dynamite from
jackie bateman on
um yeah- no real reason/excuse that i haven't been blogging. life is just kind of busy and i haven't felt like it. not sure if i am going to catch up or just keep going. here is a funny video to get it started.
*eli's sweet moves
*abe looking at himself dancing in the mirror
*ez making a lego strom trooper bust a move
i won tickets to park city through a blog this summer! we went the last weekend it was open+ uea weekend and it ended up being really crowded. karma, emily and amy came with us. the weather was perfect and the leaves were gorgeous. the coaster was the fav ride by far!
some pictures were stolen from emily's blog. she rocks!

abe was so tired he fell asleep eating
eating all day was a favorite part of the trip
eli fell asleep every afternoon from pure exhaustion. he even slept through the fireworks. we wer right under them too. they were loud! ezra was trying to put his head in the bag before i took the picture.

i'm a bad blogger. so what do i do? catch up with everything i missed or start with right now???
the boys got pillow pets. thanks to grandma sue of course!
they brought them to disneyland.
they loved small world
ahhh boney clavicle alert!
ezra has had these mickey ears since he was 6 months old!
waiting for the gates to open

hey friends! just wanted to let everyone know that we are selling our phil and teds sport stroller. let me know if you're interested.

every july grandma bateman has a week-long camping trip at granite flats, up american fork canyon. this is the first year we have stayed more than one night. we had a blast. the boys loved it and so did james and i. it's funny how even things like camping become so much more fun with these amazing kids of ours.
granite flats part one::
this is what happens when the boys get a hold of my camera...
and there are many many more.
love these crazies!
eli's knock knock joke-
knock knock.
who's there?
tooth fairy
tooth fairy who?
tooth fairy BUM!
knock knock
who's there?
toilet who?
i'm a toilet and i eat your bum bum.oops i mean i eat your poop...
i love my boys and all their silly potty humor.it was funny because they were laughing so hard. abe was even laughing so hard he had tears.
eli at mcdonalds the other yesterday. he didn't even realize he had chocolate on his face. the best part is when margo said so sweetly "eli you have some chocolate on your face" as she brushed her cheek.
fun times.
started a new wight loss support group.
if you want to do body for life with me here is the info on
my new blog.
i'm a week late but...

happy birthday to my favorite 5 year old! wait-how in the world do we have a 5 year old?

and why are you growing up so fast?

we sure love you!
ezra had a super fun filled birthday extravaganza. we went to lunch at McDonald's with
jess and the girls so the kids could play. and
i'm not going to lie, also to get the dragon toys we have somehow started collecting. then we saw how to train your dragon with family. it was such a great movie and the boys had fun hanging out and eating popcorn. then we had a birthday
bbq on
ezra's birthday. we had
alot of people show up and it just happened to rain. rad- try fitting 20+ people in an
itty bitty house.
ezra got some really great gifts.
thanks to my mom and dad for saving the day with the bug catcher vacuum that had disappeared from our
then another
april family birthday party at grandma
sue's house. we are so lucky to have so much family around to love our boys.
right now
ezra loves-
*army guys
spiderman*star wars
*going to DI
*helping with
yard work! ( how did i get so lucky?)
*playing with his brothers,cousins,friends
tv. really that boy will watch anything
ezra is so smart. he is constantly
surprising me with his fun little facts and
*being outside
*riding his scooter and bike ( although he is a bit rusty on the bike)
* planning our summer. almost every day he asks if we can go to cherry hill yet, if we can go to bear lake, when and what picnics we will go on, camping plans,etc...
ezra loves primary and has
alot of very intense questions about the gospel and
chirst. i love to hear him talk about it
* questions in general. all. day. long.
*pizza,turkey sammies,pb sammies, apples, cinnamon toast,watermelon,popsicles, mac and cheese. ezra is finally agreeing to trying most food. he doesn't love alot of veggies but he is really good at eating at least one bite. maybe one day?!
love you sweet, handsome boy!

oh brother do we ever love this boy of ours. i am a super big baby and i kept getting emotional today thinking that my beebye is a big 3 year old. abe is 18 months right now and the same age eli was when we had abe. i cannot even beleive how my eli had to grow up so quickly once he wasn't "the baby" anymore.
eli is one of those kids that everyone has a special bond with. i mean look at him, he is freakin cute! you will not find a sweeter more loving boy. you will also not find a more stubborn,sensitive strong willed or relentless child. eli loves things his way, and he likes to makes sure we know what he likes and dislikes. eli plays well with almost everyone and is kind. we love you big boy Happy birthday!
right now eli loves-
dinosaurs, dragons, toy story,trains,parties,movies and popcorn, cars, eating all day, books, cuddling, pisses ( kisses), playing with his brothers, chocolate milk ( asks for it about 4-5 times a day, nursery, being with his family, fishes and sharks, oranges, strawberries, chicken and rice, waking up in the middle of the night to go potty ( he has only wet the bed 2 times since being potty trained) bringing toys to bed, random toys in random containers ( bins, suitcases, Tupperware, laundry basket) lining his toys up, ice cream, paces Popsicle's, scooby doo, reading, running, jumping and being really active in general!

we woke up at 7:00 even though we went to bed at 10:00. mom and dad were not so excited...

we were though...

we ran down the hallway

and the chaos commenced.
ezra got-
a digital camera
spiderman motorcycle that transformed into spiderman
books- richard scary's biggest word book, cowboy and octopus
eli got-
dino mountain
felt play mat
monsters inc.
spiderman motorcycle
abe got-
little people barn
basketball hoop
and about 5 different balls
we also got many many fun and wonderful gifts from our families. we had a great christmas, hope you did too! like my friend lily said on facebook... "christmas, like disneyland is much better with kids" i could not agree more. seeing my boys happy makes up for all the hard parts.

dear eli-
where to start with you my special little boy? you are so fun. you love to give "pisses" ( kisses!) all day long. i love that you wake up before the other boys to go potty in the morning. then you sneak in my bed and snuggle me for a while. you have very stinky morning breath but i don't care. you are crazy as they come. you jump off things and get hurt all day long. it is so funny and exhausting at the same time. you have funny fat hands and feet that remind me of fred flintstone. sometimes i call you man hands. you have the prettiest eye lashes i have ever seen on a little boy. i can't get enough of your cute piggy nose. you have crazy eyebrows. you are obsessed with chocolate milk and cheese. how in the world are you 2 and 1/2 already? i just signed you up for preschool next year. you will be going to the same school ezra went to this year. good thing too since you ask me every day when you can go to preschool. whenever we say something about you being 2 you tell us that you are 8.
love you

dear ez-
you are so silly lately! you are so fun to be around. i love that your pictures are starting to really look like things. you drew the funniest picture of grandpa bob, mustache glasses and all. i love that in your picture hunter was drawn like a person but with fur all over her and a tail. you love to play with your friends right now. you are so sweet and get along with everyone. you are so handsome and your funny little laugh is the most contagious thing on the planet. i love that you wear your sunglasses to bed. you like to do "cool" things right now. you like to look at yourself in the mirror and smile. you LOVE the new iron man and spider man shirts grandma pammy got you. today you surprised me and dad by reciting the whole pledge of allegiance. when did you learn that? you love preschool and talking time. i should be better about taking you to talking time. the other day you picked brynna a flower and gave it to her. i think you have a crush on bryn because you blushed when i asked if she was your girlfriend. every time we go to grandma sue's house you take out cold waters and bring them to everyone with the cutest, most pleased look ever. you are the friendliest boy i know, tonight you kissed kem's pregnant belly. i love you, stop getting older ok?!
love you

dear abe-
you are seriously cute. i can't get enough of you. naughty-ness and all. lately you have been into headbutting and biting dad and i. sometimes we bug you on purpose so you will do it because it is so dang funny. you love to snuggle. you love to follow your brothers all around the house. you love to bug milo because you are bigger than him at least. you love animals. today you cried because chino was mad at you and it hurt your feelings. you are so funny right now. you copy everything that we tell you too. you are so smart. today you said " i want that". you say little things i can't believe that you are saying already. you have silly long hair. you are also obsessed with chocolate milk. you follow the lead of your brothers and drink more than i thought was ever possible. you love to jump on the trampoline. you are a tease. you wrestle your brothers and steal their toys but get mad if they do it to you. i am your best friend...until dad comes home, then i'm dog poop. tonight you even ignored me when i tried to get you to kiss me because dad was holding you. you love crackers, any kind will do. ever day you lead me over to the cupboard where i keep the snacks. i open it and you point to the crackers. you jump up and down and clap when i give them to you and then i get a slobbery cracker hug and kiss. i love those messy little kisses
ps. where did you get those dimples baby?
love you

halloween 2009i suck at blogging as of late...
the boys were fun, they had a blast. eli changed his mind about his costume at least 6 times, ezra twice.
i'm trying to be better about blogging but i get in a funk.
i love fall but i get seasonal depression thinking about the upcoming winter. so i freak out. clean and reorganize my home and cut my hair way short. happens every year. turns out i don't love my hair short, i guess i don't love it long either. oh well it's just hair...
i need to step up my game... the damn 7 pounds will not budge I HATE YOU BLOODY SEVEN POUNDS! now off with you.anyone have good motivating exercise routines?
i am loving glee and watching flight of the conchords on you tube.

eli does this at least once a day...
i don't really like it all that much
and i clean this up at least 3 times a day. this is a good day. bah,
i'm sick of cleaning all day only to have it messed up two minutes later.

this is halloween this is hallowen. halloween, halloween, everybody make a scene... and off i go into nightmare before chirstmas dreamland.
anyways here's my set up.
picniked some family pics, googled weird pictures and hit up dollar tree. i spray painted a bunch of frames from dollar tree and DI. the spiderweb fabric is from joanne's but still needs to be finished with black ball fringe. nothing to fancy but i really like the finished product.