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Happy Together 28 Oct 2013 6:39 AM (11 years ago)

Good morning friends!

I have a couple of things to share with you this Monday morning.
First, is a little something Mom put together for Maggie and Zoro, out foster friends. It really captures their connection, and illustrates why these two friends need to stay together forever. 

Maggie and Zoro are just the cutest little couple. We are really enjoying having their spunky personalities spicing things up around here.

We do look forward to the day they are settled into their new forever homes getting all the love and attention they deserve. Lucky will be the humans who take them into their hearts.

Pug Rescue of New England

The other thing I need to share with you is the fact that my friend Marshmallow is in a photo contest in Modern Dog Magazine.

He has been neck and neck with a little white dog named Elizabeth. I need Marshie to win this contest! He will be in a photo shoot for the magazine if he does, and he is way more photogenic than that other dog!

The contest ends December 20th, so I am asking for a big commitment from all of you. I am asking you to vote for Marshie as much as you can from now until the end of the contest. You can vote as often as every 12 hours, but if you could do it as often as you can, I would be so grateful!

Vote for me!

Muchas Gracias my friends!

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The Strong Silent Type 23 Oct 2013 2:26 PM (11 years ago)

Like promised, I am here to tell you of a little bromance that has been developing here at our house.

As you know, we have had 2 houseguests here at the Pug Rest Inn. Maggie and Zoro are keeping things interesting around here, and it seems a special interest is being taken in Zoro by Sluggo.

With Zoro's brooding good looks, who can blame him?

He is a great snuggler.

It may have been the man pants that they bonded over at first.

They also have been enjoying one an other's company on walks in the park.

I am used to being the object of many a canine and humans affection, but in this case, I think I am strictly here for support.

I guess it remains to be seen just how this bromance plays out!

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Our Trip to Spencer Fairgrounds 20 Oct 2013 5:09 PM (11 years ago)

It's hard to believe that it has been a whole week since the Pug Rescue of New England Pug Social. There is me and Brigitte on our way to enter one of the costume contests. Mom dressed us up as minions again. 
There were so many pugs people, and other dogs there this year, and lot of really great costumes. Here are some of the pics we took while we were there.

ET was there.

A hula pug.

We just thought this cow was the best. The whole costume was crocheted!

Brigitte was checking out the WWII fighter pilot.

This guy was a good looking chef, but he had no food.

This little girl was not a pug, but she did have treats, and I took the liberty of knocking them off her chair and helping myself to a few. Don't mind if I do.

Even though I got the back ends of these guys, I think you can tell who they are.

Costumes were definitely not the only thing happening at the social. We got to see our friend Penny (well, me and Sluggo's friend) Mom and Dad were beside themselves with glee over being able to cuddle up with her.

Zoro and Maggie came too. They got out of dressing up because they spent time in the adoption pen meeting potential families.
Can you believe Maggie got her and Zoro thrown in time out?!
Yep, Maggie! Penny P was being a good girl, and Maggie got  little sassy with some of the other dogs.
I don't blame her though, there was so much going on, some times a girl just loses her patience. I can relate.

Over all it was a great success, and lots of money was raised to help pugs.
I can't wait for next year.

Just because you may have missed it, doesn't mean you can't help. It you would like to contribute to helping to save pugs and finding them forever homes, you can click below.

Donate to PRoNE

Maggie and Zoro are doing great! I plan on writing about a little bromance I see developing between Sluggo and Zoro later in the week, so stay tuned!

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A Year of Fostering ~ What I Have Learned 15 Oct 2013 10:40 AM (11 years ago)

Wow! It is hard to believe that it has been a whole year since Mom and Dad started bringing these strange pugs into the house for random amounts of time. A whole year of fostering through Pug Rescue of New England.  At first, I wasn't sure how I felt about the whole idea. I mean, you guys know me. I am very fond of myself, and my life. I enjoy being the center of attention, and I merely tolerate Brigitte and Sluggo for what they can do for me. So, the idea of additional pugs, eating my food, sleeping in my bed, stealing the spotlight from time to time, wasn't all that appealing.

Reflecting back over the past year though, has made me realize that helping these pugs on one leg of their journey to be the star of their own lives isn't all that bad. In fact, it has been kind of enriching, and I may have even learned a thing or two along the way. 

I thought it would be nice to share some of the things that each of the 7 pugs that have stayed here at The Pug Rest Inn have taught me.

Let's start at the beginning with Frankie.

Frankie wasn't here long, but he was the first. Frankie taught me about hope. He taught me that even when you have been rejected by people, that you should never give up hope. Because it only means that there is another opportunity for happiness waiting right around the corner. Him coming into our home after being returned to PRoNE also taught me that Pug Rescue of New England will never give up hope either. They will keep on trying, no matter what it takes to make sure that every pug ends up exactly where they need to be.

That's where Frankie is now, exactly where he needed to be.

Next came TJ.

Oh boy, TJ. He had many lessons for us. The first thing I learned when TJ came to stay with us was that my Dad is very brave. Even though TJ had a very sad story, and Dad knew it would hurt him to know what kind of a life TJ had before coming here, he still made a commitment to help TJ without hesitation. I was very proud of Dad that day, and TJ was such a special guy, there was no way even I was  going to give him a hard time.

TJ taught me about resilience. He taught me that when you love someone, you stick by them all the way 'til the end. Even if sometimes that means you might not be number one. He taught me that sometimes people really need us, and that if we tough it out, our rewards will be great.

TJ also taught me something I have been learning for a while now. That even when our eyes can't see so good, we can use our other senses to help us along. If we follow our hearts, they will lead us home.

That is where TJ is. Home.

Next came Emma.

Emma taught me that sometimes change is good.
She was in a place where there were little kids. Little kids with maybe not the best manners around pugs. Little kids who were very busy. So one day, after one of these kids fell on her, she gave him a little chomp. She didn't really hurt him, but it was enough to let her grown up humans feel that maybe their house wasn't the best place for her.

Now when Emma came here, she was very well behaved, In fact, she was here for out East Coast Spring Fling, and she was like our own private security. Whenever anypug got too rowdy, there was Emma making sure everyone piped down. 

Emma got herself the perfect gig up in New Hampshire. Fresh clean air, lots of room to run around, great parents, and no kids. Good for you girlfriend!

Then there was Millie.

Millie taught me about trust.

We don't know a lot about Millee's life before she came to stay with us, besides the fact that a super nice lady took in her and her sister Ginny from a family that was moving. The nice lady held onto Ginny because  being an older gal, Ginny did not take too well to moving on from her former family. She didn't want her to have to go through that again.
When Millee first got here, she did not like men, at all. Even Dad. She barked and barked at him every time he came into the room. Other men too. Hated them. Best as we could tell, she must have know a man in her past who wasn't very nice.

It didn't take long for Millee to figure out that Dad was a pretty nice guy. After that, she met more and more men who treated her kindly, and before long, she was able to trust again. Now she has her very own Dad, who she loves very much. Millee has a great new family, and I could not be happier for her!

Now we come to Penny. Oh Penny P, the things you have taught me.

You all know Penny's story since I just shared it last week. You know she is a very complicated girl, but you know what? Penny lives life on her own terms. No apologies! She let me know that it is OK to be bad to the bone, but also share a very tender side with everyone you meet. She taught me that no matter what, you have to maintain your sense of humor, and to always keep 'em guessing. Penny has had to overcome a lot. In doing so, she has become a survivor. Nothing keeps her down.
Penny's philosophy...what's mine is mine, and what's yours in mine too! Don't step to me!
Somehow, she gets away with it. As a true diva myself, I have to respect that.
Penny taught me that even though I thought that I only needed me, I really do need Brigitte and Sluggo to make our pug family complete.

Now our current fosters (that's foster with an s), Maggie and Zoro. Their lesson plan is not quite complete. 

I can tell you one thing that I have already learned about from their first parents.
Maggie and Zoro are a pair of pugs who have always known love, kind of like me. They are very lucky in that respect. Their parents love them so much in fact, that they have made the ultimate sacrifice of letting them go. They have entrusted them to Pug Rescue of New England, and us, to ensure that their lives get back to how they used to be before stuff got so hectic. Magie and Zoro need to do all the fun things pugs love to do. Go out and meet other pugs. Travel to different places, meet new people. Go on long walks with all kinds of interesting smells and sights, and most importantly have their people around as much as possible. Maggie and Zoro love people, and they love life.

This is a responsibility that I take very seriously. So I am making sure that Mom goes over their applications with me too. After all, who else knows how to ensure that somepuggy lives the glamorous life than me? 
I can identify a proper pug person from a mile away. Just don't let me get any closer or I might pee on their shoe. Right Dad?

 So, it seems I have learned quite a bit in the past year, and here I thought I knew everything. I guess I will continue to sanction this fostering business. Who knows what new wisdom lies ahead for me.
Maybe I should implement a new Wednesday Words of Wisdom. Wilma's fosters words of wisdom. Hmmmmm.....Mom!!!!!!

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Pupdate on the New Guys 12 Oct 2013 1:49 PM (11 years ago)

Maggie and Zoro have been here a week. So far, they are doing pretty good. I mean, after the whirlwind tour of Penny P, we were pretty much ready for anything! 

We've never had a pair of guests here at the Pug Rest Inn, so that part is definitely new. These two are definitely down with each other. I mean, they like to pal around with us too, especially Zoro. He tends to like to make his way around and lay with each of us for a little while every day. 

Me and Zoro

Sluggo and Zoro

Brigitte and Zoro

Maggie and Zoro 

Even Maggie is a good snuggler.

These are quality traits to possess, especially as the days are getting cooler. So for that, I will keep them around!

Overall, they have been pretty well behaved for house guests. We are all getting to know each other. One thing I learned this week, is that when a pair comes in, it is probably best not to start in on them, as they tend to have one another's backs. So that point has been dually noted, especially by Brigitte, if you know what I mean.

Today was a fun day. We all got in the car and went down to the beach. Mom and Dad said we are taking a big ride tomorrow, and they wanted to take a test run with all five of us before they had to take us in front of seasoned pug wranglers.

We were pretty good. Don't tell them, but we are lulling them into a false sense of security. We reserve the right to go totally hog wild tomorrow if we fee the need, just to clarify.

It was a great day at the beach, and if I am being honest, we are all pooped out. So we will have to rest well tonight to make sure we have plenty of energy for tomorrows festivities. I wonder where they are taking us?

Maggie and Zoro checking out the CT beaches.

Brigitte and I, the old salts that we are were talking to the local fishermen.

It looks like where ever we are going tomorrow it will be blog worthy, so hopefully mom will continue the trend of helping me get the word of all of my adventures out to my peeps. I know you have been missing me.

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Penny Penny P, It's Your Girl Penny P 10 Oct 2013 10:34 AM (11 years ago)

It's been a long time coming, but we are finally ready to tell you about our most complex foster to date!

Penny came to us from a wonderful couple who had taken her in after her Mom was diagnosed with Dementia. She was clearly always loved, but she had certainly had some instability in her life most recently. There was a pug in the home of the folks who took her in, and Penny and her did not get along. At all. Whatsoever. I mean the fur was flying over there!

So Penny's rescuers made the heart wrenching decision to surrender her in love to PRoNE.

We took on Penny, not really knowing who was the instigator in her former living situation. With me as HBIC, and Brigitte not putting up with any nonsense from anyone, there was no telling how things would pan out.

She must have known she had to win us over quick, because she took a running leap straight into Mom and Dad's hearts!

Those soulful eyes and that snaggletooth didn't hurt.

Not long after she arrived, Penny got sick. Really sick, with pneumonia.
It was very scary.  Mom and Dad along with the folks at PRoNE and her interim parents, even us pugs, were very worried about her.

It took her a while to fully recover, but she did start feeling better. It probably had a lot to do with the awesome food plan and accommodations here at the Pug Rest Inn.

Penny is a real clown. She has a huge personality, and she loves to be around people.

One of the things that makes her happiest is going to bed. Seems silly right? Well, Penny doesn't exactly go to sleep when she goes to bed. She likes to leap and flop around the bed like a damn puppy! You would think someone gave her Angus beef!

As she became more comfortable, Penny started giving all of us, pugs and people alike, a run for the money. Penny P started acting like a boss! She used to like to jump up on the couch pretty much anytime someone was home to let them know that they had better get over there and sit with her. She demanded head scritches, by just rubbing her head on any available hand. If you stopped? Fuggetabout it!!

Didn't matter though, that imp really had a charm about her.

While she was here, our former foster TJ came to stay for a few days. You remember TJ.

It was great to see him! He is doing so great!

Something changed though after TJ came. The apple cart had been upset, and even though she had shown a sassy side before, Penny decided that she did not like Brigitte, and she was going to take her out! We already knew they Penny would probably be best as a single pug, the rescue was looking into placing her in a family with a submissive boy pug, and it seemed like that might work, but they have now thought better of it. With all of the stress and change she had been through, Penny just couldn't handle not knowing her place in the pack. It was time to throw paws.

She went all Sleestak on Brigitte's a**

It was a very scary time, and a very sad one for Mom and Dad. The slightest potential that harm may come to any of the pugs in the house, had to be considered, and it was determined by everyone involved, that Penny needed to stay somewhere else until her forever home was found. So we said farewell.

Things returned to normal once Sluggo did his best to mend up Mom and Dad's hearts (he is the social worker of the group).

But unbeknownst to us, that was not the last we would hear from Penny. A couple of weeks later, Mom went away for the weekend with Sluggo and her friends. Apparently, since Brigitte wasn't going along for the trip, and Mom would be driving right past Penny's new place, and she missed Penny very much, and Penny was making quite a splash in her new foster home, she thought it would be a good idea to pick Penny up and take her on a big Boston weekend!!! (Mom thinks I forgot, and will not be exacting revenge for such an egregious crime against moi. She is wrong)

Here are a few of the shots I took off of her camera...

There's that stinky a** toy of hers.

Well, to make a long story short, there were some kind of complications surrounding dropping Penny back off. Next thing I know....She's baaaaaaaack!

The plan was to be very careful about keeping dibs on Penny, separating her from everyone when there were any kind of high value items around, and to return her the following week when Mom and Dad were going back to Boston. 

It pretty much worked. Since we are all in one piece, and Penny is back in her current foster/we hope foster fail home.

This was a long post, I know. But Penny's is a long story, and she is still on her journey to discover where she will ultimately land. She still needs to be cleared for a much needed dental. So be sure and go back and peruse the pictures, because that endearing little snaggletooth will probably have to go. We will keep you posted on what happens with Penny.

In the meantime, enjoy this little video compilation of Penny's stay with us.


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It's That Time of Year Again 6 Oct 2013 9:01 AM (11 years ago)

The time of year when Mom starts getting crazy notions about dressing us up in some kind of get up and marching us down the street in the Park Road Parade!

I really don't mind, because we get to see lots of people and pugs, and everyone fawns all over us. As they should. I am going to share pictures of us from yesterday's parade, but that was not the end of our eventful day. I will save that for later!

When we first arrived, we met Bella and Wally. Bella is just a little spitfire at 2 years old. Wally made fast friends with Brigitte so that he could share her wagon.

Then it was off to meet up with everyone dressed as, you guessed it, minions.

Which is really quite ironic, since...well, I don't need to explain to you guys.

There was a pretty butterfly,

and a very festive pug.

There were a couple of cows, and a gentleman in a tie.
There was Pooh, and Eeyore, a monkey and a fish, but lets face it folks, the main attraction was us! The minions.

Sluggo made himself a girlfriend, while I checked out the float. 

Brigitte reluctantly rode on the float, due to her lame leg and such. (It ain't easy getting old)

But I just had to be down with my people.

Some kid tried to take Brigitte for a ride!

We won the costume contest!!! That means Mom and Dad will get us prime rib from the Corner Pug with the prize money!

It was a great morning, and we were pooped on the way home.

We figured it would be a day of resting on our laurels, so imaging our surprise when Mom left and came back a little later with these two!!!

No, you are not seeing double. We now have 2 guests at The Pug Rest Inn.
Meet Zoro and Maggie.

 They are a bonded pair of pugs ages 7 and 5. We are still getting to know them. They are quite attractive, and sweet too. I don't think it will be long before there is a a vacancy sign up again.

So, you guys don't even know about Penny, which is so wrong on many levels. I am going to force Mom (I have my ways) to write a post about her next.

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My Chewy Review 28 Jul 2013 6:14 PM (11 years ago)

Hi friends! A few weeks ago, we heard from our friends over at Chewy.com. They were looking for members of their blogger program to do a review for one of the many tasty products they carry.

Some of you may remember that we have been using Chewy.com for about a year now. Ever since we reviewd the site last Summer. They bring us our delicious Honest Kitchen Preference base mix whenever we start running low. It's like magic!

 I was all over checking out some new treats, so I took a look at the options with Mom.

I chose Orijen Alberta Wild Boar variety.

Let me tell you, they couldn't have come at a better time. Mom had been giving us dried pineapple chunks for treats. I mean, they are OK, but these freeze dried chunks of deliciousness are unbelievably scrumptious!!!

They are so tasty in fact, I started running back outside after getting one for doing my business, so I could get another when I came back in.

What's great about them is there is only one ingredient. That is good for Sluggo because he has such a sensitive little belly. The other thing is that these boar lived good lives out on the free range. 

Brigitte had her dental not long after we received the bag of treats. I was psyched because I figured more for me, since she could only have soft food. I was wrong. Mom just easily crushed them op small for her, and Brigitte got some too. 

The only thing wrong with these treats is that they are all gone. I am going to have Mom start adding them to our Chewy.com auto ship order, so we never run out!

Stay tuned, there is a very special Birthday coming up this week!

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Millee's Journey Home 2 Jul 2013 4:54 PM (11 years ago)

Hi everyone! It's me Sluggo!

I am here to tell you all about our wonderful weekend. You have to promise not to tell Wilma though.  Right now, she is happy to believe that she and Brigitte were off at Grammy and Grampy's having a vacation for themselves. I would like to keep it that way, because if she finds out what she missed, no one will be happy!

OK, so it started out with me Millee, Mom and Dad taking a long car ride. That part wasn't so great. Lots of HBO words about traffic and stuff. Me and Millee mostly just chilled in the back seat. Until we got to a rest stop, where Millee chewed right through her seat belt and joined Mom in the front seat! That girl is a trip!

When we finally got to get out of the car, a bunch of people were everywhere. One guy that took our car, the other one who took our bags (where our meals were!) That made me kind of nervous.

Then when we went into the building, there were the kind of floors I hate everywhere!!!
Shiny ones!!!

 Dad had to carry me. He carried me all the way up to this awesome room, with the most comfortable bed ever!

We made quick work of getting comfortable. This was not difficult. Especially since Mom made sure to pack mine and Millee's favorite lambies! 

Dad started talking about ordering room service. He said we needed to make sure that we showed Millee a real good time, and made it a very special night, because she might be going home with her forever Mommy the next day!

Whachu talkin' about Dad?!
Me and Millee have just started to get close. I really kind of like her. What do you mean she's not stayin'?

Then Mom and Dad explained how when these pugs come and stay with us, it is only for a little while, and that it is our job to help them find where their perfect place is.
So, even though I was a little sad about my new friend possibly leaving, I was really happy that she would have her own perfect place. That and this room service situation sounded like a very good deal!!!

 So, I set out to helping Dad find the perfect meal for Millee and I.

This place even had a special menu for cats and dogs! Not only that, but they sent up our very own special care package!

There was food bowls and poopy bags, a place mat, and even a gold tag! I let Millee have that, since she's the girl, and I heard that girls love bling!

Then.... I smelled something.....and there was a knock on the door...and you will never believe what came in!...

A very special meal for us to celebrate Millee!!!

It was fabulous! After dinner we went for a walk and sat out on the patio with one of my favorite people in the whole world. I couldn't believe that she was in this awesome place too!

We got to stay up extra late visiting, and then it was time to hit the hay. One more sleep, and Millee gets to meet her maybe new people!

The next morning we got to walk down the street for some brioche. That was pretty special, But not nearly as special as what happened next! 

Millee's new Mom and her friend, along with a super cute boy pug named Zeus came to our hotel!
I will let the video tell the rest of the story.

 Millee went home with the nice lady in the morning, and I got to be an only pug for the rest of the day. We went to lunch, and I met lots of dogs in Boston. I even shared my water with some of them, like this brindle chihuahua named Rocky.

Even though I am super happy for Millee, and I hear she is doing really great in her new home, I do miss her.

Hopefully we will be able to hang out again someday. I would totally get a room with her again. That girl can party!

This post is dedicated to all the rescue pugs, and one very special one. My Mommy Coley.

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Brigitte's Sunday Comics 16 Jun 2013 11:26 AM (11 years ago)

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The Latest and Greatest 9 Jun 2013 6:08 PM (11 years ago)

Meet Millee. 

Believe it or not, she has already been here for a month. She's another one of those boarders, so they say. Millee is kind of a loner. I mean I like her fine, but we don't really hang out. Brigitte just tolerates all these strange dogs coming through. Sluggo has become reluctant friends with her though.

She is really into Mom. She didn't like Dad much at first. In fact she tended to freak out around all new men that she encountered. She is getting better now, and loves to hang out with Dad. She is going to make someone a super loving friend. She follows Mom everywhere, and is always interested in what the humans are up to. 

The really big news is that Mom got a new computer. Part of the deal with the computer, is that she has to help me write more blogs! So, you should be hearing more from me, more about Millee, and all the rest of the crazies around here.

So, bye for now, but it won't be another month before you hear from me again!!

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Full Circle Weekend 7 May 2013 11:06 AM (11 years ago)

I know I already owe you follow up pics from our Spring Fling, but I need to tell you about this past weekend first. I can really only tell through what Mom and Dad say, cuz I was stuck home while they were out with OTHER pugs, but I am kinda getting used to that. 

See, we had another boarder here since old TJ hit the skids. This time it was a girl, and her name is Emma. She stayed for about a month, and Mom and Dad brought her to meet her forever family this weekend. 

That's her in the first picture, and I will share a few more. 

I really liked Emma, and so did everyone who met her.
Especially Sluggo. He was very fond of that big girl.
She won the Grandparents over straight away. Here she is with Nana.
Even all the Pug Sluts loved her!

Anyway, Emma was not a huge fan of children. At least not the kind that like to run around crazy and fall on pugs, and I can't say I blame her. So, she came to stay with us while PRoNE found her the perfect forever family. It didn't take long!

Emma in the car on the way to meet her new family.
Pretty much love at first sight.

So, even though Mom and Dad were sad to leave Emma behind, they are happy that she gets a whole new family to love her forever. That's all any pug could hope for.

The best part was that on the way home, they got to stop for a visit with TJ at his new home!

He is doing so great!!! He is living like a king!

His new Mom and him love each other!
And that's what makes all the disruption to my kingdom worth it. 
Things around here are back to normal.....for now.

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My East Coast Pug Slut Spring Fling ~ Amazing! 30 Apr 2013 9:06 AM (11 years ago)

I know,it has been a million years since I last posted, but I am about to make up for it in pictures! 
you may have heard through the grapevine that I had a big party at my house, and a whole bunch of my most amazing friends and their peeps all attended. It was beyond my wildest dreams, and according to the way I flop around and bark in my sleep, I have some pretty wild ones.
I will mostly let the pictures do the talking.
Mochi and her Mommy. She was dressed in her school girl dress, and then they put her in this Hello Kitty hat. A much better sport than I would have been!

Macho wasn't sure what to make of the whole scene, but he cooled out after a while!

my girl Zoey from Pug Possessed. She is a real sweetie! Wait til you see what her Dad made for my Mom!

Brigitte wasn't really sure what to make of the whole situation. She was on high alert.

Here is Payton's Mommy Christy!!! She came all the way here on a plane to see me!!!

Here are more people from far away lands! Spongy, Licky and St Patrick's Momma came all the way from Mexico!!!
That big girl sitting on the rock is our foster sister Emma. I will tell you all about her in another post. She is pretty cool. See that guy behind her? That is Sammy. he really didn't like our bear!

Marshy! Nobody puts Marshmallow in the corner, but Marshmallow!

There was even a skin baby here. That is Abby, my main squeeze Murphy's sister. He is very attentive to her. I really love that in a man!

Here is his bro Duke, and his Mommy Samantha.

Lucky was here with the one and only Devil dog Roxy, my idol!!! I was starstruck!

Here we are conspiring to get into some kind of trouble.

Look how sweet Pearl is in her Hello Kitty dress! She and Britte were talking about different bingo halls and other old lady stuff.
Lulu reluctantly getting love from Teddy and Bunnies Mom

Can I just tell you that these women are cray cray?! Molesting poor flat Peta? and look at Marshie trying to look down her dress!

I had to sit down with flat Peta and have a conversation about how to act like a lady. Sheesh!!!

There was romance in the air, as Sluggo was getting quite flirtatious with young Daisy, who also happened to be celebrating her birthday!

I would like to set the record straight about pugs and their appetites. Case in point, Payton, Daisy and Donald's mom, and Scarlet's Mom went nuts and attacked the cake. A pug would never do such a thing. Right Roxy?!

Speaking of romance, there was quite an encounter between Marshmallow and Scarlet later on in the evening, but I think I will save that for another post. It might just be too much to handle with all of these other shenanigans posted here.

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The Board Room 17 Mar 2013 5:20 AM (12 years ago)

TJ went to his forever home yesterday. What Mom doesn't know, is that we took the heat for him having to leave. We didn't want him to think Mom was abandoning him.

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The New Guy Ships in 3 Weeks 24 Feb 2013 12:56 PM (12 years ago)

Sorry for showing this kinda sad picture, but, I am just so happy for my friend TJ, and how far he has come, that I want you all to see his progress too!
So, the new guy had a nice lady come and meet him last week.She even brought her dog Kee. Not a pug, but she was pretty cool considering we all were right up in her snout!

Here she is when she and TJ had a moment. Up until then, TJ was following her around, checking her out, but she hadn't been captivated by his charm yet. One look in those eyes, and it was over!  After this, they were totally bonding. Check it out...

I heard Mom and Dad talking about how TJ will be going to live with that nice lady and her dog. I won't lie, I am really going to miss having him around.

He has really added some sunshine to our home this winter Even though Sluggo gave him some shit about sharing Mom's lap!. He taught me a little too. (but don't tell anyone!)

You see, prior to coming to stay with us, TJ had fallen on some hard times. He was pretty scared, and kinda sad too.  Once he got into our pug rehab program, and started feeling better, he never looked back!

His tail hasn't stopped wagging since!

He helped me see, through another pugs eyes, just how lucky we are. Sometimes I forget that not all pugs live the glamorous life like I do. He has shown appreciation for everything he has received here.

So, that is why I know it is time for him to move on. If he stays on much longer, he will be totally corrupted by us spoiled pugs.

A little may have rubbed off all ready.
Any way,  I will update you about his transition, and we will have a big send off for him before he leaves.

I have to tell you all about the awesome treats that The Honest Kitchen sent us, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, one more shot of TJ and Kee!

She is getting a little buddy, to go around with her!

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Greetings From Blizzard Central 11 Feb 2013 12:22 PM (12 years ago)

Hi everyone!!! Now that I have had my humans held captive for nearly five days straight, I have been able to get Mom to finally post something for my eagerly awaiting friends.
As anyone who hasn't been stuck in a kennel without access to TV knows, there was a huge blizzard up in my neck of the woods. We are all fine. We were very lucky not to have lost any power, and to have been stocked up on treats before the storm hit. In fact, The Honest Kitchen hooked us up with some awesome treats, and we will be reviewing the tasty morsels before long!
No, that is not me frolicking in the snow up top. That is our pal TJ. He has really turned out to be quite an wonderful house guest.  I will be sorry to see him go., but I heard talk of a meet and greet with an awesome pug loving lady that is supposed to take place later this week. She has a girl dog and she works from home. TJ will really love that, because let me tell you, he does not like it when Mom leaves the room, let alone the house.
Here he is following her right out into the blizzard!!!

Here he is helping her post.

The thing is though, that TJ will soon be moving on. We have done our best to fix him up, and get him ready to set sail to his forever home. He went to see my Vet this past week, and they did some stuff to his boy parts. they took out a bunch of his teeth, and he only has 3 left!! He still manages to get the job done come mealtime!

It won"t be the same around here without him, even Sluggo has grown to really like him.

TJ, Sluggo, Brigitte and me

We will keep you posted on his potential new Mom, and stay tuned to hear about these scrumptious treats we got from The Honest Kitchen. Of course, how can they go wrong? We already know what an amazing job their food does to keep us happy and healthy. TJ was like a new pug within 2 short weeks of eating it!!

One more thing...
There is a certain favorite parent celebrating a birthday tomorrow. He and Mom were hurting for some sweets during the blizzard, so she baked his cake early.

Happy Birthday Dad!!!!!

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Another New Guy ~ Meet TJ 11 Jan 2013 8:54 AM (12 years ago)

There is a new, new guy in town. They call him TJ.
He came here last weekend, and I think he is pretty cool.

When he first got here, he was pretty nervous, and he has some problems. But he has really done pretty well over the week, and is starting to fit in around here.

I liked him straight out of the gate. I mean what's not to love about have some fresh man meat around to pay you some attention? Sluggo, not so much...

I think TJ made him nervous at first, because he can't see so good, and Sluggo doesn't really like getting sniffed up on. That, plus this new guy reeeeeeeeeealy likes Mom. Sluggo is not a fan of sharing the Mom. But, after a few days, Sluggo really is coming around, and starting to be a really good foster brother. I think it has something to do with the talk I had with him. See, unlike me and Sluggo, who have never had to struggle through anything, TJ has had a few tough breaks. He needs a little extra TLC right now, so Sluggo agreed to be cool.

Brigitte says he can stay, as long as he stays out of her way. She said she's too old for these pugs to be coming and going, so as long as they don't invade her personal space, she's good.

TJ has some stuff to take care of, but when he's done, he will be available for adoption through Pug Rescue of New England.

In the meantime, he is doing a really good job politicking to stay on staff here.

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We had a lovely Christmas, and are looking forward to the New Year. We hope that all of our blogging buddies, are happy, healthy safe and loved. We really appreciate each and every one of you. Look for another post soon, but in the meantime, I will leave you with some of my favorite moments of the day.

Sluggo chilaxin' in his Santa hat

Brigitte tried it on too. Not a fan!

We had a white Christmas

She much preferred hanging out with Grampy in her Christmas dress.

While I am happiest at my Daddy's side.

Or sitting right on top of him, if necessary!

Brigitte was hoping to enjoy an after dinner cigar with uncle Bill, but second hand smoke is too dangerous.

She was just as happy to sit with Mom.

Location:Scenes of the Season

An Unspeakable Tragedy 15 Dec 2012 5:33 AM (12 years ago)

Our hearts are heavy with grief for the innocent lives lost in Sandy Hook CT. Please keep the community of Newtown Connecticut and the families and loved ones of those killed, close to your hearts as they move through this horrific event.

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A list Blogger in da Hizouse!!! 8 Dec 2012 7:27 AM (12 years ago)

Well, technically, she wasn't in my house, but she was in my car!!!
Yep, that is Ellie , Brutus and Angel Yoda's Mom, of The Pugs Strike Back fame.
She came to CT for some work thing, and my Mom got to spend the afternoon with her.
Guess where they went?!!!!!
Only my favorite restaurant in the universe!
The Corner Pug!

No, she didn't actually choke on lunch. This is a picture they sent to those Pug Slut friends. You know the ones. The real reason I don't get to blog as much anymore. But that is OK, cuz guess what?!
When Mom got home she had prezzies for us from Brutus and Ellie!
They sure smelled good. We recognised the smells right away from when we got to meet Brutus and Ellie in the fur.

Not just any sock monkey, a holiday sock monkey

Here is a picture of Sluggo hoarding all three lammies
He is so greedy.

But there was one thing he definitely knew was his!
 A brand new awesome rope toy specially from Ellie!

Sluggo and Ellie love them some rope toys. One of the many things they have in common.

Thanks you guys for the killer toys. Hope you have a great holiday. Next time your humans come to the 203's, you need to come too!

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I am Home * a guest post from frankie* 3 Dec 2012 2:19 PM (12 years ago)

Ahem, um, hi everyone! I'm Frankie, and Wilma has allowed me to guest post here on her blog.
So, most of you will recognise me from Wilma's previous post about Franksgiving weekend. Well I have been stayin' here over the past couple of weeks, and at first I thought I was gonna be stayin' for good.
I mean, it seemed like it, considering how much everyone loved up on me when I got here. Well, maybe not everyone.
I came up against a little resistance from this guy at first. They call him Sluggo. It seems he and I had a fondness for the same thing. The lady in the houses lap. Yep, it is warm, and ample, and when you sit there you are sure to get many pets.
Well, I guess Sluggo considers this his most valued resource, and he liked to guard it with a vengeance at first. But just as we were all learning to share. That's right, there is room enough for all of us...
Some new people came to the house to meet me.
They were very nice, and they seemed to really like me. Next thing I know, we were going for a walk. I thought, wow! these guys are great. They must know how much I love walkies. I even pooped for them.
So then the lady with the nice lap took some pictures of me with these new people, and I noticed that my crate was getting taken out of the house again.  
I started to get a little confused. I mean, what'd I do?
I mean, I kinda understood why I had to leave my last home. I was peein' and stuff, and their resident pug was kinda nervous around me. But I had been on my best behavior here. Wilma really liked me.

Brigitte was cool with me...
Heck, even Sluggo was coming around...
And I knew the humans loved me. They told me all the time. They gave me a nice bath, and were feeding me very tasty food. In fact, just the night before, they let me sleep in the big bed!!!
It didn't make sense, but then as she was saying goodbye, the lady with the lap told me something that one of her friends told her when she was feeling sad about letting me go.
She told me that her and the other man human were just holding onto me long enough to get my heart ready to be loved.
And last night, as I was sitting with my new Dad watching football, I felt it. That kind of love other dogs have told me about.
Forever love.

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It Has Been Quite a Franksgiving Weekend 25 Nov 2012 5:43 PM (12 years ago)

And, no that is not a typo!

Hi everybody!!! Hope your bellys are full of turkey and you hearts filled with love. I know mine is.

It has been quite a week here in Wilma's world. It all started on Monday when this new guy showed up at our house and shook things up. That's him, Frankie, laying in my bed with me, snuggling.

He is very handsome, and I took a shine to him right away. The other two, not so much. Brigitte isn't one for change. She's an old lady like that. She likes her early bird specials, and her orthopedic bed. As far as Sluggo goes, he doesn't like anyone on his mommy's lap but him. So when this new guy came along and was so enthusiastic about leaping up there, Sluggo got all gangsta.

Mom and Dad say that Frankie is only staying with us for a little while until he finds his forever family. I guess he's kinda in the market for a family to call his own.

Learning that Frankie didn't have his own humans really threw me. I mean, especially at this time of year when family and friends are all gathering together to celebrate and give thanks. It made me realize how lucky I am. It seems the other two are coming around too. Brigitte actually hung out with him, on the bed, without giving him the business.

Even Sluggo joined in and let him hang on moms lap! That's him between Britte and Sluggo.

Sluggo paid a visit to his old foster brother and Murphy reminded him about how cool he was when Sluggo came along. And Sluggo took tons of his Moms attention away, cuz Sluggo was just a puppy.

Murphy told Sluggo that Frankie needed some extra love right now, and that it didn't mean he was being replaced. He explained that soon, Frankie would be as lucky as we are, and he would have his very own people to love him. Murphy even said that Sluggo would miss this new guy. Ever since then, Sluggo's been a lot cooler.

Stay tuned, I hear there is a strong contender for Frankie's new peeps. They are gonna love this guy! I know I do!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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Super Secret, Please Don't Tell, Request for Help 14 Nov 2012 7:50 AM (12 years ago)

Hi everybody! Mom asked me to help her reach out to some of you who may have participated in the 1000 Pugs photo shoots. At first, I was like "oh really?!!! you need my help?! Interesting, when I need your thumbs, you are always so busy." But then she told me that is wasn't really for her, but for Puglet's Mom, I totally agreed to help. She has some of the best treats ever, and if I ever see her again, I want to make sure I score some. The other thing I told Mom was that I hoped she was successful, because I wouldn't be surprised if hardly anyone even read my blog anymore! That made her feel bad, so I hope she will listen to me when I tell her I need to post!
Anyway, back to the business at hand.Many of you may recall my post about our 1000 Pugs photo shoot, and how awesome it was. Well, Mom and some of our friends have been working on a book of memories for Amanda. Kind of a behind the scenes look at what was going on while she was so busy with Nikon. People are sharing photos, and stories that will be compiled in a book for Amanda to enjoy. Mainly, it's her Pugsluts Facebook group who have been contributing so far, but we want anyone who participated to have a chance to share.
So, if you would like to contribute to the book, just email mom your humans email addy at
k dot hancich at snet dot net.
 Just tell her who you are, and where you did your shoot, and she will send an invitation from Mixbook. That is the website we are using, just in case your human thinks it is spam.
I have been able to check out some of the pages, and it is really an amazing keepsake already. I hope more of you will join us to make it even more awesome!
Either way, pleeeeease, please, please, don't let the secret out to Amanda, or Puglet. We really want this to be a surprise. That is why we were reluctant to post about it here. So mum's the word! OK?
The original deadline is December 1st. But that is subject to change, especially if a lot more people would like to participate.

Also, if you haven't read Pug's latest post, you should go have a look. Sophie's Mom, (Pug's  Grammy) had a heart attack. She is OK now, but I am sure a little stay healthy juju would go a long way in helping everyone feel better!

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We Are All Good 30 Oct 2012 5:49 AM (12 years ago)

We are all very happy to report that we are safe and dry. Others are not as lucky. Sandy has cost some people their lives. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families, as well as all of the folks who have suffered devastating effects from Frankenstorm. Hoping to continue hearing from friends that they are safe and well.

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Weathering the Storm 29 Oct 2012 8:46 AM (12 years ago)

Hi Everybody! I am sending Duty Officer Britte to let you know that we are hunkered down for Sandy. We have made storm preparations, and are in the best shape we can be. We hope that all of our friends and loved ones in Sandy's path, remain safe and dry throughout the storm. If able, given the fact that we will probably go dark soon, we will let you know how we are doing. Be safe everyone!


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