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Nerd Nite -- The Smallest Touch 8 Aug 2013 | 10:28 am

Start: Aug 13 2013 7:00 pm End: Aug 13 2013 10:30 pm Start: Aug 13 2013 7:00 pm End: Aug 13 2013 10:30 pm Please join us next Tuesday, August 13th at 7PM as UCLA postdoc Greg Pawin presents The Sm...

LA Inter-campus Malibu Hike 1 Aug 2013 | 09:57 pm

Start: Aug 3 2013 10:00 am Start: Aug 3 2013 10:00 am Join all LA-area postdocs and friends on Saturday, August 3rd at 10am as we embark on a scenic Malibu hike at Solstice Canyon! read more

More Ursa related news:

Crashes 1 Feb 2010 | 09:15 pm

Looking over the code, looks like Slark's Pounce, Ursa's Overpower and Visage's Summon Familiars will need to be rewritten, as they will cause conflicts with the AI script and result in WC3 crashing. ...

Ursa: Neue Dampfbremse 9 Feb 2012 | 05:17 am

Ursa stellte eine neue, feuchtevariable Dampfbremse für das Systemprogramm Ursa Seco Pro vor.  Weitere Infos

BDP Solothurn: Nein zur Volksinitiative “Für den Schutz vor Waffengewalt¨ 11 Feb 2011 | 02:47 am

Die Volksinitiative ¨Für den Schutz vor Waffengewalt¨ (auch Waffeninitiative bzw. Waffenschutzinitiative) lehnt der Vorstand der BDP Kanton Solothurn entschieden ab, weil diese die tatsächlichen Ursa...

Bıçak kesiklerinde acil durumda yapılacaklar. 8 Nov 2011 | 04:54 am

Kurban kesimi sırasında bir kesi oluşursa ; İlk yapılacak müdahale kanama kontrolü yapmaktır. Eğer bir toplardamar kanaması varsa ve yakında ilk yardım seti yoksa temiz bir bezle yara üzerine kompre...

Constellation Ursa Major 21 Nov 2011 | 01:50 am

The constellation Ursa Major (The Big Dipper), evoked to the traditional stories of many people, is one of the constellations which have more stimulated the men imagination. The constellation Ursa Ma...

ursa 12 Oct 2010 | 11:00 am

There are no translations available. V podjetju URSA Slovenija so pripravili novo verzijo programskega paketa, ki omogoča dokazovanje ustreznosti toplotne zaščite stavbe in rabe energije v stavbah v ...

Sponsored by 16 Apr 2012 | 04:05 pm

Hai Hallo .. Apa kabar? hari ini saya akan bercerita tentang pertumbuhan si beruang besar, Ursa Madjor, tapi lebih spesifik, yakni seragam, iya seragam beruang, maksudnya bukan baju beruang yang biasa...

1 Februari, Janji & Ursa Madjor 13 Feb 2012 | 04:11 pm

Buat gw 1 februari kemarin jadi tanggal yang amat sakral, liat tanggal yg gw post di postingan sebelumnya? disitu tertulis: Coming soon, 02/01/2012, 1 Februari 2012. Hari  itu adalah janji gw akan mel...

Lahirnya Ursa Madjor!!! 18 Dec 2011 | 06:00 pm

Hai, apa kabar, mudah-mudah sehat semua ya . . . Kali ini mau update progress soal sesuatu yang lagi gw siapin belakangan ini, seperti yang gw bahas di postingan sebelumnya. Apa itu? Ini berangkat dar...

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