Most amazon mechanical trunk related news are at:

On the Parliament Vote to Endorse the Population White Paper - Redux: Who didn't vote? 24 Mar 2013 | 07:39 pm
As promised in a previous post, I kept a close watch on the release of the votes and proceedings of the parliamentary vote held on 8 February to endorse the controversial population white paper. You ...
Google Reader is shutting down 14 Mar 2013 | 06:23 pm
Like many users of Google Reader, it is the number 2 Google service I spend the most time on, after Gmail, so it's a terrible shame that I now need to find a new RSS solution. And as Hitler so eloque...
More amazon mechanical trunk related news:
Jonathan Zittrain on Amazon Mechanical Turk 2 Jun 2011 | 11:19 pm
Originally published by Finbarr McCarthy This is a great video from Google Zeitgeist Europe 2011 in London. Jonathan Zittrain talks about the good, the bad and the ugly with innovation on the cloud.
Foloseşte-ţi inteligenţa şi găseste un loc de muncă la domiciliu! 30 Jan 2011 | 08:35 pm
Amazon Mechanical Turk este o piaţă de muncă care foloseşte inteligenţa umană. Serviciul Mechanical Turk oferă acces companiilor sau intreprinzătorilor la o forţă de muncă diversă şi pune la dispoziţi...
Foloseşte-ţi inteligenţa şi găseste un loc de muncă la domiciliu! 30 Jan 2011 | 08:40 pm
Amazon Mechanical Turk este o piaţă de muncă care foloseşte inteligenţa umană. Serviciul Mechanical Turk oferă acces companiilor sau intreprinzătorilor la o forţă de muncă diversă şi pune la dispoziţi...
Foloseşte-ţi inteligenţa cu o afacere la domiciliu pe internet! 30 Jan 2011 | 08:26 pm
Amazon Mechanical Turk este o piaţă de muncă care foloseşte inteligenţa umană. Serviciul Mechanical Turk oferă acces companiilor sau intreprinzătorilor la o forţă de muncă diversă şi pune la dispoziţi...
Foloseşte-ţi inteligenţa şi găseste un loc de muncă la domiciliu! 30 Jan 2011 | 08:38 pm
Amazon Mechanical Turk este o piaţă de muncă care foloseşte inteligenţa umană. Serviciul Mechanical Turk oferă acces companiilor sau intreprinzătorilor la o forţă de muncă diversă şi pune la dispoziţi...
Questionable validation 8 Sep 2010 | 04:00 pm
Lindsey Harper posted an interesting article about using Amazon Mechanical Turk to test her start-up hypothesis. Many of the comments were not in favour of the idea, because of the [perceived?] inher...
Amazon Mechanical Turk : de quel pays sont-ils d’après vous ? 13 Sep 2011 | 01:09 am
J’ai mené une petite expérience et j’ai demandé à des workers de venir massivement sur mon site. Et j’ai décidé de regarder d’où ils venaient géographiquement. A votre avis, ils viennent d’où ? . ...
Make Money on Mturk 25 Jul 2012 | 09:18 pm
Amazon Mechanical Turk Make Money by working on HITs. HITs - Human Intelligence Tasks - are individual tasks that you work on. Find HITs now. As a Mechanical Turk Worker you: Can work from home Cho...
Make Money on Mturk 25 Jul 2012 | 09:18 pm
Amazon Mechanical Turk Make Money by working on HITs. HITs - Human Intelligence Tasks - are individual tasks that you work on. Find HITs now. As a Mechanical Turk Worker you: Can work from home Cho...
Make Money Online using Amazon Mechanical Turk 2 Nov 2012 | 07:57 am
Amazon Mechanical Turk is another great work of making money online for free. Amazon mechanical turk is a marketplace where you get paid when you complete a work given by people. When you sign up with...