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Rolex Fastnet Race 2013: The last hurrah 19 Aug 2013 | 02:43 pm

Competitors enjoyed a fitting finale to the Rolex Fastnet Race with the prizegiving for the world's largest offshore yacht race being held on Mountbatten Green. With a backdrop of the Citadel and Ply...

Video: Rolex Fastnet Race 2013 - the review 19 Aug 2013 | 02:40 pm

The final review of the Rolex Fastnet Race 2013 - considered a great success all round in it's new venue with great competition and French father and son Corinthian winners of the overall prize.

More Fastnet Race related news:

Mini Fastnet: Start delayed and the Prologue cancelled 22 Jun 2013 | 05:00 am

A strong wind, forecast for the coastal point of Finistère tomorrow, has meant that the Mini Fastnet race directors have had to cancel the Prologue, scheduled for Saturday, and to delay the start of t...

Simon White 12 Jul 2013 | 12:21 am

Recreación y Deportes La Fastnet Race y roca 15 de noviembre 2011 Este es el año de la Fastnet Race 44. Aquí está la historia de la raza y la Fastnet Rock. El Fastnet Rock And Faro Sólo un pequeño … C...

Star Racing at Home – Winning the 5th District Champs at SDYC 29 Jul 2013 | 09:21 pm

My crew John von Schwarz flew in from Charleston a few days early to practice this week on his way through to Cowes and the Fastnet Race. But our racing breeze couldn’t have been much different from o...

La plus ancienne course au large organisée en Europe 6 Aug 2013 | 09:34 pm

La Rolex Fastnet Race est une légende dans le monde de la voile. Créé en 1925, cet épreuve se tient une fois tous les deux ans depuis 1930 et a été à l’origine des courses au large. Cette année, la 45...

Fastnet Race : les vainqueurs en temps réel 14 Aug 2013 | 08:00 am

C´est en coupant la ligne d´arrivée de la 45ème édition de la mythique Rolex Fastnet Race devant Plymouth à 02h53´et 58´´ dans la nuit de lundi à mardi, que Spindrift racing s´adjuge la victoire en te...

Best Boat Photos 16 Aug 2013 | 03:16 pm

In this week's Best Boat Photos a bomb explodes in Japan, the Fastnet race starts in the Solent and Formula 500 boats put in some practice

Le maxi trimaran Spindrift 2 remporte la Rolex Fastnet Race 13 Aug 2013 | 10:45 am

C’est en coupant la ligne d’arrivée cette nuit devant Plymouth à 2h53’et 58’’ de la 45ème édition de la mythique Rolex Fastnet Race, que Spindrift racing s’adjuge sa première victoire à bord de son ma...

Rolex Fastnet Race 2013 : Les Français dominent les classes non-IRC 11 Aug 2013 | 07:21 pm

La France est probablement la plus grande nation de la course au large, avec de épreuves phares comme le Vendée Globe et des classes comme les IMOCA60, les Class40 et les Figaro. Mais outre leur domin...

Fastnet Race 2013: French Domination 15 Aug 2013 | 07:16 pm

French take the top 10 by storm and a double-handed team looks set to take overall victory at the Fastnet Race 2013

Fastnet update: 9 August 2013 10 Aug 2013 | 12:53 pm

Maj Saskia Hart takes over the narrative of the crew’s preparation for the Fastnet race, which starts on 11 August, and gives details of 'victualling and rationalising' day: "We emptied Redcoat of non...

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