Most 13 weeks nt related news are at:

Update 16 May 2013 | 02:00 am
Yikes…5 months since the last post…really? I have tried to keep tabs on the blog friends that were expecting, had upcoming adoptions or treatments looming. But if I missed you…please know that I am tr...
Happy Holidays!! 16 Dec 2012 | 06:15 pm
Hello There (if any of you still read!)! Just wanted to send out a quick "proof-of-life" post to say that yes, I am still here. Yes, I am still reading your posts when I can. Life is going by at bl...
More 13 weeks nt related news:
A confession. 4 Apr 2012 | 06:16 pm
Hye, welcome honeymoon trimester! Entering 13 weeks of pregnancy journey and yet, rumah kami masih tiada sofa. Rasa-rasanya, apa rasa hati? Suami kata, nanti dah siap cat dinding rumah, baru nak be... 21 Oct 2009 | 02:25 pm
Stop, start, stop, start... I am a blogging failure with this blog. But. I have not been a failure with the weight loss. I recommitted to getting my fat ass trimmed down about 13 weeks ago, and it's...
♥ Our Baby :: 13 weeks 1 day ♥ 27 Sep 2011 | 06:52 pm
Salam Semua... As mentioned before, I had my appointment with Dr. Marsita yesterday. Dapat kebenaran pulang awal (jam 3) untuk ke klinik... Hehhehe.... This time, Dr. Marsita wants to measure the"nu...
Sunday June 21 Father's Day 22 Jun 2009 | 10:10 am
Happy Father's Day to any dad's out there. My daddy is doing really well. It's been a little over 13 weeks since his surgery. Hopefully he will be rehabbed enough to come home in a couple of weeks. K...
If At First You Don't Succeed... 23 Feb 2010 | 08:14 am
try, try again. I was 13 weeks pregnant and I had a miscarriage on Thanksgiving Day. It was my first miscarriage, kind of surreal, and it took me a while to shift gears. About 2 weeks later I had fin...
Baby Bump 24 Feb 2010 | 07:37 am
So my bump has been growing rapidly and baby Corinne now weights 10.5 ounces! Shes getting big and so am I! Here are some growing bump pictures from the last few weeks: 13 Weeks: 16 Weeks: (almost)...
Parson Russell Terriers 22 Dec 2011 | 07:21 am
Nicola contacted me after receiving a gift voucher from one of her friends. Her two year old Parson Terrier, Fizz, had a litter 13 weeks ago, and they had decided to keep one of the pups. What better ...
It’s a…. 6 Nov 2011 | 03:11 am
Still could be the umbilical cord right? No, I’m so happy to be the mom of 4 boys. And grateful he looks healthy so far 13 Weeks – Due May 8th
13 Weeks 16 Sep 2011 | 04:15 am
My last appointment was very exciting because I got to hear BOTH heartbeats. The first heartbeat she found was in the 150s. The second heartbeat was in the 160s. My OB said I was 13 weeks and 2 day...
Sasha at 13 weeks 9 Jul 2009 | 06:13 am
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