Most animator vs animation game related news are at:

It’s as if Hank Hill is coming right at me! 22 Aug 2013 | 10:00 pm
Boy I tell you what… Them 3D effects are almost as good as propane. ALMOST.
Video Bomb Collection: Aquatic Pack 22 Aug 2013 | 06:23 am
This one goes out to the characters that live below sea level! WATER you WADING for? Click here to see the other card packs.
More animator vs animation game related news:
Animator vs. Animation III 12 Oct 2010 | 02:56 am
Who said what? 28 Apr 2012 | 07:54 am
In “Who said what” we encounter the Lamb, Dog, Cat, Frog, Bird and Pig. Young children can imitate animal sounds and are excited about the interaction and animations in the game. This game is for todd...
Anime vs. realnost: Japonsko domače življenje 5 Dec 2010 | 03:06 pm
In zopet je čas za nov prispevek v sklopu Anime vs. realnost, najprej se opravičujem za to, da nisem nič pisal na blog, ampak šola in velika količina animejev mi nista dali dihati. Danes sem se odloči...
Anime vs. realnost: Prazniki in festivali 13 Nov 2010 | 03:21 pm
Že dolgo nisem napisal nobenega prispevka, zato sem se odločil, da bom začel s serijo prispevkov z naslovom Anime vs. realnost. V tej seriji se bo zvrstilo nekaj prispevkov v katerih bom pisal o stvar...
Animator vs. Animation 2 24 Dec 2008 | 05:59 am
U-Con at UConn 7 Feb 2010 | 04:01 am
There's a small anime/sci-fi/gaming convention going on in my neck of the woods this weekend: U-Con @ UConn. It's being put on by the good ol' University of Connecticut Japanese Animation Society, amo...
Animator vs Animation 31 Jan 2011 | 12:52 pm
How Much Does a Movie Animator Earn? 12 Feb 2011 | 07:59 pm
Salary can be an important issue to consider as you're thinking about your future career as a movie animator or video game animator. However, it can be difficult to pinpoint your exact earning potenti...
Тест: Anime VS Winx 17 Jul 2009 | 05:25 am
Тест: Anime VS Winx так...ты Анимешник...и в вашей войне победили АНИМЕШНИКИ Коменты----> ~ ~ Kawaii Pachi~ ~ Пройти тест: [Добавить коммента...
Animal Picture Sudoku 28 Feb 2010 | 12:49 pm
To mark my 20th vegan anniversary I've created an Animal Picture Sudoku game. Enjoy!