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A Year of Graham 19 Oct 2013 7:48 PM (11 years ago)

Graham turned one this month.

I can't believe he has been in our lives for a whole year. 

Our sweet baby is not so much of a baby anymore.

We have delighted in watching him grow and change and learn. It's pure magic.

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Audrey's Farewell 21 Jun 2013 7:51 AM (11 years ago)

My sister-in-law Audrey is one of the loveliest people I know. She just entered the MTC to prepare to serve a mission in Santa Rosa, CA. We are so excited for her.

Erin and little James came up from Texas for her farewell, and it was such a delight to reunite Graham with his only cousin. They are five months apart and I love to watch them interact with each other. Graham loves to grab and squeeze James in the face while James smiles and laughs.

Summer is underway! We love the warm weather and being outside. Graham is almost nine months old. He crawls everywhere, pulls himself up to furniture, has two bottom teeth, and does jazz hands and feet when he is really excited about something. He has been to the swimming pool a few times and loves to splash the water with his hand. He is such a joy to Russ and me and we love to watch him grow.

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Happy Mothers' Day 12 May 2013 5:37 PM (11 years ago)

"Making the decision to have a child - it is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." -Elizabeth Stone

Graham isn't walking yet, but it's absolutely true that my heart is rolling, scooting and lunging all over our living room floor. I'm eternally grateful to this little sweetheart for making me a mother. I could never express how much I love him, how even the tough stuff - like when he fusses loudly during church, or chucks my bottle of foundation on the bathroom floor and it shatters, or spits up all over my suede shoes  - is 100% worth it. It is overwhelming, hilarious, scary, humbling, empowering, and delightful to be his mom.

I'm also thankful for the wonderful examples I find in my mother and mother-in-law. What kind, creative, wise and amazing women!

Happy Mothers' Day to mothers everywhere.

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Easter Pictures 13 Apr 2013 5:00 PM (11 years ago)

Grandma Lee made Graham a sweet little outfit so he could celebrate his first Easter in style.

My wonderful dad took these pictures of us.

At six months, Graham sits up alone, rolls all over the place, sleeps 6-7 hours in the night, puts everything in his mouth, 
loves drinks of water, and is the cutest thing we've ever seen.

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Fun in the Sun 19 Mar 2013 8:38 PM (11 years ago)

Like every other Utahn, we are so eager to be done with the bitter cold of winter. 

The snow is beautiful, but let's be honest. WHO likes scraping ice off their car windshield 
and taking a breath only to let their lungs fill with frozen toxic smog?

Russell and I are so happy that spring is just around the corner. Last week was his spring break, so we took advantage of the warm weather and went to Sugar House Park, hiked Ensign Peak, and visited the animals at the This is the Place Heritage Park.

Graham loves being outside. He is getting used to a variety of methods of transportation - the Solly Baby wrap, the BabyBjorn carrier, and the stroller. He is also getting used to a variety of weird hats because I'm afraid of his little head getting burned.

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Goodbye February 5 Mar 2013 6:17 PM (12 years ago)

Hello March! Where did February go?

We learned that Graham looks hilarious in a turban.

We started doing a bedtime routine (bath, lotion, books, singing) and sleep training.

We had great fun at the Leonardo museum.

Graham watched (and loved) Baby Mozart.

We celebrated Valentine's Day with a pervert 'stache and dinner at Olive Garden.

Graham learned a new trick; we call it the Kim Chee squat.

He also learned how to turn around in his Bumbo and knock over the box of cereal.

He loved wearing stripes just like Mom. 

He wore these overalls for the first and last time. They are already too small because he is growing like a weed.

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Hello February 6 Feb 2013 7:52 PM (12 years ago)

Am I the only one that is not sad to say goodbye to January? Christmas over, dark and dreary mornings, icy roads and failed resolutions.

I set impossibly high goals (like no eating sweets EVER and writing in my journal EVERY WEEK and finishing Les Misérables IN A MONTH) and, starting about January 7th, began actively rebelling against them like a sullen teenager against a curfew. I became depressed when I fell short, and decided if I couldn't be perfect, I might as well ignore my journal, scroll Instagram instead of picking up Les Misérables, and eat an entire package of Cool Mint Oreos. Bad ideas.

But now February is here, and I have adjusted my expectations and gotten back on track. I am exercising and eating (mostly) healthy and reading my scriptures (and Les Mis - slowly but surely). I love playing with Graham every day, and cleaning and organizing when he's asleep. When the sun is out, I put him in his snowsuit and we go for walks.

Graham is four months old. What a darling age. He is fifteen pounds and has a wonderful double chin. He rolls over and kicks wildly in the bathtub. He loves to put everything in his mouth. He smiles and coos at everyone. He is learning to sleep by himself in his crib. I wish I could keep him in my bed with me every night, but someday he's going to be ten years old and things could get weird if we stayed on that trajectory.

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January 21, 2012 21 Jan 2013 8:36 PM (12 years ago)

January 21st is a special day for me. Exactly a year ago, I found out I was pregnant.

I had to go into the middle school that day for some grading. As soon as I was finished, I raced to the Smith's at Fort Union and bought a pregnancy test. I settled for the $7 one after the pharmacist reassured me several times that it was just as effective as the $26 one.

I ran into a bathroom stall, and a few minutes later, shocked the other restroom patrons with a scream of surprise and delight. A feeble plus sign had appeared, and then became more and more pronounced.

I stumbled out to my car. I was so overwhelmed and elated that I cried all the way home. When I burst in the front door, I found Russ on the phone. I smiled and held up the test and he quickly ended his conversation. We shrieked and jumped up and down together several times, then ran to the store and bought two more tests, just to make sure.

I love January 21st, and will always remember with fondness the day we found out we were going to be parents.

Talk about a cause for celebration.

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A Jolly Holiday 9 Jan 2013 8:06 PM (12 years ago)

I started off Christmas Break by quitting my job.

I had very mixed emotions walking out of Midvale Middle School for the last time. So happy to get to stay home with Graham, and also so heartbroken to leave, not knowing when and if I will ever return to public education. I have had a wonderful experience. I learned a lot, made some great teacher friends, and also enjoyed the kids immensely.

The best part of having our families live so close is getting to spend quality time with both over the holiday season.

Graham met his cousin James for the first time. I loved seeing them together.

The highlight of Christmas Day was caroling at a care center, and then playing indoor soccer at the church- Russell's gift to my sister Emma.

Russell got to spend quality time with his best friend Gabe.

Graham has no bedtime (bad parents) and was wide awake to ring in 2013 with us.

2012 was a pretty good year- we went to Las Vegas and Phoenix, celebrated our fourth anniversary, and moved to Millcreek. Russ ran a marathon and I finished my second year of teaching. Best of all, we welcomed our sweet son into our lives and he has already made us happier than we could have ever imagined.

We are excited for 2013 and the adventures that lie ahead. One of my resolutions is to blog more frequently. We'll see if I can keep it and blog again before February. Ha.

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And He Smiles 6 Dec 2012 8:59 PM (12 years ago)

I can't handle it. Can't.

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Thanksgiving = Delightful 26 Nov 2012 10:06 PM (12 years ago)

Pie night.
Fun with both families.
Baby in a hilarious sweater vest.
A delicious meal.
Thanksgiving Pudding.
Cozy new lumberjack pajamas.
Family pictures.
Cosmic bowling.
Getting out our tiny Christmas tree.
              Mmmm, good stuff.              

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On Motherhood 12 Nov 2012 10:15 PM (12 years ago)

On Recovery
I am feeling good.
A week after Graham was born, I went to the Emergency Room with a fever of 104 and was told I had endometritis - an infection along the uterine wall. I went on antibiotics and the infection went away.
For a few weeks, one of my favorite things was a little inflatable donut chair that I got from the hospital. I carried it around everywhere I sat. It popped.
I haven't been back to the gym. I wonder if Gold's can reimburse me for the month of October because I had a baby? Fat chance.

On Maternity Leave
I thought staying home all day would be suffocating, but it is surprising how busy I am with feeding, changing, bathing (him, not me), cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, and showering (me, not him).
I do, however, get stir crazy and enjoy going on walks with Graham - at first outside, but now around the mall or Ikea.
I have started cooking on a semi-regular basis.
I cry whenever I think about going back to work next week.

On Diapers
For one so small, I can't believe how much poop Graham emits.
Sometimes it does amazing shooting tricks, like the fountains at Gateway.
I almost have my gag reflex under control.
Whoever says infant dirty diapers don't stink is delusional.

On Breastfeeding
It hurts.
I am amazed that it burns so many calories.
I love being the one that he absolutely can't live without. I love how calm and quiet he becomes when he nurses and how when he pulls away, his sleepy face is smeared with milk and sometimes he'll afford me a gooey little smile before slipping into Dreamland.

On Laundry
I do a lot of it. I keep a Spray 'n' Wash stain stick on my nightstand now for quick access.

On My Social Life
I have next to none. I only get out of my fluffy bathrobe to put on regular clothes about every three days.

On Days and Nights
Graham has them mixed up.
He sleeps the day away, and by the time Russ comes home, Graham is ready to party. He loves when we dance him around the living room to David Bowie, Robyn, and the Killers.
His most awake period is from 1:00 to 4:00 a.m.

On Love
Graham came and filled an enormous hole in my life that I didn't even know was there.
I only met him a short while ago, but I would do absolutely anything for him.
Every time I look at him, I feel like my heart is going to burst.
Each grunt, coo, sigh, and whimper is a total miracle.
The sleep deprivation and poop-stained curtains are definitely worth it.

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Baby, Baby, Baby, Oh! 19 Oct 2012 8:12 PM (12 years ago)

Graham Russell Lee
October 2, 2012
6 lb 12 oz, 20.5 inches long

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Strange Flights of Unconscious Fancy 10 Sep 2012 7:09 AM (12 years ago)

From at 37 weeks:

"While you're sleeping, you're likely to have some intense dreams. Anxiety both about labor and about becoming a parent can fuel a lot of strange flights of unconscious fancy."

That is so spot on for me. In the last week, I have dreamed the following scenarios:

Despite the fact that these dreams begin my day with distress, everything else is going fine. I have weekly appointments now with my doctor, who is a gem. He always makes me feel relaxed and excited about what's happening in a few short weeks. 

I now have this thought in my head every time we go anywhere or do anything: "I wonder how many more three-hour naps I will take'," "I wonder how many more drives in the car where it's just you and me," "I wonder how many more times we will go to all three hours of church without interruption," or "I wonder how many more packages of frozen corn dogs we'll get through before the baby comes." It's a weird feeling -  I know that my life is about to change dramatically, and yet I can't really imagine what it will be like. To calm my fears of the unknown (since my dreams aren't helping anything), I am spending all my free time reading up and getting mentally prepared as well as taking inventory of all our baby goods and making sure we have the important things.

Although I grow increasingly more uncomfortable and whiny each day, I feel that my pregnancy has been relatively easy. I don't have anything else to compare it to, but I know I have managed to escape a lot of miserable things that happen to other pregnant women, so I count myself lucky.

At this very moment, the baby is hiccuping like mad inside me. Three more weeks until I get to meet him!

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Back in the Saddle 29 Aug 2012 10:18 AM (12 years ago)

School started this week. There is no A/C. I work on the second floor and there is no elevator. I am 35 and a half weeks pregnant. Am I insane?

Russell, Katie, and her boyfriend Rick helped me get my classroom ready. I mostly sat right in front of the fan and directed them on where to put things.

Things are off to a pretty good start. I don't know whether it's my three years of experience or my suddenly short fuse that is making me so good at nipping discipline problems in the bud. I have no problem laying down the law for my students - and they really don't want to mess with an enormous sweaty emotional woman that looks like she may have a breakdown at any moment (or go into early labor - that's what I have been threatening them with).

I have three fans in my room and there is a swamp cooler in the hallway. I keep the lights off, point one fan directly on me, and remind my poor students that it will start to cool down in a few weeks.

I teach part-time, which means that I don't start classes until 10 or 11 every day. Even though I am only been doing half of what I did last school year, it feels like a full load for me. I have no idea what I'd do with a full-time schedule. I come home every day at 3:30 and read and nap. I realize that this precious time to myself has an expiration date, so I am determined not to waste it.

Baby is due September 29, and I plan to work up until my due date. I will have six weeks of maternity leave, and I want to be able to spend as many of those with baby as possible.

I have all my lesson plans ready for the long-term substitute who will take my place. We have a crib, a carseat, a changing table, and curtains. Up next on my to-do list: get a pedicure, stop treating baby's room as a place to throw junk into and shut the door when people come over, and read Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child.

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26.2 26 Jul 2012 3:20 PM (12 years ago)

Russ ran the Deseret News marathon on July 24th.

I was especially proud of and inspired by him because my current state is one in which I cannot run for even three minutes without feeling like my stomach will explode and/or needing to find a restroom pronto.

He had a lot of support from our friends and family. We're so grateful they took the time to come and cheer for him.

I saw a lot of families running the 5K and 10K races together - dad, mom, kids, and baby in a jogging stroller. It made me want to start training after the baby is born and become a runner extraordinaire and then make it a family affair.
We'll see if my enthusiasm lasts.

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Whirlwind Trip to Arizona 12 Jul 2012 2:50 PM (12 years ago)

One of my best friends Tiffani got married this week to Hideaki Suzuki in the Mesa Temple, so Russ and I took a quick road trip down to Phoenix. The wedding was lovely and I was so happy to be there. On the drive back, we stopped at the Grand Canyon. The views were incredible, and I also enjoyed listening to the other tourists talk and trying to guess what country they were from.

Arizona is ridiculously hot. Experiencing the 114-degree heat as a 6-month pregnant woman was, to say the least, an uncomfortable endeavor, and one that I am not eager to repeat. Russ and I spent 72 hours drenched in sweat from head to toe and swearing up and down that when we got back, we would never complain about Utah's "heat" (we are such babies here).

The bigger I get, the less likely we are to take another trip before baby boy arrives, so I guess this counted as our babymoon. We had a really good time, and I'm so grateful to Russ who drove the whole time and let me sleep and put my feet up on the dashboard. What a gem.

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Three Cheers for June 26 Jun 2012 7:03 PM (12 years ago)

Three major things have happened since I last blogged:

1) The school year ended. I can't believe how fast it went by! It was a wonderful year and I am full of love for my students.

My French 3 class. I can't wait to see what awesome things they do in the future. 

Three teachers, all due (with BOYS) within a month of each other.

My empty 95-degree classroom. 

2) We moved. I love our new place so much.

A nice, open living room with lots of natural light.

Covered parking. No, that awesome kayak does NOT belong to us.

A nice front deck where we sit and watch the sunset and eat watermelon.

3) I am getting bigger every day.

At 26 weeks...

I am craving Taco Bell, Spaghettios, and applesauce.

Tums are my best friends.

It's getting really hard to bend over, and painting my toenails is out of the question.

Baby boy is moving constantly, and is especially good at finding and smashing my bladder.

My mind is mush. I trip, run into walls and doors, drop things, and call people on my phone
asking them to call my phone so I can find it.

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The Castleton-Lees are Back in Town 20 May 2012 3:44 PM (12 years ago)

and we are so happy.

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C'est un Garçon 14 May 2012 12:29 PM (12 years ago)

Last week, Russell and I found out we are having a baby boy.

Nothing can prepare you for that moment. The radiologist is scanning over his miniature heart and spine and feet and then casually mentions a fact you know that will change your life forever.

I knew my life would be altered dramatically one way or the other - princess dresses and tea parties and painted toes versus sticks and mud and Cars 2 bedsheets.

Russell is so excited, of course. He keeps grabbing my stomach and loudly proclaiming, "My SON! Heir to the Lee throne!"

I can't believe there's a little man inside me. I don't know anything about little boys, but what a better way to learn everything? Although I still let out a small pitiful sigh every time we pass the ruffly dresses and headbands in the store, I am getting really excited about little plaid shirts and onesies covered in tigers and lions. I know we're meant to have this baby and that he's meant to be a boy - and I can't wait to meet him.

I had up two posters in my classroom that my students signed. If they guessed right, they got a Tootsie Pop, courtesy of Russell. If it had been up to me, it would have been a Skittle. That's right - one Skittle per person. 

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Nephew 5 May 2012 11:54 AM (12 years ago)

Russell's sister Erin and her husband Sam had their baby boy two weeks ago. 

His name is James and he is perfect and tiny and oh so darling.

Russ and I are so excited to be aunt and uncle!

What a perfect way to prep for our own little one.

Speaking of which, we find out on Tuesday if it's a he or a she.

I am ecstatic and terrified.

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Cat's Out of the Bag 10 Apr 2012 5:09 PM (12 years ago)

Notice anything different?

Neither do I, not really yet.

Nevertheless, there IS a baby in there - one that will make his or her appearance at the end of September!

My most favorite things about being pregnant:

1) My students' reactions. Their reaction to the news was just as elated, if not more so, than my own family. They ask me every day how le bébé is doing. They want to know how big he/she is and if I'm still feeling sick. They are currently offering endless suggestions of names. Any time they get a bit rowdy, I shut them up real quick by clutching my stomach dramatically and crying out, "your disruption and noise are so stressful on the baby. Since this effects development, if you keep it up, it could be born with only seven toes." 

2) Being pregnant is my excuse for everything - not wanting to go grocery shopping, being late to anything, taking three hour naps after school, eating too many Bagel Bites, and acting crabby. If anyone comments on my generally sluglike lifestyle as of late, response is always something like "Excuse me, I built a brain today. What do YOU have to show for yourself?"

3) Walking into any store and, having lost all interest in buying clothes for myself, making a beeline for the baby department and cooing over all the teeny tiny things. 

4) Last week, I woke up in the middle of the night to find Russell next to me, bathed in the light of the laptop. He'd been up for hours researching the best kinds of jogging strollers and those cute little carriages that attach to the back of a bike.

My most unfavorite things about being pregnant:

1) I am so tired. While I understand that my body is working extra hard to build and sustain a tiny life, it is frustrating to not be able to do normal things during the day because I need a four-hour nap.

2) Intensified aversion to food and smells. It's always sad when Russell makes a special effort and spends a lot of time to make us a good meal, like breakfast burritos, only to result in my gagging at the sight and smell of them, high-tailing it upstairs, and yelling from my bed for him to bring up some pears and cucumbers.

3) Throwing up in terrible places. To name a few: driving in the car on the freeway; in the (luckily) abandoned kitchen of our ward building during a Mutual activity; and worst of all, in my classroom, during first period. Those poor kids.

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The Vegas 15 Mar 2012 6:51 PM (13 years ago)

Three years ago, we took a weekend road trip to Las Vegas with Katie and Daniel.

Just kidding.

It was only three weeks ago, but it feels like forever ago.

I had the best salmon of my life at the Hard Rock Cafe 

I love these people 

We loved the jellyfish at the Mandalay Bay Aquarium

There were three Ross stores on the strip ... Really?

PBR Rock Bar & Grill managed to thrill me by serving me an array of my favorite foods - toast with peanut butter 
and raspberry jelly, fresh fruit, Spaghettios, and water with lemon

 Bellagio awesome water show to Frank Sinatra's "Luck Be A Lady"

I absolutely love these water lilies on the ceiling of the Bellagio hotel lobby

We stayed at Circus Circus (in the weird cheap barracks, not the high rise hotel). The weather was warm and we had such fun swimming, walking the strip, losing $1 to the casinos, and pretending we were high-rollers strolling through the nice hotels.

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Out of the Mouths of 14-Year-Olds 23 Feb 2012 1:12 PM (13 years ago)

Posts without pictures are boring, but posting pictures of your students is illegal and I don't have any anyway.

Here is some hilarious dialogue that has taken place in my classroom in the last little while:

"How do you say poop in French?"

Student: "I left my pencil in ceramics class!"
Me: "Uh you want to borrow mine?"
Student: "No, mine is a mechanical pencil, it's special. Wait, I have it. No I don't. Yes I do. No I don't."

Me: "Everyone, it's time for the French song of the week."
Student 1 (groaning): "Noooooo. I hate French music."
Student 2: "At least it's better than really boring music like Einstein or Mozart."

Student 1: "Does anyone here drive a minivan?"
Student 2: "Madame Lee drives a minivan."
Student 1: "Who would drive a minivan if they don't have kids?"
Me: "I do not drive a minivan."
Student 2: "Madame Lee, don't deny what you drive."

Me: "How was the rules refresher assembly?"
Student 1: "Boring and stupid."
Me: "What rules were refreshed?"
Student 1: "No drugs and no swearing and no mooning."
Student 2: "What's mooning?"
Student 1: "It's when you pull your pants down so everyone sees your butt cheeks."

Me: "Out of all the French teens we read about, pick one that you'd like to hang out with and get to know better."
Student: "They're all lame!"

Student: "What else should I say in my letter to a soldier?"
Me: "Things about you. Talk about your interests. How about I like math and spaghetti?"
Student: "I don't like spaghetti!"
Me: "Well, what do you like then?"
Student: "Spaghetti's okay..."

Student: "How do you say your mom in French?"
Me: "Ta mere."
Student: How do you say is so fat?"
Me: "No."
Student: "Please?"

Me: "How was Reality Town?"
Student: "It wasn't even a town. It was a bunch of lame booths in the gym, so ghetto."

Student 1 (reading off his hand): "Hey everybody, there's a party tonight at _______ South _______ West in Sandy."
Student 2: "That's my address."
Student 1 (laughing hysterically): "The funny part is that there's actually no party, and I said your address."

Me: "My first CD I bought was the Tarzan soundtrack."
Student 1: "Waste of money!"
Me: "I listened to it all the time, and it cost me twelve hard-earned dollars."
Student 1: "Twelve dollars back then is probably like a hundred dollars now."

Me: "How was the perfect attendance party? I heard you guys got donuts!"
Student 1: "Yeah, but they were the same donuts we got at the maturation class last year, so they remind me of that."
Student 2: "Nobody wants crappy maturation donuts."

Me: "Okay, everyone, please put the textbooks away carefully on the shelf...don't just chuck them."
Student: "Everyone, chuck the books!"

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I Hate Eating Healthy 2 Feb 2012 12:43 PM (13 years ago)

My fourth period class got over and the students raced out the door, eager for their lunch break.

I, however, took my time gathering my things and locking my door. With a heavy heart, I made my way down to the faculty lounge, where I knew my lunch was waiting for me.

Spinach salad. With chopped strawberries and cucumbers in it. And strawberry vinaigrette dressing.

One of my 2012 goals is to eat better - I'm sure everyone has this goal, but I'm also sure mine is the only one that is subheaded with the following plea to myself: Stop eating so many Pizza Lunchables. They will kill you.

So at the grocery store, I spent more time in the produce section and filled up on fresh food. Then I brought it home and even woke up early to make my lunch ahead of time.

But. What it doesn't say on the bag is that spinach actually tastes terrible and won't fill you up at all. No one ever finds themselves craving leaves. I resented every bite of my brachiosaurus lunch and would take the sodium-filled over-processed Lunchable any day, simply because of its ability to cheer rather than to depress.

I hate healthy eating. No matter how hard you try, every bite makes you more irritable and wish that you had just gone with a Domino's pizza or a Carl's Jr. hamburger instead.

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