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Welcome Back Peter Kohar 30 Apr 2012 | 02:28 am
Tak terasa bulan depan 2 tahun sudah genap saya tidak menulis di blog ini. Dan dalam 2 tahun perkembangan dunia digital begitu WOW. semua berubah, mulai dari urutan peringkat alexa . jika 2 tahun yang...
Using Social Networking in Real Estate – Why? How? When? 22 Oct 2009 | 06:58 am
Realtors have always been natural networkers and now, being online shouldn’t be any different. Today, people are going online to search for social interaction and conversations. According to Alexa, Fa...
LISOF Puts it Down 11 Oct 2011 | 01:09 am
Colin O`Mara Davis talks to Nicola Cooper about the forthcoming inaugural LISOF magazine
Hungarian teen Alexa and four black cocks 14 Feb 2010 | 04:27 am
Hungarian teen Alexa doesn’t seem to have any problem taking on four huge black cocks in all of her holes. She probably wasn’t able to walk straight for a week after having all these huge cocks fuckin...
Afterfall: Insanity (2011/Multi2/Repack by RG Shift) 15 Mar 2012 | 04:30 pm
Afterfall: Insanity (2011/Multi2/Repack by RG Shift) 2011 | PC | english/Russian | Developer : Intoxicate Studios and Nicolas Entertainment Group | Publisher : The Games Company | 2.4GB Genre : Action...
Présidentielles, la question des effectifs dans l'éducation (17/04/2012) 17 Apr 2012 | 10:00 am
François Hollande propose de recruter 60 000 agents supplémentaires, tous métiers confondus. Nicolas Sarkozy qualifie cette mesure de "démagogie extravagante". Il s'est simplement engagé, s'il est ré...
How To Raise Your Alexa Ranking (in a cool way) 29 Mar 2011 | 05:16 am
Yet another little “deviant” tatic from Mitch today. In my time as a blogger and innovative Internet Entrepreneur I have found a number of different ways to do things. Now for those of you[......] 继续...
Google : Nicolas Sténon, le géologue à l’honneur en doodle 12 Jan 2012 | 12:30 am
Magnifique doodle (statique mais très coloré) poussé aujourd’hui par la firme de Mountain View sur la page d’accueil de son moteur de recherche en hommage à Niels Stensen à l’occasion de son 374ème an...
Nicolae Guta si Blondu de la Timisoara – Toate gagicutele 3 Apr 2012 | 09:52 pm
Nicolae Guta si Blondu de la Timisoara – Toate gagicutele m-au dat la ziar ca sunt number one si ca as fi cel mai mare gagicar si-n reviste m-au bagat de femei cel mai vanat toate gagicutele-s al...
Nicolae Guta si Nicoleta Guta – Vin mandruta sa te plimb 25 Mar 2012 | 06:58 am
Nicolae Guta si Nicoleta Guta – Vin mandruta sa te plimb vin mandruta sa te plimb dar maine ca azi n-am timp dar maine ca azi n-am timp o vecina de la tara mi-a facut comanda aseara o comanda sp...