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CNET's Rumor Has It - Google's secret plan: A $99 tablet? 26 Oct 2012 | 05:18 am This week we explore whether Google plans to offer a cheap tablet with one big trade-off, your next TV may be your phone, and Apple is about to release an OS fix.

Samsung Galaxy Tab 2: Your complete multimedia hub 25 Oct 2012 | 09:44 am

The Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 delivers an entertainment experience like no other. This tablet runs on Android 4.0, features a variety of media hubs for quick access to music, eBooks and more and comes with...

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Presto Beta bootup video 23 Mar 2009 | 07:03 pm

Just a quick post - below is a video i have captured to show how it works under my EeePC 901. It is just a minute long, including booting up (about 10-15 seconds) and starting Firefox (about 10 sec?).

Nieuw speeltje: eeePC 901 (2e hands) 19 Aug 2013 | 10:22 pm

Ik heb een "nieuw" Linux speeltje: een Asus eeePC 901. Ik geloof dat zo'n apparaat in 2010 iets minder dan €300 kostte ( pricewatch), dus via Marktplaats wassie spotgoedkoop. Hij heeft de ...

Venera Prime 901 Ponsel Android dengan TV 22 Apr 2012 | 04:23 pm

Venera Prime 901 Ponsel Android dengan TV – Ponsel Android Lokal sudah mul&#97&#105&#32menjamur di negeri ini, produse yang dulu sempat b&#101&#114&#112erang memproduksi Ponsel QWERTY nampaknya sudah ...

Ponsel TV Android dari Venera Prime 901 11 Feb 2012 | 07:23 pm

Venera Prime 901 adalah salah satu produk dengan Ponsel TV Android yang mungkin akan trend, Venera Prime 901 yang merupakan brand milik Teletama Artha Mandiri (TAM) selain OS [...]

What Makes ASUS and Android an A+? 20 Jan 2011 | 03:37 pm

ASUS has vision, and the eeepc is no doubt a standard setting line of netbooks. Their latest teaming of Android with their latest tablets, eee Pad transformer and the eee Pad Slider provide both ASUS ...

un saluto a tutti 27 Jun 2013 | 03:41 am

Mi chiamo Leonardo e qualche mese fa ho acquistato un tablet android pensando il mio eeepc 4G 701 non avesse più nulla da dire (complice xandros che ormai non ero più in grado di utilizare ed il fatto...

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