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THE BEST MAKE-UP TIPS 8 Aug 2013 | 06:40 pm
a special feature by make-up artist *Marja Webster Whether you aspire to be a dashing diva, or just the best that you can be (!),... Read the rest of this Scoop: THE BEST MAKE-UP TIPS
My diva is 9 years old!!! 8 Jun 2010 | 04:37 pm
On June 8th, 2001 at 5:55 pm I became a Mom for the first time to the most precious little princess, Julia Elise! My life was forever changed that day. One of my favorite quotes is “Making the dec...
Paris Hilton doch nicht aus dem Gefängnis entlassen? 9 Jun 2007 | 02:51 am
Die Hotelerbin Paris Hilton wurde nach nur wenigen Tagen aus dem Gefängnis entlassen. Da es dabei offensichtlich nicht ganz verfahrensgemäß ablief, entscheidet heute der Richter darüber, ob die Diva d...
Dashes vs Underscores for SEO 4 Mar 2011 | 12:48 pm
There has been a lot of debate about how Google indexes URLs and whether underscores are better for Search Engine Optimization or would dashes give better results? I have yet to find a proper conclus...
She was too busy giving a handy J to catch that episode. 21 Mar 2011 | 02:52 pm
Thought it would be a good time to check in with the Aimster again and she how she's getting along. It's not looking too good. You do Amy... it's call terminal crazy with a dash of narcissism (but th...
Shania Twain Gets Hollywood Star 3 Jun 2011 | 10:22 pm
Shania Twain Gets Hollywood Star – Canadian country pop diva Shania Twain has been honored having star on Hollywood’s storied Walk of Fame, and voiced surprise that she’d come so far. Shania twain was...
I Think I Might Be a Diva 6 Jan 2011 | 06:56 am
Oh, help me….. It’s coming to my attention that they way I like things might be a little weird.Maybe a little diva-y? I guess I have a weird quirk. When traveling I like having my own hotel room. No...
Diva Craft Lounge loves BAM POP! 6 Mar 2008 | 05:14 pm
today we were on the radio show Diva Craft Radio. yay! read about it on our hot new blog ^__^
KD life @ ESPLANADE 24 Apr 2009 | 01:19 pm
Setelah group band Indonesia UNGU manggung di Esplanade tahun lalu, sekarang giliran salah satu diva Indonesia KRISDAYANTI yang akan menggelar konser di negri singa. 9 Mei 2009 di Esplanade Concert Ha...
Eleições 2010: Divações, testes e uma garrafa de rum 30 Sep 2010 | 09:15 am
Não estou acompanhando estas eleições de 2010, não assisti a nenhum horário político, não vi nenhuma pesquisa de intenção de votos, não vi nenhum debate eleitoral, não vi nenhum santinho pela rua. Cla...