A web cam takes digital pictures and sends them over the Internet. It is similar to a digital camera because it can be used to take still digital pictures of whatever it sees. However, it is more like a video camera because it captures moving pictures (or very fast stills). A key aspect of a web cam is that the pictures it takes are accessible over the Internet.
A web cam or web camera allows people who have an Internet connection to see each other and their surroundings when they talk. This is known as live video chat. The quality of the images will depend on the rate at which image frames are captured.
The first web cam was created in 1991 by computer scientists at Cambridge University, England, where it was used to take pictures of a coffee pot. Since then, web cams have pervaded modern life. Not only can web users see and talk to people around the world, but they can also monitor weather and traffic in both near and far locations. Web cams also have many applications in business and security.
For more Video Chat tips, visit http://VideoChat.lifetips.com