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I feel so guilty. I want to come back but I honestly don't have the time with prim. always on my hands.
But I do want to clear one thing up because I'm getting emailed constantly about it:
If you would like to interview me for your blog because of prim., please send an email to or . I'll respond ASAP unless I'm absolutely swamped with work.
Be back soon.
I made my own. How Martha Stewart of me.
A couple of weeks ago I browsed numerous stores in New York and couldn't find any graphic tees that even slightly interested me; so on the way home I stopped in a Duane Reade and picked up permanent acrylic paint, 3 white Hanes tees, a paintbrush, a black Sharpie, and some Tic Tacs (no, you don't need the Tic Tacs, I was just in the mood) to make my tee.
When I showed one on the Teen Vogue Forums, a lot of people asked how I would wear it. I made the design on them quite small because I plan on belting the tee, putting a colorful cardigan on top, adding some black skinnies, Ray-Ban Wayfarers, and a pair of flats. Some also asked what size shirt they should get. I got a size medium mens and I'm an XS women's. I wanted it to be a little baggy, and plus when I wear it with a belt, the whole tee is going to become shorter, so a medium would do. From that, if you want to wear it the same way I do, you should be able to figure out your size.
CSS is a band. And they rock.
I decided to make a face on one because I always found them interesting for whatever twisted reason.
Like or no?

It's pretty ironic actually... I was inspired by my last post. After I wrote it, I immediately started hunting through the internet looking for more inspirational photographs, but I found none that had that special spark. Then I became hungry and went into my kitchen.On my walk over, I was met by a dainty discontinued vintage teacup. Now usually I would walk right by it, but today I started gazing at it, truly noticing its beauty.
I stared at it long enough to notice that this little teacup had the most amazing color scheme that I could ever find; a matted gold paired with royal blue and a hint of gray. I fell in love and raced over to the internet to make up my soon-to-be outfit. This, I could find.
American Apparel Cardigan. Patterned Shirt from random vintage store. Aviators from Ray-Ban. Accessories and non-skirt from Urban Outfitters. Shoes Calvin Klein. Ribbed Tights Ellen Tracy.
Please forgive me for the absolutely horrid photo; it's me and my awesome Photoshop skills. Unfortunately, the Lux Tulip Skirt from Urban Outfitters (a.k.a. my favorite skirt) ripped the day before I took this photo, and therefor, I had no skirt to take the picture with. So I took a picture of me in the outfit without it on then cut my body in half and added it in the middle. So as you can imagine, the whole outfit doesn't lay right, and looks 1,000% better in person but you get the point...
Inspiration is in everything.
(I'll upload the real photo in the sidebar a.s.a.p.)
Today is the day after Christmas and I'm sitting here looking at inspirational photos. How interesting. How my life. Anyway, I'm not here to rant.
I don't have much time to write because I'm heading off to blow all my new found mulah, but I decided to show off some of my favorite oh so inspiring photos. Indulge.
Mary-Kate Olsen for NYLON. One of my favorite shots of all time, and the best part is I don't even know why. I'm drawn to it and can look all day. The skirt is wonderful, as are the shoes and blouse, and I have always loved the essence of masks. Oh how I wish they could be worn walking down the streets of New York. Maybe I'll start the trend.
Belle Epoque by Chris Nicholl (for Flare). Any vintage/flapper photos are always inspiration to me. They carry a simple elegance, an intriguing style; subtly being in a room but at the same time making a bold statement. Independence. Glamour.
Alex Lubomirski for Vogue Germany. It's more of a metaphor for me than an inspiring photo itself. When I look at an image like this, I see the world in a different light, as the fashion world alone. A flower is no longer a flower, but a ball gown dress; a plate is no longer a plate, but is tomorrow's outfit color palette.
Songo Romantico by Javier Vallhonrat. The funny thing about my inspirational photos are that most don't have to do with clothing, but a concept; a feeling, a vibe. Each time I look at this picture the model screams different emotions at me: fear, shock, danger, confusion. A stunning shot.
Michelle Babin on America's Next Top Model (Cycle 7). This is my favorite photograph from ANTM. Although it doesn't tackle fashion clothing-wise, it does remind me of the struggle people put up with each day with anorexia and bulimia; and how I never want to go back to it again. Truly striking photo. My ultimate inspiration.
NYLON. a.k.a. the mother of all fashion magazines. Their shoots are so out-of-the-box, so real fashion. They contain no $50,000 ball gowns, but instead regular clothing with designer duds splashed here and there. It's realistic, it's chic, and it's wonderful. But aside from the great NYLON, other fashion magazines in general tend to give me the inspirational drive I live off of, that I thrive.

The children were nestled all
snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.
--Twas the Night Before Christmas
With Christmas only three days away, today I started to look (more like hunt) for my presents. Although I was not successful in finding much, I hit the jackpot in my parent's closet. How predictable. This is what I found:
Chronicles of Never Cubist Pendant. For some odd reason it appeals to me, even if it only is a disgustingly overpriced cube. If you read the previous post, I see all their work as a piece to a mysterious puzzle. Fascinating.
I love to draw so Prismacolor Colored Pencils are a must-have.
Marc by Marc Jacobs Lovely Satchel. I needed a neutral bag to wear with prints, so this was an excellent find. It's so wonderful and I found it on sale for $250.00! Okay, it's not pocket change, but it was $100.00 off at an insane Nordstrom sale!
I am convinced Phillip Lim is an all-knowing fashion GOD sent from above... I just know it. 3.1 Phillip Lim Pleated Trapeze Dress.
No, this is not some sick advertisement. I found a 4Play Gift Certificate... my favorite store to shop in. If you live in New York, you are seriously depriving yourself if you don't go and visit 4Play at least once a month.
Cheap Monday Dry Black Skinnies. They are my absolute guilty pleasure with a pair of pumps.
Along with these I also found gift certificates to numerous vintage shops over here in New York. Yum.
So what did you find? What do you know you're getting?
It isn't so often that designer Kate Spade steps into the limelight, so when she does you know people are going to notice.
What exaclty did she do? No, she didn't star in any famous "tapes", get drunk and go to jail, or even flash anyone, but she did come out with this bag that truly makes a statement.
So what does it say that's getting so much attention? The answer is, "Material Luxuries". Okay, okay... I think a lot more people would get the point if the tote itself was cheap (being it would knock designer goods), but that is not the case. This tote is a whopping $145.00.
Want to get one? Well good luck! Right now only 50 are out and only available through a "special source", and unfortunately, Ms. Spade isn't putting out many more. But a thousand or so of these special totes will be released later this month on here website, .
What do you think? Would you pay that money?

I'm all for the vintage/hippy sixties look but one thing I cannot stomach are tie dye prints, and the fact that they spilled onto the runways this season doesn't change my opinion either. I love ombre prints and think they are quite pretty actually, but for some reason the thought of tie dying my clothing disgusts me... whether designer or not.
Maybe I'm just being tough. I'm sure there are SOME instances where I can handle it, but everyone knows anything overdone is never good for your closets.
I asked some Teen Voguers what their thoughts were on this hippy print and here were some responses:
It kind of ruins tie dye. -- discotech / I like it. -- lizhasredhair / I dont think it fits for this season; maybe this summer it might. But I don't like tie dye so... -- bellatrix / I like tie dye. -- odwalla / I really like it. I like anything tie dye. -- yourasillybilly / I personally don't like it. I'd so much rather stick to the truly vintage look keeping it OFF the runways. -- makemyshoeajimmychoo / I think tie dye on the runway could easily look kinda icky crunchy granola-y. -- luv4twiggy
Well I guess people have different opinions than I do (for the most part), but hey, that's what makes fashion so interesting right? Expression is the word.
So what are your opinions?
Alexandre Herchcovitch

Alexandre Herchcovitch

Trend #1 for Spring '08: Lingerie Inspired Wear.
The idea of waking up, putting on a pair of my favorite pumps or flats, and walking out the door truly appeals to me. Well of course you can't do that exactly, but designers these days are making it easier and easier to have it feel that way. We introduce to you lingerie inspired wear.
So who makes it? Let's face it, it's not every day you walk into a store that carries these pieces. Well there are incredible designers that both make and carry these lovely facets to any one's wardrobe... Sophie Simmons (as seen in NYLON) and Fleur Wood.
So is the difference between them? Well Sophie Simmons definitely has a more lingerie look to her articles because they are made of a sheerer fabric (warning: some pieces ARE see through so leggings and tank tops as underwear are suggested). Whereas Fleur Wood's fabrics are thicker and have more of an "actual clothing" feel to them. It's a matter of which feel you prefer. Fleur Wood's line can be viewed at and Sophie Simmons collections can be viewed at

Fleur Wood Lace Neck Yoke Tunic.
Fleur Wood Talisha Dress.

Sophie Simmons Colette Shorts.

Sophie Simmons Samantha Romper.

I'm not. When I looked at the Spring/Summer runways I planned to see vibrant, appealing colors that stood out. Bold patterns. Pieces that make a statement. But whoa, was I utterly disappointed.
I browsed the S/S '08 lines once again today (for the 1,000,000th time) hoping to find a glimmer of hope; possible lines that I could come on here and rave about within the next week... but only a few could be found.
So what did I see that I was not particularly fond of? Well, firstoff the lack of color. I like to take risks with my clothing and not many pieces from the lines I viewed showed any exciting colors that jumped off my computer screen. Second, the theme of this runway season seems to be "Greco-Roman" attire, which I despise even more. The togo looks aren't doing anything for me.
But don't get me wrong, some lines were absolutely INCREDIBLE a.k.a. Proenza Schouler, Vena Cava, Hermes, Marc by Marc Jacobs, and Anna Sui (just to name a few). I guess I'm going to have to stick to my own inspiration this season instead of looking to the runways. I hope as more Pre Fall lines come out, I'll be a little more satisfied.
So what were your thoughts on this season's Spring/Summer lines? Whose did you love? Hate?


Vena Cava is a company that has played it low-key for awhile. As a matter of fact, before this new line, I never even knew who they were; and what I was missing out on. Their style is quite a simple one for the runway, most of their outfits containing only ruffled blouses and skirts. But with this new company, simplicity is key.
The jumper in this shot is wonderful. Although you cannot see in this photo, it has a split-leg and quite thick straps. I even love the color. The next element is the jacket, which I absolutely love. Although it is leather, it isn't motorcycle grunge, and that's quite important; it's not over-the-top. Although they aren't very visible in this shot, the shoes are incredible. While from this photograph they look like quite the mannish shoe, that is not the case. It has a lot of cute perforations that ease down the masculinity.
Now I must admit I don't like these pieces together, but as separates they can look incredible. Let's start with the top. If we untie it, I think it would be much more desirable. I love the color; and although you cannot notice, the sleeves are stitched at that length. I love the skirt, but in fact, I love all skirts like it. What can I say? Matted-neon skirts are my calling. The way it pleats in the middle is wonderful. The bag is quite an interesting shape as well. Although I do have to say, I'm not too crazy for the shoes. But all in all, it's a great look.
I'm going to start right off by saying I do not like the pants. The color is ugly to me, and reminds me more of a western/cowboy look than designer wear. But that blouse is gorgeous, and I love the blue hue. What's interesting about the top is they didn't overdo the ruffles like many designers usually do. The ruffles only appear in the middle. Now these shoes I like. You don't get a good look at them, but they are some amazing metallic. Beautiful.
What makes Amy Winehouse's style so addicting? It's a question I ask myself quite often. Although it's simple, every time I pick up a magazine I find myself flipping through the pages to see what she is wearing today. It's usually is the same thing... her trademark ballet flats and jeans, but then why do I keep looking? I'm sure my slight obsession over her has nothing to do with it, of course (cough, cough), but what is "Wino" wearing these days that has everyone buzzing?
Rocks the simple looks. (Pictured with Medium Bianca Botkier)
Okay, I am never loving the infamous tacky in-and-out bra straps, but I do have to say, I am loving the sunnies.

I think what people love most about Wino's style is her ability to look killer in something as simple as a black tank... might I say minus the bra straps once again.

But along with her casual threads, I also love the dressy atire as well. That dress is flawless (yes, it's lingerie-inspired wear).
Want to dress like Amy? These are the essentials... and quite inexpensive ones may I add.
Well aside from the clothing, I know there are people that will be asking about the famous beehive 'do. Do I like it? Yes; as a matter of fact, it suits Amy quite well. But that does that mean you should be trying to pull off the famous look? No. A word to the wise...

Proenza Schouler's new Spring RTW line featured many classic looks... all of which included new color palettes for this bold and rejuvenated company. Striking colors and layering plastered their runway. I can't get enough.
This is my favorite look from the whole collection. As we can see, the layering was a major style guideline at all shows, but I do think Proenza Schouler played it best. While other designers paired the same colors together, Proenza Schouler tried a different approach: combining a neutral, a standout, a black (shoes, people!) and white. This is the color combination for the season (or the next!). Although you cannot quite see in this picture, the white blouse is ruffled.
Military chic was also running on and off the Proenza Schouler runway. Once again, we see heavy layering. Although I would never wear the vest because it's not really my style, I would just love to see that dress underneath in a size 0. The color is gorgeous. Many thought it was out last year, but I'm starting to realize the belt-over-shirt look is not so passe. Applique will also be very big next season, and this can be seen through the vest. I adore how they placed a white button-down shirt underneath. Simplistic, yet pleasing.

Yes, this outfit is very similar to the first shown, but I posted it because I love how it has a very curvy look. It is not the jacket that pulls in, or the vest, or the dress, OR the shirt, but the belt itself... it simply makes the outfit. I thought the shoes were very interesting to pair with the look. Although I am not a fan of this type of shoe, I love them paired with this. It calms down the look a little bit. Once again you have the ruffled white blouse peeking through, which helps pull the outfit together. Another instance of why Proenza Schouler is a genius company.
In Demand Items
24 Nov 2007 2:28 PM (17 years ago)
We all have wishlists, some more expensive than others. These items were the most google'd, inquired about, and sought for pieces throughout the fashion world. Take a desirous look.
K Karl Lagerfeld Veronique Bow Shirt... I love this. It's simple yet classy; subtle AND statement worthy. It's one of those shirts I would pay anything for... and you don't even need to shell out that much. Okay, it isn't exactly cheap, but for a blouse like this I'd pay the $400.00. I love the shade... it goes with every hair color perfectly. If the bow wasn't there, the shirt would be nothing; it creates a focal point. Lagerfeld makes the most beautiful tops.
3.1 Philip Lim Box Pleat Trapeze Dress. Now I would go ON a trapeze just to wear this thing. I mean, how wonderful is it? And to make it any better, it's only $350.00. I know it's not pocket change people, but for a couture dress, it's jackpot. The pleats are so feng shui and are placed in just the right places. The neckline on the dress it almost braided which brings attention there. On the end of each sleeve lies almost ruched material. It's simply gorgeous.

Leave it to John Galliano to take the mess of pearls you pull out of your jewelry box and make it into a couture masterpiece. I mean, I love it. It's incredible. But when you wear something like this, the rest of your outfit needs to be toned down; it can't be too busy. I'm never really willing to tone down my outfits for one accessory, but there's always an exception to the rule, right? The jewel's lucidity allows it to mock the colors your wearing in your outfit. I would love to have it, but I wouldn't even want to guess the price, because everything on this necklace is real... including those colossal jewels. I would love to say "you can keep it", but I really can't lie here. I want it!!

Can you believe it's Burberry? It's a far leap from their conservative bags, right? But like everything else, it comes with a price tag. The Burberry Knight Bag goes for a whopping $3,000.00. Is it worth it? Not really to me. While the bag is spacious, it lacks compartments and the fact that I hate studs doesn't help either. I love overstated bags, but this is too much for me.
These are THE pumps everyone wants... the Brian Atwood "Nico"s. How cool are they? These pumps catch the attention of everyone within a 10,000 foot radius of you. They come in other colors as well. Other than the look, let's get into the science (oh, god) of this shoe. The top lift, or "peg" that the shoe sits on has been tested to give the utmost support, which is so so helpful. There's nothing worse than walking down 5th Avenue and having your top lift fall off; talk about a nightmare. Bottom line, I love this shoe... like I didn't say it already.
Runways this season are doused with emphatic clothing and all types of pronounced wear. Let's face it. It is beautiful, and ornate, but would you ever wear it? Some things are a little too outlandish for me! That's when I start looking at Verrier; what I like to call simplistic, runway chic. Their clothing looks like something you would pick up in a high-end boutique, but what I love about this company is they can still rock their styles on the runway. Their designs have not made it big time yet, but I have a feeling a major breakthrough is coming soon.

Verrier is often known as the "basic(s) geniuses", and you can clearly see how they got that name through looks like these. Verrier takes simple articles of clothing and string them together to make some killer combinations. Although I never was, or ever will be, a fan of single-colored ensembles, when paired with a stunning jacket like this, the whole outfit can pop. It's (the jacket's) scoop neck and 3/4 sleeve give it a spring-y look which will look superb in the months to come. Overall, I love it... now all you need is a vibrant bag and to die for shoes, another excuse to go shopping.

Along with making casual pieces, Verrier does offer some evening and dressy attire as well. It seems designers this season are pairing the same colors together; here navy and navy. No matter what is and is not in, I will always mix and match colors. But getting beyond the colors here, these are simply beautiful pieces. I adore this skirt, which is quite versatile itself. Its ruched texture gives it a dressy look which can easily be pulled off. The top itself also has a unique texture. Although you cannot see in this picture, the shirt does elongate which also increases its versatility. The V-neck style is definitely making a comeback and can be spotted in the most anticipated spring '08 lines.

This is actually my favorite look. The ruched blouse paired with the asymetrical skirt give a sophisticated and classy vibe. The colors are absolutely superb paired together, not to mention I love the shape that this outfit makes. I'm going to be perfectly honest by saying not everyone can pull this look off, but if you can, the results will be very rewarding. This outfit is a show stopper on the street... a double take. Make the street your runway.
Yes, all fashion diehards know John Galliano designs clothing that you would never wear outside... unless you want to be labeled a "crack head". I agree. Well, have times changed. John hasn't lost his "Galliano spin" on things, just made them a little easier to swallow. His shirts in his Ready To Wear 2008 line are very asymmetrical, and are actually things that I would wear. Not to mention the heels which are absolutely to die for. Take a look for yourself...
Now, I know what you're thinking. Me + that = how about no. But just separate the pieces (and minus that turban-head), and you have a stunningly beautiful look. I have to say that I'm not a big fan of the skirt, but I would absolutely LOVE that top in another color... which they have. The way the material pulls at the top is just genius. Everything is so eye catching and wonderful. Although I think "Pepto Bismol", or, better yet, "Barbie" , when I look at those heels, I would love to see them in another color. Overall, I love the articles as seperates.
This my favorite look from the collection. So simple, but elegant. The dress itself sheds a hourglass silhouette on anyone who wears it, and that is truly what makes this style so unique... its universal look and appeal. Red and black is a color combination that always is appealing to me. The heels are absolutely incredible, and, if paired with the right dress (which it is), can tone and slim your legs without you even having to move a muscle. Looks like these always show that John Galliano really IS a true fashion genius.

You know you've truly mastered fashion when you take a very basic color (like black), and make it into something truly elaborate and loud. When Galliano designs clothing, he always creates a focal point, something you WILL look at... whether it be a vivid color scheme or pronounced beading. Here, it is shown through ruffles. Imagine these dresses and jackets without ruffles? What would they be? Just a plain article of clothing. By adding the ruffles, he totally accentuates the pieces themselves down to every last detail. Even the shoes have a little unusual look to them. If you look quickly, the shoes themselves are actual Celtic, Irish Step Dancing shoes. But look a little closer, and you will see that those shoes have tiny platforms at the bottom. Once again, Galliano takes a rather ordinary item and "kicks" it up a notch. Another flawless look.
Ports 1961
8 Oct 2007 12:52 PM (17 years ago)
No, Ports 1961 might not be consitered high fashion right now, but give this, chic, revamped company a few more years and they will surely make a name for themselves in the world of fashion.
Head designer, Tia Cibani, totally reworked the outdated company and bought it to a fresh new start. Whenever you crossbreed rich, sultry, ruby toned dresses with classic designs you know the combination will be deadly and leave people wanting more... much more. That's exactly what they did... let's hope their Cruise Collections of '08 live up to the expectations of hungry fashionistas.
Their ruby-toned dresses are just to die for. Unlike other gowns of today that seem to be very trendy, I can see this dress being worn next year, or even five years from now. It has some shape to it, but is not too geometric. It is somehow a light-but-dark, mysterious, shade of magenta that draws all the attention on you. The ripples in the fabric are put in all the right places, directing the attention to exactly where you want it. Absolutely extravigant.
Another great addition to the new line was matte, metallic wraps and dresses. Although I'm not crazy about the clunky jewlery paired with it, I am a major fan of the gloves. Not only does it match perfectly, but it adds an element to the whole look that the wrap does not draw in. A perfect evening look.

Aside from matted colors, the metallics themselves also peeked through the line this season. I agree, silver and gold metallics can be very cheesy and way overdone, but the colors that made this line were extremely flattering and classic. Although these dresses aren't the classic type that seem to be everywhere today, they're flying off the racks at Sak's starting at $650.00 a pop. But for that lovely look, I'd pay anything.