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More 1947 roswell fbi related news:
August 1963: UFO Reports in Project Blue Book 1 Aug 2013 | 09:01 pm
After the 1947 “Roswell Incident” in New Mexico, the U.S. Air Force launched Project Blue Book which ultimately investigated nearly 13,000 UFO sightings within the United States and abroad. The report...
Voyage en uchronie 22 Feb 2010 | 06:16 am
1947. Deux engins extraterrestres s'écrasent sur la terre. L'un en Sibérie. L'autre à Roswell aux Etats-Unis sous les yeux de Nico, une gamine ayant fait une fugue. A Washington, le Président Truman d...
Os 10 maiores mistérios da humanidade 9 May 2012 | 09:28 am
10 - Incidente em Roswell Em 8 de julho de 1947, em Roswell (Novo México, Estados Unidos) o jornal Roswell Daily Record publicou em primeira página a notícia de que o 509º Grupo de Bombas do Exército...
Terungkap ! Jatuhnya UFO di Rusia tahun 1969 8 Apr 2010 | 03:45 pm
Banyak orang telah mengetahui tentang Roswell 1947, sebuah peristiwa yang dipercaya banyak orang sebagai jatuhnya pesawat UFO di wilayah Roswell, New Mexico. Dan sekarang, informasi rahasia tentang ja...
Insiden UFO Roswell. 26 Jan 2011 | 02:07 pm
Roswell incident terjadi di dekat kota Roswell, New Mexico, pada 7 Juli 1947, yang menjadi peristiwa yang sering dibicarakan dan penuh spekulasi, rumor, dan pertanyaan. Insiden Roswell merupakan salah...
Video: Larry King Live UFO Special 07/13/2007 20 Jul 2007 | 12:00 pm
On Friday July 13, 2007, The "Larry King Live" show did a special on UFOs and the alleged July 1947 UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico which recently celebrated its 60th birthday. Larry King again seem...
Proof that Aliens Landed in New Mexico 6 Nov 2011 | 09:24 am
Scary Videos: Under the Freedom of Information Act, a bizarre memo that appears to prove that aliens did crash at Roswell, New Mexico prior to 1950 has been published by the FBI. The bureau has mad...
en este video se mustran lo que parese ser unos artefactos curiosos de lo que segun fue el accicente de un ovni en Roswell NMEn 1947.FROM:disclosur3.
Chuck Norris à balançé une poêle en l'air en 1947 du coté de Roswell. On connaît la suite ... 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Chuck Norris à balançé une poêle en l'air en 1947 du coté de Roswell. On connaît la suite ...
Google Celebrates 66th Anniversary of Roswell UFO with a Doodle 8 Jul 2013 | 12:01 pm
In July 1947, witnesses reported seeing flying saucers and unidentified material on the ground in Roswell, New Mexico. Roswell Army Air Field’s intelligence office recovered a so called “flying saucer...