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More 3d monitor related news:
Introduction to Stereoscopic 3D Monitors: Passive, Active, Glasses-Free 12 Mar 2012 | 05:10 am
The advancement of the technology used in manufacturing monitors for computers had changed the whole spectrum greatly and is now proceeding towards making monitors based on 3D technology. But 3D techn...
ASUS VG278H 24 Dec 2011 | 03:32 pm
Introduction: Asus VG278H is a 27 inch 3D monitor sporting NVIDIA’s newest LightBoost technology and is packed with NVIDIA’s second generation 3D vision glasses. LightBoost technology is a newest inn...
Planar SA2311W 21 Dec 2011 | 09:53 pm
Introduction: Planar SA2311W is a sleek designed and attractive 23 inch 3D monitor panel having the refresh rate of 120 Hz. With the support from NVIDIA 3D vision technology and a perfect Full HD dis...
Dell Alienware OptX AW2310 20 Dec 2011 | 12:05 pm
As the biggest name in gaming hardware, Alienware has a reputation to live up to. The AW2310 is Alienware’s 23-inch entry into the realm of 3D monitors, and it certainly looks great on the surface. Us...
LG Flatron IPS236V with IPS Technologies in an Ultra Slim Design 14 May 2012 | 03:52 pm
LG released the 3D monitor successfully in previous month, now LG release LG Flatron IPS236V. As the name implies, LG Flatron IPS236V is a monitor with IPS panel that is already proven to have a bette...
LG 3D monitor D2342P price in India and review by 30 Sep 2011 | 03:58 am
Price of D2342P LG: 23”screen in 3D Monitor in India is between 12K to 13K (INR) D2342P LG: 23”screen in 3D passive monitor it’s much cheaper and equally effective! 3D The passive display from LG, t...
Samsung SyncMaster S27A950D LCD 3D Monitor LCD 27' With 120Hz Refresh Rate 13 Jul 2011 | 04:16 am
Samsung launches Europe's newest LCD monitors sized 27-inch Samsung SyncMaster named S27A950D with LED-backlit display that supports 3D. This sleek LCD monitor capable of displaying a resolution of 19...
Toshiba Develops 3D Display for use without special glasses 28 Apr 2010 | 11:10 pm
Toshiba Mobile Display Co., Ltd. has developed a 21-inch autostereoscopic HD display for use in next-generation 3D monitors that enables the user to enjoy 3D images without the need for special glasse...
YouTube Now Converts 2D Content to 3D – Are You Ready?? 27 Sep 2011 | 05:11 pm
YouTube is now giving you that 3D content you’ve been looking for to take that shiny new 3D monitor for a spin. Your standard 2D videos are now completely convertible, giving you the ability to take ...
3D Digitalkamera Fujifilm FinePix REAL 3D W1 18 Dec 2009 | 03:32 am
Kinofilme bekommt man mittlerweile seit Jahren in 3D präsentiert. 3D-Monitore und Fernseher sind gerade im kommen mit welchen man z.B. das Lieblingsspiel oder die WM 2010 erleben kann, als wäre man mi...