Most adopted child writing birth mother related news are at:

Why passions run hot in the Veronica Brown story 26 Aug 2013 | 07:28 pm
Veronica, happy with daddy Dusten Brown Why does the Veronica Brown case affect us so much? Why does the story of a father trying to keep his daughter--and not let her go to people who want to adopt ...
'Love' hormone's dark side may explain secondary infertility 23 Aug 2013 | 06:11 pm
Lorraine You know that "love hormone" we've talked about many times here? Women get a rush of oxytocin when we give birth, and so it is the physiological underpinning for the love and connection we f...
More adopted child writing birth mother related news:
Not All Birth Mothers are a Hot Mess 7 Aug 2012 | 10:30 pm
I am a birth mother. Most of you know this, but if you don’t: I had a child when I was 15 and placed my daughter with an adoptive family. She will be 16 this November. There is a re-occurring theme fo...
Birth Mothers Day and The Open-Hearted Way to Open Adoption 6 May 2013 | 09:28 pm
Last week I had the unique privilege and honor to profile Lori Holden, author of the new book The Open-Hearted Way to Open Adoption: Helping Your Child Grow Up Whole. You may know her from her ever-am...
Measurement and associations of pregnancy risk factors with genetic influences, postnatal environmental influences, and toddler behavior 10 Jul 2013 | 07:57 pm
This study demonstrates the unique contributions of perinatal risk and genetic and environmental influences on child behavior using data from 561 domestic US adoption triads (birth mothers, adopted ch...
Our Adoption Story 6 Aug 2013 | 10:44 am
I am so excited to write about Hudson's adoption story today. I will tell you everything I can tell you . . . but we won't be getting into the details about his birth mother. We discussed what we felt...
Bill Would Grant Adoptees Access to Birth Records While Protecting Birth Parents’ Privacy 3 Jul 2013 | 09:25 pm
When it comes to adoptions, the question of whose rights should take precedence – those of the adopted child or those of the biological mother – has long been debated. However, a new bill recently cle...
My Miracle Baby 7 May 2013 | 08:50 pm
My birth stories are much different from most mothers. My first two children were adopted, and my third child was the only one who I gave birth too. When I first found out that I was pregnant, I was e...