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Choccies for me.... 22 Apr 2011 3:12 AM (13 years ago)

As we are a house full of chocoholics you can imagine how excited we get by Easter. Yet we still manage to remember just what this time is about, I even told Xavier (soon to be 5) the story behind it all today and he sat and listened and really seemed to take it all in, although I think he much preferred decorating eggs which we did for the first time today (messy messy). To me it's also about family time and although the workaholic will be mostly at work we will still get in some quality time together starting with hubby's famous pancakes in the morning.
I hope you all stay safe over the break and that you too get to have quality time with your loved ones and you also stuff yourselves silly with the good stuff.....did I mention we are chocoholics???

Happy Easter

Love Sheryn

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To market to market.... 6 Mar 2011 3:07 PM (14 years ago)

Last weekend I got a "Hall Pass" and no before you start thinking I went out on the town and flirted myself silly that is so not what I did. Men and women are soooo different that to me a "Hall Pass" meant a day of kid free shopping!!
Hubby offered to take the kids swimming on his own in the morning so off I went to Mathilda's Market, the baby and toddler market that I had wanted to go to forever.

The offerings were absolutely gorgeous although a little on the pricey side.

loved loved loved this gorgeous butterfly artwork
I spent a good two hours drooling over the pretty things and all without being hassled by a bored husband and wanting children.
I didn't actually buy too much, a necklace for Willow and a t shirt for Xavier and four of these oh so yummy cake pops, have you seen these about?

Although I had a lovely time I knew there was a lot more shopping to be done and I was kid free damn it, so I sneakily stopped at DFO on the way home and has some real fun, appetite satisfied!!

I can't help it, I love love love to shop, don't all girls??

Have a happy week, Melbourne is finally having a bit of a late summer and I intend on enjoying it.

Sheryn xxx

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All Blissed Out 21 Feb 2011 2:48 PM (14 years ago)

As you know from my previous post here it was our 6 year anniversary on Saturday and hubby had a few surprises in store.
Friday night I was given a list with what to pack and it included 2 pairs of bathers, very odd. So Saturday arrived and off we went, leaving the kiddies with my sister and a three page list of instructions, anal I know.
We drove for about 45 minutes further down the Peninsula until we turned into a long driveway, which is where I saw the sign for Peppers Moonah Links Resort.

Wow, what a place, our room overlooked the 18th hole and the view was out of this world.
We were booked in for dinner at their signature restaurant Pebbles and it did not disappoint. I would show you a photo of my duck dish but I had attacked it before I had the chance so here is a photo of hubby's lamb, DELISH.
The next morning we had a gorgeous buffet breakfast and then it was off to spend the day at Peninsula Springs.

photo courtesy Peninsula Springs website
 If you have never been please go. I was pampered from 10.00am until 3.30pm when we left so relaxed and ready to face the world.
If only we had been warned that facing the world meant coming home to two sick snotty kids, but not even that could not wipe the smile from my face.
Hubby you have outdone yourself, it's my turn next year, how do I top that???

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6 Years?? Really?? 16 Feb 2011 1:28 PM (14 years ago)

How time flies, this Saturday hubby and I have been married for 6 whole years and what an amazing 6 years it's been.

Photography by my brother Simon Williams

My little family feels so complete these days and although my kids are my world, I am so looking forward to a kid free evening.
Don't ask me where we are going or what we are doing as I have no idea. Hubby has said he will give me a list in the morning of what I will need, as you can imagine the suspense is killing me.
I am not good at waiting!!

I hope you have had a lovely week,

Love Sheryn

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Happy Valentine's Day 13 Feb 2011 7:23 PM (14 years ago)


I know it's all very commercialised and it makes a lot of people depressed but I just can't help but love Valentine's Day.

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It's a toy store in here!!! 9 Feb 2011 12:42 PM (14 years ago)

All of you out there with children under five please tell me your house looks like this
The really distressing thing is that this photo was taken just after a clear out!! My two kids are not actually all that messy which is probably due to their very anal mother following them around, yet still my house resembles Toys R Us.
It's kind of hard to get motivated when you know no matter how much you clean, sort and rearrange the toys are going nowhere. The ones in the far background were placed there as they are baby toys and I though Willow, 17 months, would be too old for them now. Guess which toys she has been playing with since they were placed there? Now what to do?
I dream of the new house we will be moving to once the unit in our backyard is built, it will be large, homey yet oh so stylish. However lets be honest, most of the toys will be coming with us. Oh well, the new house will just have to have a rumpus room.
A girl can dream can't she????

Happy Thursday,


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I'm Back 6 Feb 2011 6:37 PM (14 years ago)

Yes, I have not written a post since September last year but that does not mean I left bloggy land. In fact I find I am now reading even more of your wonderful blogs and gaining so much inspiration, maybe even too much as my head is spinning.
As it's been a couple of months I will fill you on what's been happening.
First of all my little family and I embarked on our trip to Fiji...Heaven.

Whilst on the plane on the way over I surprised hubby with a card that read "Want to get married, again, tomorrow?". So after weeks of planning, on our second day in Fiji we renewed our wedding vows. Having Xavier and Willow there with us made it just so special and hubby shed tears as Xavier walked his Mummy down the aisle.
It truly was a magical day and not a soul back home knew what we were up to either so we really felt like the only people in the world.

Like all holidays though it came to an end and it was back home to face the Christmas madness (which I secretly love!)

Once that was over with and we saw in the New Year standing in our driveway watching fireworks we decided to take the kids on their first ever camping trip which was a huge success.
We actually can't wait to do it again.

 Of course there has been lots of other things going on as well but that it the most important bits.
I hope I now keep up with my little blog because it's so nice to have something just for me. Oh yeah and before I forget, plans were all approved for the unit in the backyard, we were ready to build when the water company stepped in with a problem, back to the drawing board. You could say it's never boring around here!!

Have a great week everyone,

Love Sheryn

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Willow Rose Turns One 5 Sep 2010 3:44 AM (14 years ago)

My baby girl turned one yesterday and the day came with very mixed emotions. Although excited by this momentous occasion I was also very emotional that this day came at all. When Willow was 5 five weeks old she was admitted to hospital with a very severe case of cellulitis. It was behind her eye so the doctors were very afraid it would spread to her brain, not to mention she was the youngest baby they had seen diagnosed with it. In the week she spent in hospital I think I spent only one whole hour away from her side. My husband and I watched our baby girl prodded and poked so many times and each time only got harder not easier. Her big brother Xavier kept us sane and so grounded, he really is wise beyond his four years.
The day the doctor came and told us we could take our little princess home was the happiest day I have experienced thus far, that was the day I finally let the pent up tears flow free, as did numerous other family members. It was also the day we were told just how sick Willow actually had been. I will be eternally grateful to all the medical staff for their care and understanding.
So as you can imagine, seeing our little girl turn one was an even bigger deal than it normally would be. We celebrated with all our family and friends and I spent the day laughing and simultaneously running to the bedroom for a little cry.
Willow, Mummy, Daddy and Xavier love and cherish you so much and we just could not imagine our lives without you, thank you and Happy Birthday Darling Girl. XXX

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Confession Time 26 Aug 2010 2:22 PM (14 years ago)

Hello, my name is Sheryn and I am a shopaholic. Although always partial to a good shopping spree this addiction has gone ten fold since having the kids, I blame this on boredom and just a little bit of wanting to be a Yummy Mummy. The funny thing is that since having the kids shopping is so much harder.
As I have mentioned earlier I have been on a weight loss journey and I have now reached my goal weight. Part of achieving this is due to the reward I promised to give myself which was a HUGE shopping spree.

I also asked for only vouchers for my birthday which was graciously delivered, thanks friends and family. However when I imagined this shopping spree it was me all on my own, easier said than done when hubby works 6 days a week.
So after hearing the devastating news that DFO was in financial strife I decided to see what I could do to save it and yesterday I packed up two moody kids and a days worth of snacks and set of for my local DFO. The one year old screamed the whole time but I did not let this deter me, I think it's fair to say that DFO will not be closing it's doors any time soon. No, please don't thank me, just give me ideas on hiding the credit card bill.

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Birthday Celebrations!! 15 Aug 2010 3:01 PM (14 years ago)

It was my birthday this weekend and I must say it truly was glorious. I have had an awful throat infection for the last week but I did my best to ignore it (and my diet). Hubby and the kids spoilt me rotten, I love my new gumboots!!! I was born on Friday 13th and as this year it also fell on Friday 13th we had all the family over for pizza and cake. Then on Saturday we got a babysitter and hubby took me to Vue de Monde in Melbourne. What an experience, I even ate snails.....and they were yummy!!
It is weekends like this that you realise just how blessed you are to just have some of life's simple pleasures.
Now to get back on the diet!!

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HOUSE BOUND!!! 4 Aug 2010 3:03 PM (14 years ago)

I can honestly say that I have not had a week like this in so long and that's a good thing as it's been awful. Lots of things have happened but it's always like that, when it rains it pours. However one of the hardest aspects is two sick kids which means no leaving the house. I am going crazy!!
On a good note though, my weight loss journey is going great guns. After two kids and an illness I had stacked on the kilos and I felt sluggish and BIG. However I decided to follow the Dukan Diet and so far I have lost 7.4 kilos in 7 weeks. I love the feeling of putting on clothes and finding that they are too big. I have 1.6 kilos until my goal weight and then I am going on a killer shopping spree, sans kids!
Only problem is that I weighed what I weigh now 5 years ago when I got married but my body looked a lot different back then. I dare say having two babies and age have played a role in that. I am working out most days but may need to kick it up a notch.
It's amazing how much better you can handle stressful weeks like this when your health is good. Why didn't I do this sooner???

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My Travel List 3 Aug 2010 2:38 PM (14 years ago)

Simone over at honey and fizz got me thinking about my dream travel places today, so I thought I would share a few of them with you. The first of course being New York.

                                                              New York
                               Italy ( a must considering my other half is Italian)
                                                             San Francisco

There are so many more but I am concentrating on these ones for now. We are off to Fiji in October and yes I am very excited but this trip is based more on what's easiest with two kids. Hopefully the next one will be a little more adventurous!!

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Things that make me happy. 1 Aug 2010 8:41 PM (14 years ago)







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I FOUND IT 28 Jul 2010 4:17 AM (14 years ago)

If money were no object this is the house I would buy. I came across this in our local rag and I think my heart actually stopped. The inside is not to my taste at all but so much can be done about that. It's just so pretty. If somebody had asked me even an hour ago what my dream home looked like I could not have answered but now I can. Love it, love it, love it!!!!

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My Dream Outdoor Table 25 Jul 2010 5:45 PM (14 years ago)

I have always wanted a very rustic outdoor table, possibly made from railway sleepers, however I have never found one I loved, until now.
There is an old antique warehouse in Mornington that will be closing it's doors soon and while spending a few leasurely hours there yesterday I came across this table. How much you ask??? A bargain at $650.00. However the dilemma is this, earlier this year I gave up on this dream and bought an outdoor table from Early Settler, it cost a lot more money and just does not have the charachter of the one above. Hubby said if we were not turning our backyard into a contruction site very soon we could get it and sell the other. Words of wisdom but still worthy of a little tantrum I think :(
I have not told my sister this story yet but I can just hear her motto in my ears...See it, Love it, Buy it!!!

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Happy Birthday Hubby 24 Jul 2010 3:09 AM (14 years ago)

It was hubby's birthday on Thursday so today we had both our families around for cake. There is nothing like sitting around with loved ones watching the next generation play and explore. Master Xavier being 4 feels he has to be the responsible one with his sister Willow 11 months and cousin Kayla 1. So very cute, makes me realise how much he is growing up. Every day he comes out with the most amazing things and every day without fail he makes me laugh until my sides split. Love you little buddy xx

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Fiji Here We Come 22 Jul 2010 2:56 AM (14 years ago)

Finally accommodation booked, 11 nights at The Outrigger in Fiji. We so need this holiday and as we will begin building when we get back and then will be buying a new house it will be the last in a while. I have started looking on for some ideas on "the Dream Home" and already I am confused as to what I really want. It doesn't need to start as the dream house but it needs to be able to become the dream home. It's all happening so fast now, excited but a little freaked out!!

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Flights are all booked for 11 nights, now it would be handy if we had somewhere to stay, I am currently waiting on a quote. I have decided we do not go on holidays often enough to stay in mediocre accommodation. The room I want to get is a bure with butler service, but only if the quote comes in under budget. This holiday had better be good as when we return the backyard will be made into a construction site, which brings to mind the next dilemma, what to do with the four year old and two dogs??

Island Dreaming 18 Jul 2010 2:57 PM (14 years ago)

I am currently dreaming of lagoon waters and lazy days by the beach, especially since my little household of four are all sick. We are off to Fiji in October and I am so excited, 12 whole days, just myself, the workaholic and the kids.
I think this will be the first holiday I have ever had where I really do NOTHING!!

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Here We Go 18 Jul 2010 3:23 AM (14 years ago)

Well, I did it, I joined the blog world, something I thought I would be terrified of, and to be honest I still am a little.
I am a full time stay at home Mum, my little boy Xavier is four years old and my daughter Willow is ten months.
I used to love to write but for the last few years ( at least over 10) I have not really had an outlet to do so. Therefore I am very much out of pracetice so please bear with me.
We are currently living in our first house which we lovingly renovated. However we are now looking to upgrade to "THE DREAM HOME".
Council has FINALLY approved our plans to build a unit in our backyard and once hubby (builder/plumber) has completed that mammoth task I can start the search that I have been dreaming of for many years. It is this journey that I hope to take you all on with me.
I hope I do the blog world justice.

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