I had the privilege of photographing this amazing couple last weekend. Mom is 39 weeks. Excited to meet little Mino soon. Enjoy.
Here are a couple pictures. I know not enough.....
This is a little girl at Cooper's school named Kate. ADORABLE.
angel candle
a glass ball at a gift shop
my baby girl Aurora Faith.
Not every home looks the same.
but every face tells a story
morning Dew
Night painting
dainty webs
Christmas lights
Meet Hunter. 6.5 months old. SO SWEET!!!
color version
Mom is 35 weeks pregnant and tested positive for pre-term labor so it is literally any second.
Mom, Dad, Big sister and big brother
I love Madison dancing in the background
Baby boy Declan in the belly
Madison looking up at mom
Kisses for baby
Jacob. Who's kisses were more like raspberries!
heart fingers
B&W close up
another view in B&W
Daddy kissing the baby tummy
Baby name in color. Rest of picture in black and white
baby tummy
down by the water
Jacob kept trying to give the baby his car
My lily's finally came up. When they first bloomed there was 4 and now there is 6.
after a summer rain
and a little bee hard at work.
summer playing at the water park
Tomatoes anyone?
Mission/Abbotsford Bridge
Pebbles in the sand
Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty
love lady bugs
Sun through the trees
Quiet Road Home
drinking in the water
little tiny white flowers
beautiful day for a sail
starting to dance to the music
the bead work on the costumes was incredible.
leaning back in dance
the beads moved freely.
the eyes have it
more movement
movement with the sword
posing with the skirts fanned out
purple and black
heading to the beach.
on the beach
time for fun in the water
array of shapes and colors
time to tuck in for the night. Down we go
such a peaceful moment with God
a masterpiece in the making.
almost asleep
kissing the day good night
beautiful orchids
group of red tulips
love these ones. almost firey looking tulips.
pink tulip
purple lilacs
LOVE these lilacs. Purple with a white edging.
lovely bird bath and tulips
trying to go back to sleep
princess - B&W
so pretty
so pretty - B&W
the flower looked so big on her!
such a little lady already. She crossed her legs
in an apple bucket. she looks uncomfortable but she did not complain at all.
hi there!
Black and white with pink towels
walked the neighborhood to take some pics of the spring coming up.
purple tulips
garden of tulips
yellow tulips
center of pink and white tulip
Ava Riley - 6 months old.
this tu-tu is neat
so sweet
she loves her aunty
mom is funny
showing off the tu-tu and bow I made for her
pretty smiles
such a big world for a tiny girl
Cherry or Plum blossom tree, not sure which.
Jersey - 3 years old
I love her eyes in this pic
pouty face, but so innocent looking
baby brother Joey. 5 months
hmmm....you want me to look where?
you called?
what would you like?
hahaha....you want me to do WHAT!!
last one? but I was having fun!
I have never seen waves like this. It was amazing.
Shot of the West side of where we were.
East side of where we were standing.
closer to the bolder
crashing waves
a moment of wild waves.
close up again.
BIG waves
kissing on the dock
such a sweet couple
such a beautiful day.
waiting against the church
Who she was waiting for
Captured a tender moment between Husband and Wife. Father and Mother.
safe and warm
beautiful backdrop
playing around on the fence
Mom just loved this tree
a mother's glow
Anticipation. These were taken 6 days ago and she is NOW in labor!!
Being a first time mom is very exciting.
A gift from above
I absolutely love how intricate frost and snow flakes look. Each little piece given it's own entity. Amazing.
a few dried up blackberries that didn't get eaten this summer.
Oh Canada!
winter food
leafy greens.
frosted leaves