Most 80 mm related news are at:

Tilda Swindon Joins Vampire Terror Hottie Cast Of Only Lovers Left Alive 2 Feb 2012 | 03:56 am
Me and vampire movies have never exactly gotten along, but one thing it’s impossible to deny is that vampire movies often pack in some pretty impressive terror hottie counts, and that’s just what we’l...
Dead Shadows Gets A New Teaser 1 Feb 2012 | 04:56 pm
A little shot of French horror comes our way with Dead Shadows, and of course, we’ll also get terror hotties to boot here in the form of Gwendolyn Gourvenec. And the trailer, as well as the plot itsel...
More 80 mm related news:
Rehau pvc profili 5 Oct 2010 | 12:18 am
REHAU Brillant-Design Sustav orijentiran na zahtjeve dizajna ugradbene dubine 70 i 80 mm za višu klasu stanogradnje Sustav REHAU Brillant-Design kombinacija je visoke toplinske izolacije i bogatog d...
HD 9220/50 Air Fryer weiß 27 May 2012 | 02:38 pm
Entsafter Avance Collection HR 1871/00 Leistung 800W, Tresterauswurf, Anzahl der Geschwindigkeitsstufen 2, Kabelaufwicklung, XXL Einfüllöffnung (80 mm Durchmesser), alle abnehmbaren Teile sind spülmas...
Hasil Ujian Blok 9 2011 17 Dec 2011 | 12:38 pm
1. Agar terlepas dari jerat risiko penyakit degeneratif, seorang penderita obesitas telah berkeputusan untuk menurunkan berat badan secepatnya. Dengan BMI 26 dan tekanan darah 140/80 mm Hg, pendekatan...
Brankas (Lemari Besi Tahan Api) Champion Blazer 1 7 Nov 2011 | 07:23 pm
Brankas Champion Blazer 1 Tebal Badan : 65 mm – 80 mm Tebal Pintu : 100 mm – 130 mm Ukuran Luar : 40 x 52 x 45 Cm Ukuran Dalam : 30 x 37 x 30 Cm Berat :150 Kg Harga : Rp.4.680.000
Brankas (Lemari Besi Tahan Api) Champion Blazer 2 7 Nov 2011 | 07:20 pm
Brankas Champion Blazer 2 Tebal Badan : 65 mm – 80 mm Tebal Pintu : 100 mm – 130 mm Ukuran Luar : 60 x 52 x 40 Cm Ukuran Dalam : 48 x 37 x 25 Cm Berat : 200 Kg Harga : Rp. 5.655.000
Brankas (Lemari Besi Tahan Api) Champion Blazer 3 7 Nov 2011 | 07:17 pm
Brankas Champion Blazer 3 Tebal Badan : 65 mm – 80 mm Tebal Pintu : 100 mm – 130 mm Ukuran Luar : 60 x 52 x 50 Cm Ukuran Dalam : 45 x 37 x 35 Cm Berat : 250 Harga : Rp. 6.825.000
Brankas (Lemari Besi Tahan Api) Champion Blazer 4 7 Nov 2011 | 07:14 pm
Brankas Champion Blazer 4 Tebal Badan : 65 mm – 80 mm Tebal Pintu : 100 mm – 130 mm Ukuran Luar : 75 x 52 x 50 Cm Ukuran Dalam : 60 x 37 x 35 Cm Berat : 350 Kg Harga : Rp. 8.515.000
Sandale Romane S Oliver M38-38/5 5 Mar 2010 | 06:06 am
Sandale romane S.OLIVER din piele fină. Fermoar la călcâi. Curele reglabile cu elastic acoperit. Căptuşeală sintetică. Talpa interioară din piele. Talpa exterioară sintetică cu toc 80 mm şi platfor...
Ofis Bölme Sistemleri Nedir Ofis Bölme Sistemleri 10 Nov 2010 | 11:12 pm
Demontable Ofis Bölme Sistemleri Nedir? Ofis Bölme Sistemleri Nasıl Uygulanır ? demontable ofis bölme sistemleri 80 mm genişliğindeki alüminyum profillerin içine çift taraflı olarak kaplama levhaları...
Penderita Tekanan Darah Rendah 2 May 2011 | 08:38 pm
Darah rendah tak pernah enyah dari tubuh Ice Dahriani (37 tahun). Tekanan darahnya tak pernah beranjak dari 90/60 mmHg. Idealnya, 120/80 mm/ Hg. Wajar bila pegawai bank swasta nasional itu kerap letih...