Most 15 bungee jumping related news are at:

Steve Jobs 14 Oct 2011 | 04:25 am
Sudah begitu banyak tulisan, video dan ulasan-ulasan mengenai Steve Jobs beberapa hari setelah kematian legenda visioner teknologi itu. Menjadi headline di seluruh dunia, trending topic, bahkan google...
Traveler’s Tale: Bungee Jumping Bikin Nagih 11 Jul 2011 | 03:33 am
Lagi-lagi mau posting tentang bungee jumping. Kali ini lebih pengen share pengalaman pribadi. Bagaimana sih rasanya bungee jumping? Takut? ga terlalu sih. Karena menurut saya, peralatannya aman dan sa...
More 15 bungee jumping related news:
15 Bungee Jump Tertinggi di Dunia (bagian 2) 29 Jun 2011 | 02:36 pm
Di posting sebelumnya, saya sudah bahas 15 lokasi bungee jumping tertinggi di dunia bagian pertama. Berikut kita lanjutkan ke bagian kedua: Le Pont Suspendu de L’Araignee in Niouc, Switzerland – #6 Je...
15 Bungee Jump Tertinggi di Dunia 26 May 2011 | 11:18 pm
April 2011 yang lalu, merupakan aksi pertama dan terakhir saya bungee jumping di Kuta, Bali. Saya sudah ngidam banget dengan olahraga adrenalin ini sejak tahun 2007 dan baru kesampaian kemarin. ‘Untun...
Eurobungy 26 Mar 2009 | 02:38 am
Experience the adrenaline rush of bungee jumping - without the risks - as you perform gravity-defying maneuvers with this ...
Und jetzt: Das Ganze in Farbe! Die Garden Route Bitte schön. 17 May 2011 | 09:33 pm
Hostel im Zug Ciccis Bungee Jump Brücke Kanutour Knysna Stephanie Wilderness Ja das nennt man Fähre und ja da muss man schon selber am Seil ziehen um auf die andere Seite zu kommen ;D T.I.A.
Para muchos, el peligro y el vértigo son fuente de placer . 24 Mar 2012 | 08:03 am
Son los que algunos especialistas en psiquiatría llaman adictos a la adrenalina. Paracaidismo, bungee jumping, parapente, rafting y longboard, algunas de las actividades que los apasionan. Los riesgo...
Which Would You Like to Try? Scuba Diving? 2 Nov 2011 | 03:01 am
Lucas Asked: Which of the following things would you like to try? 1.water skiing 2.hang gliding 3.bungee jumping 4.scuba diving 5.paddle boating games 7.go cart racing 8.drag car raci...
Go Bungee Jumping for just R 600 8 May 2012 | 02:23 pm
Go Bungee Jumping for just R 600 Experience the thrill of bungee jumping.Of all the crazy adventure activities to do in South Africa, there are none that raise the hairs on a persons back ( if you ha...
BUNGEE JUMPING 19 Apr 2012 | 05:02 am
Bungee Jumping es un deporte en el cual una persona se lanza desde una altura, generalmente cientos de metros, con uno de los puntos de la cuerda elástica atada a su cuerpo o como también al tobillo, ...
Bungee jumping tra i coccodrilli 30 Mar 2012 | 08:33 pm
Mai pensato di fare bungee jumping tra i coccodrilli? Bè…. è quanto avveniva nello splendido scenario delle Victoria Falls, in particolare nel territorio dello Zimbabwe. Come specificato nella descriz...
29 Extreme Adventures To Try Out 3 May 2012 | 12:58 am
29 Extreme Adventures To Try Out Bungee Jumping There’s nothing like attaching an elastic cord to your feet and jumping off a bridge head-first. Stare death in the face as you see the ground coming ...