Most Hanselman related news are at:

A Cloud and Azure Glossary for the Confused 27 Aug 2013 | 04:43 am
A parody Twitter account called Confused .NET Dev last week tweeted: For a web hoster Azure has a crazy learning curve: Blob, Table, Queue, Service Bus, Access Control, Drive, CDN, etc @
Hanselman's Newsletter of Wonderful Things: August 5th, 2013 27 Aug 2013 | 01:54 am
I have a "whenever I get around to doing it" Newsletter of Wonderful Things. Why a newsletter? I dunno. It seems more personal somehow. You can view all the previous newsletters here. Here's the news...
More Hanselman related news:
Listen to my dulcet tones on Hanselminutes … 2 Jul 2011 | 05:16 am
Hot on the tails of Rachel Appel calling me a security expert a couple of weeks ago I persuaded Scott Hanselman to destroy his reputation and record a Hanselminutes with me. As is usual with any podca...
Why Getting A Copy Of Your Credit Report Is Important Posted By : Hanselman Jenice 22 Nov 2011 | 09:00 pm
Your credit rating, like a report card of your credit history, is important when determining your economic status. When your credit rating is good, can easily obtain a loan, a mortgage, or credit card...
ARCast.TV - Scott Hanselman on scaling websites with caching | ARCast.TV | Channel 9 20 Nov 2011 | 01:19 am
ARCast.TV - Scott Hanselman on scaling websites with caching | ARCast.TV | Channel 9
Five Things You Didn’t Know About Me 12 Jul 2011 | 08:38 pm
Former co-worker and friend, Scott Hanselman, just posted his Five Things You Didn’t Know About Me. Funny and interesting at the same time. So to kick-off my new blog design and to celebrate it’s lo...
Awesome List of Tools for Windows Developers 29 Aug 2007 | 02:33 am
A friend of mine, Eric M suggested a list of tools by Scott Hanselman. It's a comprehensive list of tools for power users and developers and includes sub lists for regular expressions and xml. Click h...
En popüler imlemeler 14 Ekim 15 Oct 2010 | 06:30 am Sosyal İmleme'den en popüler imlemeler Scott Hanselman'dan bilmeniz gereken twitter teknikleri Android üzerinde tweetdeck kısaltma servisi de Quick Response kod 2010'un en gözde m....
Güncel imlemeler 15 Oct 2010 | 07:23 am Sosyal imlemeden güncel imlemeler 14 Ekim Scott Hanselman'dan bilmeniz gereken twitter teknikleri Android üzerinde tweetdeck kısaltma servisi de Quick Response kod 2010'un en göz.... popüler imlemeler 15 Oct 2010 | 07:43 am Sosyal İmleme’den en popüler imlemeler Scott Hanselman’dan bilmeniz gereken twitter teknikleri Android üzerinde tweetdeck kısaltma servisi de Quick Response kod 2010′un en gözde me...
Scott Guthrie, Scott Hanselman, and Brady Gaster in Phoenix 6/19/2012 11 May 2012 | 05:13 am
AZGroups 6/19/2012 Scott Guthrie, Scott Hanselman, and Brady Gaster! June is hot in Phoenix... and June 19th is just a week before what was the hottest we've ever had. AZGroups is going to give 6/26...
Mózg, Komputer, Plecy, Pośladki - Priorytety Programisty 16 Feb 2012 | 09:00 pm
Oryginalny post: Brain, Bytes, Back, Buns - The Programmer's PrioritiesAutor: Scott Hanselman Ostatnio powiedziałem coś, co było przekazywane od osoby do osoby na Twitterze: "Jeśli jesteś programistą,...