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StickUpKids #Bang 31 Dec 2010 3:27 PM (14 years ago)

  Incase (Live) by StickUpKids

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Don't Speculate Join The Movement- FSBK 2 Dec 2010 2:02 PM (14 years ago)

Coming Soon

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Lupe does it again #SWWAAAAGGG 17 Oct 2010 5:17 PM (14 years ago)

"Heirplanes" by Japanese Cartoon from 13thWitness™ on Vimeo.

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What is Power? 30 Sep 2010 5:58 PM (14 years ago)

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I LOVE THESE KICKS 29 Sep 2010 4:01 PM (14 years ago)

Shout out to YenTheGreat

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A small preview of whats to come 29 Sep 2010 3:53 PM (14 years ago)

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Dear Readers 29 Sep 2010 3:32 PM (14 years ago)

We apologize for the lack of posts. We have been extremely busy which is not an excuse; we will not fail you again.



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Kanye drops another one, this time with Beyonce and Charlie Wilson. November, 16th, where are you?

Yours Truly, Jinx 10 Jul 2010 7:11 AM (14 years ago)

Meet Jinx, an open minded and talented 16 year old girl originally from Brooklyn, but currently reciding in Wilmington, Delaware. Her artistry is amazing and her talent is inspirational; from her poetry to her photography to her drawings to her fashion sense. Her art expresses her genuine creativity and her love for what she does. In this exclusive feature, we're sharing a bit of her work. Check it all out after the jump. Here's a sneak:

It’s not me, it’s you”
By Jinx

Diamonds do appear to be just like broken glass to me.
Yet I couldn’t see,
you weren’t what I made you to be.
I’ve some how managed to lose clarity’s sight.
This is now a diming gleam lost in the depth’s of night, 
From soaring into golden skies to longing for harsh goodbyes
Your eyes, gorgeous pools of amber that I once wished to float in.
Gasping breaths,
flooded lungs,
I’m drowning.
I try to concentrate on a cure yet,
I just find what I can’t ignore.
I front like everything’s hunky-dory
But it’s a whole different story.
I was blinded to all your flaws, excepting the illusion that you had none.
I’ve now run out of fingers and toes to count them all.
It makes me sick, it makes me cringe, I am ill, what happened?
‘Cause you don’t know the pain I feel when I see you smilin’
This bitter yuck, this sour resentment.
What happened?
How could love be so kind and so gentle;
Yet turn and be so cold?
I hate to watch you fall from your pedestal but you’re mangled scraps of metal
Not shimmery plaques of gold.  


It’s not me, it’s you”
By Jinx

Diamonds do appear to be just like broken glass to me.
Yet I couldn’t see,
you weren’t what I made you to be.
I’ve some how managed to lose clarity’s sight.
This is now a diming gleam lost in the depth’s of night, 
From soaring into golden skies to longing for harsh goodbyes
Your eyes, gorgeous pools of amber that I once wished to float in.
Gasping breaths,
flooded lungs,
I’m drowning.
I try to concentrate on a cure yet,
I just find what I can’t ignore.
I front like everything’s hunky-dory
But it’s a whole different story.
I was blinded to all your flaws, excepting the illusion that you had none.
I’ve now run out of fingers and toes to count them all.
It makes me sick, it makes me cringe, I am ill, what happened?
‘Cause you don’t know the pain I feel when I see you smilin’
This bitter yuck, this sour resentment.
What happened?
How could love be so kind and so gentle;
Yet turn and be so cold?
I hate to watch you fall from your pedestal but you’re mangled scraps of metal
Not shimmery plaques of gold.  

-          This is an “anti-love” poem. The person has fallen out of love and is venting about it.

Dear _______ I _______ You

Those words, their meanings;
Interrupt’n my flow and my self righteous being
Tall walls; over bearing, stretching, hunching, sky scraping.
Blocking me from you;
Stopping us from being two.
You are you and I are I, Let’s put two and two together.
Why not? Why?
Let us be!
I want to scream over roof tops, crushing my lungs, I want you to see.
Read the lyrics in my eyes, how what needs to be said are tears I shant not cry.
Your loves the H2o when the well runs dry
Quench my thirst, keeps me alive.
You feel what I mean?
I play sweet words over and over in my mind.
Waiting and longing to whisper them to you in time.
Stop, I see your face, you see mine.
Time is lapsing, we are frozen, heat rising to our cheeks.
This is too sweet.
I open my mouth and unlatch lies.
We argue: who is she, who is he, what are we? I hate you!
Those words
They’re scratching, bruising.  You’re leaving.
Those words
They are not mine, they are not my meaning.
I am up to both sides of my heart, my lungs, my eyes.
The Oropharynx, Nasopharynx, the larynx, the trachea
All on fire at once; the pains moving up
No breathing, no blood flowing, my chest is caving.
I’m full of apologies with an every now and then plead,
Crying: Love me.
I’m writing what I cannot say.
The fact is my voice; my words are what’s hurting you in every way.
Here is that one amazing letter.
But time just isn’t in my favor, making me too late.
Here was that one amazing letter that was going to bring us back together.

-          In this person was in a relationship for a long time and took it for granted.


Q: What part of brooklyn are you originally from?
A: I'm from Fort Green. So I Guess You Can say Clinton Hill.

Q: When did you start writing poetry?
A: I started madd young; I guess around when I was eight.

Q: When do you find yourself writing the most?
A: Well I'm a random person so I find myself writing most when I least expect it or when I just experienced something that I know can be related to spiritually and emotionally, no matter how ridiculous. So anytime and any place pretty much.

Q: Any inspirations? 
A: Some people that give me inspiration are my dad who is a major influence because he is the reason I started and still continue. Also Shel Silverstein, Taylor Mali, and Julia Overly. But I really get inspiration from anything and everything.

Q: What’s your favorite book?
A: Favorite book... Would be The Autobiography Of Malcolm X and A Piece Of Heaven, by Sharon Dennis Wyeth.

Q: What do you see yourself doing ten years from now?
A: Ten years from now I find myself in one way or another in happiness no matter how cliche that sounds, that's what I want. I also possibly working on a magazine; Nylon preferably. Also continuing with my wirting and art work which I hope by then to be noticed, published, etc. 

Q: Any other hobbies?
A: Hobbies... day dreaming, page doodling, traveling, getting lost and being lost lol. Chillin with my friends being outrageous and obnoxious. Finding good music and spending money I don't have. lol

Q: What would be your advice to younger kids with similar interests as you? 
A: My advice would be to keep dreaming and accept all that is given. Don't waste an opportunity but see it as a chance to pursue. Take a chance to make something happen not just wait till it does. "It's one thing to question authority; you have to speak with it too." Being often seen as an outcast because of what you wish to create is a beautiful thing. It shows that the someone is noticing, if you're not thought provoking, you're bringing some sort of emotion.



-Brooklyn.. duhhh

-Hollywood Blvd.

-Venice Beach, CA



-"Thnx Silent Noise"

-"Sr. Cudi"

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k!dult By Pharrell 13 Jun 2010 9:51 AM (14 years ago)

The Kidult Youth Leadership Conference, themed “Feed Your Curiosity,” will kick off at 7:30AM at the Sheraton New York Hotel & Tower. Kidults (youth between the ages of 14 and 21) will spend the day with notable speakers from industries as diverse as business, technology, philanthropy, entertainment and fashion. Topics for the day include, "How to Change the World in 90 Days," "The Top 10 Qualities of a Leader," "Turn Your Ideas Into Moneymakers," and "How to Find Your Passion."
“The Kidult Youth Leadership Conference is designed to help young adults cultivate their curiosity and desire for greatness, and we are committed to nurturing young leaders in every way possible,” says co-founder Mimi Valdés. “I am thrilled that Pharrell will close out the day with a performance, tickets are only $45 and include breakfast and lunch. Our dream is to build a once-in-a-lifetime day for kids from every walk of life.”

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Elbee Thrie's "I am A piG" Release 8 Jun 2010 5:37 PM (14 years ago)

Check out our man Robert, aka Elbee Thrie, straight out of Brooooooklyn. His new album "I am A piG" drops tomorrow. And the download is FREE. The link will be up tomorrow once it drops  Visit to download the album! Make sure you check it out! Dopeness you can't even comprehend. Check him out on youtube and on myspace:
enliten online: 2010
Click here for Elbee Thrie's YouTube channel!
Click here for Elbee Thrie's Myspace music page!
MUSIC* "I am A piG"...June 9th ---Threece!!!---


Elbee Thrie- whose real name is Robert L.S. Booker, was born on June 9th, 1992, in BROOKLYN, NY. Elbee Thrie started dealing with music before he was born. His father Linwood Booker (LB1) tapped rhythms on his mother's stomach while she was pregnant so he could obtain the understanding of rhythm. He learned how to play piano, bass and drums from his father. He also took piano lessons as a very young boy...growing up to educate himself at various music schools such as The Juilliard School of Music, The Manhattan School of Music, The Brooklyn Conservatory of Music, Jazz @ Lincoln Center's Middle School Jazz Academy, and various school bands. (P.S. 289, P.S. 282, M.S. 113 and Edward R. Murrow High School AND PLAYED DRUM SET IN CHURCH) Now at 17 years old he now uses that knowledge to produce "off the chain" instrumentals and songs. Elbee Thrie is in two bands. One of them is called "PHONY PPL". (to hear PHONY PPL music go to ) The other band is the MIDDLE SCHOOL JAZZ ACADEMY ALUMNI BAND. (to hear the music from the MIDDLE SCHOOL JAZZ ACADEMY ALUMNI have to come to the shows. *Elbee Thrie IS ALWAYS LOOKING FOR GOOD ARTISTS TO WORK WITH TO CREATED HOT MUSIC* "I am A piG"...June 9th ---Threece!!!---

MUSIC* "I am A piG"...June 9th ---Threece!!!---

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Diggy-Flow Supid 18 Mar 2010 4:34 PM (14 years ago)

Diggy - Made you look Freestyle (Flow Stoopid) from Diggy Simmons on Vimeo.

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Featured 'Photo of the Week', Coming Soon 3 Mar 2010 2:03 PM (15 years ago)

We plan on presenting our readers with a "Photo of the Week" section. Every week, we will update the section with a shot taken by the squad that we felt was worthy of being featured. Stay tuned for it. Want to be featured in the section? Hit us up. Contact us at with your info. Watch your backs you guys.. you just might get shot by the squad!

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RoughstarsxRocki Evans @ Santos Party House 1 Mar 2010 5:09 PM (15 years ago)

The Brooklyn-based band the Roughstars are a self-proclaimed "Bump-Rock" band, best known for their ability to amalgamate the styles of soul, rock, electro, funk, and 80's pop into one effusive, "mashed up" sound.. The Home Style Cooking signed Roughstars site The Clash, Funkadelic, Timbaland and ESG as their most formidable influences. The Roughstars are comprised of band members Lars (previously a member of hardcore bands Side By Side and Judge), Vito and Bullet Brown. Whereas Vito and Bullet Brown bless the group with heartfelt vocals, Lars compliments their words with "tweaked digital funk and dusted live instrumentation." Contemporaries of the Roughstars include Danger Mouse and Jemini, Mike Ladd, and TV on the Radio.

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Photo Shoot With Outspaceous 28 Feb 2010 5:27 PM (15 years ago)

D90 335 [1600x1200]

FiringSquadBk putting in work with Outspaceous, an upcoming music duo from Brooklyn, NY. Cory Douglas (left) and Joshua Gay (right) are doing big things in the music world:

Outspaceous, is a record production duo consisting of longtime friends Cory Douglas and Joshua Gay. Although they met in the second grade, wanting to be in the art field, in some weird way spontaneously became a group through their love of music. "Yeah, it was kinda weird how we came together; I mean one minute we were drawing cartoons and the next we were making beats and songs," states Cory. Although a group for nearly three years, Outspaceous went nameless. In their sophmore year of High School they thought of a name like no other. "One day we was thinkin' that the sky isn't the limit...we wanted to go above and beyond the sky. How could we be sky high if we floating in space, and Outspaceous became the official name," Joshua discusses. The future for Outspaceous seems bright, and prosperous. Keep on the outlook for the YouTube page and future beats. Thanks for visting the page, it's appreciated, and please come back again...with your friends. Peace.

Check em out on their myspace music page:

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GAME REBELION-92Y 28 Feb 2010 11:53 AM (15 years ago)

Rock and roll has been awaiting the coming of Game Rebellion for a long time: An all Black all outta Brooklyn band whose metal, punk and rudeboy skanking licks sound as credible and crunchy as their hiphop lyrics and headnodding bounce. Game makes the difficult sound effortless and the miraculous seem second nature: A hard rock band with a B-boy MC who can actually spit? No problem. A street worthy mixtape of hiphop anthems created by a band that actually rocks and flows? No problem.
Game Rebellion has been making big waves on the New York Afro-punk/Black Rock scene for about three years. In that short time they've ventured out even further out to slam heads rock houses and muddy the lilywhite waters of alt-rock from NYC and Cali to Puerto Rico and the UK. They just may be the best-kept secret in music right now (their vaunted endorsement sealed with a kiss from Sade notwithstanding).
A band of rowdy brothers with higher education pedigrees--Yohimbe and Netic have college paper, Chief Med is a qualified acupuncturist-- they've got nice skills on the mic and book learned brains and aren't afraid if today's dumbered-down hiphop knows it. They're no strangers to the classroom, the rehearsal room, the protest line or one suspects, give their brand of gangsta-militancy, the police.

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FiringSquadBk 26 Feb 2010 4:25 AM (15 years ago)

To obtain quotes and other general inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us by email:

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92y Esso 26 Feb 2010 3:33 AM (15 years ago)

Born and raised in Harlem, ESSO was always very much in tune with the duality of his surroundings. Growing up in the 80’s and 90’s, he was extremely aware of the street activities taking place around him, but he also understood the cultural significance of Harlem from a young age. This same understanding would help shape his musical identity years later. As he puts it, “On one side of Harlem you have the Bumpy Johnson’s and the Frank Lucas’ and AZ’s of the world, and on the other side you have the Langston Hughes’ and Count Basie’s and the Harlem Renaissance. I’ve been exposed to both sides, which makes me look at things differently than a lot of people.”

Since releasing ESSOcentric in October of 2006, and the follow-ups ESSObama: The Champagne Campaign, and E3: E-Day, ESSO has quickly become one of the most well known independent artists in New York City. Named “Unsigned Hype” by The Source Magazine in December of 2006, ESSO has also made appearances on BET’s Rap City and MTV’s Sucker Free: Straight from the Streets, SHADE45 (Sirius Satellite Radio), XM Raw 66 (XM Satellite Radio), various College Radio shows throughout New York State and was featured twice in SCRATCH Magazine to critical acclaim. He has also performed across the country in New York, Las Vegas and Washington DC, played at CMJ in 2008 and played South By Southwest for the first time in 2009.


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Blog underconstruction coming sooooooooon 22 Feb 2010 2:57 PM (15 years ago)

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Welcome to FiringSquadBK 22 Feb 2010 2:53 PM (15 years ago)

An aspiring photography duo, FiringSquadBk was created in conjunction with close friends Adisa Duke and Powers Pleasant, both from Brooklyn. With such an interest in photography, the duo has created a joint blog onto which they broadcast what they percieve in their lives through their own artistic eyes. With a passion for music and a love for photography, FiringSquadBk presents to you its official photography blog. Shoot to love, not to kill.

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