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Adopt a cross-breed or pedigree? 23 Jan 2012 | 04:30 pm

Before you adopt a cat, you must know there are 3 different types of cats as well: pedigree, cross-breed and non-pedigree. A cat’s character is not necessarily determined by its breed, but more by the...

Shih-Poo Dog Breed 19 Jul 2011 | 03:59 am

Shih-Poo Dog Breed Introduction: The Shih-poo is a cross-breed or “designer” dog breed which mixes the Poodle and Shih-Tzu dog breeds.  This produces an smart, friendly and loyal dog that an excellen...

Mari Memilih Kambing 21 May 2012 | 04:50 pm

Bagaimana kambing membiak?? Kambing boleh membiak melalui melalui 3 cara iaitu "Linebreeding", "Cross Breeding" dan "Inbreeding". "Linebreeding" adalah pembiakan di antara subspesis yang sama. Contoh...

Kelinci Rabbit Perkelincian 23 Mar 2009 | 06:45 pm

KELINCI :: KELINCI ::KELINCI Kelinci protein hewani daging kelinci produktivitas kelinci pedaging kelinci kawin silang cross breeding kelinci pejantan unggul cross breed f1 (fenotip ke 1) turunan kes...

KELINCI 15 Feb 2009 | 05:55 pm

JUAL KELINCI HIAS Riponti Rabbit Jakarta (Ternak Kelinci) HP.08159985216 Produktivitas kelinci pedaging, kelinci protein hewani, melakukan kawin silang cross breeding, kelinci pejantan unggul, kelinc...

Nintendo’s Wii U – what Wii know so far… 15 May 2012 | 09:52 am

Let’s face it, there are a lot of rumours flying around these days, and new consoles are at the centre of it. From Sony’s PS3 cross-breeding with a Magic 8 Ball to create the hideously named ‘Orbis’ t...

Baka Baru Hasil Cross Breed 19 Aug 2008 | 06:06 pm

Cross breed pelbagai variety, menghasilkan corak bulu yang menarik Photo di bawah adalah anak dalam lingkungan 2 bulan

Apple Launches it’s Revolutionary Product “iPad” 30 Jan 2010 | 06:53 am

Long Wait for iPad is Over . Nearly after two years of Speculations iPad is out out in the market. Its a tablet computer and is considered a cross breed between MAC book and iPod. It will be available...

Bowen Therapy Melbourne, Bowen Therapist - The Natural Approach Healing Centre 22 Aug 2008 | 03:10 pm

Are You one of the many thousands of people currently being affected by Gluten. Do you know you do not have to be a Celiac to be Gluten intolarent. It is said that todays grains, through cross breed...

Toy Munchkin 21 May 2009 | 05:00 am

This lapdog is claimed by its promoters to have an ancient heritage, but there is no evidence that it is anything other than a recent cross-breed, or dwarfed breed, created speccally for the toy dog m...

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