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How Discover the Information You Need 29 May 2013 | 02:55 pm
Since I am a total proponent for the Questioning Model in Sales, how do you use this model to learn the Information you need to successfully make the B2B sales? Obviously, you use questions during you...
Improve Your Trade Show Results 22 Apr 2013 | 12:34 pm
I was having a long dialogue with several clients during the past two weeks and the subject of Trade Shows came up. Seems there is concern over the return on investment with participating in trade sho...
More Business to Business Sales related news:
Facebook vs. Pinterest – Which Offers Better Business Conversions and Sales [Infographic] 2 Aug 2013 | 02:00 pm
Here is a great infographic that shows the difference between Facebook vs. Pinterest in driving traffic and potentially donors into your website. Pinterest is one of the best drivers of sales for bus...
Get Unlimited Network Marketing Leads 26 Apr 2011 | 12:06 pm
The foundation of any network marketing business is Leads! If you run out of leads then you will fail. It’s that simple. You need fresh new leads to contact everyday in order to build a long term busi...
A Business Service Can Streamline Your Processes 11 Mar 2012 | 07:52 am
Being an entrepreneur is an exciting challenge that many people prefer over working for someone else. However, it does come with many challenges. Running your own business is very much a solo act, and...
The difference between a Job and a Business 16 Sep 2010 | 09:10 pm
C: “I don’t have a job.” S: “You must have a job.” C: “No, I don’t have a job.” S: “How do you make money?” C: “I have a business.” S: “That’s kind of a job.” C: “No it’s not. In a job you focus on ma...
The Business Today 3 Apr 2012 | 10:13 am
In this era, technology plays a very vital role whatever field you are in. It has a huge impact in the progress of an organization and more so of a business. This is why companies are in need of relia...
Turning Page Visits To Sales 30 Nov 2011 | 09:40 pm
One of the trickiest part of online business is making sales. After all, not all of the people that visit the site would actually be buying from it. Most would be there just to window shop. Thus, it i...
Winter Business Dresses on Sale Now! 11 May 2011 | 06:22 am
I'm a bargin shopper always have been always will be so I know a good sale when I see one. The best way to save on apparel is to shop for clothing when its not in season. Right now you can snag some...
Top 10 Winter Business Shoes 21 Jan 2011 | 12:07 pm
**1&2 High boots-with there slender heel these only work in the winter when there is no snow or ice on the ground. Great to wear for a professional business meeting and if need be wear some comfy ugg...
Is hotel rate negotiation for business travel becoming an outdated concept? 24 May 2012 | 06:36 pm
Developments in travel technology are making corporates stop and ask: Are hotel rate negotiations serving the purpose? Rate negotiation is one process which keeps travel managers busy around Nov-Jan ...
WRONG: Business Facebook accounts? 16 Mar 2012 | 10:54 am
How many businesses do you know that have a personal Facebook account? Well if you know any, did you know it’s against the Facebook terms of service? If you want to promote your business on Facebook t...