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Video: Andai Aku Jadi Gayus 16 Jan 2011 | 09:16 pm
Dikutip dari, mantan narapidana Bona Paputungan yang menciptakan lagu ‘Andai Aku Jadi Gayus’ menjadi artis dadakan di internet. Ia mengumpulkan puluhan ribu simpati. Bona menciptakan lagu ...
Foto: Letusan Gunung Bromo 14 Jan 2011 | 01:09 am
Foto-foto dari letusan Gunung Bromo akhir Desember dan awal Januari lalu. (foto: Daylife) Filed under: Fotografi
More Citizen Journalism related news:
Can Twitter Make You Into a Journalist? 14 Jul 2009 | 08:50 pm
After attending the Social Media Club Los Angeles (SMCLA) panel discussion on “citizen journalism,” I have a lot of unanswered questions and thoughts about what journalism is, and where it’s heading. ...
PuleJawan Citizen Journalism Challenge 2012 13 Feb 2012 | 02:30 am
Common citizens are increasingly using new media tools to make their voices heard above the noise of Machiavellian machinations and this has led to dramatic changes in various parts of the world. Even...
Linimas(s)a Project 3 Sep 2011 | 02:32 pm
Linimas(s)a e-book (bahasa indonesia) The Indonesian book collaboration of 16 writers from variety background, about socmed, citizen journalism and freedom of expression. Linimas(s)a movie (english s...
Formare giornalisti più bravi e preparati 16 Apr 2010 | 07:06 am
A Roma «Giornalisti nonostante». Per David Randall, senior editor del settimanale Independent on Sunday di Londra occorre «rivoluzionare la formazione». Critico sui citizen journalism e i blogger: «C'...
Alamat Website Kolom Kita (KoKi) 2 Jun 2009 | 08:53 am CITIZEN JOURNALISM: SIAPA SAJA, MENULIS APA SAJA!...Pembaca "KOLOM KITA" (KoKi) entah di Bontang, Inggris, Bali, Belanda, New Jersey, Kuwait, Australia, atau di Kediri,...
Romantis Banget .. 6 May 2009 | 09:42 pm
CITIZEN JOURNALISM: SIAPA SAJA, MENULIS APA SAJA La Rose - Belanda Hoi Zev en KoKiers, Untuk sementara waktu istirahat dulu deh aku dari dunia esek-esek.. hahaha... artikel ini sudah lama aku ingin...
Erotic Museum Amsterdam (Part 2) 15 Mar 2009 | 09:02 pm
CITIZEN JOURNALISM: SIAPA SAJA, MENULIS APA SAJA Hoi Zev en KoKiers, Ini adalah bagian ke dua cerita foto ”Erotic Museum Amsterdam” untuk part tiga dan part empat, nggak tahu deh layak untuk tampil ...
Magick River by Antares M 31 May 2009 | 05:03 pm
This entry is brought forward by Citizen Journalism. Magick River is now upgraded into this section. Superb English. Unconventional thinking. Unique. Adapted from Magick River (April 14, 2009) Som...
The Female Factor: In Philippine Newsrooms, the Women Rule 17 May 2011 | 02:58 pm
“You cannot explain the rise of the women journalists without talking about martial law,” said Inday Espina-Varona, a journalist since the Marcos era who now runs the citizen-journalism program of ABS... 9 May 2007 | 02:09 am
I'm probably hopelessly behind the curve on this one, but James Hider's piece in today's Times alerted me to the most outstanding example of citizen journalism I've ever seen. Hometown Baghdad is a s...