12 Oct 2016 2:33 AM (8 years ago)

Resultado de imagen para Hero, Perry Moore 

The last thing in the world Thom Creed wants is to add to his father's pain, so he keeps secrets. Like that he has special powers. And that he's been asked to join the League the very organization of superheroes that spurned his dad. But the most painful secret of all is one Thom can barely face himself: he's gay.
But becoming a member of the League opens up a new world to Thom. There, he connects with a misfit group of aspiring heroes, including Scarlett, who can control fire but not her anger; Typhoid Larry, who can make anyone sick with his touch; and Ruth, a wise old broad who can see the future. Like Thom, these heroes have things to hide; but they will have to learn to trust one another when they uncover a deadly conspiracy within the League.
To survive, Thom will face challenges he never imagined. To find happiness, he'll have to come to terms with his father's past and discover the kind of hero he really wants to be.


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