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She is born! 27 Mar 2012 11:18 PM (12 years ago)

My precious little girl was born on 5th March 2012!

My confinement period is coming to an end soon, I'm going to be free! Though free, I still can't really go anywhere since I'm the only one to take care of my girl.

Thus no hope going for Syracuse Orangemen Football, stanford cardinal football tickets, usm golden eagles football tickets or syracuse orangemen football tickets are not applicable.

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Suzie is heaviest girl born in the UK 16 Feb 2012 6:13 PM (13 years ago)

I just read about a supersize baby at, share with my readers here. Do visit their site for photo of the huge baby compared to the corner desks!
THIS is supersize Suzie, the heaviest baby girl ever born in Britain — at an eye-watering 12lbs 12oz.

She was almost DOUBLE the weight of an average newborn — and had two TEETH at birth.

Astonishingly, mum Gemma Tevendale, 26, gave birth naturally with just the aid of gas and air.

Labour lasted only 44 minutes and she didn't need stitches.

Most mothers of extra-large babies have a Caesarean.

Gemma said last night: "The midwife was shocked.

"They'd said she was going to be big — between 10 to 11 pounds. But when they saw she was 12lbs 12oz they thought the scales had broken." Suzie was born three weeks ago and is already two feet long and wearing clothes for babies aged six months.

Gemma, who is just 5ft 4ins, said: "When we put her in a 0-3 months suit she looked like she was going to explode out of it." And her daughter's appetite is also big. She is breast fed but needs bottles too because she is hungry all the time.

Gemma's two older children were large babies, but nothing like Suzie. Vincent, now six, was 10lbs 10oz, and Violet, four, was 11lbs 2oz. And both Gemma and Suzie's dad — IT technician James Gzowski, 25 — were average size at birth.

The proud mum, from Swindon, Wilts, thinks eating FISH may have caused her whopping newborn.

She said: "The midwife explained that could have contributed to it.

"I do like my fish four times a week. I hadn't gone overboard with it, although I probably had more than I should — usually tuna and smoked salmon."

Gemma revealed that scans during her pregnancy had shown the baby would be bigger than normal, although not as large as 12lbs 12oz.

She said: "I was so huge everyone thought it was twins.

"I don't know what it's like to have a newborn — it's like I just give birth to three-month-old babies."

"We're not planning any more. Three's a nice number — they fit in the car!"

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Walgreens Prescription Savings Club 21 Jan 2012 1:00 PM (13 years ago)

This post brought to you by Walgreens. All opinions are 100% mine.

During the festive season, all of us eat so much that we could easily fall sick and doctors are on holidays. Thus we have to visit pharmacies for medicines! So, do take good care while celebrating Chinese New Year!

Good news is here to celebrate Chinese New Year! For this Chinese New Year, Walgreens has special discount when you sign up for their membership on….

Walgreens is offering a special discount on annual membership for Walgreens Prescription Savings Club. For $10 a year, a family membership covers everyone in your immediate family, including a spouse, dependents 22 and younger and pets. Individuals may join with only $5.

Just join and you could receive discount prices on your prescriptions.

Other exciting benefits include:

  • Savings on more than 8,000 brand-name and all generic medications.
  • Discounts on flu shots, pet prescriptions, nebulizers and diabetic supplies.
  • Bonuses when you purchase Walgreens brand products and photofinishing services.

I supported Walgreens and stay updated by liking Walgreens on Facebook and following Walgreens on Twitter. Do the same to get frequent updates on promotions and discounts from Walgreens! Do not missed this opportunity to get the privileges and discounts from Walgreens! Act now or you will regret!

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Food to avoid for a happy tummy 1 Nov 2011 11:09 PM (13 years ago)

For people who want to lose weight fast have to look out for the below listed food for the sack of your tummy! With the help of some Weight Loss Tips and by avoiding the below foods, I'm sure you will be able to have a fast weight loss.

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Teen admits to having four abortions 26 Oct 2011 6:42 PM (13 years ago)

What is going on with the teenagers? Four abortions for a 14-year-old girl? It is ridiculous! Whom to be blamed for the act? Parents or the society? Hubby and I had put much effort in order to get pregnant, however the little girl already had four abortion! I can't imagine how bad the society had become. I must put extra effort on my coming daughter!!!

SEPANG: A 14-year-girl who gave birth to a stillborn at home has ad­­mitted to having had four abortions.

The teenager, who lives with her family in a shop house at Pulau Meranti here, was found by her parents on Monday night looking pale. They were shocked to see her bleeding profusely and informed a relative, who lodged a police report.

When the police arrived, they found a stillborn baby in a yellow plastic bag in the girl’s room. The girl then admitted that she had given birth to the baby. She also admitted to have had aborted four previous pregnancies.

Sepang OCPD Supt Imran Abdul Rahman confirmed that police were investigating the matter.

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Eating out healthily 6 Oct 2011 5:24 PM (13 years ago)

Eating out usually means that we have little control over how the food is prepared or how large the portion is. Foods eaten out tend to be higher in fat. I have no idea whether protein pudding is one of them. But I will share with you general tips on eating out healthily.

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The Healthy Living Pyramid 4 Oct 2011 6:36 PM (13 years ago)

Since I'm pregnant, I will put more effort on my nutrition intake. And I have found the healthy living pyramid. Thus I don't have to take protien bars.

The Healthy Living Pyramid (HLP) was developed to provide a simple guide to planning the types of foods we should eat and in what proportions different foods should be consumed. The pyramid represents food from the core food groups only. That is, it shows meat, fish, chicken, eggs, nuts, bread, cereals, vegetables, legumes, fruit, milk, etc. We all know though that during meals we do not eat core food groups alone - we combine several of them together to create a meal. For example, we mix meat with vegetables to make a stew or casserole, eggs with milk and sugar to make custard or flour with oil, cheese, vegetables and meat to make a pizza. Although the pyramid can’t show all possible food combination, mixing foods and adding herbs and spices to create appealing flavors can help us enjoy foods in the variety needed whilst keeping to the proportions outlined in the Pyramid.

The Healthy Living Pyramid encourages food variety and a diet of minimum fat, adequate fibre, limited salt and sufficient water that is balanced with physical activity. The ‘Move More' base of the Pyramid shows moving legs to remind us that physical activity is an essential part of the energy balance equation that should be combined with healthy eating.

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He gets paid to sleep on the job 28 Sep 2011 6:58 PM (13 years ago)

Wow, who does not want a job like this? Just sleeping alone can earn you a living! I always sleeping at home nowadays, without income. Why not hire me to sleep? Then I could have earn some money while pregnant! Who does not want money? I want money and I need a lot of money!

HE has the best excuse to sleep on the job.

Lee Jia, 27, earns 10,000 renminbi (RM5,000) a month just to test the comfort level at hotel rooms.

Besides sleeping, he checks out the scent of the rooms, the cleanliness, the brand of toiletries and the type of TV programmes available.

Sin Chew Daily quoted Lee, a Chinese national, as saying that his job was more than just sleeping in hotel rooms and that it could get stressful at times.

His job, he said, required him to observe well his surroundings.

Lee, who loves traveling, said he would then write a review of the hotel and its facilities on his blog.

“You need to be highly focused and articulate to observe every detail in order to produce a comprehensive report,” he said.

Day-dreaming does not help, right? Okay, I will have to check out complaints now and stop my day-dream.

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Straight Talk 27 Sep 2011 9:41 AM (13 years ago)

This post brought to you by Straight Talk. All opinions are 100% mine.

What is Straight Talk anyway? Straight Talk is a “All You Need Plan” meets even the needs of heavy phone users with 1,000 minutes, 1,000 texts and 30 MB of web data. It is a unlimited monthly service for only $45, and includes calls, text, picture messaging, and web which means unlimited calls, text, picture messaging and web for a whole year, for only $499.00! 411 calls are included at no extra charge and it is free from activation, reactivation, or termination fees.

I love the idea that I feel richer with Straight Talk because I cut my cell phone bill in half. You have to be crazy to be on a contract these days when you can get everything you need without one. Hook, line and sinker! You can use Android on Straight Talk to Call a friend too!

Let us watch one of some real Straight Talk customers says.

Imagine the amount of money you could save switching to Straight Talk. I would have buy more baby stuff for my coming baby with the extra money I saved! My baby will definitely have more nice cloths! Six months to go before my precious little one comes to the world!

Visit Sponsor's Site

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Free consultation from a injury lawyer 17 Aug 2011 5:57 AM (13 years ago)

The Law Offices have helped many people who have been injured in auto accidents and motorcycle accidents. David W. Barlow, a Honolulu Injury Lawyer, is the owner. They have obtained compensation for people injured in pedestrian accidents and moped accidents. Do call them for a free consultation.

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It's enjoyable while it's suffering 10 Jul 2011 6:12 PM (13 years ago)

I seldom online nowadays. I will be backed at home after lunch everyday and start sticking my eyes to the TV for Taiwan dramas. It is enjoyable to chase one episode after another, but also suffer from watching too much TV, making myself tired!

Anyway, as what we all knew, it is no good to face computer for long as it will create a lot of radiation that may affect health, thus hubby refrained me from getting my computer on for long. I have no choice but to obey. I am a good girl! God will bless a good girl!

I have come across a sentence that worth a read - “Probably the worst myth about bankruptcy is that you need to be flat broke before you should file,” says Sacramento bankruptcy attorney Gerald B. Glazer. Interesting huh?

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What causes cancer? 13 Jun 2011 9:34 PM (13 years ago)

My mom died of cancer, thus the word Cancer means a lot to me. I am sensitive towards this word!

Cancer is essentially a disease of the cells, where individual cells become abnormal and multiply out of control. Cancer can occur in any of the cells in the body, as everything in our body, including our organs, bones, muscles, skin and blood, is made up of millions of tiny cells.

If cancer occurs in the cells of the skin, then the person has skin cancer; if it is in the cells of the breast, then it is breast cancer.

Cancer starts from the genes of one abnormal cell. In a normal cell, there are genes that control how the cell divides and multiplies – a cell becomes abnormal if those genes are damaged or mutated. This causes the cell to start multiplying out of control, to form a cancerous (or malignant) tumour. This tumour may form a lump or a patch of cells that can be seen on a scan.

Every person has a risk of developing cancer, simply because we are made up of cells. There is nothing that can completely prevent cancers from developing because nature cannot be controlled.

However, there are certain biological, environmental and lifestyle risk factors that increase the likelihood of cell mutations. These could range from cigarette smoke and asbestos, to certain viruses.

If you reduce these risk factors in your life, you would contribute towards dramatically diminishing the chances of getting cancer. In other words, don’t give your cells a chance to go bad!

Cancer triggers

We all know that smoking leads to lung cancer. This is because cigarettes and cigarette smoke contain cancer-causing substances that are carcinogenic, like benzenes or ammonia. These carcinogens, which turn cells cancerous, are one of the main causes of cancer.

The longer the duration, and the greater the amount of carcinogens that you are exposed to, the greater your risk of developing cancer. The most commonly known carcinogens are tobacco smoke (causes cancer of the lung, mouth, throat, oesophagus, bladder and pancreas), asbestos (causes mesothelioma), and radiation from UV rays or radioactive materials.

Certain viruses and bacteria can also lead to cancer. This doesn’t mean that you can “catch” a cancer the same way you catch a viral influenza. What happens is that the virus or the bacteria causes cell mutations that lead to cancer.

The hepatitis B and C viruses can increase the risk of liver cancer, while the human papillomavirus (HPV) can lead to abnormalities in the cervical and genital cells that may become cancerous after several years.

There are vaccinations for hepatitis B and HPV, so that can protect yourself from these infections. Furthermore, women should have regular Pap smears to pick up any possible HPV infection and treat it early.

One type of bacteria known to play a role in cancer is Helicobacter pylori, which infects the stomach lining and eventually leads to inflammation and increased risk of cancer. H. pylori infection can be treated with antibiotics.

Lifestyle factors

Some risk factors for cancer are beyond our control. For instance, age increases the likelihood of cancer, but we cannot stop the hands of time from advancing. You are more likely to develop cancer the older you get, because the mutations in the cells take a long time to develop and turn into cancerous cells.

When you are older, your body’s immune system is also weaker and less able to resist the development of abnormal cells or repair them. This is the same reason that certain types of cancer are more likely in people with weakened immune systems, like organ transplant patients who take immunosuppressive medications, people living with HIV and AIDS, or those who have disorders that affect their immunity.

There has been a lot of debate in recent years about whether your diet and physical activity has an impact on cancer development. Increasingly, scientists are starting to say “yes”, as research shows that certain foods have cancer-protective properties, while others can increase the risk of cancer.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that strengthen the body’s immune system and protect it from damage caused by age, the food we eat, and environmental factors. All the different-coloured fruits and vegetables, such as green broccoli, orange carrots, red cabbage, blueberries and purple eggplant, contain unique compounds that may protect against cancer.

Eating at least five servings of colourful fruits and vegetables every day is the easiest form of defence against cancer and keeps the body generally healthy.

Eating too much of high-fat foods is thought to contribute to the risk of cancer, because it is most likely to cause obesity. Along with lack of physical activity and overindulgence in alcohol, obesity has a strong link with certain types of cancers, such as colorectal cancer.

Some of my patients have read emails or heard claims that food additives and artificial sweeteners are carcinogenic. These claims can cause a lot of unnecessary fear in people. All ingredients in our food products are regulated by the Health Ministry, and these products would not be approved if they were shown to cause cancer.

If you are wary, you can reduce your intake of artificial sweeteners and processed foods, so that you consume mostly natural ingredients. However, there is no need to be paranoid, as it would take huge amounts of any substance to cause serious harm – and it is rarely possible for a person to consume so much of any product or ingredient.

Born with cancer?

Some of my patients have asked me whether they have “cancer genes”, because many of their close family members, like their mother, sisters, and aunts, have developed cancer.

Some people may be born with a genetic mutation in their cells that makes them “genetically predisposed” to developing cancer. However, it doesn’t mean that they will definitely get cancer, just that they are at higher risk because they already have one of several mutations needed for cancer to develop.

One instance of genetic predisposition is the BRCA1 and BRCA2 breast cancer genes, where women who carry one of these genes may be at higher risk of developing breast cancer than women who do not have the gene. These genes can be identified through genetic testing.

However, all this talk about genetic predisposition can be misleading. Some women think that just because they have the genes, they are doomed to cancer. Other women think that just because they do not have the genes, they will not get cancer, so they do not have to do breast self-examination or go for regular medical checkups.

Let me use BRCA as an example again. Less than 5% of all breast cancer is due to the mutated BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene – which means at least 95% of breast cancer out there is caused by a multitude of other factors, some of which I have described above.

That is the most important take-home message for cancer prevention – there is not one single cause for cancer, but a combination of risk factors and triggers. There are many things that have to happen before cancer can develop – for instance, whether you have the genetic make-up, have been exposed to carcinogens, how you eat and exercise, and the general state of your health, all of which will have to cause several genetic mutations before cancer develops.

The best advice I can give women is to live healthy, think positively, and always be in control by managing your health. By reducing all of the risk factors listed above, you are giving your body a fighting chance to keep cancer at bay.

Datuk Dr Nor Ashikin Mokhtar is a consultant obstetrician & gynaecologist (FRCOG, UK). For further information, visit The information provided is for educational and communication purposes only and it should not be construed as personal medical advice. Information published in this article is not intended to replace, supplant or augment a consultation with a health professional regarding the reader’s own medical care. The Star does not give any warranty on accuracy, completeness, functionality, usefulness or other assurances as to the content appearing in this column. The Star disclaims all responsibility for any losses, damage to property or personal injury suffered directly or indirectly from reliance on such information.

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Japan back in recession 19 May 2011 12:42 AM (13 years ago)

The recent earthquake and tsunami in March has sent Japan back in recession. The below is a news I stumble in during my online search for Tile Floor. It was expected to happened after the turmoil, I pray for Japan in their speeding recovery.

Japan's economy, the world's third largest, has slid back into recession after the devastation caused by the earthquake and tsunami in March.

Gross domestic product shrank 0.9% in the first three months of the year, the Cabinet office said, giving an annualised rate of contraction of 3.7%.

Analysts say consumption and exports were worst hit.

Japan's economy has now contracted for two quarters in a row, the generally accepted definition of a recession.

Japan sank into a recession during the global financial crisis, but had emerged from it in 2009.

The contraction in the first three months of this year was bigger than expected, with most analysts expecting the annualised rate would show a contraction of about 2%.

"Japan's economy is expected to remain weak for the time being," said Japanese Economics Minister Kaoru Yosano on Thursday.

However, Mr Yosano said that supply constraints were easing and reconstruction demand was likely to spur growth.

"The economy has the strength to bounce back," Mr Yosano said.

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Too many men 'unconcerned' about weight health risks 10 May 2011 11:15 PM (13 years ago)

Too many men are failing to recognize the health risks of being overweight, according to Men's Health Forum chief executive Peter Baker.

He says that by not acting to tackle the problem, the NHS is making "a rod for its own back".

Women face a lot of cultural pressure to be slim. This is largely not because of health concerns and can sometimes have quite tragic consequences.

It does mean though, that many women often have a good understanding of the factors that affect their weight.

The majority of men, on the other hand, appear not to be as bothered about their weight as they maybe should be. Neither are health services.

A significantly greater proportion of men are overweight or obese (66% of men compared with 57% of women).

Too many men still die too young - 22% of men in England and Wales die before they reach 64 compared to 13% of women.

Overweight and obesity are a major factor in this excess burden of male death.

Two thirds of men are overweight or obese - the obesity rate alone could rise to 60% by 2050.

Overweight men tend to be "apple-shaped", overweight women "pear-shaped". For complex physiological and biological reasons, this extra fat around the middle causes much greater harm.

Yet many men seem unconcerned about their weight.

Their attitude is that weight is a "women's issue".

This is a cultural thing. Women face a lot more body image pressure than men, although that is starting to affect some young men too.

But generally it appears men are less aware of the connection between excess weight and poorer health.

Being overweight increases the risks of heart disease and stroke - the biggest killers of men.

It is also an important risk factor for several cancers.

Men are 70% more likely than women to die from cancers common to both sexes and 60% more likely to get such a cancer.

For a better life and a better health, not only women but men also need to take in more diet foods.

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Japan nuclear agency raises threat level 11 Apr 2011 8:26 PM (13 years ago)

For Japan's nuclear leakage, the agency raises the level from 5 to 7, 7 is the highest possible level and is on par with Chernobyl. Japan's government has called for further evacuations.

This raised the public concern again for the possible radiation transport by air to nearby country. We had done canceling our trip to Korea as the result of this! I am now focusing on my website development instead.

Tokyo (CNN) -- Japanese authorities Tuesday "provisionally" declared the country's nuclear accident a level-7 event on the international scale for nuclear disasters -- the highest level -- putting it on par with the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.

Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency announced the new level Tuesday morning. It had previously been at 5.

Regulators have determined the amount of radioactive iodine released by the damaged reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant was at least 15 times the volume needed to reach the top of the International Nuclear Event Scale, the agency said. That figure is still about 10 percent of the amount released at Chernobyl, they said.

The amount of radioactive Cesium-137, which has a half-life of 30 years, is about one-seventh the amount released at Chernobyl, according to the agency.

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Hackers hunt prey on smartphones, Facebook 6 Apr 2011 1:10 AM (13 years ago)

This news is published in

Hackers are following prey onto smartphones and social networking hotspots, according to reports released Tuesday by a pair of computer security firms.

Cyber criminals are also ramping up the sophistication and frequency of attacks on business and government networks, one of the companies, Symantec, said in the latest volume of its Internet Security Threat Report.

Symantec depicted a "massive" volume of more than 286 new computer threats on the Internet last year, continued growth in attacks at online social networks and "a notable shift in focus" by hackers to mobile devices.

"The major mobile platforms are finally becoming ubiquitous enough to garner the attention of attackers," Symantec said in its findings.

In March, smartphones running on Google-backed Android software were the target of the largest attack ever on the devices, noted a PandaLabs report focused on the first three months of this year.

"This assault was launched from malicious applications on Android Market, the official app store for the operating system," PandaLabs said.

Within a four-day span, seemingly legitimate Android smartphone applications rigged with malicious "Trojan" computer code were downloaded more than 50,000 times, according to PandaLabs.

"The Trojan steals personal information from cellphones, and downloads and installs other apps without the user's knowledge," the computer security firm said.

"Google managed to rid its store of all malicious apps, and several days later removed them from users' phones."

The Symantec report indicated that cyber crooks were also infiltrating news-feed capabilities at popular social networking services to "mass-distribute" attacks.

Such tactics typically involve getting into one person's account at a social network and then sending others links to websites booby-trapped with malicious computer code.

"Social network platforms continue to grow in popularity and this popularity has, not surprisingly, attracted a large volume of malware," Symantec said.

PandaLabs gave an example of a 23-year-old California man facing sentencing after pleading guilty to using information found on Facebook to hack email accounts to find compromising messages for blackmail.

Even Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg saw his fan page at the social networking website hacked this year, the security firm noted.

PandaLabs researchers logged an average of 73,190 new snippets of malicious computer code daily during the first three months of this year in what was said to be a 26 percent jump from the same period in 2010.

Hackers showed a strong predeliction for a kind of malicious code used to mine bank account data and, ultimately, get into people's accounts, the computer security firm indicated.

China, Thailand and Taiwan had the highest rates of infection, with nearly 70 percent of the computers in those countries "riddled with malware," according to PandaLabs.

Many attacks on company or government computer networks involved hackers researching key employees and then duping them or colleagues into enabling access to protected networks, Symantec's report showed.

Researchers warned that onslaughts by "hacktivists" such as the group "Anonymous" and others with seeming political goals could signal a dangerous cyber arms race.

"Stuxnet and Hydraq, two of the most visible cyber-events of 2010, represented true incidents of cyberwarfare and have fundamentally changed the threat landscape," said Symantec Security Technology and Response senior vice president Stephen Trilling.

"The nature of the threats has expanded from targeting individual bank accounts to targeting the information and physical infrastructure of nation states."

Is email marketing service the cause of the hack?

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Traditional chinese medicine 4 Apr 2011 11:32 PM (13 years ago)

I have been eating traditional chinese medicine for more than a month, the result is quite significant. My face is now growing rosy pink. And overall, I am more energetic compared to previous days when I am always fatigue.

I was not confident with traditional chinese medicine initially, and from the beginning of the intake of traditional chinese medicine, I am extremely fatigue for a whole week. However, I am getting better day by day.

Via the search engine marketing, I have found some information about traditional chinese medicine:

Traditional Chinese medicines are made from plants and herbs, and occasionally from organ meats or other substances. Medicinals are typically constructed from a number of materials designed - according to its theory - to stimulate certain organ systems or to balance out the undesired aspects of other materials used. These are often provided in dried form to be steeped into a tea, though practitioners may suggest them as dietary changes instead - adding certain organ meats or herbs to meals, for instance - or they may be powdered and used in pill form. There are roughly 13,000 medicinals used in China and over 100,000 medicinal recipes recorded in the ancient literature. Some conceptions of the theory believe that toxicity is needed to fight pathogens in the body, similar to homeopathy, so chemicals considered to be toxic are used in some preparations. Further, ingredients may have different names in different locales or in historical texts, and different preparations may have similar names for the same reason, which creates inconsistencies and confusion in the creation of medicinals, resulting in poisoning.

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Recently 16 Mar 2011 8:23 PM (14 years ago)

I have been getting better by day with the intake of traditional chinese medicine. Though it is rather troublesome to boil and stay around to keep an eye on the pot - to avoid over-boiled, I think it worth the hard work. The medicine are in pack form which is to be boil twice per pack to drink for 2 days - one small bowl each day. For day 1 - boil 5 bowls into 1 bowl; day 2 - boil 3 bowls into 1 bowl.

My aunt's new home is renovating now, going to move in end of April, they are having Laminate flooring install today. Hubby and I will be going Kuantan again soon!

Sad news from Japan had came over everyday, we pray for them. Hopefully everything going to settle down soon - no more disasters. World peace!

TOKYO (Reuters) - Operators of a quake-crippled nuclear plant in Japan dumped water on overheating reactors on Thursday while the United States expressed growing alarm about leaking radiation and urged its citizens to stay well clear of the area.

While Japanese officials were scrambling to contain the nuclear crisis with a patchwork of fixes, the top U.S. nuclear regulator warned that one reactor cooling pool for spent fuel rods may have run dry and another was leaking.

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Let's pray for Japan 11 Mar 2011 9:49 PM (14 years ago)

As we all knew, 8.9 magnitude quake had struck Japan, there must be hundreds or may be thousands of people lost their life. Let's pray for them. I'll get more education books on how to survive in earth quake, in case we meet up any during holiday trips.

FUKUSHIMA, Japan (Reuters) - Japan scrambled on Saturday to contain a crisis at two nuclear plants damaged when a massive earthquake and tsunami struck its northeast coast, probably killing at least 1,300 people.

A day after the biggest quake on record in Japan, the government said it was still too early to grasp the full extent of damage or casualties. The confirmed death toll so far is almost 300, though media reports say it is at least 1,300.

"Unfortunately, we must be prepared for the number to rise greatly," Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano told reporters.

The tremor, with a magnitude of 8.9, was so huge that thousands fled their homes from coastlines around the Pacific Rim, as far away as North and South America, fearful of a tsunami.

Most appeared to have been spared anything more serious than some high waves, unlike Japan's northeast coastline which was hammered by a 10-metre high tsunami that turned houses and ships into floating debris as it surged into cities and villages, sweeping aside everything in its path.

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Travellers shun capsule hotel 4 Mar 2011 5:53 PM (14 years ago)

Capsule hotel now appears in Shanghai! It's a concept from the Japan. However, not much people especially Chinese accept this kind of concept, they should needed the email marketing service to promote it to the public.

THE Xitai Capsule Hotel, modelled after famous capsule hotels in Japan, has not received a single guest since it was launched in January.

Travellers have shunned the hotel, located near the Shanghai Railway Station, where the fire authorities have refused to give it a clean bill of health.

The department found that the 300sq m hotel was made of glass-reinforced plastic and other flammable construction materials, the local media reported.

The average space for each capsule unit, which is measured at 2.4sq m, did not meet the city’s basic requirements for rental units.

The regulations state that each person shall have a minimum living space of 4sq m.

Even if the hotel operator changed the construction materials to inflammable ones, it would still be hard for the building to meet the other requirements such as emergency evacuation, said an official from the Zhabei district fire and rescue department.

It is the first capsule hotel ever built in China.

Opened by a 32-year-old Chinese man, who brought the capsule hotel concept back from Japan where he studied for several years, the hotel consists of 68 capsule units, each measuring 1.1m in height, 1.1m in width and 2.2m in length.

Each capsule only fits a person and is equipped with independent sockets, clocks, lights, television and wireless Internet service.

The building has other shared facilities like a lavatory, shower room and smoking room.

Hotel owner Ta Zhan regretted the whole episode and said that all he wanted to do was to provide an alternative choice of accommodation for budget travellers, who might be stranded at the railway station at night after the end of the metro and public transport services.

He said he had put in a lot of thought into the construction of the hotel and taken into account the local safety guidelines and standards as well as those in Japan.

He hoped that the authorities would review their decision and look into how to help the capsule hotel industry set new building safety guidelines instead of just saying no to operators of such hotels.

“I have not given up the idea of opening the capsule hotel. This is a new thing in China and although I have been denied a licence, I would like to show the value of such hotels in other ways,” he was quoted as saying by Wen Hui Daily.

Despite safety and privacy concerns in the cramped capsule units which do not have doors but curtains, Ta pointed out that the hotel was for male guests only and guests who often snore would stay in a different zone from torpid guests.

The newspaper reported that, apart from fire safety and space requirements that the authorities said were not met, the hotel was equipped with smoke detectors, emergency exit signs and fire extinguishers.

Ta said he had planned to install closed-circuit television and engage two security guards to monitor the hotel compound round-the-clock.

“I am planning to take one million yuan (RM470,000) from my logistics company to maintain the hotel for a year even if it doesn’t get the approval of the fire authorities.

“I am willing to wait for the authorities to do something to make capsule hotels like mine legal. I will invite my best friends and relatives to stay here for free and experience it for themselves,” he said.

According to him, several companies in Hong Kong and Macau had approached him to see whether he would open similar hotels in both places.

Ta had also agreed to allow a Malaysian advertising firm to use the capsule hotel for a commercial shoot.

The room rate of the capsule hotel is about 80 yuan (RM37.60), cheaper than any budget hotel in the city.

The basic rate is 28 yuan (RM13.16) per person, plus an additional 4 yuan (RM1.88) an hour. The maximum rate is 88 yuan (RM41.36) for 24 hours.

Unlike Xitai Capsule Hotel, the capsule apartments built by 78-year-old Huang Rixin in Beijing had a slightly different fate and he has been upgrading his capsules from the first generation to the present fourth generation.

Huang has been interviewed by dozens of journalists since his venture to convert his 50sq m apartment in Haidian district into smaller capsules about the size of a bed and rent them out to fresh graduates and migrant workers created waves last year.

The first and second generation of capsules, which measure less than 4sq m, received an overwhelming response from blue-collared workers, who rented it for 200 yuan (RM92.22) to 450 yuan (RM207.51) a month.

Because the units did not comply with the latest city’s regulations, Huang modified the existing capsules to larger units and came up with his third-generation capsules, which were equipped with a shared kitchen, shower, washing machine and living room.

The new generation capsules had painted walls instead of wallpapers.

Faced with the pressure from the authorities to crack down on collective rental practices in the city’s apartments, Huang has lost many tenants and was thinking of donating his capsules to non-profit organisations or developing the fourth generation capsules together with a developer.

Huang may not succeed in making his business model work but he has become a hero of sorts in China. The grandfather, who draws a pension of 2,000 yuan (RM922.28) and spent hundreds of thousands of yuan on his capsules has popularised this new way of living.

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Discount on traffic summonses extended to 10 March 2 Mar 2011 5:29 PM (14 years ago)

Have you paid yours? I have paid hubby's summonse while browsing logo design pricing online. No rush, you still have time to pay! Or I will suggest a better way of paying instead of suffering queuing - pay online at I paid the summonses conveniently (with RM2 service fee)! Worth it, right?

PUTRAJAYA, Wednesday 2 March 2011 (Bernama) -- The government has agreed to extend the 50 per cent discount on traffic summonses until March 10, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein.

He said the decision was made after taking into account complaints from motorists, who were not able to settle their dues, to technical glitches and congestion at the counters for the past few days.

There will be no more extension after this and motorists who fail to make use of the opportunity will be blacklisted, he told reporters here today.

A total of 5.5 million summonses were paid during the discount period beginning Aug 12 last year until yesterday, of which 1.5 million summonses were settled in the past week.

Hishammuddin advised traffic offenders not to squander the opportunity to prevent their vehicles from being blacklisted.

He said the extension of the grace period would be closely monitored and those who dispute the validity of the summonses could make appeals by providing evidence to the authorities.

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Monday blue 27 Feb 2011 4:42 PM (14 years ago)

Monday blue? No. I wouldn't have any! In fact, everyday is almost the same for me except Sunday, the day when hubby is free to go out with me.

Tomorrow will be the 1st day of March, we are going to make our booking for Korea trip! Yay! I wish we could stay in log houses in Korea! lol!

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Happy Chap Goh Meh 16 Feb 2011 6:12 PM (14 years ago)

Chinese New Year is going to end on today - Chap Goh Meh (fifteenth and final day of the Lunar New Year period). Tomorrow will not be a Chinese New Year anymore. We have to wait for another year for the Chinese New Year celebration to happen again.

The traditional mandarin oranges throwing event is a highlight on Chap Goh Meh, whereby those singles throw mandarin oranges with their contact details into the river and hopefully pick up by others. A relationship may start magically with the interaction following that.

I have never attended such event. I am curious about this event. And yet, I have no idea where this event will be held. I know Penang is expecting the annual Chap Goh Meh celebration to be a major tourist attraction. But we got to work! How to travel to Penang for the event? And of course, I don't need to throw mandarin orange (hubby will kill me off if I go ahead to throw one into the river). lol!

May be I shall request the favor from hubby to take a day off to bring me over to Penang to witness such grand celebration. However, it is hard to do so since we already taking many days off during Chinese New Year - my FIL may not like it! So we better don't!

Okay, that's all for now. I'm going to shop for my leather furniture now!

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Late sleep for yesterday 11 Feb 2011 5:45 PM (14 years ago)

As usual, hubby and I will stay awake until late night - 1am, to listen to our favorite radio program. But as usual, I fell asleep during the commercial time. lol! Our previous radio is spoiled due to hubby's carelessness of accidentally pouring a cup of water on top of it, we shall buy a waterproof radio next time!

Anyway, I didn't have a good sleep yesterday night, was having nightmare for the whole night! Tonight I promise myself to sleep early!

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CNY-ing 9 Feb 2011 7:12 PM (14 years ago)

Time goes by really fast, it is now the 8th day of CNY (Chor 8). There is 7 days left before the CNY ends. Oh, how I hope it never ends. Though I had been busy throughout the days, yet I enjoy it. Our relatives are backed and we sat to chit-chat and gamble. It is the most joyful moment of the year!

Our shop has started to re-operate yesterday. Weird huh? Chor 7 should be everybody's birthday, but not a good day to start the business for the year. However, we as a worker have no choice but to follow the boss's order. :(

After continuous busy days prior to CNY, I'm finally back in one piece. I should take my rest to recharge. I think a week is not enough for me to recharge back to full energy, I need at least 2 weeks. I'm having slight flu now, making myself sleepy and heavy head. *Yawn*

Though I can have a good rest after this, I have still many items listed in my to-do list. One of the top item is about our Korea trip in April. I have to do survey on Korea ground tour among the travel agencies. We are quite concerned about the language barrier in Korea, thus joining a ground tour will solve the problem. However, I have called a few travel agencies, with each of them giving me different tour fare, I need more time to make my decision on which to follow.

Since my aunt's new condominium unit has gotten CFO, I'll have to help my aunt on the furniture selection. We have done with the sofa, dining table and beds; TV consoles have yet to get. Other than that, the main entrance door has been selected which is a security door that we saw in my sis in-law's new home. Painting, installations of air-conditioners and lighting will be done within next week. Carpet Installation will be done after house cleaning. Oh, our second new home is going to be ready in a short moment. *Excited*

In the mean time, I'm going to recharge before I take my move to assist my aunt in her new home decorations!

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