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March Madness....Go Cougars! 22 Mar 2011 | 03:17 pm
If you know anything about me you know that I love BYU sports. In college I worked for the football and basketball teams (best job ever, might I add), and so my devotion runs deep. These days, BYU ba...
racism, hypocrisy, and basketball: it’s all in a day’s work. 7 Mar 2011 | 07:40 pm
i’m not sure how many of you keep up with ncaa men’s basketball, but there’s a good chance you may have heard something about a byu player, brandon davies, being suspended from the basketball team thi...
Pensamentos Sobre a Intimidade do Casamento (Brent A. Barlow) 25 Jan 2011 | 02:55 am
Brent A. Barlow foi um professor de casamento, família e desenvolvimento humano na Universidade Brigham Young (BYU). Ele agora está aposentado. Ele tem escrito vários livros sobre temas relacionados a...
Karl Beckstrand 15 Dec 2011 | 09:23 am
Karl Beckstrand is a five-time published author with 21 titles on Raised in San Jose, California, USA, he received a B.A. in journalism from BYU and is pursuing an M.A. in international re...
Ella's First Day of Preschool! 3 Apr 2011 | 02:55 pm
Back in mid- January Ella started preschool up at the BYU-I campus preschool lab. She absolutely loved it. It was a really good school. One of my favorite things about it was that they have like 6 col...
Phone Camera Dump 15 Oct 2011 | 06:38 pm
my boy and my dad dog tricks, pretend you don't see the pile of clothes on my chair in the background, it's a bad habit! crazy hair day at school giant flag covering the entire field at BYU / U o....
BYU Bookstore New Release Motivational Posters 6 Dec 2008 | 04:21 pm
Hitler Reacts to the BYU Loss 27 Nov 2008 | 08:16 am
Don't be tempted to watch this.......... ALSO FOR THE RECORD The Holy War is one of America's oldest and most heated college football rivalries. In fact, ...
Nothing Better than a BYU BUTT WHOOPING. 23 Nov 2008 | 06:19 pm 27 Feb 2010 | 08:24 am
Sorry I haven't updated lately, school has been crazy busy! So Holly came down for New Years to spend time with her sister and we got to see her for the first time since she left us for BYU in the sum...