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Film Review: Pain & Gain 24 Aug 2013 | 02:25 pm
Ever dreamed of having Mark Wahlberg like, SHOUT at you, REALLY LOUDLY, while doing that gormless open mouth-furrowed brow combo that meant “Oh God, no! That person just got crushed to death by a lawn...
Live Review – Tame Impala – The Picture House, Edinburgh 23 Aug 2013 | 03:34 am
In the midst of the chaotic onslaught that is the Edinburgh Fringe, the idea of finding space to slow down and detach is difficult enough in the quietest corner of the capital’s taverns, let alone amo...
More american idol james durbin audition related news:
American Idol 16 Apr 2011 | 03:22 am
Aku tgok american idol.hmm..My feveret for this season is Jacob lusk and Haley Reinhart.Tapi James tu yg menang vote.Boring la camni..!!!So tak berapa best la..nak tgok... Tadi buat audit,dah habis d...
American Idol Season 10 Finalists 10 Mar 2011 | 07:35 am
Back to American Idol Season 10 AMERICAN IDOL Top 13 Contestants Ashthon Jones Casey Abrams Haley Reinhart Jacob Lusk James Durbin Karen Rodriguez Lauren Alaina Naima Adedapo Paul McDonald ...
James Durbin at Stubb's BarBQ 21 Apr 2012 | 04:02 pm
by Jeff Barringer - Staff Photographer I don't quite know what to make of American Idol runner-up James Durbin. Opening for Evanescence was a good spot for him to get some seasoning, and he has a str...