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Cocoa-style popover on Mac. 27 Aug 2013 | 05:27 pm
Modified by torsten@ (8270 characters)
MkBugs Docs for Users 27 Aug 2013 | 03:36 pm
Modified by RLE@ (55 characters)
More tcl related news:
Schon mehr als 60 Meldungen für das DTM Rennen am 3.2. 27 Jan 2010 | 05:31 am
Was als ein einmalig gedachtes Event begann, artet immer mehr zur Großveranstaltung aus. Mit dem Advent Event rund um die Mercedes Benz 2.3 16V Boliden die im Touring Car Legends Mod, kurz TCL, enthal...
Market Entry Strategies: Concepts and Cases: Samsung, TCL-China and Sharp 14 May 2012 | 09:15 pm
Samsung Case 1# Market Entry Strategies: Concepts and Cases: Samsung, TCL-China and Sharp Description Market Entry Strategies: Concepts and Cases: Samsung, TCL-China and Sharp: Samsung Case Feature »...
TCL Induction Cookers price in India 12 Sep 2011 | 06:52 am
Energy Saving series Induction Stoves Induction Cooker TCL 1821 price Rs 2250.00 (including 14 % tax) Product features Appearance Smooth sensitive press button Control panel provides a choice of 4...
Simple fontviewer 24 Aug 2010 | 09:27 am
Since I was unable to find a suitable font viewer in my distribution and I had some spare time, I wrote a font viewer in TCL/TK. Feel free to download / use and comment on it ;). Simply install TCL an...
Welcome to Tsubasa Festival 2010 30 Dec 2009 | 06:39 pm
Thân chào Khách viếng thăm !!! Mình là Koyuki Hagiwara, Admin của TCL Club ( tên mới của Tsubasa FC ). Thay mặt cho Ban Quản Trị TCL Club, Koyuki trân trọng mời Khách viếng thăm và tất cả các thành ...
Tcl/Tk: sondagem do sistema com variáveis 23 Jun 2009 | 12:00 am
Às vezes, ajuda muito poder examinar determinadas condições do sistema enquanto um programa/script é executado, mais ou menos como quem está voando e verifica as condições meteorológicas. Não só em pr...
AOLserver 4.5.0 released on June 27, 2006 11 Jul 2006 | 11:37 pm
Announcing the release of AOLserver 4.5.0. AOLserver is a multithreaded, Tcl-enabled, massively-scalable and extensible web server tuned for large scale, dynamic web sites. AOLserver also includes com...
TCL presentó el LED más grande del mundo 16 May 2012 | 02:52 am
Según se informó en una gacetilla de prensa, la empresa electrónica TCL presentó a fines de abril de 2012 en una ceremonia llevada a cabo en Beijíng el televisor a 4K y compatible 3D más grande del mu...
TV TCL Gambar Menyempit Atas dan Bawah 17 Dec 2010 | 02:27 pm
Kemarin sore kedatangan tamu dari tangerang, (Ibu siti) begitu panggilannya yang tidak lain adalah orang tua dari Abenk (teman satu kostan ane), Ibu siti datang dengan membawa TVnya yang rusak, TV yan...
Extending PostgreSQL with Python 8 Mar 2009 | 10:56 am
One of the features I enjoy the most about PostgreSQL is the ability to write stored procedures in C, Perl, TCL, PgSQL, and yes… obviously also in Python. I’ve been using this feature since 7.4, so an...