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An alternative approach… Ichiro Shishiya Sensei, 7th dan, explains katatedori kotegaeshi from gyakuhanmi as executed in Nishio Aikido 27 Aug 2013 | 03:00 pm
This is a detailed presentation by Ichiro Shishiya Sensei, 7th dan, of the Nishio Aikido approach to executing a katatedori kotegaeshi technique from a gyakuhanmi stance… Click here to watch video
Counter techniques! “Mitsugi Saotome demostrates nagare kaeshi with Raso Hultgren Sensei” 27 Aug 2013 | 10:00 am
This video is a spirited demonstration of flowing counter techniques from shomenuchi attacks. Saotome Sensei both demonstrates and performs the role of uke in this clip. Mitsugi Saotome Sensei, 8th da...
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Nove slike s seminarja 21 May 2012 | 07:52 pm
V galerijo smo dodali nove slike s pomladanskega aikido seminarja.
Slike s seminarja v galeriji 16 May 2012 | 07:33 pm
V galeriji si lahko ogledate slike z mednarodnega aikido seminarja, ki ga je vodil Sensei Edward Germanov 5. DAN, BAA - Bolgarska aikido zveza.
Aikido seminar v Dubaju 9 May 2012 | 03:25 am
Med prvomajskimi prazniki se je naš sensei Matjaž Dobravec (4. DAN) z nekaterimi našimi člani odzval povabilu na seminar Zanshinkan doja iz Dubaja. To je bil prvi uradni seminar, ki ga je vodil samost...
Nuriye Akman: Babadan Kızına Yasak 11 Dec 2011 | 02:54 am
Eğitmen baba, kıdemli talebesi, aynı zamanda eğitmen olan kızına, aikido tekniklerini sokakta kendine bir sataşma da olsa kullanmasını yasaklamış. Aaa! Madem kullanmayacak niye öğrendi! Babadan gelen ...
Aikido Sparring: Aikido Sword Sparring 2 Sep 2010 | 09:26 am
Sword Sparring references for my art….Aikido Iwama Budoukan Related Blogs param name=’wmode’ value=’transparent’ not working in IE7/8 & fire fox | The Largest Forum Archive SRC Airsoft Magazine for...
10 Judul Skripsi Psikologi 5 Jan 2011 | 03:54 pm
1.Konsep diri pada remaja akhir indigo 2.Analisis insomnia pada mahasiswa melalui model pengaruh kecemasan tes 3.Forgiveness dalam aikido: Perbedaan porgiveness pada Mahasiswa yang mengikuti bela diri...
Sztuki walki dla dzieci 23 Dec 2009 | 08:29 am
{jcomments off} Aikido, brazylijskie jiu-jitsu, judo i mma- stać cię na bezpieczeństwo i zdrowy rozwój twojego dziecka! Treningi z mistrzami z Japonii, nauka podstaw japońskiego, bezpłatne treningi ... 10 Nov 2004 | 09:26 am
hmmm... dont know wad i am doin still up at this time.. later still have to go back camp... haiz... go back still got aikido.. den after 2ntm inspection den block live firing rehearsal.. haiz.. just c...
Finding a place of peace within the turmoil 22 Feb 2011 | 06:40 pm
The practice of Aikido is not to overcome an attacker nor to try to avoid them. Rather it is to find that point of connection where the attacker cannot affect you. Zen Story#2 A man travelling acro...
Having the power … of Acceptance 17 Feb 2011 | 11:07 pm
Aikido practitioner and dispute resolution author, Tom Crum, tells this charming story of the power of acceptance in his book, “The Magic of Conflict“: My wife and I once had our early morning mediat...