Cleaning Up.....
10 Mar 2015 5:45 AM (10 years ago)

As you can see their is a new spiffy layout for my blog. Needed to clean it up and bring into the year 2015...... a little late I might add...Same fun ass post and allot more often since I am making the time to post. My little one is no longer a toddler and my ass is no longer a new mom. I have been recruited into the no she did in moms. Life has gotten a bit more hectic and just keeping up with my little ones activities, school and social schedule has been at sometimes overwhelming. Girl has tons of friends and it is hard to believe that she ins only 5. I have now become the chauffeur and the social calender keeper. Oh well. A few updates on what the hell has been going on around here.
a. My little GG is now a little girl - she has the eye roll down pat and the little one and her friends have broken into my shoe & purse closet many times and have been playing a whole lot of dress up. My sunglasses are not safe and where the f*ck did 5 year olds learn how to take and pose for a selfie.....She is heading to kindergarten and the hell of having to apply to schools has taken 10 years of my usually semi wrinkle free face {that will be a whole post of the terrors of kindergarten applications and what we need to do in our area of the Bay to get our kids in good schools}.
She is involved in many activities and takes jujitsu twice a week so she can learn how to kick a guy in the nuts without any visible marks. She is becoming tough and I love it. This keeps mama happy knowing she will have to shoot a mothereffer down if they touch my daughter. I do not think I would look good in prison orange jumpsuit. I do not believe how quickly time has gone by. Everyday I am amazed on what an amazing little person she has become. Parenting is rough and sometimes you double guess yourself if you are doing a good job or not. But when you see the results your like "OK I got this" - sometimes you have to pat yourself on the back because not many peeps will do that for you....So to all the moms out there busting their asses daily this pat pat is for you.
b. As you know from some of my posts from a few days ago I am going through some "beginning changes" of life BS....Eff you totally nightmare however getting a bit better for this week. I can't guarantee next but hey that is why I am busting my ass working out and keeping everything zen like sometimes it is hard because you know what it is called LIFE and not everyday can be peachy keen and whip cream all the damn time...If you see that as negative well tough SHIT and move on you can go read the rainbow and unicorn blogs somewhere else....I have lost 20 pounds{and continue to count on more} via most of the time clean eating, trainer, working out/power walking and my new kick ass cruiser bike. I bike everywhere I can when I can. I am sick of the car and sick of sitting in stupid overcrowded traffic. With the side streets I can go anywhere I want. I look like super dork with my flower helmet...but in this town it is better then brains splattered on a sidewalk. GG and I take the bikes and we are off. It is liberating to be able to get on a bike and just go. Cruise feel the wind on your face and checking out all the really neat hoods - it makes me happy and that is all I need right now. I use flax seed, chia seeds and yes now some hemp seeds. I take a butt load of vitamins daily and trying to keep this change of life as natural as I can. I have said this once and I will say it again...this is what works for me...I personally do not trust many doctors anymore - It got really bad after what I saw my mom go through while she was fighting her way through cancer. You do not forget shit like that. I am not saying all doctors are the same however for ME right now the natural way of doing things has worked and with the changes I have made to my lifestyle things are looking way up.
c. Husband is doing great, the company is on fire and he is one busy man. We are great together and he still loves me even with all the weird things have been going on with my emotionally charged life. You know you have a good one when he puts up with this shit and is there for you through thick and thin. For better or worse. He loves my craziness and to this day he tells me on most days that I am his own walking reality show. I love him more today than I ever have. 15 years and counting. He is an amazing dad and GG worships him.
d. Family is doing well. My dad is kicking it at 74 and him and his girlfriend have been traveling the globe. I miss my mom always but his girlfriend is a good egg and he needs someone at this age to keep him active and moving around. So far he is having a good time. My brother and his family is great and my daughter is getting to grow up with her cousins really close by. So God Bless and positive vibes on that end
e. I will again be going through some changes in a few months my beautiful daughter will be entering her new phase of life and going to kindergarten...I see her everyday and everyday she changes. She is growing up so quick and I am so fortunate that I get to be home to see her evolve. I made the decision to stay home when we had her - remember I was 40 when I had her she was going to be my only little one and I felt what worked for us as a family was to have one parent at home. We thought long and hard on this and I now know that it was the right choice for us. I am working on trying to figure it all out...but one day at a time to see where this next path in my journey will bring me. Own business, volunteering, who knows....we will see when it happens...all I know is I choose that stress is no longer going to be a part of my to step at a time.....
That is the roll up for now.....I am excited to start writing again and getting my feelings on the screen...I did not realize how much I missed it until I started up again. I get to release.
Cheers peeps.......
3 Mar 2015 6:30 AM (10 years ago)
bitches and I use bitches in the most loving of terms as I would girlfriend...this is how we do it in Cali...As you know I have been going through some major hormonal changes can we say American Werewolf in London changes. Now their is no shame in my game and I have been so open about what I am gong through something that I think more women need to do - we are made to feel ashamed of this natural part of life. I am going through this with a naturopathic doctor below is a description of what they do. Basically I go to a regular OBGYN to get my huu ha and a script for a mammogram. The rest I trust an ND. I have nothing against Western medicine however when it comes to hormones and the shift of a woman we need to learn in this country that what a MD says is not the all that ends all. I have been through 6 GP's and OBGYN in the last few years they all have SUCKED and I mean SUCKED. Most of the time they do not listen to you, they do not even dive into your health history before scripting you whatever they want to script you in order to take care of it based on what has worked with woman A, B, or C. They they wonder WHY the so many people are addicted to meds. They med for anything. I went to the GYNO the other day in order to interview to see if I would like this one. Once again she generalized me and suggested that I should go on Prozac for the PMS/Pre symptoms I was showing 10-12 days before I started my period. - Is this ALL doctors have become - legal drug pushers for the drug companies....Mmmmm sure does sound like it doesn't it. I refused. I would rather sweat it out the natural way that become addicted to a chemical that would ricochet my body back to hell after the 12 days. Are you fuckin kidding me....I know women who are on this shit that continue to take it in order not to go through the withdrawals which I gather suck donkey balls.

Naturopathic physicians combine the wisdom of nature with the rigors of modern science. Steeped in traditional healing methods, principles and practices, naturopathic medicine focuses on holistic, proactive prevention and comprehensive diagnosis and treatment. By using protocols that minimize the risk of harm, naturopathic physicians help facilitate the body’s inherent ability to restore and maintain optimal health. It is the naturopathic physician’s role to identify and remove barriers to good health by helping to create a healing internal and external environment.
Naturopathic physicians work in private practices, hospitals, clinics and community health centers. NDs practice throughout the United States and Canada. Qualified naturopathic physicians undergo rigorous training before they become licensed health-care practitioners.
For the last month my schedule was over run with a colds from hell, birthday parties, schedules changes, activities, massive tours, interviews and kindergarten assessment. Pushing my schedule way to the back something we moms tend to do. Everyone sanity before moms sanity. So my work out schedule got deflated the more days that I did not w/o the more days I did not feel like working out it was one viscous ass circle. I made a decision that I come first it might sound selfish however if I am not in prime form my family is not in prime form. So this week I got back on the horse and everything else comes second and this is the way it is going to be from now on. I feel so much better this week then I did last week the exercise alone has gotten me out of this tired as hell funk. I feel so much more alive and back to my half way normal self. I even bought a bike this weekend and because our weather is amazing here most of the year I can bike ride to grocery stores, farmers markets and anywhere I want to go. The more exercise I get the better I cannot STRESS enough ladies that if you go through torture PMS and the beginning stages of Peri Meno.
My ND{God Bless than woman} has put me on some awesome vitamins{which have helped with my energy}and with the clean eating and garbage removal I am doing this will be a stepping stone into a better place. Yes - this is a longer process with vitamins and herb drops but you know what patience my will come...The problem with this country is we want everything to happen quickly now now now - re charging and re wiring your body the natural way takes time but when it does you will be so glad you did it without chemicals. I am telling you I was the LAST person who would ever be preaching this - I am not a fan of the tree hugger way of doing things but when your backed into a wall {I have been suffering with really bad PMS for over 3 years} you will try anything in order not to be "medicated" and when I did research and continuing research, read the reviews and heard of the many positive outcomes you bet your effin ass I mad an appt - and it worked, it worked for me and it continues to work for me to this day.
WHAT I am basically saying is MOVE ladies even if it is for only 20 minutes get your asses out...and NO shopping at Costco for the week is not exercise. Get out if you can and move if you cannot get out because of winter weather and you have cable look up the yoga, stretching and cardio they have On Demand. Moving is what will keep your endorphin's happy and will keep you healthy.
hormones that make you happy
- Serotonin: Serotonin is sometimes called the happiness hormone. Serotonin regulates the mood, prevents depression and makes you feel happy. Serotonin can be released by getting exposed to sunlight, by eating foods rich in carbohydrates and by exercising.
- Endorphins: Endorphins can make you feel good, reduce your anxiety and your sensitivity to pain. Endorphins are released by exercising
- Dopamine: Dopamine helps you to feel mentally alert. The lack of it might cause lack of attention, lack of concentration and bad moods. Dopamine can be released by eating foods that are rich in protein.
- Phenylethamine: Phenylethamine is the hormone that results in the feelings we get in the early stages of a relationship. Cocoa beans contain Phenylethamine. eating chocolate might be helpful too.(see Why do woman love chocolate so much)
- Ghrelin: Gherlin is a hormone that reduces stress and can help you become more relaxed. Ghrelin is released when we become Hungary that's why eating too much is not always a good idea. Just eat according to your body’s needs and never fill your stomach completely in order to maintain good Ghrelin levels
Hugs and Kisses

see that caption that reads 30-50 well I have had the joy of starting this BULLSHIT at 45 |
teach you in school.......I have always been really upfront with my blog and honest so today is going to be a doozy of a bitchfest since I have been experiencing "issues" and would love to get it off my chest. Because I know that life is not fair but this crap is beyond not fair. We all get old and with that comes the set of old problems bones ache, bit foggy and bit more farty when your a woman you get an extra dose of special toppings on this pizza we call life.
I knew that this was bound to happen and ANYONE who is a woman who states that they will never and allow themselves to go through this is also full of BULLshit! Because baby no matter what you do, what you eat, how much you damn exercise and how you process your thoughts little bits of hormonal changes are going to affect your life when you are a woman that becomes a certain age that is just scientific fact. I have been reading, researching this crap for 2 years as far as buying the Suzanne Summers book on this subject...yes yes I did because you know what she fought cancer and beat peri/meno, looks amazing and she has done this all organically and holistically.
.jpg) |
It should read I am to young for this SHIT |
In this country we have a real issues with fixing problems with a band aid and medication without going internally to see what the cause of all this could be. I have decided to ride this effin emotionally and annoying pony the non med way and even though it has worked sometimes their is a month here and there were you get hit with a brick and you can't get back on the damn horse no matter how hard you try. Why is it that they do not explain this shit more when your in HS is it because they do not want to scare the living shit out of you and the changes that will happen to your body when you reach a certain age it is like I am going through fucken puberty again but in reverse and this is just PERImenopause Now let me tell you
I eat right,
I try and exercise and get out daily,
I fucken do acupuncture on certain months weekly
I take liquid herbs daily you would not believe the list of shit I digest daily - I feel like Samantha Jones from SITC2 sitting at a desk rubbing creams all over my body
I started Mindful Meditation daily to keep the damn stress at bay because the anxiety is coming out of nowhere especially during my monthly
I cut drinking to a minimum I am talking barely
Got rid of caffeine
Keep busy SO CAN SOMEONE tell me why the fuck I feel like punching people in the face daily and feel like I am in a fog of just exhaustion. And please don't say depression because that is not it I get up I am happy I am just fucken frustrated that we need to go through this shit. Is it not enough that we bleed from the time we are 11/13 until mid 40's then we have to deal with this extra baggage!

I have always had a bit of anxiety is is part of the Italiana DNA - their is not one friend of mine who comes from this background that does not seem to be suffering from some kind of worry/anxiety it just seems to have escalated in the past few years. I have noticed that in the last month my sleep patterns have been affected and when those are affected my whole body and mind is off triggering my anxiety. I have no idea how people with insomnia go through daily life my husbands sleeps like 5 hours a night and he runs a company how the fuck does he do that and deal with my headcase of hormones that has been affecting me for the last 3 weeks??????? and damn can we say tired as fuck I am usually the energizer bunny and walking up the stairs is kicking my ass.

And you know what makes this suck the most is that I have this beautiful 5 year old who has to deal with mommy being tired sometimes and mommy being super cranky - a husband who has been my rock during these past few weeks. I am going through this slowly day by day. I know that i will get back on the horse in the mean time it is fun to bitch about it and I have found many other women out there who are going through the same thing so it has helped a bit.
OK can we now talk about the effin hot flashes????? TBC.....

is for real folks and I am here to tell you that it is not funny and not some made up BS SAHM decided to come up with because they have all these effin time on their hands. Nope this goes for the SAHM and the work mommies and this little bit of ME is fo reals. I have been absent from my blog for a bit and I have learned time and time again that when this happens I am not a better person for it. I have been gone not because I was on some special project or vacation but I have been busy raising a child. A child that I adore more than life itself, and child I was blessed with and a child that makes me happy everyday. I have an amazing husband who is the world to me and supports me in everything I have ever wanted to do. A family close by to help me and I have made some amaZing new friends. I love the area where I am no living, my husbands works is crazy great. Life is good. I am more exhausted now then when the little one was a baby.... I am happy but f*cken tired...yo.....WTF is going on????

My body/mind has been kicked in the ass the last week and I am so physically and mentally exhausted that I cannot see straight. I mean Night of the Living Dead exhausted y'all. Like I am getting 7 hours of sleep but waking up exhausted. So much that all I want to do is go right back into bed and go back to sleep. That is not me never has been so of course your worrying machine goes up and with my type A everything needs to be just so personality my anxiety has been at an all time high which has resulted in a couple of pretty good zingers of anxiety attacks which I have not had in forever. With the help of holistic medicine I had pretty much made it dormant. I have lived with anxiety for over 6 years not I know what it is I know that when anxiety reels its ugly ass self when I do not take care of me.

Now I have lived with this Italian worry shit all my life however with the help of exercise, acupuncture, herbs and essential oils{sound like a hippy right..totally not}I have succeeded in kicking this BS in the ass however in the past few months I have not been taking care of me like I usually have and I believe this has spiraled me going down this path. The last few months from October to the present I have been on the super go, never stop, I have no help, do everything myself kind of gal, Yes I do have my husbands help I however during the week it is all me until he gets home to help out.
I have been interviewing, touring and filling out applications which are on college level in order to get into kindergarten here in the city where I reside in CA. Spent the last two month planning a 5 year old bday party and just over scheduling my dumb ass self. Volunteering, redoing, organizing, dog taking care of and appts, doctor appts, trying to start getting myself scheduled for classes and overall a pleather of bday parties, events and the everyday shit that life hands you.......I have been trying to be Super Mom. Life has not stopped and I have not been able to take a break. I have not had time to chill out and take in life. I have done what many people have been doing lately is over scheduling LIFE. And I am now paying for it.

Of course being worried about my so tired ass stirs up all types of things over worrying brain of mine which triggered my anxiety. WHich one of my friends labeled the Evil Gremlin for she to has gone through the same thing. When I was speaking to another mom she suggested I look up Mommy Exhaustion/Mother Burn Out on the Internet. I thought this shit has got to be made up and thinking that nothing much was going to come up...To my surprise a shitload came up....When I checked out the 'symptoms" I was like HOLY shit that is exactly what I am feeling like down to the total ass exhaustion and irritability.
Now that I know WTF is wrong with me...I can work on getting myself back to my old self. One thing I am going to have to do is make sure that I am my number one priority - might sound selfish but if I am not OK I cannot be OK for my family. For me to be OK it is called working out. I usually work out 4-5 times a week in the last 3 weeks I have probably worked out twice because of the massive shit I have had going on in my and husbands schedule. It has been insane and that is my fault for over doing me. I cannot feel guilty if I decide that no dammit I will not be able to go to GG's jujitsu for one night or I decide to skip one week of dance class because I am just that exhausted. I have to learn to be ok to leave the house without making the bed one day before I do the 800 other things I do throughout the day. Now I get it I am a SAHM and I do not have an outside the home work but you know what what I do is a job a 24/7 job without breaks. I have been trying to take classes for the last 5 years for me and a future part time business this year it is going to happen as soon as my little one will be in school full time. Maybe this sounds like a bunch of waaa waaaa waaaa but you know what if I can't waaaa on my damn blog where the F am I going to. As a mom you always have to be "on". We can never admit when we feel defeated and just not into all the political BS that comes with being a mom.
My name is Mommy Bags and I am one effin tired mother......
and what happens now. As you know I like to bitch about how old I am getting and how things have changed and it is so apparent during he holiday season dinner parties and many many Persecco cheers that my ass is getting old. Hangovers at 40 and hangovers at 30 totally different thing. The kicker here is I now hydrate with water after each drink and still in pain a week later.
What a Friday starts out like after the shit load of stress that Halloween from this dreaded Xmas brings you...The f8cken Xmas music alone could drive you to daily alcohol intake
Drinking and partying in your 30's
Hangover in your 30's Jack in the Crack drive thru and about 100 tacos with a back shot of aspirin and you are good to go onto the next fiesta
Drinking and partying in your 40's - you still think you can party like you did in your 30's so you try and keep up figuring out that the next morning is not going to be that bad....Right?!?
Ah wish your ass looked that good the next morning or when vomiting on your shoes from the night before....
YOU NEED food must have food cannot drive must be delivered and they need to do it quick - nothing else works but carbs, carbs and more carbs
Happy weekend...............................
Suck it up.....
4 Nov 2014 6:59 AM (10 years ago)

Yep sorry post a bit late......

Yes we are coming here to rant again but hey isn't this what this blog is all about? As some of you are aware I am a Halloween maniac I love it, it's fun, I love all parts from the decorating, the colors and the passing out of the candy. What I do not like is what is happening to this holiday. With anything that is visually and usually fun their are always people who want to shit on it...Now before you get your witches tutus in a bunch I don't mean the entire population but their is always a select few who just have time to make everything so effin impossible and boring that you want to smack yourself in the face. I am talking about people who want others to decorate their houses not scary in order for their kids not to be scared....WHat are you serious last time I checked a homeowners owns their house and if they decided they want zombies and body parts that is their front lawn that is their own damn business and for you to actually have the nerve to go up to neighbors and say to them please don't decorate this way because little Mr. Pricky is scared is a bunch of BULLshit. If your child is scared of the evil looking decorated houses then skip it and go to the unicorn farts and fairy rainbows house down the street. I am sure they can fill your need with the smiling pumpkins and happy ghosts.

It is all around me kids(some) who have become scared of their own shadows, kids that cry at the drop of a hat over NOTHINing. Kids that have zero common sense and kids that are so coddled that they become useless adults. Now I know that I am pretty hardcore as a parent but you know what I am doing something right with the little person that I am raising. Please, thank you, may I and includes all other in her play world. I am the first one to admit when my little one is an asshole, so no I am not one of those parents that claims their child is perfect because you know what none of them are.

My daughter walks by our Halloween decorations like it is no big deal because you know why people I sat down and explained to her that this shit is FAKE not real made out of plastic - the same plastic that their dear old Elsa dolls and Barbies are made out of. Just because the outside is a little creepier and less pretty does not make it scary. We should be worried about some of the living walking people that are on our planet instead of a bunch of plastic people you buy from the Halloween Superstore.
Between the no sugar no scary Halloween I am beginning to think that this holiday will be obsolete in a few years just like thanksgiving is being mutilated little by little every year with stores opening on Thanksgiving Day. All I can say is f8ckin RELAX people it is only a bit of candy and scary things your child will be fine.
Note: My house was the SHit this Halloween got a crap load of kids in a hood where I was told was not a huge Halloween corridor. We kicked ass and took names and next year I am go automatic with the zombies. BTW all the little "scared" kids I heard about loved it!!!!!
Mmmmm not really. IN days where little girls are turned into adults at the snap of the finger and we live in the land of everything is sexy it does not shock me at all..I am actually quite surprised that Disney the brand Nazis have let this happened even though they are "loosley" based on the characters anybody who has seen that effin movie knows what is going on here. {I have a toddler - I have seen the movie too many times and that damn song is no longer allowed in our home} I can no longer stomach the color light blue and if I see Elsa's smug little face again I will vomit all over this computer screen. But what is going on below is NOT ok...Let the damn kids be kids and keep something sacred you tacky ass lingerie company. I mean really get a grip on yourselves. Assholes....
Posted on Friday, September 26 at 6:47am | By Amy Graff

Lingerie and costume company Yandy is now offering a sexy snowman getup designed to resemble Olaf, a sweet and hilarious character voiced by Josh Gad in the Disney film ‘Frozen.’ (left, Disney; right, Yandy)
Nothing is sacred. Not Elsa or Anna. Not even Olaf.
Along with every other children’s pop culture icon, the Disney Frozen cast has been sucked up into the Halloween slut machine and spit out as a collection of sex totems. Elsa and Anna have let it all go . . . and are showing a lot of leg.
The online lingerie and costume company
Yandy’s 2014 collection of adult costumesincludes an off-the-shoulder and above-the-thigh Blue Snow Maiden costume that’s a racy version of the elegant gown Elsa wore. A Norwegian Maiden costume has the same color scheme as Anna’s lovely frock but looks like a much better fit for a busty woman in a beer commercial. There’s also a Funny Snowman getup if you want to dress up as a sexed-up version of Olaf, with a skin-tight leotard and white stockings that pull up to your thighs. And finally, the Ice Girl Costume has a slit that will take you all the way up to . . . Elsa’s castle.

Lingerie and costume company Yandy released a dishy maiden costume that strikes a terrifying resemblance to the frock the lovely Anna wore in Disney’s ‘Frozen.’ (left, Disney; right, Yandy)
Every year the Halloween costumes get skimpier, tighter and shorter — giving women the chance to show off more cleavage and more leg. Maybe the downward spiral is good for men, but it’s downright degrading to women.
Nearly all children’s pop culture icons have been sluttified: Snow White, Strawberry Shortcake, Little Red Riding Hood, Gumby, the Grinch, Teletubbies, Chuck E. Cheese, and Mr. Potato Head. A sexy Cat Woman costume, even Wonder Woman, makes sense, but Mr. Potato Head? Really?!

Yandy is now selling sexy ice princess costumes. (Yandy)
Moving into Frozen territory seems downright criminal. Elsa, Anna and Olaf are for kids. American children are currently obsessed with this Disney film and girls (and boys) have been singing “Let It Go” and “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” ever since it hit the big screen. On Halloween night little snow princesses will be walking up and down leafy neighborhood streets, grasping buckets of candy in their hands. Boozy 20-somethings looking to get laid and dressed up as sexualized versions of Anna and Elsa shouldn’t be allowed to join this parade.
And then there’s Olaf, the sweet-natured snowman who tells everyone, “Hi everyone! I’m Olaf and I like warm hugs.” After seeing the movie my daughter was going around and saying this line for weeks. Come on people, there’s nothing sexy about snowmen! Why must this lovable and goofy little snow creature, who every preschooler adores, be turned into a slut?
Last time, Halloween stooped this low was 2012 when Yandy released its slutty Sesame Street line. Take a look at those terrifying get-ups below. Did they really have to mess with Big Bird? Just imagine his high-pitched babyish voice and you realize that there’s nothing sexy there.
Slutty Sesame Street costumes for adults: How low will the Halloween industry go? hits all-new low with slutty ‘Frozen’ costumes

BULLSHIT! Yes in my opinion bullshit. I have openly admitted that I am a reality show whore. I make no apologies for it. I love great dramas, crime ect...but their are days when you want to turn off the brain and watch stupid shit on the brain cell remover, and last night is exactly what I did. I watches the train wreck which is Extreme Guide to Parenting on the always thumbs up programming on Bravo TV. Knowing that some people should NOT be allowed to breed this show proves it. I have not checked out the first episode but after this second one I need to check out what other joy of a parent will be featured. Now I have no issues with the Nomand lifestyle if your ass is SINGLE and or coupled off and both parties agree to do this "wandering" thing. Well to me it is a whole different effin story when your totting two kids around with you. I come from the old school mentality that when you have kids it is NOT all about you anymore but those kids. Maybe I am wrong and maybe it will not work out for me in the end but Gdammit I was given this child to raise and I am going to do whatever I need to do in order to make that child into a productive, self sufficient effin adult. I watched this show and I see that mom's head is in the clouds and dad just strikes me as one tick bite away from starting is own tree hugging hippy commune. A brief description of the episode.
Three years ago, Wendy and Tyler got rid of everything they owned and became nomads living out of their SUV. Now that their kids are older, life on the road has lost its charm. While Wendy and the kids long for a place to call home, Tyler fears any change could lead straight back his greatest fear. . .a "normal life."
NOT NORMAL life god help us with the "normal" life. Go my little red headed beard man stick it to the man...whatever asshole.....BTW the vehicle is not even close to being a SUV it looks like some cramped up Volvo. Kids do not have any privacy which becomes a problem the older you get...These kids will be tweens soon..... do you really want to be sharing a tent with your mom and dad. Can you imagine little johnny first woody trying to take care of business with mom/dad/sis near by. How about the first PMS breakdown of your soon to be teen age daughter...Hello she has no door to slam what is she to do!!!! I feel bad for these kids...because they look like great kids but you just feel bad for them. They seem tired of the traveling and all they want is their own little area so they can decorate - and a dog and friends and fresh food and privacy and a bed and not a tent and a not public restroom and legos and the list goes on and on.....I heard a lot of I....I....I....I....I from the dad and last time I checked when you have a child/children it becomes more about we and sometimes a whole lot of them. Yes they have traveled the world and yes you get to enjoy extreme closeness to your family but at what cost?
Dad comes off selfish and quite frankly a prick..... I just want to reach into the TV and punch him in his face. He lives in a fucking fantasy land of rainbow and unicorns- mom just goes with what daddy says and to me it is one big cluster fuck... The kids get home schooled {barely} so let's see what the future holds for these little kiddos. At one point the
assholes parents bring their kids into a toy store and basically tell them that they cannot get a toy unless they get rid of one. Now I see doing a purge every year and donating toys to shelters but these kids are on minim amount of shit already cuz their parents decided to fuck the establishment for the wandering lifestyle...Hey douches this is a choice your asses made not a choice your kids made. Why the fuck would you dangle the carrot then take it back??? Hopefully the kids will get a chance to break free -soon.Towards the end the 'father" finally agrees to at least get an RV so the family has a bit of elbow room. It still goes to show me that the parents are a couple of assholes. This is definitely a how to show on how NOT to raise your kids. People what ever happened to balance?
nomad (Greek: νομάς, nomas, plural νομάδες, nomades; meaning one roaming about for pasture, pastoral tribe), is a member of a community of people who live from one place to another. Among the various ways Nomads relate to their environment, one can distinguish the hunter-gatherer, the pastoral nomad owning livestock, or the "modern" peripatetic nomad.

to have to through this "stuff" with my 4 year toddler daughter already? My GG asked me if she could grow out her hair a bit longer..I said no problem as long as she kept a clip on her bangs so she did not see hair in her face.
I asked her "GG are you excited to grow your hair longer?"
She said "Yes mama I am so excited"
I responded "GG you have such a great shade of light brown, so pretty."
She looked at me with this horror look on her face.
"But mama I don't want brown hair........ brown hair icky...I want long blond hair".
I go why?
She said because blond hair makes you better and prettier
I almost shit my pants as picked my jaw off the floor. I sat my daughter down and explained that this was bullshit {and YES I used the word bullshit} and that was not accurate. I explained to her that all hair color is beautiful and not one type of hair color. Just like all skin color is beautiful, all eye color. We all come in every shape and color and that one "type" of look is not better than the next.
I once was that so hopeful future mom who said their is NO way in HELL my daughter will have barbies and the Disney chicks in the house blah blah blah...well fast forward 4 years later and my damn house has become a orgy haven of naked Barbies and half dressed Disney characters. I had to troll sites for Anna from Frozen and my awesome MIL spent way too much on the Elsa doll that she happened to find. can try to resist the "Barbie/Disney "movement" but you can't. I resisted as much I could but eventually you too will trampled by the mass marketing machine. Non bull shit these kids brains get hit on a daily basis. And even if you limit the time via TV/IPAD/IPHONE they will still get the 411 from their other toddler friends at preschool. So with the dolls comes the image the image of what is considered "beautiful and accepted" in our society. I am trying my best to expose my daughter to all types of cultures and lifestyles and hope what I am teaching her now will stick.
Note - You know what pisses me off to end though if you do watch Tangled what it is saying towards the end when she cuts her hair is that short brown hair is icky and only when you have long blond hair is when your special and have power. Mmmmm....pfft.....
too make new mom friends?????
Yep I know it has been awhile but I am trying to get back into the swinging from the blogging world vines so as too not lose my mind with all the random shit that swims in this brain throughout the day. I figured if I don't get this crap out of my swirling land mind called my brain I might go off on one of the suburban moms out here and that would just NOt be pretty - City girl in the HOuse.... I am also thinking about making a few changes to the blog and overall format to be even bitchier and crankier than before. Since making the move here I have seen WAAYYYY too many things that I have found strange to a city girl like myslef.....Shit crack head peeing on themselves no vans with all these stick people stickers f*uckin freaking me out. YES I am finally back and feeling that old striking cold blood feeling in my veins after a little bit of a break.
So the above came up recently. As you all know I am in my 40's and proud bitches! I have a 4 year old going on 25 and an amazing but yet smart ass husband and two extremely loud and clumsy fur monkeys.
I am very personable and will not apologize for the fact, I have sick sense of humor, love horror, loud music and love to hang out and have a good time. I am Italian so sometimes obnoxious comes to the mix I am however caring and yes......sometimes GAgh nice. I especially love getting to know new people and have never had any issues and developing new friendships....So I ask why is it so DAMN hard to make some new mommy friends?????I know that this is a question that is not only have me wondering but other moms that I have spoken to. I feel every time that I crack a joke or say to a new mom who is looking for a play date - Hey maybe we should have some wine with that play date they look at me like I threatened them with some kind of medieval torture ritual. Dude I am now asking to take your first unborn child and to lock it up in a tower, I am just trying to feel out what kind of person you might be and if your sense of humor is going to be able to keep up with this sick ass - because I need someone to keep up sorry I just can't deal with people who have a hard time making conversation. {Yes I know some people are shy but some of those people also do not know how to form sentences - I blame cell/smart phone explosion for this}. People just don't care to get to know people anymore. A concept I do not understand like adult women who wear princess crowns - not OK.

Motherhood could be a lonely thing so when you try and connect and feel like their is no way this person could handle the terror of my personality train you just shut down. It is also way harder to make new friends when you are my age - sorry the not so old get set in their ways. I am an open f&ckin book. In the last 4 years of this motherhood thing I have met a total of 3 gals that I love to kick it with and you know who you are wink wink....I have a tight group of old school friends and those will always be staples in my life{some we have had too just let go after much trying and many excuses we have decided it is time to move on}.
Thank balls for my amazing SIL whom is my sister from another mister has made moving here less of a shock to my black wardrobe wearing system - she is the kind of gal where I text... "
Bring the kiddos over I just set up the slip n slide"
She shows up 10 minutes later with kids and a bottle of amazing Rose. We kick it for the afternoon meanwhile the kids are having so much fun that can't see straight - we talk reality TV - relax - Isn't that what a play date is supposed to be? Some time for decompression for both child and mom?
I want to extend more play date invitations but I sometimes feel ON SOME OCCASION not all the time that those are just so......just so.......Pffftttttt why go through all of that to go on one probably play date never to see/hear from that mother again? know what I mean?!? I also don't want to spend the whole time talking about my Billy - I f*ckin see Billy everyday mommy needs a break from Billy.
I want to get to know you. We were human beings before we got abducted by the parenthood spaceship. I think we all get caught up in life and we are just too tired sometimes to deal but it feels like friggin HS all over again and this time around I have smarter mouth, bigger attitude and less of a filter. Now I know it takes time and like I said we are making a dent{I have met some nice mommies at my daughters preschool} but I just see how we as moms and women in general are just hard on each other? Why add another PITA item on our growing list of bull shit?
Hey wanna come over for a play date?????