Noah: Is this something you’d pay for? How much is it worth to you? Me: Definitely. This would be so much easier. I could see paying $50/month. I’ve had this type of conversation with many founders before. Depending on the person, the conversation might be a bit different, but it’s the same when it gets… Continue reading Is Your Product a No-Brainer?
The post Is Your Product a No-Brainer? appeared first on ExtendsLogic.
The other day I saw this great chart by Tomasz Tunguz on churn: The numbers above are exactly what I’ve seen and heard over the years. Since Bidsketch customers are usually small businesses, we’re constantly working to improve churn. A while back I improved our cancel feedback by changing the cancellation process. While this was… Continue reading Doing SaaS Cancellation Interviews (the Jobs-to-be-Done Way)
The post Doing SaaS Cancellation Interviews (the Jobs-to-be-Done Way) appeared first on ExtendsLogic.
A few weeks ago I was listening to an interview of Patrick McKenzie on the podcast, and heard my name being mentioned. Andrey (one of the hosts) mentions that he was reading my blog and found that I made launching and growing Bidsketch sound easy: “It’s kind of like, ‘I announced it on Twitter,… Continue reading Failing to Get Traction and (Almost) Giving up on the Road to My First $1,000 in Revenue
The post Failing to Get Traction and (Almost) Giving up on the Road to My First $1,000 in Revenue appeared first on ExtendsLogic.
Getting useful cancellation feedback from customers is tough. The problem is that once people have canceled, they’re no longer engaged and will rarely spend the time to give you feedback. One of the best things I’ve ever done to combat this with Bidsketch was to add a mandatory freeform text field that says: Please help… Continue reading Getting 200% More Actionable Feedback from Customers that Cancel
The post Getting 200% More Actionable Feedback from Customers that Cancel appeared first on ExtendsLogic.
Most of the info you’ll find on hiring is meant for large companies or startups with funding. What if you’re bootstrapping? While you’re not going to be competing with Google or Facebook for the same people, you still want developers that can do high quality work to help build your product. The post that follows… Continue reading Hiring High Quality Developers on a Bootstrapper’s Budget
The post Hiring High Quality Developers on a Bootstrapper’s Budget appeared first on ExtendsLogic.