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Adventure Outdoors: Irresistible Eco-Destination 6 Aug 2011 | 02:55 am
There, Monteverde Cloud Forest, an ecological paradise, which extends over 35,000 hectares of northern Costa Rica, home of more than 200 wild animals. Height of 1000 feet, the rain forest ecosystem is...
I Love My Break Barrel Air Rifle: My Gamo Shadow Is Definitely An Adult Air Rifle 9 Sep 2010 | 04:35 am
Break Barrel Air Rifles: My first break barrel air rifle was a Gamo Shadow that I bought online from Pyramid Air. With a muzzle velocity of 1000 feet per second, this air rifle is definitely an adul...
4 Mevsim İstanbul, Alp Alper 18 Dec 2010 | 09:03 am
Alp Alper'in olağanüstü güzellikteki TÜRKİYE From 1000 Feet kitabından sonraki projesi 4 Mevsim Istanbul bir haftaya kadar kitapçılarda olacak. Alp Alper kitabı için şunları söylüyor: Ekibimle yaklaşı...
Anggota DPR dan Pilot Penyabu 21 Feb 2012 | 03:32 pm
Seorang Guru matematika bertanya kepada murid-muridnya: Guru : “Seandainya pesawat Boeing 747 Lion Air dipiloti oleh penyabu, dan mengangkut 560 orang anggota DPR RI, meledak di ketinggian 1000 feet ...
Anggota DPR dan Pilot Penyabu 21 Feb 2012 | 09:32 am
Seorang Guru matematika bertanya kepada murid-muridnya: Guru : “Seandainya pesawat Boeing 747 Lion Air dipiloti oleh penyabu, dan mengangkut 560 orang anggota DPR RI, meledak di ketinggian 1000 feet d...
Prince Andrew’s extreme sporty spirit 18 Sep 2012 | 06:08 pm
‘More than 1000 feet, around 305 meters, 95 floors, two nylon ropes and a 52 year old man.’ It’s not the plot of any drama at Broadway but these are the highlights of abseiling events headed on Sept 3...
Experts about Octopuses in Deep Waters of the Indo-Pacific 26 May 2013 | 06:23 am
Hi Everyone, Is there anyone out there that is familiar with octopuses that are found at least around 1000 feet depths in American Samoa? I have some photos I can post that aren't very good. The vide...
Save The Mendocino County Skunk Train 30 May 2013 | 01:18 am
A huge tunnel collapse has halted operation of the world famous Skunk Train. The April collapse Tunnel No. 1 will cost an estimated $300,000 to repair. The tunnel is over 1000 feet long and is 3 mi...
Save The Mendocino County Skunk Train 30 May 2013 | 01:18 am
A huge tunnel collapse has halted operation of the world famous Skunk Train. The April collapse Tunnel No. 1 will cost an estimated $300,000 to repair. The tunnel is over 1000 feet long and is 3 mi...
Ziplining in New Jersey 20 Aug 2013 | 08:04 pm
Is your family the adventurous type? Like to live on the edge (literally)? Love the outdoors from approximately 1000 feet above sea level and at a speed of upwards of 40mph? Then maybe ziplining is fo...