Sustainability over the long term. Many changes observed in the environment are long term, occurring slowly over time. Organic agriculture considers the medium- and long-term effect of agricultural interventions on the agro-ecosystem. It aims to produce food while establishing an ecological balance to prevent soil fertility or pest problems. Organic agriculture takes a proactive approach as opposed to treating problems after they emerge.
Soil. Soil building practices such as crop rotations, inter-cropping, symbiotic associations, cover crops, organic fertilizers and minimum tillage are central to organic practices. These encourage soil fauna and flora, improving soil formation and structure and creating more stable systems. In turn, nutrient and energy cycling is increased and the retentive abilities of the soil for nutrients and water are enhanced, compensating for the non-use of mineral fertilizers. Such management techniques also play an important role in soil erosion control. The length of time that the soil is exposed to erosive forces is decreased, soil biodiversity is increased, and nutrient losses are reduced, helping to maintain and enhance soil productivity. Crop export of nutrients is usually compensated by farm-derived renewable resources but it is sometimes necessary to supplement organic soils with potassium, phosphate, calcium, magnesium and trace elements from external sources.
Water. In many agriculture areas, pollution of groundwater courses with synthetic fertilizers and pesticides is a major problem. As the use of these is prohibited in organic agriculture, they are replaced by organic fertilizers (e.g. compost, animal manure, green manure) and through the use of greater biodiversity (in terms of species cultivated and permanent vegetation), enhancing soil structure and water infiltration. Well managed organic systems with better nutrient retentive abilities, greatly reduce the risk of groundwater pollution. In some areas where pollution is a real problem, conversion to organic agriculture is highly encouraged as a restorative measure (e.g. by the Governments of France and Germany).
Air and climate change. Organic agriculture reduces non-renewable energy use by decreasing agrochemical needs (these require high quantities of fossil fuel to be produced). Organic agriculture contributes to mitigating the greenhouse effect and global warming through its ability to sequester carbon in the soil. Many management practices used by organic agriculture (e.g. minimum tillage, returning crop residues to the soil, the use of cover crops and rotations, and the greater integration of nitrogen-fixing legumes), increase the return of carbon to the soil, raising productivity and favouring carbon storage. A number of studies revealed that soil organic carbon contents under organic farming are considerably higher. The more organic carbon is retained in the soil, the more the mitigation potential of agriculture against climate change is higher. However, there is much research needed in this field, yet. There is a lack of data on soil organic carbon for developing countries, with no farm system comparison data from Africa and Latin America, and only limited data on soil organic carbon stocks, which is crucial for determining carbon sequestration rates for farming practices.
Biodiversity. Organic farmers are both custodians and users of biodiversity at all levels. At the gene level, traditional and adapted seeds and breeds are preferred for their greater resistance to diseases and their resilience to climatic stress. At the species level, diverse combinations of plants and animals optimize nutrient and energy cycling for agricultural production. At the ecosystem level, the maintenance of natural areas within and around organic fields and absence of chemical inputs create suitable habitats for wildlife. The frequent use of under-utilized species (often as rotation crops to build soil fertility) reduces erosion of agro-biodiversity, creating a healthier gene pool – the basis for future adaptation. The provision of structures providing food and shelter, and the lack of pesticide use, attract new or re-colonizing species to the organic area (both permanent and migratory), including wild flora and fauna (e.g. birds) and organisms beneficial to the organic system such as pollinators and pest predators. The number of studies on organic farming and biodiversity increased significantly within the last years. A Recent Study Reporting On A Meta-Analysis Of 766 Scientific Papers concluded that organic farming produces more biodiversity than other farming systems.
Genetically modified organisms. The use of GMOs within organic systems is not permitted during any stage of organic food production, processing or handling. As the potential impact of GMOs to both the environment and health is not entirely understood, organic agriculture is taking the precautionary approach and choosing to encourage natural biodiversity. The organic label therefore provides an assurance that GMOs have not been used intentionally in the production and processing of the organic products. This is something which cannot be guaranteed in conventional products as labelling the presence of GMOs in food products has not yet come into force in most countries. However, with increasing GMO use in conventional agriculture and due to the method of transmission of GMOs in the environment (e.g. through pollen), organic agriculture will not be able to ensure that organic products are completely GMO free in the future. A detailed discussion on GMOs can be found in the FAO publication “Genetically Modified Organisms, Consumers, Food Safety And The Environment“.
Ecological services. The impact of organic agriculture on natural resources favours interactions within the agro-ecosystem that are vital for both agricultural production and nature conservation. Ecological services derived include soil forming and conditioning, soil stabilization, waste recycling, carbon sequestration, nutrients cycling, predation, pollination and habitats. By opting for organic products, the consumer through his/her purchasing power promotes a less polluting agricultural system. The hidden costs of agriculture to the environment in terms of natural resource degradation are reduced.… Read the rest
The post What are the environmental benefits of organic agriculture? first appeared on Organic Food For Better Health.
The term “organic food” or “organic products” refers to the way agricultural products and livestock are grown, raised, and processed. Organic agriculture is different from the conventional way of farming.
Organic crops that are considered “organic produce” have to be grown without any GMOs, pesticides, synthetic herbicides, or fertilizers.
When we say “organic livestock” that means that the livestock raised for meat, eggs, or dairy products has to be raised in conditions accommodating to their natural behaviors, with the ability to graze on pasture. They also need to be fed organic feed and forage, and can’t be given any antibiotics or growth hormones. That’s why you often hear that organic meat is better for you.
There are so many health benefits of eating an organic diet. It would be amazing for public health if people tried to eat an organic diet more. You don’t need to change much – you still eat conventional foods you normally eat, but you’re making sure you’re eating healthy food (and organic food is important for food safety).
Organic products are much fresher than regular, conventional products. The reason for that is that non-organic products are infused with preservatives that make them last longer. But organic produce doesn’t have any of that, which means it’s fresher. So, that’s one of the best benefits of eating an organic diet.
Non-organic foods (livestock specifically) often have antibiotics in them. When humans consume that food that has antibiotics in it, humans also end up consuming the antibiotics. That can create antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, which can alter the human’s immune system, and make them not be able to fight diseases. But when you eat organic products, there are no antibiotics added to that, so it’s completely safe to eat.
Organic products are GMO-free, which is something you should look for in everything that you consume. That means that they are not genetically engineered (their DNAs aren’t altered), but conventionally grown.
While there still isn’t concrete proof, many scientists believe that GMO food causes slower brain growth, internal organ damage, and so much more. So, organic food is better for food safety.
Organic farms use less energy, they pollute the environment a lot less than conventional farms, they conserve water more, increase soil fertility, and reduce soil erosion. Farms that use synthetic pesticides can cause damage to people living nearby, as well as to birds and animals, so organic farms are safer for everyone, since they don’t use any pesticides.
Organic products taste much better than non-organic products. They have more nutrients, and the mineral and sugar structures in them are much tastier, because they had time to develop and mature naturally, and no artificial chemicals were added to them.
With organic fruits and vegetables, you’re getting the real and full taste of the product, not an altered one. The quality of the flavors in organic fruits and vegetables is so much higher than in non-organic ones.
Organic farming doesn’t use any artificial and harmful chemicals to keep the pests away. That means that they aren’t contaminated with any dangerous chemical substances that could be harmful to consumers, unlike most conventional farms.
Pesticides can be very harmful to humans. While they are good for keeping pests away from fruit and vegetables, they are unnatural chemicals and shouldn’t be consumed by humans. Almost all non-organic fruit and vegetables have pesticides, and some even with very high levels of pesticide, which makes them potentially harmful to consumers. Even small amounts of pesticide residue can be harmful if you consume it for every single meal (if all of your produce has pesticie residue).
On the other hand, organic products are pesticide-free, which makes them healthier and much safer to consume.
It is a well-known fact that antioxidants have a very positive impact on our health. As many studies show, antioxidants are even healthier when they come from organic food.
The reason for that is that non-organic food has chemicals, and they can lower the value of antioxidants, whereas with organic fruit and vegetables, there are no chemicals, so you get full benefits of antioxidants when you eat your produce.
Organic food is usually more expensive than non-organic food, because it takes longer to produce and there is less organic food in grocery stores than non-organic food.
So, how can you buy organic food without breaking the bank? Well, compare prices in different stores. Many stores have different prices, sales, coupons, so look around and try to find an option that is the most budget-friendly.
Farmer’s markets can often be a lot more budget-friendly than grocery stores or supermarkets, plus, they have more fresh, organic fruit and veggies for you to choose from. So, go to your local farmers market, and stock up on some delicious, healthy, and organic fruit and vegetables.
This tip is very important – buy fruits and veggies that are in season. When buying organic produce, you need to shop in season. It not only makes it less expensive, but you’ll be able to find what you’re looking for a lot easier if it’s in season when you’re shopping. Because organic produce doesn’t have any chemicals added to them, you can’t get them when they’re not in season.
Cooperative grocery stores usually offer lower prices for their members that pay an annual fee. So, if you want to buy organic food on a budget, joining a food co-op would be a good idea. In the end, it ends up being worth it, because you’d be saving all of the time, especially since eating organic food all … Read the rest
The post 8 Benefits Of Organic Food first appeared on Organic Food For Better Health.
In December 2016 the European Parliamentary Research Service released Human health implications of organic food and organic agriculture. This document is a review of previously published scientific studies that have evaluated aspects of the impact of organic food on human health. While the available data is somewhat limited, the results suggest there are some beneficial associations with eating more, compared to less, organic. (Please note: association is not the same as causation. In this case, for example, people who eat more organic food may also tend to exercise more and be less likely to smoke, both of which might be partly or completely responsible for the effects observed.) That being said, the published data do suggest that: 1. Higher organic food consumption may be associated with a lower risk of childhood allergies. 2. People who eat more organic food tend to follow a healthier overall diet with higher consumption of fruits, veggies, and whole grains and lower consumption of meat, a dietary pattern that is associated with both a smaller carbon footprint and a lower risk of chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. 3. Adults who eat organic food more frequently are less likely to be overweight or obese.a man and woman running with a dog4. Organic farming relies on biodegradable pesticides that break down rapidly and which are non-toxic or only minimally toxic to humans, rather than the more persistent man-made pesticides such as organophosphates (which, despite the name, are NOT part of organic management systems) used by conventional farmers. Epidemiological studies have clearly shown that low-level exposure to organophosphate insecticides has negative effects on children’s cognitive development and existing studies support the idea that reducing dietary exposure to pesticide residues is a good idea, especially among pregnant women and children. 5. Organic farms tend to apply lower levels of fertilizer and to rely on management strategies that slow or prevent run-off, so they are less likely to contaminate ground or surface water humans may depend on for domestic use. 6. Organic grain farmers tend to use animal manure rather than mineral phosphorus fertilizer, and to maintain higher levels of organic matter in the soil, differences that may result in lower levels of cadmium in the harvested grain (current consumption of cadmium tends to be on the high side and too much has a negative effect on health).soil7. A few animal studies suggest that consuming organically grown feed rather than conventionally grown feed may support a healthy immune system in future generations, but results found in animal studies do not always turn out to be the same for humans. 8. Organic farmers tend to let their animals graze on grass and clover more often and feed them less grain than conventional farmers do, and milk and other dairy products produced by grass-fed animals are higher in omega-3 fatty acids and lower in omega-6 fatty acids than those produced by grain-fed animals. That shift in omega fatty acid type may be associated with better human health. 9. Organic livestock producers do not use antibiotics as growth promotors (many conventional operations do) and organic livestock operations have been shown to be far less likely to generate antibiotic-resistant strains of human disease germs than conventional operations. Antibiotic-resistant germs are a serious public health issue for everyone, regardless of what diet they follow, because antibiotic-resistant germs can travel in windblown dust for long distances as well as being transmitted into medical facilities and the community at large by infected workers.a group of sheep grazing in a fieldStudies concerned with the possible effects of eating more organic food on other aspects of human health, and the relative taste and/or nutritional content of organic food vs. conventional food, have produced unclear or contradictory results, or constantly found no significant benefits.… Read the rest
The post How does Organic Food Impact Human Health? first appeared on Organic Food For Better Health.
What exactly makes organic food better? We have four reasons for you—
A study reveals that organic food contains higher levels of nutrients like antioxidants, vitamins, and other minerals. To say, around 19%-69% higher concentrations of antioxidants in polyphenols. Food that is high in antioxidants may help in reducing the risk of cancer and heart diseases. They also have anti-aging properties and eliminate free radicals in the human body (free radicals are molecules that induce cell damage). Since organic plants do not depend on chemicals to protect themselves, they produce their protective compounds which are antioxidants. But plants are not the only nutritious organic produce; livestock also gains nutritious benefits– organic meat and milk contain higher concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids than non-organic produce.
Before the importance of organic food became more pronounced, most of us had no qualms about buying conventionally produced food. Inorganic produce is mostly cultivated by inducing chemical fertilizers and pesticides or herbicides to advance their growth. This method of food cultivation not only puts a burden on the soil and water reserves but also leaves residues of chemicals. The chemicals would cause harm to our health when ingested, that is why organic food has become a better alternative. Organic food production steers clear of man-made pesticides and synthetic fertilizers that conventional farming uses. Plus, organic farmers follow the high farming standards of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) to be certified organic.
Genetically Modified (GM) seeds are modified to be resistant to herbicides and pesticides so that their growth does not get stunted by threats like pests and weeds. But this means that the yields will be lathered with toxins and chemicals, ultimately impacting the environment while posing health concerns such as allergies, and even cancer. The seeds are enhanced to be resistant to herbicides and pesticides but they do not ward off the pests for long. Weeds and pests could become accustomed to the chemicals, leading to farmers resorting to using stronger solutions. All of these further worsen the situation. Meanwhile, organic farming prohibits the use of GMO seeds, helps mitigate the damages, and promotes the health and wellbeing of the overall planet.
Soil health is the foundation of producing organic food— fertile soil supplies essential nutrients to plants and also helps the soil resist environmental degradation. And, organic cultivation of food improves the soil and makes it more fertile. It applies natural inputs in the form of green manure, compost, crop rotations, and cover crops. This causes less disturbance to the soil and increases nutrient recycling on the farm. All inorganic and synthetic supplements that could lower the soil’s fertility are prohibited. Good soil health also means that carbon dioxide can be stored better and help reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses in the agricultural sector.
Investing In Humans & The Future
Organic farming has lower operating costs, better crop quality, and higher profits margin— if around 75% of the world’s poorest that depend on agri-activities for a living switch to organic farming, the potential to improve their livelihoods increases. Organic is also a profound step toward creating a better food system. When we buy and eat organic, we are putting money into long-term farming that will benefit future generations.
Final Thoughts
Organic foods are higher in nutrients than conventionally cultivated crops. Grown in more fertile soil, it produces better crops. Alongside boosting health and wellness, organic food also considers the environment and contributes to uplifting lives around the world— a stronger consciousness of eco-societal stewardship. The benefits of organic food demonstrate that we can help the people and the environment simply by choosing to eat and live sustainably.
The post 4 Reasons Organic Food is Better for you first appeared on Organic Food For Better Health.
In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be quite a challenge. However, one of the best ways to ensure good health is by consuming organic food products. Organic foods are free from harmful chemicals, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs), making them a healthier choice for you and the environment.
When it comes to choosing organic food products, there are a plethora of options available in the market. From fresh fruits and vegetables to pantry staples and snacks, incorporating organic foods into your diet can have numerous benefits for your overall well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore some of the best organic food products that can help you lead a healthy lifestyle.
Organic Berries: Berries such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are packed with antioxidants and essential nutrients. Opting for organic berries ensures that you are not consuming harmful pesticides that are commonly used in conventional farming practices.
Organic Leafy Greens: Leafy greens like kale, spinach, and arugula are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Choosing organic options can help you avoid ingesting synthetic chemicals often found in non-organic greens.
Organic Milk: Organic milk comes from cows that are raised without the use of antibiotics or synthetic hormones. It is also free from artificial pesticides and herbicides, making it a healthier choice for your daily calcium intake.
Organic Yogurt: Organic yogurt is made from milk that is free from harmful additives and preservatives. It is a probiotic-rich food that can promote gut health and digestion.
Organic Quinoa: Quinoa is a gluten-free whole grain that is high in protein and fiber. Organic quinoa is cultivated without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, making it a nutritious and sustainable choice.
Organic Lentils: Lentils are a great source of plant-based protein and fiber. Choosing organic lentils ensures that you are not exposed to toxic chemicals that are commonly used in conventional farming.
Organic Nuts and Seeds: Nuts and seeds are nutrient-dense snacks that can provide essential fats and proteins. Opting for organic varieties ensures that you are not consuming pesticides or GMOs.
Organic Snack Bars: Organic snack bars are convenient and healthy options for on-the-go snacking. Look for bars that are made with organic ingredients and free from artificial additives.
Organic Herbal Tea: Organic herbal teas are free from artificial flavors and additives. They can provide various health benefits, such as improved digestion, relaxation, and hydration.
Organic Cold-Pressed Juices: Cold-pressed juices made from organic fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They can be a refreshing and nutritious addition to your daily routine.… Read the rest
The post The Best Organic Food Products for a Healthy Lifestyle first appeared on Organic Food For Better Health.
Organic foods are the ones that are chemical-free and grown using no pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Unlike conventional foods, during the production of organic fruits and vegetables, no chemicals are used to increase their size or to ripe them before time. However, it is difficult to distinguish between common foods and organic foods as they look similar in colour and shape. Today, in this blog we will tell you how to identify organic food and the health benefits of organic food for the elderly.
Organic foods are the ones that are chemical-free and grown using no pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Unlike conventional foods, during the production of organic fruits and vegetables, no chemicals are used to increase their size or to ripe them before time. However, it is difficult to distinguish between common foods and organic foods as they look similar in colour and shape. Today, in this blog we will tell you how to identify organic food and the health benefits of organic food for the elderly.
All kinds of fruits and vegetables are available in the market, which looks very fresh, but this does not mean that they are organic. Organic food items are certified separately. These are affixed or printed with certified stickers. Their taste is also slightly different from normal food. The smell of organic food is stronger than that of normal food.
Organic food has more nutrients in comparison to non-organic foods. It is because non-organic food loses its nutrient during the processing phase. Natural fertilizers are used for organic foods such as cow manure. On the other hand, non-organic food is fertilized with chemicals. Non-organic foods that were grown on traditional farms use human faeces as fertilizers. This practice, however, is not allowed in organic farms.
Organic food does not contain hormones, while non-organic foods contain hormones, hormones are injected for animals to speed up their growth. Food poisoning is more likely to occur with non-organic foods than organic.
Organic food is much more expensive than normal. In such a situation, the question arises that when you choose organic food over other food, what do you get different or extra? Are organic foods beneficial for health? Let us discuss some things and try to find out the answers to these questions.
Organic cow milk is the one which is produced from a cow that has been grown organically. That is a cow that has been reared with the right sunshine, water, food and other natural facilities. Such a cow is grown with organic food and is not given any synthetic insecticide. An organically grown cow is given medicines when needed, but no antibiotics or hormones etc. are given to increase milk. There is no difference in the number of calories, protein and calcium in both traditional and organic milk. According to research, organic milk has high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid (Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)). This means that organic cow milk is slightly more beneficial to health than traditional milk.
Organic vegetables are grown in the field without any synthetic pesticides. The method of growing them is completely natural. However, according to a study, organic vegetables do not only give you more vitamins or minerals but are beneficial for your health to some extent.
Organic eggs mean eggs laid by chickens that have been reared in a healthy environment. Farms that lay organic chickens and eggs follow healthy habits, give organic food to chickens. In organic egg-farming, chickens are not kept in cages. They are given a place to move and are grown in a happy environment thus organic eggs are considered healthier than regular eggs.
The materials used to make products such as bread are also grown organically. Not only this, but organic bread also exclude unhealthy elements such as artificial sweeteners and preservatives.
The biggest feature of organic foods is that they do not have any side-effects on the body. The organic food doesn’t use any kind of chemical, pesticides, medicines or preservatives. Therefore, it is considered to be the best for the elderly.
It keeps the elderly away from many diseases.
However, to enjoy the benefits of organic food, the elders must be given the food in the right amount, considering the nutrients of the food. Also, if you do not cook these foods properly, then there can be disadvantages instead. Thus along with such information, we suggest and provide nursing services for elders, where they take care of each and everything of the elders.
One of the key benefits of organic food for seniors is that it is antibiotic-resistant, Whereas non-organic food is produced with the help of chemicals. Thus people who consume non-organic food also consume antibiotics, hormones and other harmful chemicals indirectly. As humans grow, they become vulnerable to various diseases. Adding organic food in your diet is one of the important things that one should consider with growing age.
Grown through healthy ways, organic food also works as a good immunity booster for elders. Organic food provides healthier minerals and vitamins to the elderly. On the other hand, conventional food is grown to only enhance the production with any possible means. The … Read the rest
The post Benefits of organic food for the Elderly first appeared on Organic Food For Better Health.
As the new year approaches, one of your resolutions may be to make healthier food choices. It may seem overwhelming at first, but it doesn’t have to be. We have put together some helpful ways to incorporate organic products into your healthy diet. It’s not only thinking about it, but this includes planning and understanding food labels.
First let’s define what eating organic is. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture the term “Organic” is food that is free from processed and synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and weedicides in both produce, grains, and animal products including:
Organic foods are healthier than conventional foods. Learn more in our article, “Why Is Organic Food Healthier”?
5 ways you can prioritize a healthy organic diet
When planning to adopt an organic diet, it helps to plan your meals in advance. Whether you use an online tracker, a spreadsheet, or a list, keeping track of your meals is vital when it comes to eating healthy and organically.
Begin by drafting potential meals for the week. Find healthy recipe inspiration here. Once you’ve solidified your meal plan, list the recipes and ingredients for each one. You can list them by category, for example vegetables, fruits, protein, oils etc. Whether you plan to make golden turmeric overnight oats for breakfast or fresh vegetables, quinoa and tofu for dinner, planning your meals will help you stay organized. An added bonus is that planning a shopping list often helps with staying within your grocery budget as well.
Pick a day that works for you to go grocery shopping and prepare your meals. It may seem like a lot of work upfront, but you’ll see how smoothly your week goes and can ensure your diet is filled with organic foods that you need to stay healthy.
Understanding nutrition labels is good practice when you’re making healthier choices. You don’t have to be an expert at reading labels, however, having a basic understanding of what you are putting in your body will be a helpful part of your journey.
Here is a tip, instead of selecting generic versions of foods, look for foods with labels that read “Organic” or “USDA Certified ”. Generally, it will be labeled on the front of the packaging, in letters or in large print. You should be able to find the organic call out on both the front panel, as well as on the information panel of the product. For example, Nature’s Path Organic Heritage Flakes Cereal uses organic callouts in a number of ways. Explore our product page to get familiar with where they may be found.
For additional helpful information on organic labeling in the U.S., visit USDA. GOV- Organic Products. However, don’t stress too much about the percentages, being mindful of what the claims mean is a great start. Keep in mind, anything that has an organic label is better than the conventional processed foods.
Keeping a healthy organic diet is all about focusing on the food itself. Eating a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, grains, protein, and dairy products is important. It can help you meet your daily nutritional requirements while also providing you with the essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber your body needs.
Fruits and vegetables are important because they are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals and low in fat. In addition, it’s also an important source of antioxidants that help your body fight off free radicals. Keep in mind that some fruits and vegetables contain high levels of pesticides so either buy organic or grow your own produce if you can.
Whole Grains are rich in fiber and other nutrients that are often removed during processing. Whole grains also contain antioxidant compounds called phytochemicals which help lower your risk for chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. To learn more about these compounds, read this article by Zhang YJ et al. (2015). The easiest way to make sure you’re eating whole grains is to look for products labeled ”100% whole grain.
Protein and dairy products are also essential for your body. However, there is a greater nutritional benefit when it’s organic because it contains omega-3 fatty acids and more antioxidants, and no hormones or pesticides.
Home cooking is a great way to prioritize a healthy organic diet because you know exactly what products and ingredients go into your body. Although going out to a restaurant is convenient, you cannot be certain what ingredients are in their foods; some restaurant foods can be highly processed and unhealthy.
Instead, purchase good quality organic products from your local grocery store and prepare a meal for yourself and your family. This way you will save money and your body will feel better.
If you are in a rush in the morning make a quick yogurt parfait with Hemp Hearts granola or a tasty gluten-free cereal with a splash of your favorite organic nut milk.
Committing to an eating schedule everyday can help you feel more in control of your eating habits. When you decide to eat at certain times, you create a routine that will help you stay on track with consuming more healthy organic foods. The time you eat does not matter. Most people have their lunch, midday or around 12 p.m. and avoid eating 2-3 hours before bedtime.
According to a few studies published on, eating irregularly puts you at risk for high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. As you prepare your meals, make a mental note of when you plan to … Read the rest
The post 5 Ways to Prioritize a Healthy Organic Diet first appeared on Organic Food For Better Health.
Incorporating organic food in your daily diet ensures natural nutrition and disease prevention.
Everyone emphasises on having nutritious food but at the same time we should also know what goes into the production of the food we consume. Most people are unaware of the hidden dangers of non-organic food which come mainly from the use of chemicals.
The main purpose behind using fertilisers is to increase the soil fertility for plant growth. But the hidden danger is that they seep through the soil leading to contamination of water. However, the immediate effect is on human health.
Several studies in the US suggest that pesticides have been harming children’s brains. The US Agricultural Health Study assesses the link between pesticide exposure and cancer. In 2010, a review of the study of 28 publications found 19 out of 32 pesticides to be associated with at least one type of cancer. The Indian state of Punjab faced adverse consequences due to the toxic, harmful effects of pesticides that resulted in health issues like cancer, renal failure and birth defects.
Organic food is the best and safest way to remedy the ill effects and promote healthy life
Since organic food farming follows natural approach, it takes time to get the yield which has naturally occurring nutrients. Extreme care is taken to prevent adulteration and maintain integrity of the food product.
An analysis in the British Journal of Nutrition found that organically grown crops, because of differences in fertilisation techniques, were 48% less likely to test positive for cadmium, a toxic heavy metal that accumulates in the liver and kidneys. The phosphate-based fertilisers can provide more cadmium to what is already there in the soil. Having said that, the kind of soil on which food is grown is also very important. Mineral rich soil without the presence of any chemicals can help in yielding clean and healthy organic food with its innate properties intact.
Natural approach – Unlike conventional crops that use fertilisers for fast growth and increased productivity, organic food farming takes time to get the yield with naturally occurring nutrients. This method of cultivation uses only natural organic matter that ensures natural release of nutrients.
Certification – Organic foods are regulated by Food safety and standards authority of a country and have certifications. It indicates organic integrity from farm to the market.
Beneficial nutrients – Clean food gives clean health. As organic food is grown in the healthy soil without the use of toxic chemicals and is free from artificial colours, preservatives, it contains more vitamins, minerals and micronutrients.
Supports healthy environment – Organic farming maintains the health of the soil and prevents chemicals getting into water supplies. It is pollinator friendly and protects the bees and wildlife from toxic chemicals.
Reduce the risk of cancer – According to a study in JAMA Internal Medicine published by American Medical Association, those who ate organic foods lowered their overall risk of developing cancer.
Since organic foods are grown without chemicals, pesticides, they contain natural nutrition. Studies have indicated that if organic food is the primary diet for children, it reduces the occurrence of allergies. The high levels of antioxidants present in naturally grown food boosts immunity in children and adults. The total absence of pesticides, fertilisers in organic food makes it good for a healthy skin too.
Rich in Vitamin C – Organic food is rich in Vitamin C which is required by the body to protect the cells, heal wounds quickly and maintain healthy bones, cartilage and blood vessels.
High in antioxidants – The presence of antioxidants helps prevent heart diseases, cancer, premature aging and vision problems.
Better taste and nourishment – Since the crops are given more time to naturally develop and mature, they retain the natural nutritional properties. The use of traditional farming techniques with natural manure ensures better taste.
Strong immunity – Organic foods do not go through any genetic modifications which have negative impact on health in the long run. Hence, they have high vitamin and mineral contents which strengthen the immune system.
Cleaner, safer and healthier
Only the right food from quality seeding, natural harvesting can assure health, nutrition, taste and sustains in the long run. And this can happen only with organic food that is cultivated on clean lands without the use of any kind of chemicals.… Read the rest
The post Health benefits of eating organic food first appeared on Organic Food For Better Health.
Eating healthy is critical to the health of your body. But did you know that eating organic is integral to eating healthy? It’s true! Eating organic isn’t just better for the environment but also for you, the individual consuming the food.
Read on to learn more about the importance of organic food and some tips for building a healthy diet based on organic foods.
One of the main benefits of organic food is putting less additives in your body. Non-organic foods are grown using pesticides and sewer sludge as fertilizer and thus often contain traces of heavy metals and toxins which your body cannot process.
Because the body is incapable of processing these ingredients, they build up in the body, leading to serious future health issues such as cancer and delayed development in children.
The soil used to grow organic foods is heavily regulated, meaning the best quality soils are always used for fruits and veggies, and sewer sludge is never used as fertilizer. For meat, organic farmers often must keep their animals on a strict diet closer to their natural diet.
As a result, the end product often is much healthier for the consumer, containing more antioxidants and omega-3s than non-organic products. Therefore, you actually get more health benefits from eating organic foods than non-organic ones.
One of the lesser-known reasons to buy organic food for healthy eating is to help you avoid some foodborne illnesses.
While it is impossible to avoid all foodborne illnesses, the animals raised under organic regulations are much better cared for and are much less likely to carry diseases. They are also fed a diet more akin to what their body needs, keeping them healthier and less likely to be sick when they are butchered.
This means that the meat on your plate is much less likely to make you sick when it is organic than when you buy non-organic meat.
Intolerances are beginning to run rampant in society, especially regarding dairy and gluten. Much of this is because the human body no longer recognizes the genetically engineered versions of these products and rejects them instead of processing them normally.
Genetically engineered food is not allowed in organic farming, so when you eat an organic product, you know your body will recognize it for what it is, processing it correctly.… Read the rest
The post The Importance of Organic Food for Healthy Eating first appeared on Organic Food For Better Health.
Nutrient-Dense Goodness:
Organic food items are an excellent source of essential nutrients. They are brimming with minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. They provide an impressive health boost that is difficult to locate in conventional foods.
Chemical-Free Bliss:
If you opt for organic, you’re choosing an organic lifestyle that is chemical-free. Organic farming practices eliminate the usage of pesticides that are harmful as well as synthetic fertilizers, which ensures that your food is fresh and free of contamination.
A Priority for Heart Health:
Organic foods have been associated with better health for the heart. The lower levels of harmful chemicals in organic produce may reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
Digestive Well-Being:
Organic foods are gentle on your digestive system. They’re free of chemical additives that could lead to digestive discomfort, which makes them a great option for people who suffer from sensitive stomachs.
Allergy Prevention:
Being organic can lower the risk of developing allergies. By avoiding harmful chemicals and toxins, you can give your body’s immune system with boost and possibly stop allergies from forming.
Birth Defects Safeguard:
Organic food is an ideal choice for expecting mothers. It decreases the risk of birth defects by making sure that the fetus’s development is not exposed to harmful chemicals.
Sustainable Living:
Produce grown organically isn’t just good for your health, but also for the environmental health. Organic farming practices help to ensure sustainability while protecting the soil and promoting the natural ecosystem.
Mind Matters:
The health of your mind is dependent on what you consume. Organic foods, high in nutrients and free of contaminants can positively impact your mental health, assisting to keep you focused and alert.
Obesity Prevention:
Organic food choices are a great option for keeping an appropriate weight. Their high nutritional value and the absence of additives that are harmful make them a good option for people looking to reduce the risk of the effects of obesity.
Reduced Risk of Cancer:
A single of the biggest advantages of eating organic foods is the decreased risk of getting cancer. By removing harmful chemicals and encouraging a nutrient-rich diet organic foods can help reduce cancer risk.… Read the rest
The post 10 Benefits of Eating Organic Food first appeared on Organic Food For Better Health.